8/4/2022 - Meeting Materials PARKS,NATURAL LANDS, URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,August 4,2022 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Join Via Webex:hgps://saltlakccity.webex.com/saltlakcciiy/i/'.php?MTID=mb77987d7del3150afdd5a494dO3coacl Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room Join by phone 1-408-418-9388 Access code:24819102502 AGENDA 1—Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM Call to order Chaircomments 5 min 2—Approval ofMinutes 5:05 PM Approve July 7,2022, meeting minutes 5 min 3—Public Comment Period 5:10 PM Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes;15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. 4—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:25 PM Seven Greenways Vision Plan Update—BrianTonetti 10 min Capital Investment and Deferred Maintenance Spending —Tyler Murdock 15 min Miller Park Update—Tyler Murdock 5 min Continued Discussion of Draft Ordinance Amendment to Section 2.94.040of the Salt 10 min Lake CityCode—Ashley Cleveland—Potential Action Item 5—Board Discussion and Action Items 6:05 PM N/A N/A 6—Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments&Future Agenda Items 6:05 PM Board subcommittee updates as needed • Trails subcommittee • Communication subcommittee Board comment and question period Next meeting:September 1, 2022 Request for future agenda item 7—Adjourn 6:30 PM PARKS,NATURAL LANDS, URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,July 7,2022 5:00 p.m.—7:00 p.m. Join Via Webex:hops://saltlakccity.webex.com/saltlakecitya/'.php?MTID=maf7d320463ac25f92bfb20577f7d7beb Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room Join by phone 1-408-418-9388 Access code:2498 654 7796 Minutes (Unapproved) 1—Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM Call to order - Polly Hart - Frances Ngo - Brianna Binnebose - Samantha Finch - Jenny Hewson - Melanie Pehrson - Phil Carroll - Ginger Cannon - CJ - Clayton Scrivner - Aaron Wiley Chaircomments 5 min Polly Hart stated that she is present at this month's meeting due to there still not being a replacementfor her position. Dueto this, Ms. Harts statedthat she does not know whethershe'II be returningfor the August Board meeting or not but statedthat Board member Jenny Hewson did accept the Board's nomination of her for the Chair position. Jenny Hewson clarified that while she did not accept the nomination, she is happy to participate in further discussion about the chairmanship withthe rest of the Board. Ms. Hart stated the Board would be discussing the chairmanship further down the agenda. New board members update and/or introductions 15 min Melanie Pehrson asked if an adjustment can be made tot he agenda,which was striking the "Bylaws Committee"item from the agenda,as this committee would no longer be gathering, and the bylaws have been amended and approved for now. Aaron Wiley introduced himself to the Board.Aaron lives in District land stated that what excited him about getting involved in the PNUT Board was spending lots of time in the outdoors as well as with his community. Aaron further stated that he wishes to ensure folks in District 1 are aware of all happening that may impact them. Phil Carroll asked a clarifying question about District 1's make up, to which Mr.Wiley confirmed that it District 1 is mostly made up of the Rose Park neighborhood. Ms. Hewson introduced herself to Mr.Wiley. Ms. Hewson stated that she serves as an at-large Board member and is in her second term. Mr.Carroll introduced himself to Mr.Wiley as representing District 3,which is primarily the Avenues neighborhood. Mr. Carroll stated that this is his first term with the Board. Ms. Hartformally introduced herself and explained that she has alreadyfinished out her second term and continues to serve on the Board due to not yet being replaced. Ginger Cannon introduced herselfand statedthat she is also an at-large Board member and is currently serving herfirst term. Brianna Binnebose introduced herself and stated that she represents District 5 which includes the Ballparkand Liberty Park neighborhoods. Ms. Binnebose is currently renewing for a second term with the Board. Ms. Binnebose also serves on the advisory committee for the upcoming Glendale Regional Park. Melanie Pehrson introduced herself as representing District 2 and an interested community member in Westside public spaces equity. Samantha Finch introduced herself as representing District 7 and as passionate about assisting the"Friends of" groups in her district in their adoption and support of District 7 parks. Frances Ngo introduced herself as representing the District containing Poplar Grove. Ms. Ngo expressed interest in joining the Board to be more involved in her community; she has a background in ecology and wildlife conservation. Clayton Scrivner introduced himself as representing District 4,which includes Granary, East-Central,and some Downtown neighborhoods. Clayton is in his first term of service with the PNUT Board and has lived in Salt Lake City for 25 years. CJ introduced himself as representing District 6.CJ is in his first term of service with the PNUT Board and joined the Board because he enjoys the parks and helping out. Ashley Cleveland, Deputy Director of Community Outreach for the Mayor, introduced herself to new PNUT Board members and emphasized her role in ensuring that City Boards and Commissions are accessible to all communities. Ms.Cleveland is also the Outdoor Afro Leaderfor the State of Utah. 2—Approval of Minutes 5:20 PM Approve June 2, 2022, meeting minutes 5 min Ms. Hart asked if there were any changes that had not yet been addressed in the June minutes or if members were readyto make a motion to approve them. Ms. Hewson asked a clarifying question regarding page two of the June minutes. Public Lands staff clarified the sentence in question for Ms. Hewson. Ms. Hewson motioned to approve the June meeting minutes. Ms. Binnebose seconded the motion. The minutes were unanimously approved by the PNUT Board. 3—Public Comment Period 5:25 PM Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. Ms. Hart calledfor public comment. Dan Schelling Dan introduced themselves as a resident of Salt Lake City Avenues and welcomed new board members. Dan stated that they wanted people to know that next Wednesday, July 13,at the Greater Avenues Council Committee Meeting at 6pm, the meeting will open with a 45- minute period dubbed "the Foothills Forum." Public Lands Recreational Trails Manager Tyler Fonarow will be speaking atthis forum. Also present atthe Greater Avenues Council Meetingwill be a members of the Salt Lake Trails Alliance as well as Save Our Foothills, whom Dan will be representing.The meetingwith be virtual. Dan alsothanked Ms. Hartfor her serviceto the PNUT Board. Ms. Hart thanked Dan and requested they send her a link to the meeting so that she could distribute it to the rest of the Board. Billy Kurek Billy introduced themselves tothe Board as resident of District 1 in Salt Lake City. Billy explained thatthis is theirfirst time attending a PNUT Board meeting and just wanted to initiate engagement with the Board. Billy further stated that Salt Lake City's Westside has underserved Parks resources and would like to know what kinds of plans the Board must revitalize certain areas such as Riverside Park where there is a lot of drug use and trash in the area. Ms. Hart requested that Billy please provide their email address to Public Lands Department staff sot hat we can makes ure their question is answered via email. Kristin Riker, Director of Public Lands,explained that the common practice is for staff to generate a written response to public commenters and then to include that written response in the publicly posted minutes. Mr.Carroll also mentioned that either the Mayoror City Council is going to have a Townhall on the Westside. Billy stated that they were simply curious with how the PNUT Board interfaces with some of the policy on the Westside as far as taking action is concerned. Ms. Hart explained thatthe PNUT Board in an advisory board, sogenerally speaking,it is not a policymaking entity.The Board acts as a conduit to channel public information and communication tothe Parks when there are issues or requests. Billy thanked the Board for their time. Ms. Riker mentioned that Billy might consider staying for the Park Ranger Update portion of the Board meeting. Seeing no further public comment, Ms. Hart moved onto the next agenda item. 4—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:40 PM Park Ranger Update—Suzy Lee 20 min Suzy Lee introduced herself as the Supervisor and Acting Managerforthe Park Ranger Program and began her presentation to the Board. Ms. Lee explained that the program involves four main hubs where the Rangers will be based out of: Fairmont,Jordan, Liberty,and Pioneer Parks. Each of these hubs will have a mobile office, with a team of four Rangers based out of each hub. Rangers will also be visiting other parks outside of their hubs,as well as walking, biking, and hiking during high-usage times to interact with the public. Rangers'shifts of service will span Wednesday through Saturdayand Wednesday through Sunday, 10am—8pm, with some seasonal shift changes. Ms. Leefurther explained the locations that each hub would be responsible for, based upon park: • Pioneer Hub: this team will cover Washington Square, Library Plaza,and Memory Grove. • Jordan Hub:this team will focus on the entire Jordan River Trail.The team will try to determine the highest usage sections of the Trail. • Liberty Hub: thisteamwill be covering Herman Franks Baseball Field and dog park,and Sunnyside Park. • Fairmont Hub: this team will cover Hidden Hollow, Wasatch Hollow,and some of the other natural areas such as Parley's.This also includes the East Bench area. Ms. Riker asked Suzy to all share whether the Rangers will be covering other parks and areas outside of what has been presented. Ms. Lee replied that there will be a list of other parks and areas that really need visitation,and that this will most likely be part of a weekly rotating system based upon Ranger bandwidth and other factors. Ms. Hart asked if Warm Springs Parkwill also be included in the rotating list,and Ms. Lee responded that yes it would be. Mr.Carroll asked what the plan was for Trails. Ms. Lee replied that there is funding for two more Park Rangers whowill be dedicated to the Foothills Trail System and deferred to Ms. Riker for further information. Ms. Riker explained that the City Council had indeed approved the Public Lands Department budget to include two more Park Rangers dedicated to the Foothills Trail System. Ms. Riker stated that the Department can begin hiring for these positions now; however, the Department would prefer to fill the vacant Park Ranger Program Manager position that Ms. Lee is temporarily covering before taking on even more staff during this already busy time. Ms. Rikerfurther explained that,similarto Parks Rangers,the Foothills Rangers will not act as law enforcement or have a default position to contact law enforcement, but will instead be present to engage,educate, and deescalate while spending time in the City's foothills. Ms. Riker also stated that Public Lands Recreational Trails Manager Tyler Fonarow will be very involved with thetwo Foothills Park Rangers'training alongside Ms. Lee. Ms. Hewson asked Ms. Lee and Ms. Riker how the list of parks that Ms. Lee referenced earlierwould be produced. Ms. Lee responded that the list would be based on usage,such as pavilion reservations,fields usage,and group knowledge of park and open space activity. Mr.Carroll asked whether the Parks Rangers have already been hired. Ms. Lee responded that yes,there are currently 12 Rangers and 4 Lead Rangers in place and undergoing training.She added that with the future hiring of two Foothills Rangers, there will be a total of 18 Rangers housed within the Public Lands Department. Mr.Carroll expressed concern from his district regarding the fire danger in the Foothills and asked when approximately there might me Rangers observed in that area. Ms. Lee and Ms. Riker responded that this would happen withint he next two months or so. Ms. Finch asked what type of cadence there would be for Rangers visiting a park. Ms. Lee stated that there might not be a regular cadence right awaydue to ongoing hiring and staffing issues;for now, Ranger visitation tothe Parks on the rotating list will most likely be based on reservations and activity. She emphasized that the only Parks with consistent visitation and focus will be the four hubs and their nearby parks. Ms. Pehrson asked staff to clarify the placement of the hubs, inquiring why Jordan Park is seeminglythe only Westside Parkwith Ranger presence. Ms. Pehrson clarified that, to her, "Westside"means West of Interstate 15. Ms. Pehrson referenced equitable distribution of services among Westside and Eastside Parks as being a concern. Ms. Lee and Ms. Riker addressed Ms. Pehrson concerns,and further stated that part of the reasoning for Ranger Hub placement was due to space available for mobile offices. Ms. Pehrson asked follow up question pertaining to crisis response training and resource knowledge being the primary focus for Rangers.She would like to know more specifics about what this type of training entails. Ms. Lee tra ns itioned into speaking about the Rangers'training.She explained that the Rangers are focused right now on learning about the Public Lands Department and the City's internal processes. Ms. Lee further stated that the Rangers have alsogone through the de-escalation training out of Moab,which is a nationally accredited and used training. Rangers have also undergone Naloxone training, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion training,social media etiquette and training,and will soon have CPR and First Aid training. Finally, the Rangers will receive training from an expert trainer out of Chicago regarding people experiencing homelessness. Ms. Riker added that the Salt Lake City Police Department has been funded to implement a Citizen Action Team(CAT)with hopes to be operational by early 2023. The Rangers have been invited to the training for the CAT,which has a non-law enforcement emphasis and will strengthen relationships between the two programs. Ms. Lee agreed that a large emphasis of the Ranger Program will be to cross-train and collaborate with other City departments. Aaron Wiley asked whetherthere would be a Junior Ranger Program in the future. Ms. Lee responded that she wasn't certain at this moment of this. Ms.Cleveland added that there indeed has been a lot of interest in starting up a Junior Ranger Program with the Youth and Family Program as the programmers get the My Brother's Keeper Initiative off the ground. Ms.Cleveland mentioned that this could happen within the next year or so. Aaron Wiley asked what the purpose and goal is of the Ranger Program. Ms. Lee responded that the purposed of the Ranger Program is to make the parks a more welcoming place,and that the Department acknowledges that that looks different to different people. The Ranger Program does not exist to enforce compliance and rules. The Rangers exist to provide education and information to users of the parks, be a reliable source of information for when City depart ments need support, be the eyes on the ground if there happens to be a crime committed that a Ranger is witness to,and to build relationships with park users and various City groups and departments.The Rangers will also be using tracking software,which will support data finding on equitable access to and understanding activity within the parks. Both Ms. Riker and Ms. Lee emphasized that this is anew and evolving program that we will continue to learn about. Mr.Carroll asked if the Rangers will also act as a conduit between park user's complaints or frustrations while using parks and the City? Ms. Lee replied that yes,via the tracking software that the Rangers will be using,they will engage in this type of reporting and filtering of public commentary tothe various City depart ments,and then following up with the public to close those issues. The Board continued discussion on various ways to report issues in City parks,such as SLC Mobile. Ms. Lee emphasized that the Department of Public Lands is currently trying to ensure that the Rangers' reporting of issues within their new tracking system is not duplicating other systems that alreadyexist. Ms. Binnebose asked what the plan was to introduce the Ranger Program to the City and public, such as attending community council meetings and so forth. Ms. Lee replied that yes,the Rangers are already scheduled to attend Yappy Hour, the Fa rmers Market,and many other Public Lands events.She added that they don't have concrete plans yet for the Rangers to visit community councils, but that the Rangers will continue to visit as many internal City events and external outreach events as possible. Ms. Hart asked if Ms. Lee would attend one of the Capitol Hill Community Council meetings,and Ms. Binnebose stated that this is also what she was hoping for. Ms. Lee and Ms. Riker stated that Ms. Lee and the Rangers would love to attend community council meetings but will likely be a little too busy until the Park Ranger Manager is hired, and the program is more established. Ms. Lee also spoke to the diversity in geographic location, background, education,and identity represented by the current Ranger pool. Mr.Carroll also mentioned the Avenues Street Fair on September 10th, in case the Rangers were interested in obtaining a booth. Several other board members commented on various street fairs happening in their neighborhoods that the Rangers could alsoattend. Ms. Leeconfirmed thatthe Parks Rangers are year-round,full-time employees. Ms. Hewson inquired about the funding and sustainabilityof the Park Rangers Program,towhich Ms. Riker responded thatthe program is funded out of the General Fund and is and ongoing, consistent stream of funding. This funding includes salaries, uniforms, and trainings. The Boardthanked Ms. Lee for her time and Ms. Lee responded by alsocommending the Rangers fortheir flexibility, resilience,and commitment thus far to the program. Allen Park Update—Kat Maus 10 min Kat Maus, Public Lands Planner,introduced herself and the Adaptive Reuse Management Plan. Ms. Maus explained that she would start with immediate,on-the- ground plans at Allen Park. The Public Lands Department is currently doing some designto get utilities into the Park,specifically irrigation water so the Department can keep vegetation alive pertainingto culturally and historically significant landscapes within the Park. Ms. Maus also statedthatthe Department is alsoworking on inputting somefire suppression lines. The Department is alsoconducting some structural assessment of the main Allen lodge to do a quality roof repair, primarily related to water-tightening the roof. The Public Lands Department is alsoworking on the request for proposal (RFP)to get consultants on board to assist the Department with the Adaptive Reuse Management Plan. The Adaptive Reuse Management Plan will serve as the guiding document that informs the Department how to will deal with the site,the structure,and the landscape moving forward. Ms. Maus explained that the site is unique due to the artistic installations within Allen Park and the fact that,up until 2019, parts of the park were still occupied. Public Lands would like to both maintain the artistic environment as well as accentuate the ecological function of the site;since Immigration Creek runs through the site, improving water quality and flood plain expansion are paramount. Ms. Maus stated that ultimately,the Department wants Allen Parkto be an open public pedestrian park that really highlights the stories,the ecological integrity,and to potentially make it a regenerative landscape for visitors of the site. Ultimately,the City aims to make Allen Park a unique regional attraction based on the level of investment involved. Ms. Maus talked about the committee that the Department recently compiled to review the RFP for consultants to help with community engagement.Committee members include representatives from the Friends of Allen Park group, Salt Lake City Public Utilities,a planner from the Historic Preservation Division, Preservation Utah, the Public Lands Department,and an engineer. Ms. Maus explained that,while there is a bit of a backlog to get the RFP out to get consultants,she is hopeful by early Fall they can pull in consultants and move forward with the Plan. Some elements that are included in the Plan are: 1. Technical elements:occupancy studies for the structures and how the public can expect to safely interact with them; streambankstabilization;floodplain analyses;structural assessments. 2. Community engagement 3. Cultural landscape report 4. Adaptive structure reuse of the structures and management that dictate specific projects on the ground that Public Lands can start moving forward with. The timeline for the Plan completion is one year to 18 months. Ms. Maus asked the Board if there were any questions on her presentation. Ms. Finch asked about the meeting frequency for the RFP committee. Ms. Maus responded that so far,weekly meetings have been happening. She explained that the committee likely won't meet again now until they begin receiving consultant proposals,at which point they will begin meeting again and undergoing the City's ranking process to reviewthe proposals that come in. Ms. Finch inquired about the budget for the Plan implementation and hiring the consultants. Ms. Maus stated that they are still exploring the budget,although the initial proposal was for$150,000;depending on the public engagement and technical elements,that initial amount may likely shift. This funding came through the Capital Improvement Program(Cl P). Mr.Carroll added about accessingthe parkdue to very limited parking on 1300 E. Ms. Maus responded that within this Plan, there is an emphasis on the consultant conducting a traffic feasibility study,so parking is one of the items that the Plan hopes to address. Ms. Binnebose asked what the big picture overall for parks whether enhanced public transportation and partnering with UTA was in the works for the long-term. Ms. Maus replied that,from a planning perspective, now is a pivotal time to begin having those conversations regarding public transportation planning within parks planning, and that she can commit to continue incorporating that into the Allen Park Plan as well as others. Ms. Riker also responded that accessing the parks is always a consideration;one of the things that the Department has been looking at is how to make connections between trails and parks to emphasizethem as pedestrian spaces and encourage alternate modes of transportation. In the case of Allen Park, Ms. Riker cited making a connection between Blaine Preserve close by and that Public Lands is always in conversation with the Transportation Department about making these connections, whether it's with UTA,on e-bike, and beyond. Mr.Carroll inquired about partnering with Garfield School. Ms. Maus responded that the Department had conversations with Garfield regarding parking and trail connections. The Boardthanked Kat for her presentation and Ms. Hart encouraged new Board members to contact Kat for a tour of Allen Park if they haven't already. Discuss Draft Ordinance Amendment to Section 2.94.040of the Salt Lake City Code— 1S min Ashley Cleveland or Kristin Riker Ashley Cleveland introduced the draft amendment language to the Board,which would amend the City Code where the PNUT Board is codified to require at least two at-large members of the board represent Indigenous Tribes or organizations. Ms. Cleveland explained that this is part of the major initiative of the Mayor to ensure that all Cityservices,including parks and open spaces,are accessible to Black, Indigenous, and People of Color(BIPOC). Ms.Cleveland mentioned that,while the City has done a good job of outreach to Black communities throughout Salt Lake City, including African Americans, refugees, New Americans,andthe diaspora,the Mayor's Office alsowants lean in more on the conversation with Indigenous representation. Ms.Cleveland explained that building relationships with Indigenous Tribes has been one of her key tasks overthe pastyear. One of the items that Ms.Cleveland has heardfrom her interactions with Indigenous Tribes and organizations over the past year has been that they're not fully informed of what is happening when a consultant approaches them needing cultural resource guidance on Twin Peaks and other important sites relatedto Public Lands trails planning. Additionally, there is a large urban Indigenous population that is often undercounted or miscounted due to data collection system limitations,which leads to further gaps in relationship-building among City government and Indigenous people and groups. Furthermore, Ms.Cleveland explained that the Mayor's Office wants toensure that the line of formal communication between Indigenous Tribes and organizations Parks, Public Lands,and Urban Trails is always open for Tribal consultation. Board members asked clarifying questions of Ms.Cleveland regarding precedent of reserving two at-large seats on a government committee specifically for Indigenous Tribes or organizations,further discussed the government-to-government relationship and history between Salt Lake Cityand Indigenous Tribes,the relationship between performative activism and land acknowledgments, and other questions relatedto Diversity, Equity,and Inclusion (DEI)when working with and approaching Indigenous Tribes and organizations. Ms.Cleveland discussed with Board members the background and context of the agenda item,the city board interview and nominations process,and the reasoning behind first changing policies and legal barriers to Indigenous representation.She explained that the City will soon begin holding roundtables at the Urban Indian Center of Salt Lake City. The Board and Ms.Cleveland a Isodiscussedthe issue of tokenism, geography, local control, and the importance of Indigenous representation on the PNUT Board specifically. Many Board members expressed strong support of the Draft Ordinance Amendment to Section 2.94.040of the Salt Lake City Code. Ms.Cleveland stated that she is talking to four Indigenous organizations and has two potential applicants out of those four organizations fort he PNUT Board and that she would like to present the draft ordinance to City Council in August. Board members asked questions and continued conversation related to Board vacancies and composition. Ashley asked for a motion from the Board on the draft ordinance amendment so that she could report the Board's stance backtothe Mayor. Ms. Hart requestedtofold in the larger conversation of filling the Board chair position and vacancies,and discussion amongstthe Board, Ms.Cleveland,and Ms. Riker continued. Ms.Cleveland stated that one of the seats could likely be filled by a representative of one of the Indigenous organizations by early August,andthe other could likely be filled by another representative from the second Indigenous organization sometime in September. Mr.Carroll made a motion thatthe PNUT Board support the ordinance amendment to Section 2.94.040. Ms. Finch seconded the motion. Ms.Cannon statedthat she preferredto abstainfrom thevote due to outstanding questions related to the number of seats on the Board. Mr.Scrivner asked clarifying questions regarding meeting rules and procedures. Ms. Hart explained that as the motion stands,there would not be seats added;if they wanted to add them,then the draft ordinance amendment would need to be changed. Ms. Rikerfurther explained that the ordinance was intended to be more informational for now. Mr.Scrivner made a substitute friendly motion stating that the PNUT Board would be happy to explore the draft ordinance amendment, seeing there are still outstanding questions related to the draft. Ms. Hart asked staff to clarify rules on committee procedures. Luke Allen stated that a motion can be made on any item that is listed on the agenda. Further Board discussion continued. Ms. Pehrson asked a clarifying question related to the at-large positions. Ms. Riker and Ms.Cleveland further clarified the intent of the draft language. Ms.Cannon made an amendment to the original motion made by Mr. Carroll that Ms. Cleveland incorporate the Board's recommendations into a new draft,whereupon the Board will then vote upon that second draft ordinance amendment during the August PNUT Board meeting as a formal action item. Mr.Scrivner seconded the motion. Ms.Cleveland stated that she would be happy to further discuss specific changes and questions that the Board or individual Board members have regarding the draft amendment during office hours leading up to the PNUT Board's August meeting. The PNUT Board voted in favor of Ms.Cannon's motion 7-1, with Mr.Carroll voting against and Aaron Wiley and Ms. Hart abstaining. Ms. Hart declared that PNUT Board members are to use the next few weeks leading up to the August PNUT Board meeting to reach out to Ms.Cleveland as well as to each other to further discuss the issue. The Boardthanked Ms.Cleveland and Ms. Rikerfor theirtime and Ms. Hart moved onto the next agenda item. 5—Board Discussion and Action Items 6:25 PM Continued Board Chair Discussion 15 min Ms. Hart asked whether Ms. Hewson would be interested in taking over the chairmanship. Ms. Hewsonaskedfor more information about the issue. Ms. Binnebose stated that,since she is the current vice chair,she could step into the chair position temporarily until Decemberwhen regular elections are held. Ms. Hart reiterated that she is happy to stay in the chair position until there is a replacement.The Board agreed that this was the best course of action and Ms. Hart moved onto the next agenda item. 6—Confirmation of Next Meeting,Board Comments&Future Agenda Items 6:40 PM Board subcommittee updates as needed • Trails subcommittee There are no updates currently. • Bylaws subcommittee There were no updates and the board asked that this item be removed from future agendas. • Communication subcommittee Ms. Binnebose stated that some of issues pertaining to this agenda item were increasing access with better contacts,file sharing,and scheduling a standing meeting. Ms. Binnebose and Mr.Allen agreed to connect off line regarding this item. Board comment and question period Ms. Pehrson asked whether the Board had established subcommittee for the Foundation. Ms. Finch responded that they had taken formal vote agreeing that she would be reporting back to the Board on an ad-hoc basis,and that she would be sharing report with the Board sometime after August. Mr.Carroll revisited the Allen Park agenda item,suggesting shuttles in response tothe parking issues at the park. Ms. Hart mentioned that this would be a good agenda item for next month. Ms.Cannon requested a funding analysis from Public Lands Financial Manager Gregg Evans related to disparate investment in Westside parks. Mr.Allen stated that there is an intern that is looking into this area and who could present at the Aug ust or September PNUT Board meeting. Ms. Pehrson referenced former University of Utah Planning professor Ivis Garcia's report on Westside Parks that she would be able to share with other Board members. Ms. Pehrson announced that the Poplar Grove sports court survey is still live online. Ms. Binnebose referenced a constituent who sent an email to CJ and herself regarding Miller Park and fire mitigation during fireworks season.She would like to follow up with Kat Maus on this. Mr.Allen announced that after 42 years of serving the Public Lands Department, Lee Bollwinkel is retiring. Mr. Bollwinkel's retirement sendoff will be August 121" and PNUT Board members are invited. Next meeting:August 4, 2022 Request for future agenda item Allen Park—in-depth transportation discussion Westside parks funding analysis 7—Adjourn 7:00 PM Ms. Finch moved to adjourn the PNUT Board meeting. Ms. Binnebose seconded the motion and the PNUT Board meeting was officially adjourned. - Public Lands C'►SIT Parks I Trails&Natural Lands I Urban Forestry I Golf Staff Responsesto Public Comments from the July 7,2022 PHUT Board Meeting Dan Schelling Dan introduced themselves as a resident of Salt Lake City Avenues and welcomed new board members. Dan stated that they wanted people to know that next Wednesday,July 13,at the Greater Avenues Council Committee Meeting at 6pm, the meeting will open with a 45-minute period dubbed "the Foothills Forum." Public Lands Recreationa I Trails ManagerTyler Fona row will be speaking at this forum. Also present at the Greater Avenues Council Meeting will be a members of the Salt Lake Trails Alliance as well as Save Our Foothills, whom Dan will be representing.The meeting with be virtual. Dan also thanked Ms. Hart for her service to the PNLIT Board. Ms. Hart thanked Dan and requested they send her a link to the meeting so that she could distribute it to the rest of the Board. Billy Kurek Billy introduced themselves tothe Board as resident of District 1 in Salt Lake City. Billy explained that this is their first time attending a PNUT Board meeting and just wanted to initiate engagement withthe Board. Billy further stated that Salt Lake City's Westside has underserved Parks resources and would like to know what kinds of plans the Board must revitalize certain areas such as Riverside Park where there is a lot of drug use and trash in the area. Ms. Hart requested that Billy please provide their email address to Public Lands Department staff sothat we can make sure their question is answered via email. Kristin Riker, Director of Public Lands,explained that the common practice is for staff to generate a written response to public commenters and then to include that written response in the publicly posted minutes. Mr.Carroll also mentioned that either the Mayor or City Council is going to have a Townhall on the Westside. Billy stated that they were simply curious with how the PNUT Board interfaces with some of the policy on the Westside as far as taking action is concerned. Ms. Hart explained that the PNUT Board in an advisory board, so generally speaking,it is not a policymaking entity.The Board acts as a conduit to channel public information and communication to the Parks when there are issues or requests. Billy thanked the Board for their time. Ms. Riker mentioned that Billy might consider staying for the Park Ranger Update portion of the Board meeting. Seeing no further public comment, Ms. Hart moved onto the next agenda item. Staff Responses: No staff responses are necessary for these comments. Public Lands Staff appreciates these two comments and looks forward to continuing to work with each commenter.