August 24, 2022 at 5:30 p.m.
City & County Building
451 South State Street, Room 326
Salt Lake City, Utah 84111
(The order of the items may change at the Commission's discretion)
This meeting will be held in person at the City & County Building and online. If you are interested
in watching the Planning Commission meeting it will be available on the following platforms:
• YouTube: www.youtube.com/slclivemeetings
• SLCty Channel 17 Live: www.slctv.com/livestream/SLCty-Live/2
If you are interested in participating virtually during the Public Hearing portion of the meeting connect with us on
Webex at:
If you are unable to attend in person but would like to submit comments regarding an item on the agenda,
please email your comments to the staff contact listed for each item or provide general comments to
DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 p.m. in Room 326 of
the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on
city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission.
Training: Civil Enforcement and Zoning
Petition Initiation: Drive Throughs in the CSHBD Zoninq District - The Planning Commission will
discuss initiating a petition to amend the zoning ordinance related to drive thru restaurants in the Sugar
House Business District. The commission may discuss the impact the land use has on the purpose
statement of the zoning district and the Sugar House Community Plan and whether the land use is
appropriate in the zoning district. The Commission may vote to initiate a zoning amendment to address
issues discussed. (Staff contact: Nick Norris, Planning Director nick.norris@slcgov.com or 801-535-6173)
PLANNING COMMISSION DISCUSSION - The Commissioners may discuss planning, zoning, and
general land use items that are not listed on the agenda. This discussion will be limited to no more than 10
minutes. There is no public discussion associated with this item.
1. Planned Development at approximately 1146 S Redwood Rd - Tyler McArthur, the property
owner, with Manifest Development is requesting Planned Development approval for Dawson
Place, a multi-family townhome style development, located at the above-stated address. The
proposed design consists of a total of 10 buildings with 58 new townhome units. The subject
property is approximately 1.85 acres in size and located in the CC (Commercial Corridor) zoning
district. Planned Development approval is required for this project due to proposed principal
buildings without street frontage and additional building height. The CC district allows a maximum
height of 30 feet. The applicant is proposing approximately 1 foot of extra height. The subject
property is located within Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff contact: Liz Hart
at 801-535-6681 or elizabeth.hart@slcgov.com) Case number PLNPCM2022-00366
2. Lotus Alchemy Design Review and Planned Development at approximately 18, 28, & 54 W
700 South - Grant Wise, representing the property owner Lotus Greenline LLC, has
submitted Design Review and Planned Development applications to develop the above-stated
property. The project site is in the D-2 (Downtown Support) zoning district. The building will have
two structured parking levels with 250 parking stalls and 214 residential units in the 5 levels above.
The proposed project also incorporates a public mid-block pedestrian walkway that runs north-
south along the eastern property line.
A. Design Review: The proposed building is approximately 76 feet in height. Buildings over
65 feet in height must go through the Design Review process. The applicant is also
requesting to modify the maximum length of a street-facing facade. Case number
B. Planned Development: Planned Development approval is required to exceed the
maximum parking allowed in the D-2 zoning district. Case number PLNPCM2022-00489
The project is located within Council District 4, represented by Ana Valdemoros. (Staff contact:
Krissy Gilmore at 801-535-7780 or Kristina.gilmore@slcgov.com)
3. Design Review at approximately 370 S West Temple- Brian Miller, of Solomon Cordwell Buenz
Architects, representing the property owners, is requesting Design Review approval for a hotel at
the above-stated address. The proposal is for a 10-story, 209-room hotel with restaurant
and amenity space. The property is in the D-1 (Central Business District) zoning district. The
project requires Design Review approval as it is proposed as approximately 129 feet tall. Mid-
block buildings over 100' tall, are permitted only with Design Review approval by the Planning
Commission. The subject property is located within Council District 4, represented by Ana
Valdemoros. (Staff contact: Eric Daems at 801-535-7236 or eric.daems@slcgov.com) Case
number PLNPCM2022-00422
4. Zoning Map Amendment at approximately 856 W. 1300 South -Jordan Atkin, with the property
owner TAG SLC, is requesting a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the property located at the
above address from the existing R-1-5,000 (Single-family Residential District) to FB-UN-1 (Form
Based Urban Neighborhood District).The applicant intends to construct a townhome development
(Single-family Attached Residential) of 6 dwellings if the map amendment is approved. The
subject property is located within City Council District 2, represented by Alejandro Puy. (Staff
Contact: Lex Traughber at 801-535-6184 or lex.traughber@slcgov.com) Case number
5. Downtown Building Heights&Street Activation Text Amendment- The Mayor, at the request
of the City Council, initiated an amendment to the allowed building heights, required design
features, and public space activation within the Downtown Master Plan area. This proposal
includes amendments to the following zoning districts: D-1, D-2, D-3, D-4, CG, FBUN1, and
FBUN2. Additionally, the proposed code revisions aim to accommodate growth and respond to
new development pressures, while developing standards for public spaces. Changes seek to
have a positive impact on human-scale orientation, pedestrian accessibility, and community
character. (Staff contact: Kelsey Lindquist at kelsey.lindquist@slcgov.com) Case number
For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division's website at slc.goy/planning/public-
meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified,
which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.