5/5/2022 - Meeting Agenda PARKS,NATURAL LANDS, URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,May 5,2022 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Join Via Wcbex:https://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/j.php?MTID=m28d75f61340d6db5f0ade1de58187dea Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room Join by phone 1-408-418-9388 Access code:24923103544 AGENDA 1-Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM Call to order Chair comments New board members update and/or introductions 2—Approval of Minutes 5:10 PM Approve April 7, 2022 meeting minutes 3—Public Comment Period 5:15 PM Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes;15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. 4—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:30PM Trailheads update—Tyler Fona row 10 mins Park signage project update—Kat Maus 10 mins Donation proposals(action items): 15 mins • Backman open space—Kat Maus • Liberty Bell dedication plaques—Kezia Lopez • International Peace Gardens Tree& Bench Donation —Kezia Lopez 5—Board Discussion and Action Items 6:05 PM Finalize board discussion about updated bylaws 10 mins Board discussion about formation of a foundation subcommittee 15 mins 6—Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments&Future Agenda Items 6:25 PM Board subcommittee updates as needed • Trails subcommittee • Bylaws subcommittee • Communication subcommittee Board comment and question period Next meeting:June 2, 2022 Request for future agenda item 7—Adjourn 6:45PM