7/13/2022 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FOR THE
Wednesday, July 13th, 2022
451 S State Street, Room 126
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m.
I, Darin Piccoli, Chair of the Business Advisory Board (BAB), hereby determine that
conducting the Business Advisory Board meeting at an anchor location presents a substantial
risk to the health and safety of those who may be present.
1. Roll Call
The following members of the Business Advisory Board were present:
Darin Piccoli, Chair Sue Rice
Jeff Carleton, Vice-Chair Scott Lyttle
Jocelyn Kearl Alfonso Brito
Andy Robertson Pook Carson
The following members of the Business Advisory Board were absent:
Abudujannah Soud
Karen Gunn
Also Present:
Veronica Cavanagh, Department of Economic Development; Lorena Riffo Jenson,
Department of Economic Development; Roberta Reichgelt, Department of Economic
Development; Will Wright, Department of Economic Development; Cathie Rigby,
Department of Economic Development; Peter Makowski, Department of Economic
Development; Lindsey Day, Department of Economic Development; Katie Matheson,
Department of Economic Development; Andie Feldman, Department of Economic
Development; Brittney Hemingway, Department of Economic Development; Todd
Andersen, Department of Economic Development; Edward Bennett, Suazo Business Center;
Vinay Cardwell, Young Professionals of SLC; Allison Rowland, Salt Lake City Council
Office; Andrew Johnston, Department of Homeless Policy and Outreach; Michelle Hoon,
Department of Homeless Policy and Outreach; Cara Lindsley, RDA; Ashley Ogden, RDA;
Lauren Parisi, Andrew Sylleloglou, SLC Police Officer.
2. Briefings by the Staff
• It was announced that Ben Kolendar, Director of Economic Development, was leaving
the City. BAB members thanked Director Kolendar for all his work especially with how
he and the Department has handled the pandemic.
• Director Kolendar thanked the Board and the Economic Development team for the
goodbye event for him that was hosted on Friday, July 8th. He thanked Chair Piccoli for
his leadership as Chairperson. He said he will miss all the members of BAB and wished
them the best.
• Upon Director Kolendar departure, Deputy Director Riffo Jenson will serve as interim
• Ms. Reichgelt introduced Mr. Vinay Cardwell as the new ex-officio for BAB.
3. Approval of the minutes
A. Review and Approval of May l lth, 2022, BAB Minutes
Vice Chair Carleton made a motion to approve the minutes from May 1 Ph, 2022 meeting. Ms.
Rice seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed unanimously.
4. Business
A. Introduction to Detective Andrew Sylleloglou
Detective Andrew Sylleloglou introduced himself as the police liaison for Salt Lake City, and
explained that this is a brand new position, that he has held for three months. He said he is aware
of all the issues in Salt Lake City and asked the BAB to please email him if they have any
concerns or issues, and he can begin to come up with strategies to mitigate those issues.
Vice-Chair Carleton asked if there was an overlap as he has dealt with another police officer
liaison. Detective Sylleloglou said there are three detectives in the unit and two of them are
district community liaison and he deals with more business-related issues.
Mr. Brito asked what Detective Sylleloglou role is and how can he help a person who owns a
business in SLC. Mr. Brito said he has called the police to report a crime and the dispatch said to
report it online and they will reach out. Mr. Brito has not received a call back. Detective
Sylleloglou said he has the resources at the tips of his hand and if businesses like Mr. Brito's
restaurant needs more patrol, he can help with that. He asked Mr. Brito to email his case number
and he will follow up.
Mr. Brito asked how people from the Hispanic community can join the police force. Detective
Sylleloglou said the SLCPD have recruitment events where they can ask question like how to
apply to be a police officer. He also stated that anyone can also reach out to him directly by
Vice-Chair Carleton asked if the SLCPD were fully staffed. Detective Sylleloglou said they've
had normal attrition every year, so they are still catching up from losing over 100 officers during
the pandemic. They are on a continuous hiring cycle.
B. RDA Commercial Real Estate Program
Ms. Ashley Ogden and Ms. Lauren Parisi provided a presentation regarding the Commercial
Real Estate Program that the Redevelopment Agency is creating. The RDA will rely heavily on
feedback received from the local business and non-profit community to inform the final proposal. In
this early stage, Staff envisions the creation of a package of Commercial Assistance Programs where
RDA tools are more intentionally utilized to:
• Provide opportunities to establish new services, amenities, or underrepresented business
types within a neighborhood
• Incentivize the construction of right-sized commercial spaces in new projects
• Activate existing,underutilized commercial spaces
• Create affordable rental or ownership opportunities for local businesses and non-profits
• Counter the displacement of existing local businesses from their neighborhoods
• Implement tenant preferences for local businesses, especially those that are women/minority-
owned, and community-serving non-profits
• Promote the preservation,rehabilitation, or adaptive reuse of existing building stock
• Enhance the capacity for non-traditional applicants to apply for and utilize RDA programs
Deputy Director Riffo Jenson asked if the RDA have included artist business owners for these
programs. Ms. Parisi said they had not but would look into it.
Mr. Carleton suggested veteran owned business should also be considered and Ms. Parisi agreed.
Ms. Rice asked what the funding mechanism is these programs. Ms. Parisi said they have a
revolving loan fund that is established. The source of that is the tax increment from all the
RDA's project areas.
Ms. Ogden said the RDA staff is currently developing a survey to target current businesses. She
asked the BAB if they have any resources where she can get a list of small businesses and their
contact information. She also asked if they know of any good locations on where to hand out the
information. Chairperson Piccoli said they should go to the business districts and sit in the
monthly meetings.
Chairperson Piccoli suggested the DED staff to keep this topic on future agendas.
Ms. Carson asked if they have an electronic version of the flyer so she can post it on social media
to get the word out. Ms. Ogden said she will create a small flyer with a QR code to make it easily
accessible and send it to the BAB.
C. Rapid Intervention Team and Police Squads assigned to HRC neighborhoods
Ms. Hoon, who oversees the Homeless Engagement and Response team, explained how her team
focuses on providing clean neighborhoods and opportunity for service connection. Her team is
housed within of the Housing Stability Division and are focused on trying to bridge the gap for
everyone from housed to unhoused. She provided an overview of the new Rapid Intervention
team which handles the prioritization process for camp abatements, in partnership with the Salt
Lake County Health Department.
She added that they are new team and are still refining their processes as they have only been
around for a month. However, the program is gaining some traction and becoming more
successful in resolving camps. Additionally, the state mitigation grant that the city gets every
year as a help for housing homeless resources, will receive $2.75 million this year and will be
used to develop new police squads that are dedicated in the homeless resource center area. Also,
with Council approval, they plan to expand the Homeless Engagement and Response team and
outreach efforts.
Ms. Hoon asked the BAB to please use the SLC Mobile App as it is the greatest way to take in
information that relates to homelessness.
D. Review BAB Bylaws—Chair/Vice Chair
Chairperson Piccoli gave an overview of the BAB bylaw changes regarding member recruitment
geographic areas, workgroup committees, and electronic meetings.
Ms. Rice made a motion to approve the bylaws as presented. Vice-Chair Carleton seconded the
motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed.
5. City Council Announcements
A. None
6. BAB Member Announcements
A. Update on Small Business Development Committee—Chair
Chairperson Piccoli provided an update on the meeting on that was held on July 6, 2022 with the
Mayor's Office regarding the small business gap analysis report showing things that the City is
doing well,but also deficiencies of the City.
Vice-Chair Carleton said they met with Angela Price, the Policy and Project Manager for the
Department of Community and Neighborhoods (CAN), and she said she is trying to streamline
some of the small business issues that have been brought to their attention. He added that on
behalf of the BAB that they will get 6-8 small business owners, with recent interactions with the
Department of Building Services, to be interviewed about their experiences. He asked the BAB
members to provide some names to him and he will pass the list onto Ms. Price.
Ms. Rice said she thought the meeting went well and that the Mayor's Office was receptive with
the topics they talked about regarding the analysis. There is a follow-up meeting on September
7th, 2022.
Ms. Reichgelt said that the Department of Community and Neighborhoods (CAN) hold quarterly
forums where they invite developers to talk about the challenges and experiences regarding the
City's permitting process. She stated that it would be helpful to have the small business
community also attend.
7. Adiournment
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
darin picco (Nov 8,202214:00 MST)
Darin Piccoli, Chairperson
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Economic Development
Business Advisory Board meeting held July 13th, 2022.
BAB MINUTES 7. 13.22
Final Audit Report 2022-11-08
Created: 2022-11-08
By: Veronica Cavanagh(veronica.cavanagh@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
"BAB MINUTES 7. 13.22" History
Document created by Veronica Cavanagh (veronica.cavanagh@slcgov.com)
2022-11-08-7:47:50 PM GMT
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2022-11-08-9:00:32 PM GMT
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