4/27/2022 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 Wednesday, April 27, 2022 A roll is being kept of all who attended the Planning Commission Meeting. The meeting was called to order at approximately 5:30 pm. Audio recordings of the Planning Commission meetings are retained for a period of time. These minutes are a summary of the meeting. For complete commentary and presentation of the meeting, please visit https://www.Voutube.com/c/SLCLiveMeetings. Present for the Planning Commission meeting were: Chairperson Amy Barry, Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman, Commissioners, Jon Lee, Levi de Oliveira, Brenda Scheer,Aimee Burrows,Andra Ghent, Rich Tuttle, and Mike Christensen. Commissioners Adrienne Bell and Andres Paredes were excused. Planning Staff members present at the meeting were: Planning Manager Amy Thompson, Planning Manager John Anderson, Senior City Attorney Paul Nielson, Principal Planner Rylee Hall, Senior Planner Lex Traughber, Principal Planner Amanda Roman, Principal Planner Katia Pace, and Administrative Assistant Aubrey Clark. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR APRIL 13, 2022 Commissioner Maurine Bachman motioned to approve the April 13, 2022 meeting minutes. Commissioner Brenda Scheer seconded the motion. Commissioners Aimee Burrows, Andra Ghent, Jon Lee, Maurine Bachman, Brenda Scheer, and Richard Tuttle voted "yes". Commissioner Levi de Oliveira abstained. The motion passed. REPORT OF THE CHAIR & VICE-CHAIR Chairperson Amy Barry stated that she has nothing to report. Vice-Chairperson Maurine Bachman that she has nothing to report. REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR Planning Manager John Anderson reminded the Commissioners to speak directly into their microphones so that the recording can pick up what they are saying. Commissioner Levi De Oliveira introduced himself stating that he owns a home in Glendale. PUBLIC HEARINGS Conditional Use Permit for an ADU at approximately 617 East Driggs Ave - Tom Barraco, the property owner, is requesting approval for a conditional use permit to allow an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) at the above-stated address. The proposed ADU will be converted from an existing, detached garage located to the rear of the house on the property. The proposed ADU will measure approximately 592 SF in size and 13 feet in height. The subject property is zoned R-1/7000 (Single Family Residential) and is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff contact: Rylee Hall at 801- 535-6308 or rylee.hall@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2022-00091 Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 1 Principal Planner Rylee Hall reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. She stated that staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use permit. Commissioner Scheer asked what differentiated this as a redo rather than being classified as new construction. She asked if there was a portion of the original structure that would remain. The applicant stated that there would be part of the original structure. Chair Barry asked what the percentage of the existing structure would need to remain to maintain any existing non-conformity that may be associated with the structure. Planning Manager John Anderson stated that you could remove up to 75 percent of the structure and be compliant. He stated that anything over the 75 percent would be considered a demolition. Commissioner Aimee Burrows asked if there were any other property types, besides ADU's, that could front on an alley. Planning Manager Amy Thompson stated that you can potentially have a use, other than ADU's, fronting an alley if you were to go through a Planned Development process. Commissioners Burrows asked if the ADU would have to follow the same rules as other structures that front an alley. Amy Thompson stated that would be the case and that the standards are listed in Rylee's Staff Report. The Applicant Tom Barraco said that he had nothing to add. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Barry opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, Chair Barry closed the public hearing. MOTION Commissioner Andra Ghent stated, Based on the analysis and findings in the staff report, the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission approve the Conditional Use for the ADU, petition PLNPCM2022-00091. Commissioner Maurine Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioners Jon Lee, Brenda Scheer, Rich Tuttle, Aimee Burrows, Levi de Oliveira, Maurine Bachman, and Andra Ghent voted "yes". The motion passed. 465 S. Main Street Apartment Tower Design Review- Larry Curtis, FFKR Architects, representing the property owner, Salt Lake County, and the developer, PEG 465 Main LLC, is requesting additional building height for the mid-block portion of a proposed new building (approximately 217 apartments and ground floor commercial) to be located at approximately 465 S. Main Street (northeast corner of Main Street and 500 south), through the Design Review process subject to the requirements of chapter 21A.59 of the Salt Lake City Zoning Code. The applicant is requesting additional building height, a modification to the 100' mid-block building height limit and requests a building height of 179' for the entire building, thus exceeding the 100' mid-block building height limit by approximately 79'. The property is located Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 2 within Council District 4, represented by Ana Valdemoros. (Staff contact: Lex Traughber at 801-535- 6184 or lex.traughber@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-00586 Senior Planner Lex Traughber reviewed the petition as outlined in the staff report. He stated that staff recommends approval of the Design Review with two conditions. He also stated that he has not received any public comment or comments from recognized organizations. Commissioner Scheer asked why this is a rule. Staff clarified that he was unsure on the specifics and stated that he could not answer her question. He stated that he is hoping through text amendment that Staff is working on that it might be changed to find appropriate heights throughout Downtown. Planning Manager John Anderson stated that Staff is currently working with a consulting group to do a height study of downtown through D1, D2, D3, D4 and Gateway Mixed Use zones to find appropriate heights for each. Commissioner Scheer asked if it could be an issue with daylighting and views. John Anderson said that could be the case, especially shadowing. He stated that having a downtown sky map would allow a block-by-block view that will help to solve that issue. The Applicant Rob Merrick stated that they were trying to revitalize the area and bring the CBD down. He said that they would be using the materials that have been requested. He stated that the street frontage would be primarily glass at 90 percent on the bottom and just under 87 percent on the side. He said they want it to be a vibrant and active corner. He reviewed each facade and the height they would like to build to. He stated the bottom level will be a retail space where they are hoping to have a restaurant or coffee shop. Chair Barry asked if the entire bottom level would be retail or if that has changed. The applicant stated that there will be a leasing office and the retail will be in the northwest corner and a garage entry on the west facade. The applicant reviewed where the retail would be located. Chair Barry wanted to know if the applicants would be doing anything to further activate the 5th South end of the property. The applicant stated that they hoped that is what their leasing space and tenant entry would do. He said they were not looking to add any further retail on that side. Commissioner Scheer asked if their packet included a first-floor plan. The applicant pulled up the plan and stated that the retail is roughly 2700 square feet, not including the leasing office which is retail space for the business. Commissioner Scheer then asked if the lobby was attached. The applicant stated that it was. Commissioner Scheer asked further questions regarding the transfer space and parking. The applicant stated that vehicles will enter at the middle area and will be transferred into a mechanical parking system. Commissioner Scheer asked how big the leasing space will be. The applicant stated that it will be roughly 1800 square feet with a 40-foot depth. Commissioner Ghent commented that the section of street they are building on has been proposed to be a pedestrian and cyclist only. She asked whether that would affect their project. The applicant stated that the parking would not be able to be accessed any other way and that the property next to the is occupied by the DA and they would need that as an escape route. Senior Planner Lex Traughber notified the Commissioners that the project had been reviewed by the transportation department and there was no mention that could be a potential issue. Commissioner Jon Lee asked if this was the final design for the ground floor. The applicant stated that it was. Commissioner Lee felt that the ground floor glass was pretty monotonous. The applicant stated that they are trying to keep the ground floor more open. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 3 Commissioner de Oliveira asked about the unit to parking stall ratio. The applicant stated that they were supplying the max spaces according to zoning. PUBLIC HEARING Chair Barry opened the public hearing. Seeing that no one wished to speak, Chair Barry closed the public hearing. Commissioner Burrows asked since they are voting on a design review that they have to vote on what was presented to them. Chair Barry explained what the Commissions purview is in a Design Review. Commissioner Burrows pointed out that what she is seeing before the Commission now is different that what was provided to the Commission in their packets and asked what the cutoff was for design changes. Senior Planner Lex Traughber asked what was different. Commissioner Burrows stated that the whole first floor fagade was different. There was discussion amongst Staff and the Commission about the changes. Planner Traughber notified the Commission that he can see that he put the wrong plans in Dropbox for their review and apologized for the mix-up. He explained that the plans in the presentation are the final design. Chair Barry asked if the evaluation he provided to the standards are for the updated plans. He stated that they are. Commissioner Lee and Chair Barry both stated that they like the original plans better. Commissioner Scheer said that she agrees with Commissioner Lee on the articulation issues, saying the current design is not articulate to the pedestrian. The applicant stated that the columns would abut the glass. Chair asked the applicants how they would feel about making modifications to the articulation. The applicant stated that the fapade is broken up in several spaces and reviewed the design of the pedestrian area. Commissioner Lee commented on the signs along the street and asked how the businesses are differentiated architecturally. He was also concerned with the signage not being seen when looking straight at the building. The applicant explained that they were taking a less obtrusive approach to signage. Commissioner Lee felt that the key to designing the ground floor is wayfinding and engagement and feels that it is missing from the applicant's design. The applicant stated that he felt that was a good point and that they were willing to work with the City as they proceed. Commissioner Burrows asked the other commissioners whether they felt weird about voting on the Design Review without having seen the actual plans. MOTION Commissioner Andra Ghent stated, Based on the analysis and findings in the staff report that the standards for Design Review have been substantially met, testimony and the proposal presented, I move that the Planning Commission approve the request for Design Review located at approximately 465 S. Main Street for a new mixed-use (residential & commercial) project subject to two conditions as noted in the staff report dated 4/27/2022. Commissioner Maurine Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioners Jon Lee, Levi de Oliveira, Maurine Bachman, and Andra Ghent voted "yes". The motion passed. Commissioner Rich Tuttle, Brenda Scheer voted "no". Commissioner Aimee Burrows abstained. The motion passed. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 4 Rose Park Lane Master Plan &Zoning Map Amendments - The Salt Lake City Public Lands Division is requesting Master Plan and Zoning Map Amendments for approximately 3.6 acres of property located at 1902, 1932, 1944, and 1954 North Rose Park Lane. While no site-specific proposal has been submitted, the requested amendments are intended to facilitate the consolidation of the four lots and eventually permit the construction of an indoor recreation facility, which is not an allowed use in the R- 1/7,000 zone. a. Master Plan Amendment - The applicant is requesting a Master Plan amendment to change the Rose Park Small Area Plan Future Land Use Map designation from Low Density Residential to Open Space. Case Number PLNPCM2020-00152 b. Zoning Map Amendment - The applicant is requesting a Zoning Map amendment to change the zoning of each parcel from R-1/7,000 (Single-Family Residential) to OS (Open Space). Case Number PLNPCM2020-00153 The subject properties are located within Council District 1, represented by Victoria Petro-Eschler. (Staff Contact: Amanda Roman at 801-535-7660 or amanda.roman@slcgov.com) Principal Planner Amanda Roman reviewed the petition as outlined in the Staff Report. She spoke about the housing loss mitigation and stated that the single-family dwelling located at 1932 N Rose Park Lane has been vacant for some time. She stated that the housing loss mitigation plan was triggered by the zoning change request. She stated that the applicants have chosen mitigation option B, which is to pay a fee based on difference between housing value and replacement costs. Because the replacement costs exceed the market value of the existing single-family home there is no fee associated with this property. She stated that Staff recommends a positive recommendation be forwarded to City Council for the Master Plan Amendment and Zoning Map Amendment. Commissioner Scheer asked if it is rezoned to open space if there is a restriction on height if anything were to be built there. Staff clarified that maximum building height for lots four acres or less, such as the subject property, is 35 feet. Commissioner Scheer also made the statement that the setbacks in the Open Space zone are smaller. Staff agreed that would be the case. Commissioner Scheer asked for clarification on whether the Regional Athletic Complex (RAC) was a building or if it is just playing fields. Staff answered that it is playing fields with a bathroom. Commissioner Tuttle stated that there are some buildings associated with the RAC as well as a motocross track next to a very large playing field. He stated that the subject property is closer to residential neighborhood than the Complex. The applicants, Salt Lake City Public Lands Planner Makaylah Respicio-Evans and Regional Athletics Complex(RAC) Program Manager Chris Laughlin stated that the lands were acquired back in 2019. They stated that there was talk of an indoor sports facility, a park or dog park and at this point they want it zoned Open Space so that there is long term protection for the land. Chair Barry reviewed that the Commission would be providing a recommendation to City Council who will be the ultimate decision makers on this project. She also stated that the objective is not to review the area and what could potentially be put there but whether the requested zoning is appropriate or not. PUBLIC HEARING • Ronda Devereaux - owner of Happy Horse Ranch — Representing the West Point Community Council — asking for a one year stay so that a study can be done. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 5 Seeing that no one else wished to speak, Chair Barry closed the public hearing. Chris Laughlin stated there was a lawsuit in place that kept the RAC from being built for some time. He stated that once it passed litigation it was approved to be built in 2013, although it was cut back to 90 acres from the original 120 acres. He said there are 30 acres on the north end that could still be developed. He said they would do extensive community engagement prior to developing the property. Makaylah Respicio-Evans added that the land that the RAC is currently on was purchased with Land and Water Conservation funds which limit what can be done with the property. She stated that they cannot construct an indoor recreation facility, which is why they are looking at this additional land with the potential to do that. Chair Barry clarified for the Community Council that it is not in the Commissions ability to instigate a one- year stay. Commissioner Scheer interjected that the City Council could institute a stay on the project. Commissioner de Oliveira asked the applicant to speak on the RAC being built with bond funds and residents thinking they would have access to the fields for free or at a discount, but that not being the case. Applicant Charis Laughlin stated that it was purchased with residents funding and that they did approve the bond, so he understands the frustration on that side. He said that he looked back at all of the information and that the RAC was conceived with the intent to draw tournaments from out of state teams and be used for youth sports tourism. Chair Barry stated that she wanted to draw the conversation back to whether Open Space is appropriate zoning for these parcels and what recommendation they would like to forward to City Council. Commissioner Ghent stated that the existing land use is bad. She asked the what the zoning restrictions were for the property. Chair Barry clarified that was not the issue for the property they are considering a rezone for, but the RAC property had restrictions, which is why they are looking for another property. Commissioner Scheer asked for clarification on how many potential housing units would be given up if the R-1-7000 zoning was rezoned. Principal Planner Amanda Roman clarified that if subdivided, the property could fit 22 lots measuring 7,000 square feet in size. This does not include the square footage that public infrastructure, such as roads, would encompass, which would make the number of buildable lots closer to 15 or 16. Commissioner Scheer stated that it could contribute to the housing issues. MOTION Commissioner Aimee Burrows stated, Based on the information in the staff report, the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission forward a positive recommendation to the City Council to approve PLNPCM2020- 00152. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 6 Commissioner Maurine Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioners Jon Lee, Maurine Bachman, Rich Tuttle, and Aimee Burrows voted "yes". Commissioners Brenda Scheer and Levi de Oliveira voted "no". Commissioner Andra Ghent abstained. The motion passed with 4 "yes" votes, 2 "no" votes, and 1 abstention. Commissioner Aimee Burrows stated, Based on the information in the staff report,the information presented, and the input received during the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission forward a positive recommendation to the City Council to approve PLNPCM2020-00153. Commissioner Maurine Bachman seconded the motion. Commissioners Jon Lee, Maurine Bachman, Aimee Burrows, and Amy Barry voted "yes". Commissioners Levi de Oliveira, Brenda Scheer, and Rich Tuttle voted "no". Commissioner Andra Ghent abstained. The motion passed with 4 "yes" votes, 3 "no" votes, and 1 abstention. Coachman's Mixed Use Planned Development- This is a Planned Development request for a 65-foot- tall mixed-use development consisting of 94 residential units with ground floor retail located at approximately 1301 S. State St. The applicant has requested modifications to the maximum corner side yard setback as well as maximum fagade length through the Planned Development process. This item was previously discussed by the Planning Commission on December 15, 2021. The Commission tabled the item to a future date and requested clarification on the unit mix, required vehicular access from UDOT at State Street and that the project be redesigned to make the project more pedestrian friendly. The revised proposal consists of two-buildings connected by a sky bridge with ground floor retail with structured parking and residential units on the floors above. The subject property is zoned FB-UN2 and is located within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Katia Pace at 801-535- 6354 or katia.pace@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2021-00898 Principal Planner Katia Pace review the petition as outlined in the Staff report. She also reviewed the changes the Applicant made per the Commission's request. She stated that UDOT will not give their final approval until the Planning Commission gives their approval of the project. She stated that the applicant has addressed vehicular access. She stated that Staff recommends approval of the Planned Development with the following conditions. 1. Applicant shall comply with all required department comments and conditions. 2. Delegate lighting to staff as a condition of approval. 3. That staff is given the ability to make necessary modifications to the approved plans to meet the technical requirements imposed by the County Flood Control. 4. That UDOT approves the access points and the design as part of the building permit process. Chair Barry asked Commissioner Bachman if she wanted UDOT to review or officially approve the project. Commissioner Bachman stated that UDOT process is to look at it and conceptually approve but will not give final approval until the project's approval with the Commission. Chair Barry asked if she felt it needed to be a condition of approval. Commissioner Bachman stated that it wouldn't hurt. Mike Nichols, Leslie Goldberg, and Ryan Makoviak thanked the Commission for hearing their item again. Mike stated that he feels the updated project is much better. He said they broke up the building into two. He stated that the sky bridge was added to allow the residents on the south side to access parking. He stated they reduced the unit count by 8 and eliminated all of the studio apartments. He feels it is in line with the vision of the area. He asks for approval so that they can move forward. Ryan shared the changes that they have made to make it feel and look like two separate buildings. He stated that they tried to eliminate or reduce the massing. Leslie said that he feels their product is a luxury product at an affordable price tag. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 7 PUBLIC HEARING Chair Barry opened the public hearing. • Rick Tanaka — Friend of Mike Nichols, in support of the petition. • Cindy Cromer— In opposition to the petition • Arlie Green — representing the owner of the adjacent property. He stated that the applicant has been transparent during the whole process. In favor of the petition. • Eric Lund — in favor of the petition. • An email was read into the record from Jen Colby—Would like to see additional conditions added prior to approving. Feels the street is dangerous. Seeing that no one else wished to speak, Chair Barry closed the public comment period. Mike Nichols addressed Jen Colby's comment saying there isn't much they can do about the busyness of the street but they have provided an upper-level enclosed area for kids so they don't have to worry about them running out into the street. He also stated that there is a 10-foot hard scape dividing the building from the street. Chair Barry mentioned the 135-foot length feels broken up due to the changed design. Commissioner Andra Ghent said she would like to address Jen Colby's comments about the street being dangerous. She stated that the street is not within the Commissions purview to address. She also spoke on the affordability being through filtering. Chair Barry said that thinks affordability is on everyone's mind but that does not fall within the purview of the Commission to consider. Commissioner Lee stated that he appreciates the passion of the project but that his concerns are that they may have over corrected the project. He says it feels forced and would like to see less change in material. He stated he would like to know how the rest of the Commission feels about the engagement of the street and how they feel about the storefronts. Chair Barry stated that she feels they are better. Commissioner Scheer stated that she doesn't feel these issues are part of the Commissions purview at this time, but she agrees with Commissioner Lee. She feels the color is rendered better in the original design. Commissioner Lee stated that he doesn't feel the original project was better but feels it should meet somewhere in the middle. Chair Barry stated that building fagade materials and pedestrian engagement are part of their purview. Planning Manager John Anderson stated that unless there is a condition added that the changes can be approved on a staff level the project would need to come back before the commission. Commissioner Lee said that it would be delegated to staff. Commissioner Scheer stated she would like a condition added that should they choose to review their design that it can be reviewed on a staff level. She said that she feels it is a better project. Commissioner Burrows stated that she would like to see the original Coachman's sign to be used. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 8 MOTION Commissioner Scheer stated, Based on the findings and analysis in the staff report, testimony, and discussion at the public hearing, I move that the Planning Commission vote to APPROVE the Planned Development application for the Coachman Mixed Use located at approximately 1301 S State Street, file PLNPCM2021-00898 with the following conditions: 1.Applicant shall comply with all required department comments and conditions. 2. Delegate lighting to staff as a condition of approval. 3. That staff is given the ability to make necessary modifications to the approved plans to meet the technical requirements imposed by the County Flood Control. 4. That UDOT approves the access points and the design as part of the building permit process. With the additional condition: That the design team look at the original facade materials and articulation and proceed with a closer rendition in that regard and that those changes be delegated to staff. Commissioner Jon Lee seconded the motion. Commissioners Andra Ghent, Brenda Sheer, Levi de Oliveira, Maurine Bachman, Aimee Burrows, Jon Lee, and Rich Tuttle all voted "yes". The motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 7:40 PM. Salt Lake City Planning Commission April 27, 2022 Page 9