6/6/2022 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the June 6, 2022 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Courtney Reeser, Greg Sanchez,
Jim Espeland,Jon Larsen, and Myron Willson.
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza,
Danny Houpt, Dave Alderman, Kerry Doane, and Reid Ewing.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Ellen Reddick,Jenn Diederich,
Paul Schulte, and Suzanne Stensaas.
Also present was Amy Lyons.
Also present electronically were Eric Callison, Megan Waters, Leo Masic, Julianne
Sabula, Becka Roolf, Lara Handwerker, and Hannah Barton.
The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:01
p.m. by Courtney Reeser.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Courtney welcomed everyone.
Public Comment —There was no public comment.
Motion: Jim Espeland moved to approve the minutes of the May 2, 2022 meeting with
the suggested amendments. Kerry Doane seconded the motion. The motion passed
UTA August Change Day
Megan Waters, Utah Transit Authority
Eric Callison,the Manager of Service Planning for UTA, shared a slideshow regarding
the August change day which will occur on Sunday,August 7th. UTA is planning some
pretty big changes in Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. They had a public comment
period, and those comments were taken into consideration and some adjustments were
made based on them. Eric went over the details of the changes and why those changes
make sense for better user service. Daniel asked if there are any differences in the shape
of the routes as he has been working on setting up the air quality sensors on the electric
busses. He said they have designed an algorithm to identify which route the bus is on to
try to look at what area is being covered as well as the air pollution along the different
transects so if anything has changed serving the geometry of this route, it would be great
for him to have. Eric said there are no changes in any of those routes in terms of
alignment except for the ones he has shared today. Dave A represents District 3 and
wanted to say thank you to UTA for participating in their Community Council meeting
regarding service in the Avenues. Megan said she appreciates Dave's comments and
said they are trying to strike the right balance in bringing new service to that area. Reid
said Route 1 is usually visually empty,but the 3rd Avenue bus seems to be full. He asked
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how their service changes will affect that route and Eric explained those changes. Greg
asked about the potential savings with certain changes and Eric explained the cost
differences between on demand services and running routes all day on a full day
schedule. Courtney said she appreciates the bus stop improvements happening in Rose
Discussion of Potential FY24 CIP Projects-screening, scoring &ranking
Becka Roolf, SLC Transportation
Becka thanked the Board for their April letter of support for a RAISE grant. There were
over goo applications,but she feels theirs was a very competitive application and they
will know sometime if August if they will be awarded that grant. Today she is here to
talk to them about CIP applications. She gave them an update on the prior round of
applications and said Transportation is trying to do their application list cultivation
earlier which means they are thinking about what comes next before they have the
results of the prior round. CIP applications are typically due in the fall and Becka
showed them the preliminary list of 2024 project applications. She wanted the Board to
have an opportunity to see if there are projects they think are more important or if there
are projects that are missing from the list and to comment on them. She would like
them to review the list and she will come back to the Board before the list is finalized for
their input on priorities. Once this is done, she would like to ask the Board for a letter of
TAB Functionality& Public Comments
Transportation Advisory Committee
Courtney said the Board can discuss items that are not on the agenda without taking
action; however, due to time and scheduling, it's not a great idea. Dave said the PNUT
Board will take public comments and have whoever needs to address them, do that as an
addition to the minutes which also provides a timely response to the public. Courtney
said that as a Board,they also need to remember they are representing all modes of
Motion: Dave Alderman made a motion that the Board set the public comment period
at two minutes per person and that the Transportation staff address public comments as
an addition to the meeting minutes; Jim Espeland seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
It was further discussed that Transportation staff will be responsible for keeping track of
the public comment time and notifying a commenter once they've reached two minutes.
Motion: Kerry Doane motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jim Espeland seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. and
the next meeting of the Board was scheduled for August 1, 2022.
Approved by the Transportation Advisory Board 08-01-22.
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