8/4/2022 - Meeting Minutes y
Salt Lake City Art Design Board Meeting
August 4,2022
5:00—7:00 pm
Webex Online
PRESENT: Tiffini Porter Meggie Troili Alejandro Moya
Michael Mejia Angela Dean
EXCUSED: Colour Maisch
Staff Members
Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez,Public Art Program Manager
Felicia Baca,Arts Council Director
Brenda Alavez,Public Art Program Coordinator
I. Call to Order and Welcome 5:00 pm 5 mins
Ms. Meggie Troilli called the meeting to order.
II. Approval of July 7",2022 Minutes(Action) 5:05 pm 2 mins
Mr. Alejandro Moya motioned to approve the minutes as written,Ms. Tiffini Porter seconded, and all Art
Design Board members were in favor.
III. Artwork inventory assessment(Potential Action) 5:07 pm 20 mins
Mr. Renato Olmedo-Gonzalez presented a PowerPoint to discuss the acquisition of the Corten steel sculpture,
Dancing Man by Dave Starks. The sculpture has been part of the Salt Lake City Arts Council for a long time,
situated at the entrance of the Art Barn. It was recently removed due to structural damage and was presented to
the Board for formal accession into the public art collection. This sculpture was created by the prolific Salt
Lake City artist,Dave Starks.
Ms. Felicia Baca informed the Board that there are currently several works that don't have documentation in
the city due largely in part to the fact that different city departments have different ownership over these
works. The Dancing Man sculpture is a city asset that lacks proper documentation; it likely predates the
existence of the Art Design Board. The process of formal accession is the first step in creating a formal paper
trail for this piece. This piece will also set precedent and consistency in accessioning other works through the
Mr. Moya motioned to approve accession of Dancing Man by Dave Starks, seconded by Ms. Porter,and all
Board members were in favor.
IV. Poplar Grove Park Call for Artists draft 5:27 pm 20 mins
Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez informed the Board that after community engagement was conducted,Parks&Public
Lands decided to replace the failing Poplar Grove tennis courts with one tennis court and two pickleball courts.
The Call for Artists for this commission was refined by reducing the artwork goals and selection criteria. Ms.
Baca mentioned that these revisions were focused on creating less restrictive language that was more inclusive.
The reworked language is now more open to interpretation and removes previous language that may have
deterred some from applying. Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez also indicated that the Call for Artists was refined to
focus on the intent and a conceptual proposal as the selected artist will have to work closely with other partners
in the final design. Mr. Moya and Ms. Troilli expressed the need to emphasize in the revised Call that the
project will be a surface mural.
V. Public Comment 5:47 pm 5 mins
No public was present.
VI. Other Business/Adjourn 5:52 pm 8 mins
Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez updated the Board on the Art Design Board vacancy; City Council would be finalizing
their decision for the selected candidate,Ms.Jen Lopez that upcoming Tuesday.
Mr. Olmedo-Gonzalez also discussed with the Board the decision to change the monthly Board meetings to
better accommodate a shift in the availability of Board members. This change would take place in October and
It was announced that a new public art piece was recently installed at the new 600 South TRAX station, The
Crossing by Jiyoun Lee-Lodge. Ms. Baca also informed the Board that this was a project in partnership with
the Redevelopment Agency and the Utah Transit Authority and the artist was commissioned through the Pre-
Qualified Artist Pool. This is part of the ongoing Art-in-Transit projects.
Ms.Angela Dean motioned to close the meeting, seconded by Mr.Moya, and all Board members were in