8/8/2022 - Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES SALT LAKE CITY AND COUNTY BUILDING CONSERVANCY AND USE COMMITTEE ELECTRONIC MEETING HELD, Monday, August 8, 2022 COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT EX OFFICIO MEMBERS PRESENT Jennifer Hale, Chairperson Jim Cleland, SLC Facilities Catherine Tucker, Member Joan Swain, SLC Facilities Kathy Davis, Committee Member Amy Thompson, SLC Planning malt I�al:r Liln&County 16mlbinq Barbara Murphy, Committee Memb r Con5rrbanrn&tusr counniureSean yfe, SLC Engineering John Kemp, Committee Member Steve Cornell, Committee Member Anne Oliver, Committee Member T)alc September 12, 2022 COMMITTEE MEMBERS ABSENT Rob Pett, Committee Member Jennifer Hale, Chairman welcomed everyone to the City and County Building Conservancy and Use Committee Meeting,this Monday, August 8, 2022. Jennifer asked Joan Swain to go through a quick roll call of those present and on the Webex meeting: Joan Swain, SLC Facilities; Amy Thompson, SLC Planning; John Kemp, Committee Member; Kathy Davis, Committee Member; Barbara Murphy, Committee Member; Catherine Tucker, Committee Member; Anne Oliver, Committee Member;Jennifer Hale, Committee Chair;Jim Cleland, SLC Facilities; Steve Cornell, Committee Member. It was noted that there is a quorum present. Sean Fyfe, SLC Engineering joined the meeting in process. Agenda Item 1. Reading of the Anchor Letter by Jennifer Hale. Jennifer noted that the anchor letter had an incorrect date but noted that due to the continued public health emergency related to Covid 19,the meetings are being held in person at the Salt Lake City and County building located at 451 South State Street, Room 542 and via WEBEX virtual meeting. Agenda Item 2. Review and Approval of Meeting Minutes for June 13, 2022. Committee Members were asked to take a minute to review the minutes and if there are any comments or corrections to feel free to bring them forth. Jenny asked if anyone wanted to make a motion. John Kemp motioned to approve the meeting minutes. Barbara Murphy seconded the motion. Jennifer called for a vote. The Committee voted unanimously to approve the meeting minutes for June 13, 2022. Agenda Item 3. City Council Stand-Up Desk Request. Jim Cleland explained that this is a standard stand- up adjustable desk that raises up and down. Before Covid, many people were purchasing these desks so we thought it would be better if we had official approval if this type of desk by the Committee. Anne Oliver was able to share her screen from the link previously sent to Committee Members showing a picture and description of the standup desk. 1 Barbara asked if these desks were just going to be used in individual offices. Jim explained that these would just be used in the private executive offices and not in reception area or staff areas. This request is specifically for the City Council offices. Questions and Answers: Q: Is this something the Committee really needs to be approving because it is furniture? Do we typically look at items that fall into equipment, fixtures, or furniture? A: It is a new type of furniture than what has been approved in the past. The Committee has had control over furniture because there are many people that hate the period furniture and have tried to replace the wingback chairs, the period carpet and wood desks and other items like that so we have brought these discussions to the committee. Q: Don't the Design and Use Guidelines state that this is something that should be reviewed? A: Yes. We just thought we would give the Committee an opportunity to look at this type of desk to make sure you are not opposed to it more than approving it. We will get a lot more requests for this kind of desk so the Committee saying yes these are okay will let us move forward on this. Q: Will this standup desk replace one of the period desks? A: No. Most of those wanting this desk are keeping the period desk and this will go to the side of the period desk. If any period desks are removed, we will put them in storage to keep because the period desks are hard to find. C: Not sure how it was worded in the Design Guidelines but as long these desks are not placed in public areas such as the mayors' reception area or City Council reception area or other sensitive areas. Q: Are we saying yes to standup desks in general or just to this specific standup desk? A: To any standup desk that is consistent with the furnishings,for example matching colors of the existing office and furnishings, C: These are just plastic desks, not wood like the historic furniture and seem cheap. C: Without the Guidelines here, I don't know if we gave a parameter for something like this or not. C: We would struggle find something like this that is built in the style of the existing furniture in the building. I understand the concerns, but we may want to look at those kinds of standup desks that are placed on top of your existing work surface, so it is more a piece of equipment than a piece of furniture to for people to have standup options. C: I'm not opposed to allowing a standup desk I think we just need to help people out with the decision since not all standup desks are equal. C: Historic documents talk about using natural materials as opposed to man-made for instance something that has real wood in it as opposed to plastic laminate. Maybe suggesting that if the desktop was of natural wood, it would work better., but maybe this isn't something we should be concerned about. 2 C: Natural wood would be heavy to be moved up and down. C: I think we are splitting hairs here. The desk is made of steel and plastic wheels and synthetic products. C: The systems furniture that we have in the building are not made of natural materials. They are steel frames with laminate top. C: Again, this is furniture in a private office functioning as a piece of equipment that users have looked at. Something that is reversable and removable should not be an issue. C: It could just be identified it as equipment rather than furnishings. C: When the person leaves do they take it with them? A: They are paying for it with City funds so they shouldn't remove it. C: The chairs that are used in the Cutler room are plastic, aren't they? Barbara suggested she doesn't have a problem with allowing this standup desk if it is in private offices, but we may want people to come back to the Committee if they are wanting it in a more public space like the reception area. The standup desks are okay in the private offices if the historic furniture is not being disposed of. Jennifer asked if someone wants to motion to approve what Barbara just said. Barbara Murphy moved to approve the standup desks in private offices and if they are being suggested for more public spaces like receptions areas they need to come back to this Committee. John Kemp seconded the motion. Jennifer Hale called for a vote of the Committee. The motion was approved. Agent Item 4. Update on Earthquake Repairs Affecting the Cutler Room. Joan Swain shared an email received from Lyndsey Ross in the SLC Attorney's office which suggested that repairs could start as early as October for the 51h floor an estimated to take 4—6 weeks. The Cutler Room would be in blocked of as part of Phase II which could be mid-December to mid-February at which time, we may not have access to the room Sean Fyfe explained that there are a lot of assumptions being made at this time. Once an actual contractor is onboard,the phasing could change significantly. The assumption is that the contractor would want to start at the top and work their way down, but that may not be how they prefer to operate. So, what the attorneys office is telling you is based on our assumption on phasing, and it could change. Joan thanked Sean for the update and welcomed Sean to the meeting and acknowledged that he joined the meeting a little after the meeting began. 3 Agenda Item 5. Election of officers (Chair and Vice Chair). Jennifer explained that elections are supposed to happen every August, but we sort of got off with not meeting in person, odd schedules and we have not had a vice chair for quite a while. In the past we have had someone either volunteer or someone suggest or nominate a new chairperson. Barbara Murphy nominated John Kemp for Chairperson. John Kemp suggested he would not mind doing it, but his challenge is that he moved his office down to Utah County and so being up here for this meeting would be difficult. Barbara asked if Vice Chair would be better. John suggested he would be willing to do it, but just wanted the Committee to be aware of his circumstance since his office is in Lindon now. Catherine Tucker suggested that she is happy to volunteer to help and noted that after looking down the list and seeing that she is the newest member with the longest time ahead, it may make more sense for her to wait until she knows the ropes a little better. She noted that Rob Pett sent a note asking for a list of the Committee Members and term limits. Joan asked if everyone had a chance to the list that she sent out after the original email that showed the list of committee members and the dates of the terms. Joan read the list as follows: Rob Pett has been serving since 2015 and his 2nd term expires September 2023; Catherine Tucker, as mentioned is the newest member started serving in 2022 and her 1st term expires in July 2026;Jennifer Hale has been serving since 2016 and her 2nd term expires in 2024; Barbara Murphy has been serving since 2016 and her 2nd term expires July 2024; Steven Cornell has been serving since 2013 and his 2nd term expires in September 2023; Anne Oliver serving since 2015 and her term 2nd expires April 2024; John Kemp serving since 2016 and his 2nd term expires July 2024; and Kathy Davis serving since 2021 and her 1st term expired July 2025. Jennifer asked Anne Oliver if she has any interest in the Chair position. Anne explained that she does not have any time for this position. Anne suggested that Steve Cornell has been on the Committee for a long time and has not held a position. Steve told the Committee that he would be willing to serve. John Kemp suggested that Steve and Catherine would be a great team. Catherine suggested that it would be better for her to wait a few more years. Anne Oliver nominated Steve Cornell for Chair and John Kemp for Vice Chair. Barbara seconded the nomination. The Committee voted unanimously to accept the nominations. Barbara Murphy motion to adjourn. John Kemp seconded the motion. The Committee voted unanimously to adjourn the meeting. 4