9/21/2022 - Meeting Agenda INIERNATIDNAI Advisory Board Meeting September 21, 2022 Agenda INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting September 21, 2022 Pursuant to City Code 2.14.o6o(A) and Utah Code section 52-4-207(2),the Airport Advisory Board adopted a rule permitting electronic meetings for this Board,regardless of whether a quorum is present at an anchor location, so long as such meetings comply with the Open and Public Meetings Act. To access the meeting please visit: https:Hsaltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakecity/onstage/g.php?MTID=e2d2b7a841 daa219965 23495a5c4fc472 INTERNAT10NAI ADVISORY BOARD MEETING AGENDA 21 September 2022 9:00 A.M. CONSENT A. Minutes of the 03 August 2022 Meeting DISCUSSION A. Director's Report — Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, SLCDA B. Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Update — Mike Williams, ARP Director, SLCDA C. Phase IV Overview & Gates- Shane Andreasen, Director of Airport Administration/Commercial Service D. Amended Financial Terms & Next Steps- Brian Butler, Chief Financial Officer INFORMATION ITEMS Air Traffic Statistics — July 2022 Construction Report —August 2022 MEDIA CLIPPINGS Media Clippings — August 2022 The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, October19, 2022, at 9:00 a.m. Meetings are usually held in the Board Room, located on the third level of the airport terminal and via Web-ex unless otherwise posted. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodations no later than 48 hours in advance in order to attend this Airport Advisory Board Meeting. Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids. This is an accessible facility. For questions or additional information, please contact Brett Christensen at 801-575-2042. INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting August 03, 2022 Minutes SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS MINUTES OF ADVISORY BOARD MEETING August 3, 2022 Members Present: Steve Price, Chair Cyndy Miller* Theresa Foxley John Bradshaw Karen Mayne Dirk Burton Mayor's Office Rachel Otto* City Council Sam Owen* Victoria Petro-Eschler Department of Airports: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director Brett Christensen, Executive Assistant Treber Anderson, Director of Operations Medardo Gomez, ORAT Director Brady Fredrickson, Director of Planning and Environmental Pete Higgins, Chief Operations Officer Mike Williams, ARP Program Director Nancy Volmer, Communication and Marketing Director Melyssa Trnayskis, Director of Design and Construction Mgmt. Mgmt Kristen Elder, Management Analyst Brian Butler, Chief Financial Officer* Shane Andreasen, Director of Admin. and Commercial Services* Services* Megan DePaulis, Senior City Attorney* Joel Nelson, Property and Real Estate Manager* Brady George, Battalion Chief* Other: Mike Taylor, Visitor Kory Cox, HOR Inc. Tony Montano, Visitor Peter Maiman, RS&H* Steven Domino, RS&H* Kelsey Reeves, RS&H* Steve Price called the meeting, held in-person at the SLCDA Admin Offices Board Room and via Webex, to order at 9:06 a.m. (* indicates the party attended virtually) AGENDA A. Minutes A motion was made by Cyndy Miller and seconded by Steve Price to approve the minutes of April 20, 2022, and May 18, 2022, as presented. All votes were affirmative; motion passed. B. Director's Report Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, updated the Airport Advisory Board regarding current events, the status of Phase 4 of the Airport Redevelopment Program, and indicators that business travel is returning. Theresa Foxley asked how an economic slowdown might impact our forecast through 2023. Wyatt explained that a negative impact was unlikely for the remainder of the year because passengers typically book their flights well in advance. And while the price of oil may affect our operation, the Airport is well-positioned to withstand an economic slowdown. C.Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Update—Mike Williams,ARP Director, SLCDA Mike Williams, Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Director, presented an update on the ARP (presentation on file). Main points included were: • Safety and Schedule Stats, and Cost Summary • Near Term Schedule Milestones • ARP Overall Budget • Concourse `A' East/Central Tunnel/Airfield • Concourse `B' East • Overall Phase 2 and Phase 3 Phased Delivery • Job progress photos Price inquired about the status of Phase 4. Wyatt stated that we've done the preliminary engineering and architectural work, but the location of the 16-gate expansion is occupied by the hardstand operation so a lot of work remains to be done. D. U42/TVY Master Plans Facility Requirement Update—Brady Fredrickson,Director of Planning and Environmental, SLCDA and Kelsey Reeves and Peter Maiman,Aviation Consultants,RS&H Brady Fredrickson, Director of Planning and Environmental, SLCDA and Kelsey Reeves and Peter Maiman, Aviation Consultants, RS&H presented an update on the U42/TVY Master Plans Facility Requirement Update. Main points included were: • Tooele Valley Airport(TVY) High Growth Forecast • South Valley Regional Airport(U42) High Growth Forecast • Critical Aircraft Validated • Planning Activity Levels • TVY Facility Requirements o Airspace and Instrument Procedures o Navigational Aids o Runway o RPZ and Pavement Strength o Taxiways o Hangars o Tenant Survey Validated GA Strategy Plan o Landside Access o FBO & Support Facilities o Fuel Storage o Utilities o Land Use • U42 Facility Requirements o Runway Length o Runway Capacity o Runway Wind Coverage o Runway o Taxiway Geometry o Airspace and Approach Capability o Other NAVAIDs o Runway Protection Zone o Support Facilities o Aircraft Parking and Storage o Vehicle Parking o Next Steps Miller inquired, with the number of hangar requests received, when we expect to reach Passenger Activity Level (PAL) 1. Brady Fredrickson indicated that it would not be for a while because of the amount of space available at TVY. Foxley asked where the Bureau of Land Management(BLM) offices are located, and who is delivering the water to TVY. Fredrickson explained the BLM offices are in trailers at TVY and the city of Grantsville is delivering the water. Foxley then questioned whether or not Grantsville is the land use authority for TVY. Fredrickson stated the authority is primarily with Erda City, but also includes parts of Grantsville, Tooele City, and Tooele County. Price inquired about the Airport Overlay Zones (AOZs) listed on the TVY AOZ drawing. Fredrickson noted they are various zones intended to protect aviation airspace. Wyatt asked Peter Maiman to explain what TRACON does. Maiman stated the Terminal Radar Approach Control Facilities (TRACON) are run by the FAA and control an aircraft as it enters or leaves the airport environment. John Bradshaw inquired about aircraft navigation on smoggy days. Maiman confirmed pilots can do an instrument departure or approach in those conditions. Dirk Burton asked if there are any issues extending the runway at U42 to the north. Maiman acknowledged there is opportunity for extension to the north and stated that he wasn't aware of any obstructions. Burton wondered what other enhancements at U42 are needed to encourage more business. Maiman said potential enhancements for better approaches and departures are being considered. Bradshaw asked if the expansion at U42 is going to be on the north side of the shade hangar. Maiman answered yes, that's where the starting point is. Steve Price adjourned the meeting at 10:24 a.m. Steve Price, Chair Date Erin Mendenhall, Mayor Date INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting September 2i, 2022 Discussion Items AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (A) DATE: 21 September 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Executive Director's Report Bill Wyatt, Executive Director, will present a monthly informational report to the Board, which may include: 1. ARP progress 2. Ground transportation update 3. Concessions and rental cars 4. Airport safety and security 5. Airport facilities and operations 6. General aviation 7. Passenger and airport users 8. Environmental matters 9. Financial condition 10. Legislative issues 11. Airlines 12. Communications and marketing AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (B) DATE: 21 September 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Airport Redevelopment Program Update Mike Williams, Airport Redevelopment Program (ARP) Director, will present an update on the SLC Airport Redevelopment Program (presentation on file). K r V�j L)OPMEN 111 1'St_ • . _,_ .. _- _ .�_: .---�:�:- ,. -,�8t� - - d 09/21 /2022 ~ - , -• 9- L � - `mil - - _ 'y_ -.. `•- - - ' -_ IL .J i Safety , Statistics and Schedule Safety Statistics Numbers for June - OSHA National Average - Lost Time Rate 1 .60 Recordable Rate 2.50 - HDJV Metrics I& - - - - - 9,618,339 Total Trade Hours worked - Lost Time Rate 0.22 Rcordable Rate 2.30 Trade Hours for the Program ral d4 Y I - ARP Metrics (HDJV+AOJV) }_ - 11 ,779,954 Total Trade Hours worked � - Trade Workers on SiteW-Adk _ t - 775 Trade Wor e5l ding 9/09/2 - chedule Status - Critical Path .max # Completion of Fiber Backbone and Horizontal �Cable,Ih.4tallaliona riorit CoMmu p Y - Energize Permanent Power - Concourse 113' East (Phase 3) Slab-on-Grade oncrete Placemen f � - Start of Concourse 113' (Phase 3) Structural Steel Erection - Overall Program is on schedule r jo. Target Date F Current Date Description 09/12/22 Complete Concourse A East Permanent Power Available 09/28/22 Complete Concourse B East (Phase 3) - Start Steel Erection 09/14/22 09/14/22 Concourse AEast - Lvl 1 Area C CR Rm Terminate/Test Horizontal Cables 10/07/22 1 10/07/22 lConcourse B East (Phase 3) - Issue Sky Club Expansion Complete Design fc 10/18/22 10/18/22 Concourse AEast - Lvl 1 Area C CR Rm - Startup Cooling Unit 1 i - 10/27/22 10/27/22�., Concourse B East (Phase 3) - Issue Sky Club Expansion Complete De 10/31/22 10/31/22 Taxiway HRehabilitation. - Complete Middle 11/01/22 11/01/22 Concourse AEast - Complete Paving Area F mow11/09/22 11/09/22 lComplete Taxilane 2E Fill-in Lane Paving Airport Redevelopment Program Overall Budget - - - - - �j � -- Construction Budget Budget Committed Commitments *Pending Revised Earned Estimate at August 2022 9/8/22 FOC Jul-22 Aug-22 Commitments Commitments to Date Completion Cased TRP CGMPs i,2,2A-2D,3,4,5,7,9,09A,12 $1,532,021,660 $1,532,021,660 $0 $0 $1,532,021,660 $1,532,021,660 $1,532,021,660 Dose NCP''CGMPs 13,14,15,16,17, 18 &19 $487,852,444 $487,852,444 $0 $0 $487,852,444 W7,852444 $487,852r444 M — 110 itCGMP 2E,F&H CMAR General Conditions/Services $107,642,170 60 $0 affr�$10OA10,170 $34,222,836 $107,642,170 CGMP 06 Parking Garage,Roadways,CUP $403,477, $405,856,439 _ $0 ($2,37 ,)731 _ �$403,477,666 $401,115,592 —$403,477,666 CGMP 10 South Concourse East/Tunnel Shell 46- $554,410,04 $540,188,144 '$14,221,903 $0 $554A10,047 $369,439,662 $554,410,047 CGMP 11, 11A&11B Apron Pavin Fueling $275,423,126 $203,341,893 $0 $0 $203,341,893 $132,043,954 $275,423,126 CGMP 19A Phase 3 NCP/Tunnel Buildout 7'-4 $332,870,248 $332,870,248 $0 $0 $332,870,248 $52,223,056 $332,870,248 CGMP 20 NCP Phase 2 Air eld Paving&Jet Fu 1 $77,645,774 $77,645,774 $0 $0 $77,645,774 $6,191,900 $77,645,774 Total Prolram Constructi 3 771,343,135 $3,680,186,772 $14,221,903 ($2,378,773) $3,692,029,902 $3,01� 104- -$3,771,343,135 TRP Owner Procurement $5,472,527 $5,335,71 $136,813 $0 $5,472,527 $4,808,421 $5,472,527 NCP Owner Procurement $3,039,266 -$3,039 = $0 ��$3,0 9,266 $1,860,182 $3,039,266 Security Checkpoint Equipment +� $12,506,042 $11,751,472 -� � $0 _ $11,751,472 $7,848,061 $12,506,042 R * r Autom urity Exit Door Equipment $917,430 r $917,430 $0 $917,430 $0 $917,430 TRP Soii ft Cost $379,249,010 $322,541,465 $3,831,555 $0 $326,373,020- $299,700,378 $379,249,010 1 � 1t ' 1 2 1 NCP Soft Cost $ 85,593,794 $994,595 _��� $0 $ 39, 9, $ 09,593, 66 $ 85,593,794 Total Program Soft =- $586,778,069 $482,230,375 $4,962,963 $0 $487,193,338 $423,810,308 $586,778,069 _ CGMP 2G CMAR Preconstruction Phas $1,414,757 $1,414,757 $0 $0 $1,414,757 $1,073,803' $1,424,757 + NCP Soft Cost Phase 4 _ $16,547,016 $16,547,016 ($7,485) $0 $16,539,531 $10,384,122 $16,547,016 , Total Phase 4 Planning Cost $17,961,773 $17,961,773 ($7,485) $0 $17,954,288 $11,457,925 $17,961,773 TRP Owner Reserve I $25,813,342 $0 $04 $0 $0 $0 $25,813,342 NCP Owner Reserve $50,076,743 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $50,076,743 Total Program Owner Reserve $75,890,085 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $75,890,085 Total ARP Program Budget $4,451,973,062 $4,180,378,920 $19,177,381 ($2,378,773) $4,197,177,528 $3,450,379,337 $4,451,973,062 *Pending Commitment for Final/Closeout Revision to CGMP 6 will reduce the CGMP 6 commitment to the 09/02/21 Budget Concourse 'A' East/ Central Tunnel/Airfield Central Tunnel • Moving Walkway Installation Progressing - Last Set being Installed • Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing Hangar Installation Progressing • HVAC Ductwork Installation Progressing • Fire Protection Inst �o Progressing • Started Prep to fill in O'ut Access Hole Concourse 'A' East l • Mechanical, Electrical an umbingBE � - BHS Early Bag Storage Conveyor Installation Progressin y R t t r' Curtainwall Installati � n Nearing Comp a ion ` ,4 g g p oving Walks Installed through Far East End - = = . e r r. — S IT/Special ecial Systems Cabinet/Cablin Insta n Pro ressin -' _ p Y �#- g g h . Ceiling Grid and Colum er Installation ntinuing f l Terrazzo Installation in Main Circulation Areas Progressing Restroom Fixture, Millwork, Toilet Partitions and Mirror Installation Progressing Concourse 'A' East/ Central Tunnel/Airfield Airfield • Site Utilities Progressing • Hydrant Fuel Syste"94prof Loop around Concourse East Complete • Airfield P st/West Taxilane Production Paving Progres g - Airfield Pa ut d � 'de oncourse � Progressing _ --- ntral 1unne - Main Area Compl. , axiwa �H' for R ilitat� � �y , , ties Prog in - - --ram � Y Concourse ` B ' East ( Phase 3 IIS Cone-mirse - East • Gate ( Phase 3) - �V' + f Completed Pile Driving for Sky Club Expansion Elevator Pit and Foundation Formwork and Concrete Placement Progressing Av�-� Building Deep Unde und MEP Progressing h ! + 4_ rkW _4,All .� rr �r Slabmon=Grade Concre � PI , � rim, Continui __M w-- -d -.a e c trilO Tjq ILI AW _.. 4 F - �. me i. wx - Baggage Make-up BUS PICK UP FOR Operational May 2024 HARDSTANDS (B21) Ft 33 35 B7 69 611 B13 815 B11 B19 On825 127 RN i 1 , 46 CURRENT GATES OPEN GATES OPEN SPRING OF 2023 CONCOURSE B ONCOURSE B EASTJ is GATES OPEN FALL OF 2023 '� $ • GATES OPEN FALL OF 2024 ,I - ------- - - -_ - - __� GATES OPEN FALL OF 2025 B2 B4 B8 IN B10 B12 B14 816 618 820 Bi B26 B28 630 B32 Open Gate B24 May 2024 1 I 1 TAXILANE TO OPEN * # High Speed BHS Conveyor CENTRAL TUNNEL DEC 2022 g p Y OPENING OCT 2024 Operational May 2024 F A19 A21A Al A3 A5 A7 A9 41' 1 3 A15 A17 A19 ' A21 A23 A25 A27 A20 A31 A33 A35 A37 A39 M1 M3 A45 M7 - 01 I NCOURSE A ONCOURSE A I Ie o 1 ` � ��� --�-5��'-�.� + w-7-wwww�--w����.ww-wwww-ww �-�� -- ww �► -w w i A2 M A8 A8 MO A% M4 A18 A18 AM An A24 AX AM AM AM A34 A38 A38 AIO w M4 TERMINAL Concourse 7_ .. ........ a ••" i SEA 14 11-01 i FAr rpr tip _Awr \ 7 \ _ I '�r3 � r �... �� �`� / -.. � �' rt J� �� -9�t" �C1, r F •e'['—� �_. " tr� ��VJ' � -�\•�� s' L 41 Sm- qh aft Mir jr lif f _r _ - - 10 yy r Ac Airfield tivities J,0690=0 oom W `C � 1 M ,t .t r CGMP 1IA, SCE North, P 306 Light-Duty pavement CGMP 11A, Area ##2, D-702 channel drain, P-610 section, Lanes "AV", "AW", "AT" placement. A CGMP 11A, Areas##2,##3 P-501 prep for Lane "M'" CGMP 11, SCE South, P-306 Lane "BD" 11 Concourse B ( Phase 3 ) Footprint I I ZIr. Ts— *00` In VP_ 7AM­ AIL Iwo rAw 10Ar fi I` CA� v — 0.6Zt TA-, �77_i;, glop - Ilk {�� "tip ISM Ar son 12 �r / - L � •� 7 n � , Concourse A East Interior Progress SLCe Terminal Security Exit Doors SLCca �; I, - I I I r. OIfLYy LY EXIT gNIY EXIT ONLY EXIT LY EXITEXIT N EXIT ONLY Xu EXIT IT ONLY — ONLY NLY nn r IT O X Aok LY 0 IF[ XAAL[xm MXI I rolXf p XO A[ ( r�r 'IXA _ url r THIS me NOR" I - � XOA.FF aXF x xnr rur F rxr xrs rXIX u rur ro r Msr rxls I ro Xr v v HMIs roam I� i - ur rXls rolXr r irws TINT I J I Iq" '��ifl�lEll lfid� s ,•I �I � I — I . i t. 4 Y. AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (C) DATE: 21 September 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Phase IV Overview & Gates Shane Andreasen, Director of Airport Administration/Commercial Services, will present an update on Phase IV Overview and Gates (presentation on file). K r i • MAI ILI i - - AMEN M AI I RY BOARE) Ame .J i Phase IV Overview & Gates — Shane Andreasen Phase IV — High Level Summary • 16 Gate Expansion to Concourse B ( Formerly 15 Gates) - • Final Gates Built Until Concourse C ( 20+ Year Timeline) • 94 Contact Gates / 5 Hardstand Positions When Complete • Adequate Airline Support Spac - cessi rage on Level 1 'M Aoi A 1500 SF Coh'ciq' -S,5i � p r 10 Third Party Lounge w/ 00tttdr """ Phase IV Level 1 Program 1 _ - r ..-. . l B31 '" . g,�3 :''' -- B35 B - r B4# B43 B45 -i- s r. i•C�- �Wrr TM X : : ' , w `:e 3 -...- - 1:•00 '-_• 9f :. gyp. 3 1 . 30 - ----- ---------- qT L q q w� :i I I � —_— —�—� I I yl I I Imo- I � � � I ••�I I i 0 -- _ - -- -- --- - - ' y,of --- - - - --- -- - --- - fi� -�i" � — �-gyp= q, _ � r - - �- - � ----�— ��.. v — — — _ — — ---- ---- — — — — — b .. .3E �' o ► _. y -- —= _=1 TI4-1 V SEC J S TOR A•I I 1 I IS OR A SE( I f ;I s cTo f I I R SEGO t.J f m CECTORtD I ' I �I j ' f .16 a -. M 1 $34 836 4 B44' B46' 64$ 4 , ------------- Phase IV Level 1 Hardstand Employee Bus Plaza I4i, YlEiD - ---- ,b Ili �6 11� --------- - .0 .V o 1aa1 a� a�����+ i -- -- ------- T`� 5a'E' 74-0' 1 NO 35O• 390 NO 35O' 351V V • u , ' I I Q/ ,�/ e I y, -av I/ II FACILITIECM ANT — LO 9so i I r I I it '-I�8 .I I TRANSFER INPUT 31 0 SF I ,zz QI Y i_Y q-i Y N f II Y Y_i Y 1 1 U i Y'- s 1 I ♦ O CONCESSION �Fr}� 1 I nuIIIIII II HsrAla I ^! i - I , 1 15525E II Y I I I I I II i Y ILIJI '�I%� � -_-, e LE— Y Ii 1 '�S F III L 1 H L ROOM ' I I I I 529S — _ ___' _u _ I _ _ I y' I 1 y+1 � I AIRLWEI;sLc O � �I_I�—iJ �I'.JULI.,t_lU �IUJ�.� ----4 --- --- - - - - -— - - - - - I - - - - - - - - _ - - I 1 1 ' LINE OPS-SLC j Lt 2 _ _) B258 j RESTROOM ES 28 OO ESTR 1503 SF I ezaz SF ezes _ - - - - - ELEC -- _ AB208N' S18NEB—B- - 82BT OCR 2R +. _ _ 17S4F_ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ f_-- __T_ _ _ ------- STAIR -- � 428$F UNASSIGN D , 1 B1'a � B185 1 8 I 1 Bv� 730 SF -i � SF�- 4 i )OM -__= UNASSIONEDE L _ I _ — _ — _1— _ —_ --___1-- ---_—_—_ 'FB205 ; TRANSFOT _ -- _ K , INP 1480 SF I t21 1�11 dot4----- y ----------------{------------------------------- 1 F E RISER R B178 192 SF 1 � _—______________________T � Y Phase IV — Level 2 Program 0 �0 � � � � � � � � •!'W' �` 0 �0 0 0 0 � �.� � © 0 �F,.h ,� I'*J`� �� � /�':J 0 © � � 0 © 0 0 � 001-- -• III © ----- IN al4 0 0 0 0 mom 1111111111111 111111111111111111 :: Ip�l" w' ------------------ w u w � - � � ee ielie a •• —— FR.RNIN'llllll 111111111111111111 r •• :• s .. .. .. .. .. .. N tl i\ . •I 0. ¢. O l pppp •. � Y Phase IV — Level 3 Program I - - uu j ♦ � i ��II °° �� a �II� ss" ilk. ,,, e INI II 1 Ili ii; _ I�ri ►�J' ��� .�,.: �� ' ��� p I A� A� DL DL DL DL DL OL uA ' ua I x k � I }. • I l iII-�•N SJ.J �� a a I r•l f, I i�' yF. 'r •. I' I j - 4---_ --- -------- -- --- ---------------------- ----------------------------- AS AS A DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 DL . OL OL DL UA uA # r I lk j i j l pL DL DL DL DLL QL aL Q< L �L dL M k 4t D aL QL aL DL L DL DLL DL I I I OIL- y III CmI _ Al F - t L p DL TALI!T.tiE X? Hardstand GaM B45 81 B3 85 B7 89 B11 B13 B1S B17 B•_ 821 823 825 827 829 B31 B33 83S B37 B39 841 B43 k � � w _ _`�: 4'. •-^ 4 Gates2 Gates 'Gates Jan 2027 Oct 2025 Jan 2026 t -W7 ConppurSe 8 Concourse B - ARP Phase 3 Concourse B - ARP Phase 4 1 1 1 ? q - '-s k 44 , 3 Gates 5 Gates - October 2024 Jan Gates 5 Gates--Jan 2027 � yT 1 # Yl I •t �j wo 62 84 i 86 Be LS Bib 1 812 814 B16 B18 820 822 :824 ; B26 B28 830 832 B34 836 Bag B40 842 B44 846 B48 138' 1 1 1 I AXILANE 2:' 1 1 1 1 ( 1 1 245' i � 1 T.ikll.•itiE 21 1 1 1 1 V,125 A1K'.', 1 1 1 1 138' 1 1 Al A3 AS A7 A9 All A13 1 A17 A19 A21 A23 A25 I j AV A29 A31 A33 A35 AN A39 A41 A 3 A46 AN ,. 2�. Ire f- •' • f -r ti 4 Gates May 2023 $ Gates - November 2023 - AA6 do •-r Concourse A -ARP Phase 2 10 Gates- November 2023 A2 A4 A6 T,1-A�2,A10 Al2 A16 A18 A20 A22 A24 A26 A28 A30 A32 A34 A36 A38 A40 TAX 1A*? ` ' A44 175' >atU�S i,Al)G IV A, 47 Gates Open 2022 J 51 Gates Open - May 2023 _ 1 p69 Gates Open - November 2023 1 74 Gates Open - October 2024 i 78 Gates Open - October 2025 83 Gates Open - Jan 2026 94 Gates Open - Jan 2027 AGENDA: DISCUSSION ITEM (D) DATE: 21 September 2022 TO: Airport Advisory Board FROM: Bill Wyatt, Executive Director SUBJECT: Amended Financial Terms & Next Steps Brian Butler, Chief Financial Officer, will present an update of Amended Financial Terms and Next Steps (presentation on file). Amended Financial Terms & Next Steps — Brian Butler Affordability Analysis FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS - No Phase IV Project Project Cost 2.25 2.09 2.14Debt Service Coverage Element Estimate ($mil) 2.00 1.96 TRP $21719.1 1.75 NCP 1 ,732.9 -� 04mum Target 1. x) 1.49 1.47 1.47 1.47 1.471.49 1.49 1.50 1.51 1.53 Phase IV 0.0 1.50 � Subtotal $4,452.0 1.25 aste In entu e wire e t x Other CIP 572.9 1.00 � Total $5,024.9 22 23 24 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 Fiscal Year Days Cash on Hand Airline Cost per EP 600 561 $18 484537 $16 $15.91 $15.75 :15.98 t18.00 $15.95 $15.97 16.01 16.05 16`08 500 $14 406 392 t11.59 400 379 54 344 337 335 332 327 $12 - 300 $10 $8 : f 200 $6 100 $4 $2 0 $0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 5 11 Affordability Analysis FINANCIAL PROJECTION - Phase IV Project Project Cost 2.25 2.09 2.14 Debt Service Coverage Element Estimate ($mil) 2.00 1.96 T R P $21719.1 N C P 1 .732.9 1.75 1.60 in'mum Tat-get .50 1.49 Phase IV JO .C� 1.50 1.37 T - • - Subtotal $5.032.0 1 25 Master de ture - eq rrem nt _ Other CIP 572.9 25 1.00 #� Total $5,604.9 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Fiscal Year _ Days Cash on Hand Airline Cost per EP F 600 561 484 536 $15.90 $ $20 $18.so 518.18 $18.18 $18.19 $18.21 $'f8.'f9 f'f8.26 500 $17.10 405 389 �' 296 $15 40 0 325 $11.59 300 $10 $10,12 218 201 �+ 200 $5 100 0 $0 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Fiscal Year Fiscal Year 6 � Y AUA Amendment Highlights Ne al Revenue RequWement Increased Revenue Sharinglo Term ... Genera anguage Updates EA3 i b i dates � + All LI 1 91 DdL it Sir - - - .41 ILI y _ - _.. 4 � - Next Steps • Air Carrier Bj"pgs - Completed rM • Updated Phase IV Estimate & Design Development Drawings - Completed • City Council Budget Amendment Approval — In Process Airlines Execute AUA Amend_, �. Issue.-Solicitati s Phase I structio ase omp etion Janu 50 It 'r-� � - - 00" Tunnel Extensi nstr6ctffn — �i be e ed on n an 14 Thank You ! INTERNATIDNAL Advisory Board Meeting September 21, 2022 Media Clippings https:Hslcairport.com/assets/pdfDocuments/AABoard/8 SeptClippingPacket2022.pdf Compiled by the Communication & Marketing Dept. INTERNATIONAL n 'Cllipp'.1l.Injs Advisory `oard Meeting Compiled by Communication & SLCDA Airport Advisory Board September 2022 Datemedia outlet Sub ject Market Value 7/26/2022 KUTV Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/26/2022 ABC4 Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/26/2022 KSL Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/26/2022 Fox 13 Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/26/2022 KSL Radio Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/26/2022 Gephardt Daily Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/26/2022 Engineering News The New SLC construction 7/27/2022 The Salt Lake Tribune Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/27/2022 CNN Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger 7/27/2022 Fox News Virgin Atlantic unruly passenger This story received coverage nationally and internationally. 7/28/2022 Salt Lake Magazine Bill Wyatt feature 7/29/2022 The Deseret News Pete Buttigieg visits SLC 7/29/2022 KUTV Pete Buttigieg visits SLC $1,751.51 Make The New SLC more family- 8/1/2022 The Deseret News friendly 8/1/2022 Salt Lake Chamber The New SLC construction 8/2/2022 The Deseret News Central Tunnel 8/2/2022 KUTV Central Tunnel $814.38 8/2/2022 ABC4 Central Tunnel $967.76 8/2/2022 KSL Central Tunnel $1,458.24 8/2/2022 Fox 13 Central Tunnel $5,202.50 8/2/2022 Univision Central Tunnel 8/2/2022 KSL Radio Central Tunnel 8/3/2022 The Salt Lake Tribune Central Tunnel 8/6/2022 The Wall Street Journal Where to work out at airports 8/9/2022 Capital City News Central Tunnel 8/10/2022 KSL Upcoming phases of New SLC 8/10/2022 The Wall Street Journal Long walks at airports 8/10/2022 Opera News Things found by airport security 8/22/2022 Utah Business Raymond Christy award 8/23/2022 Providence Business News Cancelation percentage at airports 8/26/2022 KUTV Delta flight turbulence $1,361.79 8/26/2022 KSL Delta flight turbulence $10,006.63 8/26/2022 Fox 13 Delta flight turbulence $2,247.27 8/27/2022 ABC4 Delta flight turbulence $244.76 8/31/2022 KUTV Labor Day travel tips $1,247.30 8/31/2022 Fox 13 Labor Day travel tips $543.90 9/1/2022 KUTV Labor Day travel tips $1,128.87 9/1/2022 KUTV Gas prices affect Labor Day travel $1,633.85 9/1/2022 KUTV Delta pilots picket at SLC $1,128.87 9/1/2022 ABC4 Delta pilots picket at SLC $320.79 9/1/2022 KSL Delta pilots picket at SLC $2,275.50 9/1/2022 Univision Labor Day travel tips 9/2/2022 KUTV Labor Day travel tips $750.44 9/5/2022 ABC4 Gas prices affect Labor Day travel $1,612.93 9/5/2022 Fox 13 Labor Day travel tips $892.29 9/6/2022 ABC4 Labor Day Travel $48.75 9/6/2022 Fox 13 TSA's newer technology at SLC $270.60 This story received coverage nationally. 9/7/2022 KUTV Plane crash in West Jordan $1,985.43 9/7/2022 KUTV Delta plane diverted to SLC 9/7/2022 ABC4 Delta plane diverted to SLC 9/7/2022 Fox 13 Linear configuration $320.00 9/7/2022 Fox 13 Artwork in The New SLC $320.00 9/7/2022 Fox 13 Plane crash in West Jordan 9/7/2022 Gephardt Daily Plane crash in West Jordan 9/8/2022 ABC4 Delta plane diverted to SLC $57.50 9/8/2022 ABC4 Plane crash in West Jordan $57.59 9/8/20.22 Fox 13 The New SLC construction $428.75 9/9/2022 Fox 13 SLC ready for busy travel season $455.63 9/9/2022 Fox 13 ARFF at SLC $455.63 9/9/2022 1 Fox 13 IJobs at SLC airport $455.63 SLC Airport News HOME>CITY LIFE it P 1� Seff LOW C5y hWmnrinnnl 4110nn averunve ai--6,14 Wynn(Ph—ey Ad—rTklemit Lk.maguzural Bill WYATT: THE P,1t'M PF4IND THE NEW SLC AIRPORT IFI EMY PUBH - IULY 28,2022 he first tune I emerged from a jetway into the new Salt Lake International Airport.I experienced something I can only describe as backward Oeja vv.(Vuja day')Where was I?It took a disoriented Tsecond to realize the airport I had known since I took my first-ever flight way back in high school was yone and that I had indeed arrived in SLC The shiny new airport that greeted my arrival that day,and all of us since,was decades in the making and is still in the making The original SLC airport was built in the'60s and like many Onost,actually)anpons around the country was well beyond its capacity and lifespan.Thanks to what airport executive director Bill Wyatt called'an extraordinary occasion of public works prescience,"Salt Lake is one of the few cities in the country to launch a new,airport 'I am in awe of the vision that was required to make this happen, he says."There was a sustained will to take all of these small incrernental steps to keep moving forward Wyatt is looking at the airport's 1996 master plan on his desk as he says this.On the cover is a rendering of the new airport that is essentially the same design as what was built.'I look at this rendering from 1996 and think about all the changes that have happened in aviation since then,'he says. 'I am amazed` For example.Wyatt points to a moment well before the official groundbreaking in 2011 10 years earlier.in 200.1, pkmnrrs had realized that they needed to get rolling on a backbone step—the digging of the mid-cuncuurse tunnel that would connect the terminals of the future The staff at that time went to the FAA for$8 million and built this tunnel and burled it before serious work even began in 2011,"Wyatt says."We're literally building on the bones of the old auport,and if that tunnel hadn t been in place we couldn't have gone forward" If it sounds like Wyatt has a savant level of appreciation for the nilty gritty details of the airport project,its because. as of 2017 he was in the hot seat to see it through.He'd retired after 16 years as the Executive Director of the Portland Airport Authority and saw firsthand how difficult managing modern aviation In an aging facility could be.He came out of retirement just for the chance to oversee the construction of a brand new airport and moved to Salt Lake in 2017 'TheJob was very compelling,'he says-'This project had been in the works for 20 years and was finally happening.It Isaknossunheard of in the airport business.This was something that rarely happens in the United States" 4 � MOM AV 112 $oft Lake City LNamaNaraf Aopart executive dfrector 91f1 Wyatt(Photo by Main Flokle/So8 Lake magazine) Although wheels were well in motion when Wyatt Joined the project,It wasn't as if he got to Just kickback and watch it happen.For one thing,he quickly realized that the original designs scale and size were far too small.Among the tirstwords he Bald on thejob were'we have to make it bigger.' After alt the Wasatch Front's population had grown and was still growing,the planes were bigger and the traffic through the airport was increasing dramatically every year.So,yeah.They were,as the famous line from Jaws goes, 'going to need a bigger boat" 'Tills is what a modern airport has to be,'he says.`We need to fly bigger planes at a faster rate.It cuts down on everything from schedule disruptions to emisslons if planes can get in and get out efficiently." Then,of course,came COVID and a near standstill for the airline industry.And while the challenge of pushing to keep building safely wasn't nothing,Wyatt says the slowdown was actually a benefit. "Our opening daywas Sept.20,2020,"he says.°Remember,at that point,there was no optimism about vaccines and the COVID rate was very high.It was a dark period.On a regular day at the airport,we'd see about 30,000 people at the front door,plus 15,000 airline and airport workers.We were actually very fortunate to open at a lower capacity, which gave more breathing room to work through the many logistical problems we knew we'd encounter." Now as work continues on the second terminal,Wyatt says he is glad that he came out of retirement to be part of hlstury."This airport is going to have a decades-long Impact on the Wasatch Front and we're building it to last' THE LONG WALK The chief complaint about the new airport is the long slog to Terminal B,which will be shortened once the project is complete.But Wyatt shrugs off the complaints knowing that it takes time for people to become accustomed to a new airport.And,he asks,'have you ever flown out of 1FK7' 'Now thafY a long walk,'he chuckles."Salt Lake is nothing like that' Discover the latest communifv news in SLC and beyond And while you re here,subscribe and get six issues of Salt Lake magozine,your guide to the best of fi fe in,Utch, 2/2 t 17 weather alerts Q Watch Now SALT LAKE CITY Menu ® LL12AT Watch Now SALT LAKE CITY NEWS > LOCAL NEWS Behind-the-scenes look at new security technology at Salt Lake City International Airport ®SALT LAKE CITY t 17 weather alerts (� Watch Now Posted of 10:10 AM, Sep 06,2022 and lost updated 10.23 AM, Sep 06,2022 SALT LAKE CITY — The list anniversary of the September 11 attacks is just a few days away. It also marks a pivotal moment in history that prompted the formation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) two months later. Since then, the TSA has evolved with changing times, including the utilization of automated technology that the federal agency uses to keep passengers safe. The Salt Lake City International Airport's Checked Baggage Inspection System (CBIS) began screening traveler's luggage in Sept. 2020. Baggage is transported from the ticket counter to the plane through a series of automated conveyor belts. IS 17 weather alerts i_ Watch Now SALT LAKE CITY Each day, around 13,000 bags are screened at the airport. "If the technology flags a security threat, the image generated pops up on screen. A TSA agent has a finite amount of time to look at that image to determine if they can resolve that threat on screen," said TSA spokesperson Lorie Dankers. If the issue can't be resolved, the luggage is flagged to be physically inspected. Dankers says their agents open less than five percent of bags, with technology clearing the rest. "What we've been able to do is integrate technology into our processes that help with the efficiency. We've modified our procedures to make them relevant to today's environment," Dankers explained. Because of the ongoing pandemic, she said the procedures involve integrating technology that reduces physical contact between travelers and TSA officers. An example of that can be seen right now for those flying through Salt Lake City. This summer, TSA implemented the Credential Authentication Technology (CAT) unit, which is a facial verification system that helps an officer's ability to authenticate a traveler's photo ID on-screen and in real-time. "It scans somebody's photo ID, but it also has a camera with it to take a live photo of the traveler to do a facial recognition match," said Dankers. ;17 weather alerts [- I Watch Now I SALT LAKE CITY Salt Lake City International Airport is one of a handful of airports nationwide that uses CAT. Dankers said the TSA selected the airport because it met certain criteria including size, infrastructure, location, and the airport's willingness to implement the technology. Therefore, it's likely more state-of-the-art technology will be featured at SLC in the fixture. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media.Inc.All rights reserved This material may not be published,broadcast.re•aritten.or redistributed. Sign up for the Breaking News Newsletter and receive up to date information. E-mail F CURATION BY 1 Former LDS church primary teacher senter,,.e :l to jail time, probation 'ou)r .hii,1A s ? : abu se ?vjo[i i9 ' -4 i I '- sleerbnver FOX 13 News Utah .Plenty of V. eri vv Lui rruG�t«� ,ru Prostate Do Not K;'�a`v,; �' b�_11'01( Thbi-S i Z is lr Solution Paid Content: GorillaSecret.com Donovan Mitchell bids ` ' with Instagram post 4�- t r FOX 13 News Utah 4 IVIN COLO �+ INSIDE A POKER GAME TURNED CRYPTO SCAM 11R ACHIEVEMENT RAYMOND CHRISTY -` AIRPORT SENIOR PLANNER,DISADVANTAGED BUSINESS !� ENTERPRISE LIAISON OFFICER I SALT LAKE CITY i DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS(SLCDA) r' In /IN/RAYM01ID-CHRISTY-BS079915/ { t � What do you want others to know about the impor- tance of DE&I in business? Martin Luther King Jr said, "The ultimate measure of a man is not where he - stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and contro versy." As a village, great ideas can come from any- one or anywhere. We should not judge fellow village, - through our bias toward different concepts or pro- cesses. It's a human thing,and we as villages need to rise above that. u� u r - i r 1 i VICTORIA PETRO-ESCHLER COUNCILWOMAN,DISTRICT 1 I SALT LAKE CITY COUNCIL d ` FOUNDER PRINCIPAL I BOLD IDEAS CONSULTING In/IN/VICTORIA-PETRO-ESCHLER-64076020/ What would you like to see in terms of DEW efforts In Utah? I'd like to see the typical good intentions of all Utahns take the next steps to ensure intentions and im- pacts align.There is so much substantial work to do that will result in more people being acknowledged with dig- nity.I'm eager for us to get to that next level. 8/11/22,7:51 AM Yet Another Airport Hassle:6 of America's Longest Walks to the Gate-WSJ This copy is for your personal,non-commercial use only.Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law. For non-personal use or to order multiple copies,please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. h ttps//www.wsj.com/articles/longest-airport-gate-walks-1 1660161856 LIFE & WORKTRAVELOFF DUTY TRAVEL Yet Another Airport Hassle: 6 of America's Longest Walks to the Gate LaGuardia and other newly expanded airports are putting passengers through a workout as they race to their departing flights. Here, some of the most exhausting treks. .i By Barbara Pederson Follow Aug. 10, 2022 4 05 pm ET MAJOR U.S. AIRPORTS have been on a building binge lately, with so many "pardon our appearance signs in terminals, you might feel obliged to pack a hard hat. Now that some of the biggest expansion projects are winding down, fliers are realizing a good pair of track shoes could come in handy too. Depending on where your departing flight is parked, in some terminals the hike to reach it can exceed a mile. When Salt Lake City International Airport revealed its spiffy new terminal in 2020, the buzz was all about the light and art-filled spaces and, less glowingly, the long march to the gates. Some fliers took to Twitter to complain; one user said it was like "having to train for a 5K just to get to my gate." For the record, SLC's longest walk is about 2/3 of a mile, and more moving walkavays are in the works. Below, find some other U.S. airports notable for their marathon runs. https://www.wsj.com/articles/longest-airport-gate-walks-11660161856 1/3 8/11/22,7:51 AM Yet Another Airport Hassle:6 of America's Longest Walks to the Gate-WSJ Dallas Fort Worth Intern -�tional Airport Like its home state, DFW celebrates big spaces. The walk from the entrance through Terminal D to Terminal B is one of the longest airport treks in the U.S., clocking in at 2.16 miles. When athletic shoe company Kuru Footwear surveyed 1,000 consumers for a study about the most notorious airport wallathons, DFW topped the list, although an airport tram offers a shortcut. , L S_ �• I y I ����1 �i���'• ark � :� Yo rk L . C it_- Tf-dl a Ai i-p o r t- The recent SS billion overhaul nearly doubled its size. Frequent fliers accustomed to sprinting from check-in to their gate in just a few minutes now have far more terrain to cover. At Delta Air Lines'brand-new Terminal C, the walk to the most distant gates on Concourse E can take almost 30 minutes, according to airport sources. Phoenix Sky Harbor InternationaA Airport At this capacious complex, the farthest-flung gates are more than a mile apart. The airport is making the trek a virtue: It's promoting the health benefits with a "Fitness Trail" map that covers the terrain from Gates A30 to D8, and helpfully pointing out landmarks like Camelback Mountain you'll spot along the way. Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport (Atlan, '1L�i Unsurprisingly, ATL, which routinely wins the title of the world's busiest hub, has one of the longest airport walks: 1.67 miles between the international terminal and domestic check-in. (A train is available.) Close behind is Philadelphia International Airport, where the 1.5 mile stroll from gate F39 to A26 crosses the county line. https://www.wsj.com/articles/longest-airport-gate-walks-11660161856 2/3 8/8/22,8:12 AM Where to Work Out at U.S.Airports-WSJ This copy is for your personal,non-commercial use only.Distribution and use of this material are governed by our Subscriber Agreement and by copyright law.For non-personal use or to order multiple copies,please contact Dow Jones Reprints at 1-800-843-0008 or visit www.djreprints.com. https://www.wsj.com/articles/airport-travel-workouts-exercise-yoga-steps-mini-golf-11659730657 LIFE&WORKTRAVEL Where to Work Out at U.S. Airports A cheat sheet for those who want to exercise during flight delays or layovers I By Jen Murphy Aug.6,2022 6 00 am ET Exercise can be one of the best ways to ease travel anxiety. Airports provide a lot of options for physical activities. Here is a helpful list of places you can work out at in major U.S. airports. Baltimore/Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport (BWI) Travelers can buy a $25 day pass, $65 three-pass pack, $100 five-pass pack, or a $30 per- month unlimited use annual membership for Roam Fitness, located after security next to gate Dl. The facility lends Lululemon clothing and Brooks running shoes and has four showers that can be reserved 24 hours in advance. Chicago Midway International Airport (MDW) A yoga room in Concourse C has sustainable bamboo floors, cubbies for baggage storage, and complimentary mats. Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport (DFW) https://www.wsj.com/articles/airport-travel-workouts-exercise-yoga-steps-min i-golf-11659730657 1/3 8/8/22,8:12 AM Where to Work Out at U.S.Airports-WSJ A walking path endorsed by the American Heart Association is located in Terminal D. Measuring seven-tenths of a mile, the path aligns with 12 floor mosaics—part of the airport's art program. Want an extra burn? Climb the two 55-foot high staircases that lead up to the Skylink stations and terminal walkways. The free, 24-hour yoga room in Terminal E has reopened with complimentary mats while the yoga studio in Terminal B remains closed. Denver International Airport (DEN) There are plans to create designated walking routes within the terminals. For now, the best place to get some activity is the 82,000-square-foot open-air plaza located before security at the south end of the Jeppesen Terminal. Travelers can learn about events, such as pop-up yoga classes, from DIA's social-media feeds (@denairport) during a dedicated wellness week. A free mini golf course is open for one month each summer (around 4,500 travelers played this summer, according to an airport spokesperson) and from November through January a complimentary ice skating rink includes free skate rentals. Harry Reid International Airport, Las Vegas (LAS) Zero Level Fitness in Terminal 1 primarily sees use from airport and airline employees,but travelers can purchase day passes for$25 that include access to cardio and weight equipment as well as locker rooms. Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport (ATL) Travelers can take in an immersive art experience while walking between concourses in the Transportation Mall, located on the lower level where passengers catch the Plane Train. The length is about 1.7 miles from Concourse F to the baggage claim. Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport (MSP) A dedicated 1.4-mile walking path created in partnership with the American Heart Association's Start! Walking program loops Gates Cl-C12,the skyway connecting Concourses C and G, and the airport mall. Salt Lake City International Airport (SLQ The lengthy concourses of Salt Lake City's new airport are a nightmare for harried travelers, but ideal if you're killing time by getting in your steps.You will log 0.6 mile trekking from Concourse B to baggage claim. https://www.wsj.com/articles/airport-travel-workouts-exercise-yoga-steps-mini-golf-11659730657 213 8/8122,8:12 AM Where to Work out at U.S.Airports-WSJ San Francisco International Airport (SFO) Two dedicated yoga rooms can be found post-security in Terminal 2 and Terminal 3. Complimentary yoga mats are available and the mats and space are disinfected regularly. https://www.wsj.com/articles/airport-travel-workouts-exercise-yoga-steps-mini-golf-11659730657 313 8/3122,8:03 AM President's Message:Salt Lake's"Field of Dreams"-The Salt Lake Chamber i i Irlfo(ebSIClamb-r.CC,ii t s 1 T, L A K E ABOUT MEMBERSHIP EVENTS & PROGRAMS CHAMBER Q Search... ADVOCATE POLICY RESOURCES NEWS OUR TEAMS < Previous President's Message: Salt Lake's "Field of Dreams" "If you build it, they will come" — The iconic line from the famous baseball film Field of Dreams captured the imagination of a generation. As a community of innovators, creators and entrepreneurs, this rings true. Over the past several decades, our state and capital city have seen significant development, and with it, an influx of people looking to benefit from and contribute to the prosperity our community provides — a renowned business climate, strong job market and first class quality of life. One of the newest features helping to bolster this prosperity is our new international airport. The New SLC is the only U.S. airport built in the 21st century, and its projected economic impact is forecasted at $5.5 billion. Aside from the structural improvements, the redesign brings new terminal capacity, vendors, beautiful art, and investment. And the result is people and business coming to our state. In addition, new airlines are coming to our terminals, and new routes are opening that will foster travel between Utah and more cities across the globe. These flights will create lasting connections between Salt Lake City and the world. For example, Delta has resumed nonstop flights to London and Air Canada, and now offers flights to Europe, Africa, and the Middle East. In addition to international locations, Spirit Airlines has joined the roster of airlines serving smaller cities and the important markets they represent. Air travel has soared back with passengers traversing SLC International Airport at a steady level of 2.25 million visitors a month. This is after only two years from the largest drop in air travel — to 180,000 visitors — at the beginning of the pandemic. Although the new airport is attracting more travelers, it remains one of the most on-time airports in the country. Building at the new airport continues and new phases are moving forward with the concourse and gateways opening next year. This will bring even more capacity, routes, and passenger services at the airport. https://slchamber.com/presidents-message-salt-lakes-field-of-dreams/ 1/3 8/3/22,8:03 AM President's Message:Salt Lake's"Field of Dreams"-The Salt Lake Chamber The new Salt Lake City International Airport will not only continue to serve the Intermountain West, but continue to bring opportunities to our community for generations to come. For example, the airport will be a key component in Utah's Olympic bid, our tourism economy, conventions, and more. The undertaking to expand and build this airport was not an easy decision, and the pandemic could have derailed the project, but those in charge never wavered. They knew that if they built it, the benefits would come. The New SLC will continue to bring the world to Utah and facilitate our interaction with new peoples, cultures, businesses and adventures. By MBomis I August 1st,2022 1 Blog,Policy,President's Message 1 0 Comments Share This Story,Choose Your Platform! f in t IP fz� Related Posts Uteh MMlan Herne Sda Prke �` _ January lOMl-lunxlu! _ � ALTZZLAK f CHAMBER , ITAH'S BUSINESS LEADEF „ r SALT LAKE CHAMBER 5-STAR ACCREDITED RECENT POSTS GENERAL 201 South Main _ > President's > About Us Street #2300 ITiMp Message: Salt > Membership Salt Lake City, UT Lake's "Field of > Events 84111 Dreams" > Programs Phone: (801) 364- > Public Policy 3631 > Salt Lake Email: Chamber info@slchamber.com Welcomes New Members in July https://sichamber.com/presidents-message-salt-lakes-field-of-dreams/ 2/3 8/1/22, 10:12 AM Will flight delays,cancellations impact Thanksgiving,Christmas travel?-Deseret News Deseret News I Deseret Magazine I Church News Print Subscriptions A DeseretNews LATEST NEWSTHE WESTUTAH . SPORTS � OPINIONMAGAZINEMORE . TRAVEL THE WEST U.S. & WORLD ' c t ,n:* t�r�-vP,j woes to be resolved by Thanks 1 gain , 5 re c Pie Buttigieg says 'It's going to take a while for the pilot workforce to be back up to pre-COVID levels;the transportation secretary told the Deseret News By Kyle Dunphey Jul 29,2022,6:45pm MDT The long lines, canceled flights, staffing shortages and customer service nightmares that have plagued the airline industry for the last year might be on the decline, but aren't going away anytime soon. That's according to U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg who told the Deseret News on Friday that he expects the current issues to persist through Thanksgiving and into Christmas. "It's going to take a while for the pilot workforce to be back up to pre-COVID levels," he said in an interview, noting that in some cases demand is higher now than it was before the pandemic. "I don't think this is going to be resolved overnight," Buttigieg said. `Gl 4Fi ICf ,n l i��klt 8/1/22, 10:12 AM Will flight delays,cancellations impact Thanksgiving,Christmas travel?-Deseret News Salt Lake county Wasatch Canyon Areas r M ` y f . 1 At, �/t' � Ali_ ,,�.:0':y:"; �� -_-_ .i _ �• � c Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg,center,speaks to Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson and Summit County Council Chairman Chris Robinson after a roundtable with firefighters and community leaders at Unified Fire Authority Station 119 in Emigration Canyon on Friday,July 29,2022. 1 Laura Seitz,Deseret News I Purchase Photo Buttigieg spoke with the Deseret News on Friday during his stop in Utah, where he unveiled new funding for infrastructure projects alongside Gov. Spencer Cox, part of the recent $1.2 trillion infrastructure package. Buttigieg also met with Salt Lake County Mayor Jenny Wilson, local leaders and firefighters about wildfire prevention at the Emigration Canyon fire station. And while transportation resilience was the theme of the day, the secretary says his department is still engaging in daily talks with the airline industry. "I have frequent conversations with them. And what we've seen is encouraging, but there's a long way to go," he said. Cancellation rates are not as high as they were in the spring and early summer, hovering around 3% or 4% — they're now down to around 2%, which is starting to resemble "normal," Buttigieg said. In addition, some airlines have made an effort to improve pay for pilots, while DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/7/29/23284227/air-travel-pete-buttigieg-utah-flight-cancellation-delays-thanksgiving-christmas-holidays 4/11 8/1/22, 10:12 AM Will flight delays,cancellations impact Thanksgiving,Christmas travel?-Deseret News inconsistent fares and refunds. Some airlines are also changing their flight schedules "to match the reality of their staffing." "We've certainly seen improvements since the unacceptable conditions that happened around the Memorial Day weekend," Buttigieg said. But the problems persist — in the U.S., over 12,000 flights were delayed during Fourth of July weekend, with more than 1,000 cancellations. London's Heathrow Airport and Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport both recently cut passenger capacity and forced airlines to cancel flights. German airline Lufthansa canceled almost all of its flights in Frankfurt and Munich this week, stranding thousands of passengers. RELATED Why are flights being canceled?London airport caps passengers amid summer chaos Travel is at a record high—but flight delays and cancellations are on the rise,too Delta airplanes are pictured at the Salt Lake City Airport on Friday,July 29,2022.According to U.S.Department of Transportation https://www.deseret.com/utahl2022/7/29/23284227/air-travel-pete-buttigieg-utah-flight-cancellation-delays-thanksgiving-christmas-holidays 5/11 I 8/1/22, 10:12 AM Will flight delays,cancellations impact Thanksgiving,Christmas travel?-Deseret News And as of Friday afternoon, there were nearly 1,600 delayed flights across the U.S. and 278 cancellations, according to Flight Aware. There are a number of factors — many airlines blame airports and governments for congested airspace and air traffic control staffing issues. Bad weather has also canceled a number of flights this year. And across the board, both airlines and airports are dealing with staffing shortages. South Carolina Republican Sen. Lindsey Graham recently put forth a bill that would raise the mandatory retirement age for pilots from 65 to 67 in an attempt to keep more people on the job. Buttigieg isn't sold on that approach. "I'm not comfortable with anything that could impact safety," he said "... If they had the data that showed there would be no safety impacts, we could have a conversation about that, but so far I'm not comfortable with any of the proposals that seem to be about softening safety rules." Buttigieg said some solutions could come from his department -- others, particularly anything dealing with safety, would require an act of Congress. As for the levers that the Department of Transportation can pull, Buttigieg pointed to the consumer protection program, which is currently investigating a number of complaints over airlines failing to issue refunds, some of which will result in enforcement action soon. Collaborating to manage the national airspace is another priority, he said, to address choke points that often result in delays or cancellations. The department is also assessing the definition of unfair and deceptive practices "to make sure it gives us the room to do what we need to do," Buttigieg said. DesevetNews https://www.deseret.cam/Litah/2022/7/29/23284227/air-travel-pete-buttigieg-utah-flight-cancellation-delays-thanksgiving-christmas-holidays 6/11 sEV univision W 88OF Beginning Time Politics With you Horoscopes Report it More Arc, you goMq, to travc� dt--ir�ng thc RlfAHa�y wfee-AI�end? Fnl�mm t1he-5c" tips and don't rniss ymw flight During the Labor Daylong weekend, thousands of people will fly to and from Salt Lake City International Airport.Are you one of them?The authorities share a series of tips and data so that you arrive on time. BY:: CARLOS LUIS GALAN PUBLISHED 1 SEP 2022-01:22 PM EDT I UPDATED I SEP 2022-01:37 PM EDT REACTS % Thousands of passengers will take their flights from Salt Lake City Airport during Labor Day weekend. Credit: Courtesy Salt Lake City, Utah. During the Labor Day holiday weekend, thousands of families go on vacation, saturating airports across the country. MWMISING Salt Lake City International Airport is, no exception. During September 1, 2 and 6, the authorities expect between 2.5,000 and 28,000 passengers each day,two thousand more :Passengers per day compared to last year. � n Authorities at Salt Lake City International Airport expect up to 28,000 passengers per day during the Labor Day holiday weekend. Credit: Facebook/Salt Lake City International Airport (SLC) What are the recommendations to get to your without problems? Salt Lake City airport authorities advise you to arrive in ume at the terminal and check your luggage, pass security checks and arrive at the boarding hall: Tivo hours before for domestic flights (Domestic) Thl°ee hours before for international flights These helpful tips will roake your experience as a passerici easier: Check the airline's website or app for the flight's departure time, on time or does it have a delay? If you have one or more coronections, repeat the previous tip with each of your scales. Do you arrive at the airport in your car? Book a long-term space on the website:www.slcairport.com/parking-and- transportation/parking/ More about Salt Lake City I SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE SALT LAKE CITY CITY CITY CITY CITY �-1 2 MIN READ 2:15 MIN READ __ h.'^I READ r 3 MIN READ Free temperature -year- Monkeypox `Hlspamc Leave your companions and suitcases at the pedestrian entrance and arrive alone in your car to the parking lot. Check the services offered by your ai line th Frougf, its application cU- vveb Site Are you going to clack luggage? Most airlines allow you to do it through their website or applications, so you will only have to get to the counter to leave your bags. Do you only carry carry hand luggage? You can also do your check through the airline's website or its application and so YOU will not have to no to the counter. Do you have doubts about what you can or cannot cant'in your hand luggage? Enter the website: https://www.tsa.gov and review the regulations in force. ;salt Lake City Airport offers wheelchair set-vice ZD6nde esta to puerta de embarque o el rriostrador fie la aerolinea?Puedes desrcargar la aplicacion SLC International en to telQfono o consuiltar la pdgina web www.sicairport.com para conocer mejor el:aeropuerto. 1pcesitas una silla de ruedas o atencion especial en el aeropuerto?!Puedes illlarmar directamente a la aerolinea o pedir asistencia yen ila terminal aerea al 801-744292. �Cancelaron tbu vudo o hay retrasos masivos? El Departanento zle Transporte de Estados Unidos ofrece informlaci6n sobre neemboisos,garantias y hasta compensa dens en la pdgina web: https://www.transportation.gov/a irconsumer/a irl ine- customer-service-dashboard LVas a buscar a akjt*m en el aeropuerto? Puedes revisar el estado de todos Ilos vuelos a traves de www.slcairporLco,m/airlines-flights El Aeropuerto intennadonal de Salt Lake City esta entre los primeros ipuesttos'de ilas terminates de todo el pals en salidas y Ilegadas a bmpo_ Ademas,esta entre ilos que registran menor porcentaje de cancelaci.ones segiun el iDepartamento de Transporte. Encuentra tt(oda Ila inforrnacion que necesitas en Univision 32 y ifeliz viaj:el G REACCIONA COMPARTE RELACIONADOS: SALT LAKE CITY UTAH (ESTADO) Don't miss a beat. Get every article related to Rhode Island's 2022 elections. Henorta 1 . 1- has 4th highest canceilation in By PBN Staff 08/23/2022 77 K 4 - RHODE ISLAND T.F. Green International Airport had the fourth-highest percentage of cancellations in the United States in the first five months of 2022,according to a report by Warwick-based InsureMyTrip./COURTESY RHODE ISLAND AIRPORT CORP. PROVIDENCE - Rhode Island T.F. Green International Airport had the fourth- highest percentage of cancellations in the United States in the first five months of 2022, according to a report by Warwick-based InsureMytrip released Tuesday. InsureMyTrip analyzed the latest flight cancellation data gathered by the U.S. Department of Transportation's Bureau of Transportation Statistics to look at the impact of flight disruptions, the COVID-19 pandemic and other factors on U.S. airports, The rankings are based on newly released data, which includes January through May of this year. The company also compared the information with 2021 data from the same period. Data showed 4.99% of flights were canceled at Green in the first five months of 2022, fourth in the nation and second in New England - that's up from 2.41% in the same period the year before. Boston Logan International Airport was third in the nation and top in New England at 5.14%, up from 1.41% in 2021. Air travel nationwide has been plagued by delayed and canceled flights. In the first six months of 2022, 24% of U,S, flights have been delayed and 3.2% have been canceled, according to the Bureau of Transportation Statistics. Earlier this week, U.S. Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg called the disruptions unacceptable. Don't miss a beat. Get every article related to Rhode Island's 2022 elections. Newark Liberty International Airport in Newark, N.J., had the second highest percentage of cancellations in the U.S. at 5.6%. Buffalo was fifth in the U.S. Bradley International Airport in Windsor Locks, Conn., which serves both Hartford and Springfield, Mass., was sixth in the nation and third-highest in New England at 4.94%. Kahului Airport in Hawaii had the lowest cancellation percentage in the U.S. at 0.93%. Salt Lake City International Airport in Utah had the second lowest cancellation percentage at 1.10%. Want to share this story? Click Here to purchase a link that allows anyone to read it on any device whether or not they are a subscriber. No posts to display PBN's All Access Subscription PBN subscribers get ahead with unlimited access to PBN news, information, and insights from our editorial team, research and data, webinars and much more. Subscribe PBN's Daily Newsletters Get PBN's top stories and breaking news every day in your email inbox. NEWS Gas pr1ces crop he-h3s -With -1Tave.',1 numbers by: Courtney_Johns Posted: Sep 5, 2022/ 10:21 PM MDT Updated: Sep 5, 2022/ 10:21 PM MDT SHARE 0 V & •°• UTAH (ABC4) -AAA predicts this could be the busiest travel weekend since the start of the pandemic and gas prices could play a role.AAA estimates that roughly 80% of people behind the wheel found relief at the pump. The national average price for gas dropped just below $4 a gallon. In Utah, it's $4.38 a gallon, which is about $0.50 higher than a year ago. That being said, people at the pump and airport agreed any improvement can make a difference. POLICE: Body found at American Fork Canyon > "With the dropping gas prices, it brings a little bit more excitement.. hope... maybe something else in the future is going to make some difference," said driver David Johnson. Tuesday is expected to be a big travel day in the sky. Salt Lake City International Airport expects at least 25,000 people to go through the airport tomorrow, which is about 2,000 more than last year's holiday. Copyright 2022 Nexstar Media Inc.All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. The New SLC News This website requires certain cookies to work and uses other cookies to help you have the best X experience. By visiting this website, certain cookies have already been set, which you may delete and block. By closing this message or continuing to use our site, you agree to the use of cookies. Visit our updated privacy and cookie policy to learn more. l - - - r I L1 -� � _ � i � - ter• I -� Cj ENI �. Digging Deeper I Airports Aim' Concourse Work Hits Cru_.d �iii U'( ':need A resurgence in passenger traffic sustains ongoing Salt Lake City Airport redevelopment. IMN t S •::i:: 1. ii r„ IL ,+ '1. �:. I .• I r �7' 4, ! _Lt i �'; �� i j! ( • L' r- jl!.jIjllrg; � `ilR: . �h�:l> _ r �. _ r r i • " I � :� - t I 1 h�Fly---1 Cl.1:1 IK > ill � �7,�' •'..� ,� �I �.�I ` >"v Concurrent concourse expansions continue Salt Lake City International Airport's reconstruction into a modem,more efficient facility capable of handling 34 million passengers annually. Photo courtesy of RC International Air port Few things at major hub airports are more important to busy travelers July 26, 2022 than smooth connections between flights.So it's appropriate that Salt Jim Parsons Lake City International Airport(SLC)has achieved a barely detectable handoff between the first and second phases of its decade-long$4.5- billion redevelopment program. On Sept. 16 2020,the day after SLC officially unveiled its gog,000-sq-ft terminal and 457,000-sq- ft, 25-gate south concourse, crews from the joint venture of Holder Construction and Big-D Construction(HDJV)began demolition work for the program's $54o-million second phase. Included are a 22-gate east extension to the south concourse that will open in stages beginning in May 2023 and a 9go-ft4ong central access tunnel to the 4T7,000-sq-ft, 22-gate north concourse— another Phase 1 project built by the Austin Commercial/Okland Construction Co.joint venture and opened in October 2020. "No rest for the weary,"jokes HDJV project director Kevin Fauvell,who adds that"the transition was planned to be seamless,and it worked out that way." I. .. - -1��►: — i.q. � is _ X A new 990-ft five-bay underground connection between the north and south concourses can accommodate the eventual addition of an automated people mover system. Photo courtesy of SLC International Airport f Just months before the Phase 1 opening, the urgency to sustain such a major aviation building program might have seemed incongruous with the uncertainties of a pandemic-depressed airline industry. "Here we are, about to open a brand-new airport, and our passenger volume was about 1o% of what it had been," recalls Bill Wyatt, executive director of the Salt Lake City Dept. of Airports. Although SLC worked with the airlines to build as much flexibility into the Phase 2 construction plan as possible, such as incorporating "off and on ramps"to pause and restart work if needed, 2020's gradual trend toward normalcy provided confidence to keep the program at full speed. "We priced it out, and the airlines approved,"Wyatt says. SLC's rebound has been so strong that earlier this year, HDJV was authorized to begin a $333- million Phase 3, which includes the first eight gates of what will eventually be a 22-gate east extension of the north concourse, a central connecting plaza to that facility's west gates and the interior finishes and systems in the central tunnel. • r Iy � ice. I •� ME The concourse design lends itself to easy expansion, including incorporating the evolving mechanical, electrical and information technology systems as new gates are added. Photo courtesy of SLC International Airport A Sense of Place While the new concourses' linear layout is better suited to incremental need-driven expansion and efficiency than SLC's previous configuration of finger-style concourses, the HOK-led design team sought to incorporate a sense of place into the buildings. "The problem with hub airports is that they tend to evolve and often end up being rather generic," explains Matt Needham, director of aviation for HOK, which led the design of SLC's redevelopment program. Because SLC is, in essence, a brand-new airport, "We wanted to do what we could to make sure passengers know where they are," he says. Though the nearby Wasatch Front offers a postcard-perfect backdrop, Needham says it was important not to overdo windows and compromise the project's ability to achieve LEED Gold certification. "Instead, we use daylight harvesting, with automatic controls on the windows to adjust tint during the day," he says. Another advantage of the design, Wyatt adds, was that few adaptations were needed to accommodate post-COVID realities. "We upgraded the filters to MERV 14 and added sneeze guards to counters and other places where stationary workers deal with passengers," he says. Copper sheathing combined with automatically controlled window tinting echo the Salt Lake Valley's distinctive landscape. Photo courtesy of SLC International Airport Tearing Down, Building Up HDJV's first major task under Phase 2 was removal of most of the last vestiges of the "old SLC"to make way for the south concourse expansion. The newly decommissioned terminals and concourses and a parking deck were demolished in six months, creating 28o,000 tons of material, of which 85% was reused. Concrete was ground into onsite backfill material while steel and other components were sent to offsite recycling plants. Mike Williams, hired by SLC in 2012 to serve as an independent program director for the redevelopment, notes that despite decades of use, the cleared site for the terminal expansion presented few significant underground obstacles to continuing construction. "You always plan for the unexpected, especially with an old airport that's been around for a long time,"he says. "All we encountered were a few pockets of fuel-contaminated soil around the old concourses. As with Phase 1, the north and south concourse extensions and central tunnel required ground stabilization measures "We wanted to do what necessary to accommodate SLC's location in a seismically we could to make sure active former lake bed. Hundreds of 3-ft-dia holes laid out in passengers know lo-ft by 10-ft grids and drilled 45 ft deep are pressure filled where they are." with small stones to prevent liquefaction in the event of an —Matt Needham, earthquake, such as the magnitude 5.7 event that rattled Salt Director of Aviation, Lake City in March 2020. HOK The building and tunnels are founded on a combination of driven composite and H-piles, most averaging a depth of 65 ft to 75 ft, Williams says. The south concourse extension will contain an estimated 5,800 tons of rebar structural steel and 17,657 cu yd of concrete, while the Phase 3 extension to the north concourse will require 3,000 tons of steel and 8,500 cu yd of concrete. Phase 2's other major element, the new central tunnel, will augment an existing mid-concourse connecting the north and south concourses. Constructed using a cut-and-cover method, the 1o6,14o-sq-ft tunnel's passenger walkway cell will be highlighted by"The River," a full-length membrane sculpture made up of individual aluminum- framed "fins" wrapped with a fabric material. Separate tunnel cells are provided for high-speed baggage systems, central utility plant distribution and the eventual addition of automated people movers. "Those cells are designed to accommodate almost every type of technology available, providing flexibility for the airport's long-term decision-making," HOK's Needham says. With SLC's water table only 7 ft below the surface, excavating 65 ft deep to construct the tunnel required sheet piles and an extensive dewatering system. Less than a year after the first bottom slab was placed in July 2021, Fauvell says, the tunnel was complete and backfilled. "By the end of the year, we should have the surface paved and fully open as a taxiway between the concourses," he adds. Williams says that construction has so far been able to stay "The transition was ahead of both industrywide supply chain issues and labor planned to be seam- shortages in the busy Salt Lake City construction market. less, and it worked out that way." "We recently had an issue with cement powder, which —Kevin Fauvell, Project fortunately seems to be easing," he says. "However, the next Director, Holder year or two could be challenging. As soon as awarded, we Construction & Big-D work with trade contractors to get all submittals and approvals done as quickly as possible so they can order Construction Joint materials." Venture. Fauvell adds that the team keeps close watch on the status and movement of those materials, particularly since 40% of the project's steel is corning from overseas. "The airport has been good about allowing the trades to bill for more stored material and makes sure what we need is here," he adds. Unfortunately, the project has not been immune to tragedy. Last November, a worker for subcontractor SoNev Construction was fatally injured while performing equipment maintenance away from the construction site. SLC says the Occupational Safety and Health Administration completed its investigation but has yet to take any action. 1• i. �.�1 � �- 'fit' r L�+ �_ • �' ..r 1�ttf�:. •m.r.rlit. ti��•t�.-7f:{i�ii •• L; •� h ..� t.r A• 3 .�rih zr .` .a•'1 -,tom - �,7�•y�y ' _ � ,""-y r:.l .a •�,tt aYr..�FY y"� fir- 's. I�- �1',"S'C�^mot T ' `• '. /' mat- �r Y Plans call for the first four gates of the south concourse extension to open in May 2023, with the remaining 18 gates to follow later that year. The staggered opening of the north concourse's Phase 3 gates in 2024 and 2025 will enable the airport to smoothly phase out the last of its temporary "hardstand"operations,where passengers access parked aircraft via shuttles. The remainder of the north concourse's east side extension,being designed by HOK, will give SLC a total of 94 gates—a capacity that Wyatt says could be.achieved by 2027. "In terms of airline seats in the market, we may be the most recovered airport in the country,"he says. "The airlines have expressed a strong interest in proceeding with the continued expansion." Fauvell calls participating in construction of the nation's first major airport in a generation "a once in a lifetime opportunity" and praises the teamwide cooperation. "We didn't always agree,but we always found a resolution,"he says. Wyatt adds that SLC's ability to reinvent itself, literally and figuratively, and nearly double the number of jet bridges in just seven years is a credit to the administrative structure that oversees such a massive multi-faceted construction operation. "Building a structure of communications that keeps us up to speed and puts decisions in front of us as we need to make them has been invaluable,"he says. "Had we tried to manage construction without this structure in place, I don't think we'd be open today." Adds Williams: "When you have a big machine like this moving,you don't want it to stop." Recent Articles By Jim Parsons Relief Coming for Alexandria's Sewer Overflow Problems Hawaii Regulators Reject Navy Plan to Drain Leaking Fuel Storage Site The latest news and informati* on A Menu ® ' �1 Watch Now SALT LAKE CITY NEWS > LOCAL NEWS u New Salt Lake City a i airport still agrowing as it approaches es two years since debut _ By: John Franchi 4f Posted at 9:32 AM, Sep 08,2022 and last updated 9:32 AM, Sep 08,2022 SALT LAKE CITY — The new Salt Lake City International Airport is approaching its second birthday and it is still growing. Phase one of the airport opened in September 2020. The demolition of the old airport allowed construction crews to dig in to begin the building of phase two. Four new gates will open on Concourse A in May of 2023 with 18 more scheduled to debut in time for the holiday rush in November 2023. When Concourse A is complete, it will be home to 41 gates serving Delta Airlines. "In 2011, Salt Lake City was the 24th busiest airport," said Mike Williams of the Airport Redevelopment Program "In the statistics that came out last year, we are the loth busiest airport." The numbers show just how much the new airport is allowing air travel in SLC to grow. According to Airports Council International, 20.4 million passengers passed through the airport in 2011. In 2021, despite COVID-19 impacting the travel habits of many Americans, nearly 22.4 passengers utilized Salt Lake City International. AD%I-.a I ISb:\I IXI. "We've just done a master plan update looking 20 years into the future," Williams said. "And that's looking at 35 million passengers a year." Additional gates are being constructed to the east wing of Concourse B. A third concourse is envisioned about 15-20 years in the future. A runway that allows planes to take off and land in the east and west directions will open later this year. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media,Inc.All rights reserved.This material may not be published.broadcast,rewritten,or ieclistributed. Sign up for the Breaking News Newsletter and receive up to date information. 8/3/22,8:0.9,AM GALLERY:Terminal B still a long walk away as work progresses at Saft Lake International KUTV 74' 99* 91 ' ADVERTISEMENT i j V 1B still a long walk W C-� 4uiii '�� J-3 a It by Matthew Jacobson, !,,I-J-FV Tuesday,August 2nd 2022 IT �V - A Search Site Construction is progressing of Salt Lake International Airport on a section of the site that will add amenities for travelers and off quicker access to various areas of the airport.(Photo:Kristen McPeek, KUTV) https:llkutv.com/news/local/work-progressing-on-salt-lake-intemational-airport-tunnels-that-shorten4erminal-b 1/3 8/3/22,8:09 AM GALLERY:Terminal B still a long walk away as work progresses at Salt Lake International I KLITV 74` 99' 91 ' SALT LAKE CITY(KUTV) — Construction is continuing on a tunnel system at the Salt Lake International Airport that will add shopping, dining and other amenities for travelers flying in and out of Utah's capital city. Once complete, it will also feature a shorter path to Terminal B, a 0.6-mile stretch of hallway that has become famous among airline travelers. Sponsored Links New Senior Apartments In Salt Lake City (Take a Look at the Prices) Branded Links Learn More Airport authorities on Aug. 2, 2022, gave 2News a look at how the subterranean work is progressing. MORE TO EXPLORE Reward to catch horse killer increased to $10,000 Man dies in Arizona after beine swent a av in truck durinLy monsoon rains Search Site Salt Lake City mayor, school board release statements regarding superintendent SPONSORED CONTENT by Taboola Amazon Left Scrambling As Shoppers Find Out About Secret Deals Online Shopping Tools I SPONSORED https://kutv.com/news/local/work-progressing-on-salt-lake-international-airport-tunnels-that-shorten-terminal-b 2/3 I NEWS • NEWS �:l:C:?art sl-ia 'es 11�1C1 e--rwa---ear ce:_� L.�a:l 1--an:_rae I :p.r og-ness by: Ally O'rullian Posted: Aug 2, 2022/ 12:44 PM MDT Updated: Aug 2, 2022/ 12:44 PM MDT SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) - Salt Lake City International Airport is just two years away from having a new central tunnel. "It's pretty fantastic because a year ago this was just a mud hole," said Bill Wyatt, Executive Director of Salt Lake City International Airport. The new tunnel will give travelers a straight shot from Concourse A to Concourse B with automated walkways and eventually trains. And yes,the walk will be shorter than the current trek many people dread at the airport. "Instead of having to turn left, go halfway down a concourse west, under the tunnel, back up and then turn right,you'll just come straight ahead after the security checkpoint," explained Wyatt. The tunnel from one escalator to the other is 1,175 feet long,which is about a block and a half in downtown Salt Lake City. But to make that walk more enjoyable, they're also adding a massive art installation inside the tunnel. "Try to picture for a second like you're sleeping and you're in a dream and you're dreaming that you're walking on the bottom of a river that has a gentle current going," says tunnel artist Gordon Huether. UTAH STAYS: Yelp names 4 Utah resorts among the best in the nation in 2022 It's dubbed the "River Tunnel" and it will make flyers feel like they're walking underwater. "Makes you forget a little bit about being in an airport and you're going to think more about celebrating the natural beauty of Utah," Huether said. The entire airport project costs about $4.5 billion dollars, with the central tunnel costing $80 million, according to Wyatt.The entire project will be paid for by the airlines. "There's no local taxpayer commitment to this project," confirmed Wyatt. The airport and airlines hope to make Salt Lake City a top destination to fly in the U.S. "Building this all at once has allowed us to integrate the art with the construction which I think really makes it a lovely experience," said Wyatt. 8/3/22,7:55 AM This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's concourses.Here's when it opens Click here to Print thisppgg MCO m J '}JL- � y 1 �- ti` I Ji - •f I This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's con y,,o n r'<,%°:";.. Here's when it opens SALT LAKE CITY—An airport is a fast-paced and oftentimes stressful experience as passengers run around making sure they reach their flights in time. But Gordon Huether pictures a completely different experience once Salt Lake City International Airport travelers reach a new central tunnel currently under construction. "When we drop you down into this tunnel,Cm going to take you into a whole other world.I'm going to bang the temperature down for you,"he says,as he stares down the length of a vacant tunnel in front of him. The world he envisions,named the"River Tunnel,"is calm,cool and very blue.There are"miles and miles"of aluminum tubing,akin to"the Canyon"art installation he designed for the airport's main terminal.He likens this project to a dream in which you're walking at the bottom of a gently-moving river,while soothing music—curated for the experience—plays all around you. When travelers awake from the dream at Concourse B,they'll reach"the Canyon 2.0"and the old airport's world map artwork. "The whole idea is that it's a holistic,fully immersive experience that will make you maybe forget a little bit about being in an airport,"Huether adds,during a tour of the tunnel to mark the construction hal fway point Tuesday morning."And you'll be thinking more about celebrating the natural beauty of Utah." t,:A rendenng of"River Tunnel,"by Gordon Huether,is displayed inside the central tunnel,where the piece wi11 be located,during a media tow at the Salt Lake City Intel nntional Airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday,Aug.2,2022.Once completed,the tunnel will open another way for passengers to transit het\cet•n Con,:„ur;e A and Concourse B and eventually to a fiiture Concourse C. % rn i nag of Ian rr Tunnel,"by Gordon Huether,is displayed inside the central tunnel,where the piece will be located,during a media tour at the Salt Lake t_u) International Airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday,Aug.2,2022.Once completed,the tunnel will open another way for passengers to transit between Concourse A and Concourse B and eventually to a future Concourse C.(Photo:Spenser Heaps.Deseret News) However,this new 1,175-foot tunnel may also ease some travelers'nerves because of its convenience atone. Since the new airport opened in 2020,many have vented about the distance between Concourse A and Concourse B.In fact,airport director Bill Wyatt said that is among the top complaints received in the first year of the new airport's existence. https://www.ksi.com/article/50450353/this-tunnel-will-ease-some-distance-between-salt-lake-airports-concourses-heres-when-it-opens?print=l 1/2 8/3/22,7:55 AM This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's concourses.Here's when it opens When the new tunnel opens—anticipated to be the fall of 2024—travelers headed to Concourse B can simply walk to the entrance of the main terminal,through the river experience Huether imagines,and straight to the concourse without a detour around Concourse A.The route through the first concourse to the mid-concourse tunnel extends the trip for many Concourse B users. This shortcut will help reduce the distance from the security lines to the boarding gate by about a third,in some cases,said Mike Williams,the program director for the Salt Lake Airport Redevelopment Program.People checking in and heading to,say,Gate B22,will benefit the most right now,but it will also benefit the future expansion of Concourse B because that growth extends the building farther from the mid-concourse tunnel. There are also six moving walkways to make the trip go even faster if you don't want to walk through the whole tunnel. ,This map shows the central tunnel's location in relation to Concourse A and Concourse B at Salt Lake City International Airport.The tunnel is expected to be open in October 2024. This map shows the central tunnel's location in relation to Concourse A and Concourse B at Salt Lake City International Airport.The tunnel is expected to be open in October 2024.(Photo Salt Lake City International Airport) Wyatt adds that the roughly$80 million project will also thin the traffic coming through Concourse A because it is a mix of travelers using both concourses at the moment,which is also influenced by Delta Airlines flyers using the airport to connect with another flight. "It depends on where your gate is,certainly,but the lack of crowds will be the biggest and most-notable feature,"he said."I think it will improve connect times significantly for people." While most of the bore tunnel itself is finished,the biggest holdup now is constructing a connection from underground to Concourse B Huether will then come in and complete his art installation once that's complete All of it is on schedule for the new central tumel to open in October 2024. A growing airport Another feature of the central tunnel,which most people won't see,is a faster system that will zip bags from planes landing at Concourse B back to the baggage carousel at the main terminal in 10 minutes. It is one of several new airport features as the$4.5 billion facility grows.Construction remains ongoing for the 22-gate Concourse A-East project;the first four gates of the second-phase extension are expected to open next spring and the rest of the facility is expected to open by the end of 2023 The extension will also feature 19 new restaurants and retail shops,aaorl officials announced back in May. �Mike Williams,program director of the Salt Lake City International Airport Redevelopment Program,gestures toward ongoing construction on the central tunnel at the airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday,Aug.2.2022.Once completed,the tunnel will open another way for passengers to transit between Concourse A and Concourse B and eventually to a future Concourse C. Mike Williams,program director of the Salt Lake City International Airport Redevelopment Program,gestures toward ongoing construction on the central tunnel at the airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday,Aug.2,2022 Once completed,the tunnel will open another way for passengers to transit between Concourse A and Concourse B and eventually to a future Concourse C.(Photo:Spenser Heaps,Deseret News) Airport administrators also plan to build nine more gates to Concourse B.which is scheduled to be completed by the end of2025.The vast majority of the money for the projects have come from the airline industry,Wyatt said. Meanwhile,the central tunnel is considered the first piece of planning that goes well beyond 2025.Crews are also including the wells needed for a future train that will someday connect the two concourses,as well as a third,once the future Concourse C is built Wyatt explains that there are no target dates for all of those other additions only because the need is based on passenger volumes:That said,current projects have the airport reaching the target passenger volumes by the end of the decade.which will begin the planning process for the third concourse "We never imagined that a few years ago,"he said."I think we could see endless activity here," x httpsJlwww.ksl,com/artW5045035Mhls-tunn"ll-ease-some-distance-between-salt-lake-airports-concourses-hares-when-it-opens7print=l 2/2 sA�r a--•irr M Watch NoF enu SALT LAKE CITY NEWS > LOCAL NEWS New tunnel at SLC airport will make walk between concourses shorter, construction underway Ank 14 By: Scott McKane Posted at 11.32 AM,Aug 02,2022 and last updated 2:40 PIVI,Aug 02,2022 SALT LAKE CITY— Construction is underway on a new tunnel at the Salt Lake City International airport that will make the walk from the main terminal to Concourse B shorter. The new development is dubbed the "river tunnel" and will connect the terminal directly to Concourse B. Right now, travelers use the mid-concourse tunnel to walk from the terminal, halfway through Concourse A, and then to Concourse B. 9 P: W Be Bn fill 8% Bir st9 8$ __ ____ CO�IIOURSEB .Pw,SE 1 Cot nz D4 gg"i� see. gg au •tiie E, Y.5 072 R,. .__�..... ... _•—... MID CoticOURSE CENIPA I MEL TvM-1 (PHASEf1 At AJ A4 AY Aa All All A78 Al? Avg *V AiJ AM A27 A22 AN JIM AN AV A1fi Ast Ari MS yl M9 MIvCOMEA CU WRSEAIPHASE21 a Paz a =_�m r••+ J' .. �. —,.. ] AV AN Al2 AIJ AN 419 AM 10 `Aii• k� A*A x30 AN AU An ka AiD AQ AM TERMA1 Many Utahns and travelers have complained that the walk from the terminal to Concourse B is especially long. One lawmaker jokingly seeked to rename the airport the "Pioneer Children Memorial Airport," playing on a common hymn of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "Pioneer Children Sang as They Walked." "The tunnel itself, [there will be] passenger walking area in the center [and] moving sidewalks on either side the entire length of the tunnel," explained Mike Williams, who works as the Program Director for the Salt Lake Airport Redevelopment Program. Nearly 33 miles of steel have been used to support the tunnel, along with 3,80o tons of rebar and 48,000 cubic yards of concrete. When completed, the tunnel will also feature artwork with a river theme. "When we drop you down into this tunnel I'm going to take you into a whole, another world," said artist Gordon Huether. "I'm just gonna bring it down, the 11LLGL11G1 GA. ICtIIIGLL L111—_ 11VG1 LLL1111G1 1J ILYULLJGLL V11 11G1.11116 LICLVCIGID IUIaA III what can be a stressful place. A train will also eventually be added once Concourse C is complete but that's a couple of years down the road. The river tunnel is scheduled to open in October 2024. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media,Inc.All rights reserved This material may not be published,broadcast,rewritten,or redistributed. 8/3/22,8:14 AM Dan un vistazo del tunel central del aeropuerto de Salt Lake City I Video I Univision Salt Lake City KUTH I Univision SE#f univislon v Beginning Time Politics With you Horoscope Report it More - - G+ REACTS v READ TRANSCRIPT v SALT LAKE CITY Get a glimpse of the salt YOU'RE WATCHING lake city airport's central tunnel univision https://www.univision.com/local/salt-lake-city-kuth/dan-un-vistazo-del-tunel-central-del-aeropuerto-de-salt-lake-city-video 112 8/3/22, 10:24 AM Long walk at Salt Lake City's airport to get shorter with new tunnel c�:hC 61-E-k11't ukiCLribulir SUBSCRIBE LOG IN SUBSCRIBE A A sicwht for sore feet: the project t_� -, �1. � �_��� _I T (r.� the Itn SLC airport wally Central Tunnel will cut the trek to B gates by more than a thousand feet, but keep those comfy shoes handy for now. By Blake Apgar I Aug.3,2022,7:00 a.m. The trek across the Salt Lake City International Airport is getting shorter. Just give it another two years. Construction on the so-called Central Tunnel,the straight-shot route from the main security checkpoint to concourse B,is now halfway complete.When it opens in October 2024,travelers no longer will have to snake through concourse A and then navigate an underground walk to get to their B gates in the outer reaches of-the airport. "This will be a really significant,and,I think,fabulous improvement in the airport experience,"Bill Wyatt,executive director of the Salt Lake City Department of Airports,said during a tour Tuesday. The new tunnel not only will speed up travel times for some passengers but will also relieve congestion on concourse A,which now experiences large crowds from those trying to access the lone,long tunnel X to the R vatPc https://www.sltrib.com/news/2022/08103/sight-sore-feet-meet-project/ 2/9 3/3.22, 10 24/P.N9 Long walk at Salt Lake City's airport to get shorter with new tunnel w0r,$ ltCakeZribunr SUBSCRIBE LOG IN SUBSCRIBE _ I , 0, + " J T y' (Leah Hogsten I The Salt Lake Tribune)A man walks in front of the closed escalator that will carry Salt Lake City Intemational Airport travelers to anew Central Tunnel on Tuesday,Aug.2,2022. The journey to the B gates has been a major source of criticism for the airport since its:2o2o debut and the butt of many jokes.In some cases,the walk to a gate can stretch more than a half-mile and take more than 20 minutes. The new tunnel will trim the walk from security to concourse B by more than 1,000 feet. Escalators to the roughly$8o million Central Tunnel will be accessible in the plaza passengers enter immediately after passing through security. Workers began pouring concrete in the nearly 1,200-foot tunnel at the beginning of July 2021. Before it can open to passengers, crews will need to build a new entryway on concourse B that will display the terrazzo world map from the old airport. The map,a favorite fixture in the former airport, delighted travelers for decades.When the new airpl X https://www.sltdb.com/news/2022/08/03/sight-sore-feet-meet-project/ 3/9 8/3/22, 10:24 AM Long walk at Salt Lake City's airport to get shorter with new tunnel The M-ftideYYCibltltl' SUBSCRIBE LOG IN SUBSCRIBE �. "The River Tunnel,"as Huether calls it,is designed to give passengers the experience of walking at the bottom of a flowing river,with specialized lighting,custom terrazzo flooring and piped-in nature sounds or music curated just for the tunnel. (Leah Hogsten I The Salt Lake Tribune)"it makes you forget a little bit about being in an airport,"said Salt Lake City International Airport's Central Tunnel artist Gordon Huether of his"River Tunnel"art installation,designed to create a sense of walking on the bottom of a riverbed, Tuesday,Aug.2,2022. The artist said he wants his work to calm passengers as they make their way through security lines and find their gates. "The whole idea,"Huether said, "is that it is a holistic,fully immersive experience that will make you maybe forget a little bit about being in an airport,and you're going to be thinking more about celebrating the natural beauty of Utah." (Leah Hogsten I The Salt Lake Tribune)Six moving walkways,like the one shown at left,Tuesday,Aug.2,2022,will be installed in Salt Lake City International Airport's Central Tunnel.The new tunnel,scheduled to open October 2024,will speed up travel time from concourse A to concourse B,giving travelers a straight shot from airport security with the help of moving walkways. Travelers walking through the tunnel will have six moving walkways to help the flow of passengers. The new tunnel gives airport officials more room to work with,so they are looking at additional mobility options like electric carts. The Central Tunnel contains enough space for two trains to carry passengers,though they are unlikely to be installed until a third concourse is built. Wvatt RAM awPllinp,naccpnppr vnhimpc mpan nlnnninn nn n r,r,n, raj, C rrn„lrl rrmip by rlpr•arlp'.c P?lr1 x https://www slbib.com/newsi2O22/08/03/sight-sore-feet-meet-project/ 4/9 DeseretNews LATEST NEWSTHE WESTUTAH , SPORTS , OPINIONMAGAZINEMORE , UTAH SALT LAKE COUNTY TRAVEL This tunnel will ease s�_1- l:i to distance between Salt Lake airport's concoulo _ !rere's when it opens By Carter Williams,KSL.com I Aug 2,2022,2:32pm MDT 8/3/22,8:08 AM This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's concourses.Here's when it opens-Deseret News 1J ■fi r r. ,p �+- A I i 't t �r- Crews work inside the central tunnel,which is being built between Concourse A and Concourse B,at the Salt Lake City International Airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday,Aug.2,2022.Once completed,the tunnel will open another way for passengers to transit between the concourses,and will eventually extend to a future Concourse C. Spenser Heaps. Deseret News I Purchase Photo An airport is a fast-paced and oftentimes stressful experience as passengers run around making sure they reach their flights in time. But Gordon Huether pictures a completely different experience once Salt Lake City International Airport travelers reach a new central tunnel currently under construction. "When we drop you down into this tunnel, I'm going to take you into a whole other world. I'm going to bring the temperature down for you," he says, as he stares down the length of a vacant tunnel in front of him. T'hP 1%Tnr1r1 hP 0"XT;Cinnc nnrn PA the "V;,1TPr 711nnPl " ;Q oolm onnl 3"A vnry h111P 1 IIPYP designed for the airport's main terminal. He likens this project to a dream in which you're walking at the bottom of a gently-moving river, while soothing music — curated for the experience — plays all around you. When travelers awake from the dream at Concourse B, they'll reach "Canyon 2.0" and the old airport's world map artwork. "The whole idea is that it's a holistic, fully immersive experience that will make you maybe forget a little bit about being in an airport," Huether adds. "And you'll be thinking more about celebrating the natural beauty of Utah." Par s d � •LY � �� j Zil. •'`r 'll A rendering of"River Tunnel;'by Gordon Huether,is displayed inside the central tunnel,where the piece will be located,during a media tour at the Salt Lake City International Airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday,Aug.2,2022.Once completed,the tunnel will open another way for passengers to transit between Concourse A and Concourse Band eventually to a future Concourse C. Spenser Heaps,Deseret News I Purchase Photo However, this new 1,175-foot tunnel may also ease some travelers' nerves because of its convenience alone. Since the new airport opened in 2020, many have vented about the distance between 813/22,8:08 AM This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's concourses.Here's when it opens-Deseret News When the new tunnel opens -- anticipated to be the fall of 2024 — travelers headed to Concourse B can simply walk to the entrance of the main terminal, through the river experience Huether imagines, and straight to the concourse without a detour around Concourse A. The route through the first concourse to the mid-concourse tunnel extends the trip for many Concourse B users. This shortcut will help reduce the distance from the security lines to the boarding gate by about a third, in some cases, said Mike Williams, the program director for the Salt Lake Airport Redevelopment Program. People checking in and heading to, say, Gate B22, will benefit the most right now; but it will also benefit the future expansion of Concourse B because that growth extends the building farther from the mid-concourse tunnel. There are also six moving walkways to make the trip go even faster if you don't want to walk through the whole tunnel. DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/8/2/23289253/salt-lake-airport-tunnel-walk-between-concourses-new-construction 4/13 8/3/22,8:08 AM This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's concourses.Here's when it opens-Deseret News BI B} BB B7 Bo B11 B13 M B17 Btf W1 CONCOURSES TES B;___�'�. `�_.Jr= BB Bq B10' 1112 Bid 816 B/0 BAD MID CONCOURSE CENTRALTUNNEL T (PHASE2) At A3 A6 A7 A9 A11 A13 All, Al2 A17 A21 A23 A25 A27 A29 Ail A33 A36 AN A3 A41 A43 ASS A 7 A49 CONCOURSEA CONCOURSEA(PNASE2) A2 A-� Al. —r AUTo a � r AN1evB MeA+z A1.1 TERMINAL This map shows the central tunnel&#39;s location in relation to Concourse A and Concourse B at Salt Lake City International Airport.The tunnel is expected to be open in October 2024. 1 Salt Lake City International Airport Wyatt adds that the roughly $80 million project will also thin the traffic coming through Concourse A because it is a mix of travelers using both concourses at the moment, which is also influenced by Delta Airlines flyers using the airport to connect with another flight. "It depends on where your gate is, certainly, but the lack of crowds will be the biggest and most-notable feature," he said. "I think it will improve connect times significantly for people." While most of the bare tunnel itself is finished, the biggest holdup now is constructing a connection from underground to Concourse B. Huether will then come in and complete his art installation once that's complete. All of it is on schedule for the new central tunnel to open in October 2024. A growing airport Another feature of the central tunnel, which most people won't see, is a faster system that will zip bags from planes landing at Concourse B back to the baggage carousel at DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/utah/2022/8/2/23289253/salt-lake-airport-tunnel-walk-between-concourses-new-construction 5/13 It is one of several new airport features as the $4.5 billion facility grows. Construction remains ongoing for the 22-gate Concourse A-East project; the first four gates of the f second-phase extension are expected to open next spring and the rest of the facility is expected to open by the end of 2023. The extension will also feature 19 new restaurants j and retail shops, airport officials announced in May. Airport administrators also plan to build nine more gates to Concourse B, which is scheduled to be completed by the end of 2025. The vast majority of the money for the projects have come from the airline industry, Wyatt said. RELATED Window to the world:Inside Salt Lake's state-of-the-art airport The first new U.S.hub airport in decades is ready for takeoff Meanwhile, the central tunnel is considered the first piece of planning that goes well beyond 2025. Crews are also including the wells needed for a future train that will someday connect the two concourses, as well as a third, once the future Concourse C is built. 8/11/22.7:52 AM Sall Lake City's airport is already growing.Here's what's next after the current projects I KSL.corn News Sports Hrandview TV Radio Live Obituaries Weather 75" Classif NEWS/UTAHCOUNTIES SALT LAKE COUNTY ............................................._...................._.._........ - .-._-..................................................................................................................................................,........ Advertise wMi us Salt Lake City's airport is already growing. Here's what's next after the current projects By Carter Williams,KSL.com Posted-Aug.10,2022 at 3.05 p.m. .tit 1 I � 1 I T . _ 1 L T•I�IL ���,5 �NI' �111" People walk through the baggage claim with Delta jets visible at their gates atthe Salt Lake City International Airport in Salt Lake City on Tuesday.The Salt Lake City Intemational Airport is ready to update its master plan for the first time since 1998.(Spenser Heaps,Deseret News. 46 V Estimated read time: 6-7 minutes https://www.ksl.com/article/50455275/sait-lake-citys-airport-is-already-growing-heres-whats-next-after-the-current-projects 1/10 8/11/22,7:52 AM Salt Lake City's airport is already growing.Here's what's next after the current projects I KSL.com could see the drawing on its front cover. "(It) is surprisingly like what we're building right now," said Wyatt, the airport's director, as he held up the large book during a council work session Tuesday. Within minutes, he was ready to share with the council what planners now picture the future of the airport to look like, two decades after that rendering was drawn. Airport staff presented the council with details of the possible first new city airport master plan in at least 24 years. This document is important, Wyatt contends, because it helps "paint a picture" of what the next 30 years of Utah's largest airport will look like, much like the picture on the previous master plan helped forecast the creation of the new Salt Lake City International Airport that opened two years ago. ADVERTISEMENT Advertise with us Report ad This isn't just a document that only helps illustrate the future of the facility, but also flight growth, employment changes, technology improvements and other elements that will dictate future needs. Brady Frederickson, the senior aviation planner for Salt Lake City Corporation, believes the last plan successfully helped transform an airport that served the Intermountain region to one that serves an international economy. This was done because planners then — as the 1998 illustration shows —figured out a better design to allow planes to move about the runway more efficiently and effectively. https://www.ksl.com/article/50455275/salt-lake-citys-airport-is-already-growing-heres-whats-next-after-the-current-projects 2/10 8/11/22,7:52 AM Salt Lake City's airport is already growing.Here's what's next after the current projects I KSL.com this airport with all the plans," he said. The proposed master plan presented Tuesday is the result of three years of planning that collected input from about 350 community members, 65 meetings with major stakeholders and about 20,000 hours of planning work, according to airport officials. The Federal Aviation Administration, which granted airport planners about $4 million to conduct a new master plan, will have to sign off on it along with the City Council before it's finally approved. So what will the future of the airport look like? The near future of the airport Some of the future growth is already happening. The first four gates of the Concourse A-East project are scheduled to open in May 2023, while the remaining 18 gates are set to open by the end of 2023. Airport administrations also celebrated just last week the halfway point in constructing a new central tunnel, which is slated to open by the end of 2024. That is expected to cut the walking time for many travelers who need to use Concourse B, which also has the potential to grow by another 16 gates down the road. The tunnel will contain the keys to other projects, too. It will have the space for a future train or tram that will connect the two current concourses with a future third concourse sometime in the future. The eventual Concourse C must include other amenities, including a relocated fire station, airport maintenance base, fuel farm and a Delta Air Lines hangar because they are all either nonexistent or currently in the way of the planned third concourse location, Wyatt explained. "That's all very daunting but we have time — as long as we know where we're going," he said. The slightly more distant future Concourse C's future growth is still ultimately determined by how many people use the airport, though. Its demand is triggered when the airport receives about 32.6 million annual passengers, according to an airport presentation document. https://www.ksl.com/article/50455275/salt-lake-citys-airport-is-already-growing-heres-whats-next-after-the-current-projects 3/10 8/11/22,7:52 AM Salt Lake City's airport is already growing.Here's what's next after the current projects i KSL.com But the demand for a new concourse isn't too far into the horizon. "We're really recovering quickly and we're expanding quickly," he said. ,,_This graph shows projected Salt Lake City International Airport passenger levels every year up to 2037. The airport is currently on pace to receive 25 million passengers. This graph shows projected Salt Lake City International Airport passenger levels every year up to 2037. The airport is currently on pace to receive 25 million passengers. (Photo: Salt Lake City International Airport) Planners studied trends and interviewed the airline companies that use the airport to project three likely passenger activity scenarios by 2037. They found that the airport could reach 32.6 million passengers by the end of the decade. The most bullish outlook from these sources estimates that the airport will reach 43.6 million annual passengers by 2037. The pessimistic projection states the figure is 32.8 million by 2037, while the baseline forecast is somewhere in the middle at 37.3 million passengers. The document presented to the council shows what is needed for a fourth concourse, which is when the airport draws 47 million passengers annually. The airport could reach that level in the 2040s, based on these projections. _This map shows where future projects, including Concourse C, are planned to be located at Salt Lake City International Airport. This map shows where future projects, including Concourse C, are planned to be located at Salt Lake City International Airport. (Photo: Salt Lake City International Airport) Cargo airline service and corporate hangars are also expected to expand over the next 15 years, especially with the growth of the Utah Inland Port. Fredrickson said he believes he's handled more requests for corporate hangars in the past year than all of the previous 15 years combined. All of this means there will be a growing demand for a more "balanced" airfield to handle all the future planes arriving and departing, he explained. Wyatt also acknowledged that projected gate expansions will result in 42 new jet bridges over the next seven years, nearly double the amount now. That will require more employees to handle the airport's growth. https://www.ksl.com/article/50455275/salt-lake-citys-airport-is-already-growing-heres-whats-next-after-the-current-projects 4/10 8/11/22,7:52 AM Salt Lake City's airport is already growing.Here's what's next after the current projects I KSL.com Parking and airport accessibility are other major future concerns. The airport's economy parking lot only reached three-fourths of capacity over the weekend, but it did reach 90% during this year's spring break and full capacity during last year's fall break. Wyatt said there's a fear that not enough parking may lead to "suboptimal" street parking near the airport, even though there is a public transit station just outside the main terminal. Meanwhile, he acknowledged there is some "consideration" for crews to extend the central tunnel construction beyond Concourse B early to speed up the process for when construction begins on Concourse C. This would also clear the path for a train system to open early, though it still wouldn't begin service for about another five years. The project is expected to cost about $180 million in capital with an operation and maintenance of up to $5 million annually. "If we're going to invest in this anyway, it might be worth investing now rather than in how many more years," said Salt Lake City Councilman Darin Mano. For now, passengers who need assistance can be shuttled around. There are also environmental concerns that growth brings, including carbon monoxide, ozone, sulfur dioxide and particulate matter that can harm air quality and the climate, the document notes. Frederickson said the airport has switched out many of its diesel fleet vehicles for electric ones, while they ask airlines to do the same. The document is ready to be adopted by the city, though it may have more adjustments before that happens. The timeline for it to be approved has yet to be established, as the council voted to continue the discussion for a future meeting. It will then be sent to the FAA for final approval. Related stories This tunnel will ease some distance between Salt Lake airport's concourses. Here's when it opens 19 new restaurants, retail shops named as 2nd phase of Salt Lake City airport continues Most recent Utah transportation stories Gas prices in US dip just below $4 for the first time in 5 months https://www.ksl.com/article/50455275/salt-lake-citys-airport-is-already-growing-heres-whats-next-after-the-current-projects 5/10 Airline News 88* Search Site [T i i) n on seats caused by Jeremy Harris, KUTV Wednesday, September 7th 2022 F-i ^tn• ,,M, I I, � �I ' ' 3�i�I, , low M A Delta Airlines jet sits an the tormac at the Atlanta Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport.(File photo:CNN) SALT LAKE CITY (KUTV) — An airline passenger who allegedly admitted to using meth faces federal charges after causing a flight to divert to Salt Lake City International Airport over Labor Day Weekend. Ilt Lake City chi with a flight crE 78 89 88 Search Site n Saturday and caused a disturbance almost immediately after takeoff. 'Jones forced napkins and moist towelettes into the vents above his seat. As the plane was in flight,Jones was yelling that he was being poisoned, and demanding to speak to the captain and to the FBI.Jones would not remain seated and was moving from row to row through the cabin," an FBI affidavit states. Sponsored Links The CDO: Chief Disappearing „_ -1`PIc-er CIO.com Related stories from Mews • Unruly passenger forces flight from London to divert to Salt Lake City • Couple stuck for hours after flight to Salt Lake diverted to Provo Airport • 'Sit down now!' Video shows unruly passenger detained on flight into Salt Lake City Flight attendants blocked the front of the cockpit door with service carts to prevent Jones from getting access, according to the charges. "At one point,Jones was climbing over seats from the exit row through the first class cabin and then was restrained by other passengers and flight attendants. He was placed in flex cuffs and restrained in a first class as the flight was diverted to Salt Lake City," the affidavit states. Police arrested Jones when the flight landed. Officers observed that he appeared to be high on meth and he admitted to using meth when questioned, according to the charges. Jones is scheduled to appear in federal court Wednesday afternoon. This year, the FAA has logged nearly 2,000 reports of unruly passengers and has launched 650 investigations. FLIGHT DIVERTED TO SALT LAKE CITY OVER UNRULY PASSENGER ABC4.COM "THE SAFETY ! WELLBEING OF OUR CUSTOMERS1 CREW IS ALWAYS OUR 1 ' PRIORITY AND WE DON'T TOLERATE ANY / BEHAVIOR THAT COMPROMISES APOLOGIZE 1 ' THE INCONVENIENCE1 1 CUSTOMERS ONBOARD." VIRGIN atlanf•ic ATLANTIC LOCAL 1,,TEWS Unruly passerge'r ea-u« es :1'61-1 it I i) cal*lvelr-f:L to S,�C by: Kiah Armstrong Posted:Jul 26, 2022/08:11 PM MDT Updated:Jul 26, 2022/ 10:08 PM MDT SHARE V & ... SALT LAKE CITY (ABC4) -A flight heading to LAX had to be diverted to the Salt Lake International Airport due to an "unruly passenger." The Virgin Atlantic Flight took off from London and was expected to land at LAX. That plane had to be diverted due to an unruly passenger, a Salt Lake City International Airport spokesperson tells ABC4. The passenger was then taken off the plane and the flight continued to LAX. In a statement to ABC4, Virgin Atlantic said: "Due to a disruptive passenger onboard flight VS141 operating from Condon Heathrow to Los Angeles on Tuesday 26 July, the aircraft[has]diverted to Salt Lake City to be met by police authorities. The safety and wellbeing of our customers and crew is always our top priority and we don't tolerate any behaviour that compromises this. We always want our customers to have Virgin Atlantic flight diverted to SLC due to unruly passenger Jul 26,2022, 10:06 PM Updated:Jul 27,2022,6:33 am V�V ,577 BY MADISON SWENSON KSLTV.com SALTLAKECITY--AVi,,r;n (light was diverted to the Salt Lake City International Airport Tuesday clue toan unruly passenger. Salt Lake police say the passenger had been physically detained by other passengers and flight crew members onboard the plane—which was headed from London to LAX. Once the plane landed in SaltLake:around 4:30 p.m.,the passenger was removed from the plane and the flight continued on its way. Police did not say whether the individual was arrested. A `u-Lin Atlantic spokesper on said,"Due to a disruptive passenger onboard flight VS141 operating from London Heathrow to I o .-1n ele;on Tuesdav'o Tuh-. the aircraft diverted to S;d( Labs City to be met by police authorities.The safety and well-being or our cust��nrer�,r,,_I cre« is ttlu a�.v our tot hn it tt and we don't tolcratc Inv behati inr thnt compromises this.We always want our customers to have the best c.xper ienc,a hcn they tly with us and our cabi❑cretiv III hi;hlv train ,l to deal «ith any individuals that may impact that experience for others. `the flight continued to l.os,4n�reles arr i in<_, lust before 20:00 local time with an arrival delay of approximately four hours.We apologize for the inconvem,mcc caused to customers onboard.' 9 weather alerts 11 enu Q U7' Q Watch Now NEANS LOCAL NEWS 0 i ds tc t make emergency Va nden inS- alt Lake City due to unruly passenqft-r V-4 By: Spencer Burt Posted at 7:53 PM,Jul 26, 2022 and last updated 7.28 AM,Jul 27,2022 SALT LAKE CITY —A flight from London to Los Angeles was forced to land in Salt Lake City because of an unruly passenger. Virgin Atlantic Flight 141 was flying from London and scheduled to land in Los Angeles, but was diverted to Salt Lake City International Airport instead at 4:30 p.m. The unidentified passenger was physically detained by flight crew members and other passengers. Recent Stories from Cox I3—com "Due to a disruptive passenger onboard flight VS141 operating from London Heathrow to Los Angeles on Tuesday 26 July, the aircraft diverted to Salt Lake City to be met by police authorities. The safety and wellbeing of our customers and crew is always our top priority and we don't tolerate any behaviour that compromises this," the airline wrote in a statement. FOX 13 News obtained video of the passenger being escorted from a Virgin Atlantic plane at the airport. The flight resumed and left Salt Lake City for Los Angeles at around 7:30 p.m. Copyright 2022 Scripps Media,Inc.Ali rights reserved.This material may not be published,broadcast.rewritten.or redistributed. Sign up for the Breaking News Newsletter and receive up to date information. E-mail CURATION BY -t> c. MMMW Cops: 2 dead and 3 wounded at ii 1cu p ro Eleven stores POLICE LINE.00 NOT CROSS FOX 13 News Utah ##' 6,veai- yi0", dies 'B"t'_rn 6"a a, y.,n,.31 :' 4F9 .r FOX 13 News Utah AV Utah Legalizes Powerful Pain Relief Gumr-i,, It 1:a k v Z ribmir DONATF- ACCOUNT DONATE J Atlantic H, The flight was headed from the United Kingdom to Los Angeles. Ne, (Rick Bowmer AP)Travelers are shown at Salt Lake City International Airport Monday, June 13, 2022, in Salt Lake City. Bv Associated Press I July 27, 2022, 11:11 a.m. SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - A 39-year-old resident of the United Kingdom was arrested in Salt Lake City on Tuesday on suspicion of assaulting crew members and a passenger onboard a flight from London to Los Angeles. P The Salt Lake City Police Department said that the Virgin Air flight had to be diverted to Utah after William Stephen Hayes became upset mid-flight and had to be restrained by the flight crew. While restrained, Hayes allegedly kicked began kicking airplane seats and windows and injured crew members and a passenger. Police said injuries were minor and the incident left no permanent damage to the plane. "The safety and wellbeing of our customers and crew is always our top priority and we don't tolerate any behaviour that compromises this," Virgin Atlantic said in a statement. "We always want our customers to have the best experience when they fly with us and our cabin crew are highly trained to deal with any individuals that may impact that experience for others." Upon arrest, Hayes was transported and booked at the Salt Lake County jail. Local law enforcement said it referred the case to the U.S. Attorney's office, which typically has authority over international flights. The plane subsequently resumed its flight to Los Angeles. Charges had yet to be filed as of Wednesday morning and it's unkown if Hayes had an attorney. The U.S. Attorney's office did not immediately return request for comment. By Associated Press Donate to the newsroom now.The Salt Lake Tribune, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) public charity and contributions are tax deductible Unruly passenger forces flight from London to Los Angeles to divert to Salt Lake City By Chris Boyette, CNN © Updated 8:49 AM ET, Wed July 27, 2022 . .� ICI crn n � V f r... ��� •r�r y✓ 4� ��'Ic:?�• !�_.t 1 j-'•L�'i�R i i�+�l[ �' _i Y I P, r travel Audio Live TV Log In _:� �, 1a to�� � r��,�. � _ + •:�13 r:�'r A Virgin Atlantic flight bound for Los Angeles was forced to divert to Salt Lake City International Airport on Tuesday due to an unruly passenger. (CNN)—A disruptive passenger onboard a Virgin Atlantic flight from London's Heathrow airport to Los Angeles on Tuesday caused the aircraft to be diverted to Salt Lake City, according to an airline statement. The passenger was "physically detained by other passengers and flight crew members" and was met by police upon arrival, according to Salt Lake City Police in a statement. The flight then continued to Los Angeles and landed about four hours after its scheduled arrival, Virgin Atlantic said. "The safety and wellbeing of our customers and crew is always our top priority and we don't tolerate any behavior that compromises this," the airline statement said. "We always want our customers to have the best experience when they fly with us and our cabin crew are highly trained to deal with any 01 individuals that may impact that experience for others." m CNN has reached out to Salt Lake City Police for more P information. So far this year there have been 1,701 reports of unruly passengers, with 582 investigations initiated, according to Print RJCIOM 0 li�•:llti Unruly passenger forces London-to-Los Angeles flight to land at Salt Lake City; individual arrested By Lawrence Richard Published Jury 27,2022 Fox News A commercial flight from London to Los Angeles Tuesday was forced to divert from its intended flight path due to an unruly passenger,officials said. Virgin Atlantic flight 141 took off from London Heathrow(LHR)but was forced to land before reaching its anticipated destination of Los Angeles International Airport(LAX)after the passenger's disturbance,a Virgin Atlantic spokesperson told Fox News Digital. The plane landed at Salt Lake City International Airport(SLC),where the disruptive passenger was taken into custody,the spokesperson said. O Ae 44 _r Moro Emir= IPI' 1 next Image 1 of 3 A passenger forced a Los Angeles-bound flight to divert to Salt Lake City on July 26,2022.(KUTV) 0 i Am F rAP ot. 0or „� K • l an'�'_ � ' � �`1T -•SAY u .�_ :. �. _ 'I ___�.,. .• 'YJ �. prev next Image 2 of 3 A Virgin Atlantic flight was diverted due to a passenger's behavior on July 26,2022.(KUTV) At - ,6 - prev Image 3 of 3 An unruly passenger of a Virgin Atlantic flight was arrested on July 26,2022.(KUTV) The specifics of the disturbance are not known. AIRLINE STAFFING ISSUES LEADING TO MORE LOST,UNCLAIMED BAGS IN AIRPORTS A Virgin Atlantic spokesperson told Fox News Digital the airline diverted the Flight to ensure the safety of the passengers. t I i I I Miscellaneous News A 3 weather alerts Menu Q ® Watch Now SALT LAKE CITY Quick links... ADVERTISEMENT NEWS > LOCAL NEWS Plane crashes into West Jordan soccer fields* no inj*ufles reported �'. By: Jeff Tayss Posted of 4:05 PM, Sep 07,2022 and lost updated 6:93 PM, Sep 07, 2022 WEST JORDAN, Utah — No one was injured after a small plane crashed into a West Jordan soccer field on Wednesday afternoon. The plane came down just south of South Valley Regional Airport, crash landing in the West Jordan Soccer Complex. A photo of the single-engine plane showed it coming to a stop just before a tree next to a walkway. C 4`� ¢y���` ��'�+'- � �� •Yf-fir y s -:j� � f rib. .. yr� s •v, J - - �,... .��.•'ray.. - t Let AMA r - FOX 13 News Plane sits feet away from tree after crashing into West Jordan soccer field on Wednesday West Jordan Fire Department officials said a gust of wind forced the plane down, but offered no other information. Two finale passengers on board the plane were not injured in the crash. Copyright2022 Scripps Media,Inc.All rights reserved.This material may not be published,broadcast,rewritten,or redistributed. 8/2/22,7:51 AM What is coming to the remodeled Salt Lake International Airport?I Opinion-Deseret News Deseret News I Deseret Magazine I „. DeseretNe-ws LATEST NEWSTHE WESTUTAH SPORTS o OPINIONMAGAZINEMORE - OPINION UTAH BUSINESS Opinion: How to make the Salt Lake International Airport family friendly The newly remodeled Salt Lake International Airport has a huge potential for tourism if we can capture the unique culture of Utah within the airport By Evan Ward Aug 1,2022,8:00am MDT f G SHARE As I write, I'm seated on the outdoor observation deck at San Francisco International Airport. I'm waiting for a flight to Sydney, Australia, where I will be researching how flight patterns between Australia and Europe with an intermediate stop, something known as the "Kangaroo Route," helped integrate Australia into the Asian economy. Many times, passengers stopping in places like Singapore decide to return for a vacation to the city where they had a stopover on the way to Europe. Now that the new Salt Lake City International Airport has been operational for two years, it's fair to ask if the airport will be able to achieve "the stopover effect." I've adapted this term from my own research on the evolution of how airports spur tourism as well as the work of aviation specialists on how passengers select connecting cities and make layover cities into tourist destinations in their own right. "The stopover effect" happens when a passenger in transit has such a favorable experience in a connecting airport that he or she chooses to return to the city as a destination in its own right. DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2022/8/l/23283908/opinion-how-to-make-salt-lake-international-airport-family-friendly-tourism-family-search-ancestry 2/8 8/2/22,7:51 AM What is coming to the remodeled Salt Lake International Airport?I Opinion-Deseret News Despite persistent complaints about the distance passengers must walk between concourses at the new airport, among other critiques, it still may be too early to render a final verdict on the new airport's form and function until the second phase is completed in 2024. RELATED Opinion:The terrible,horrible, no good,very bad walk from SLC's Concourse B What would convert a transit passenger into a Salt Lake City tourist just by making a connection at the airport? While some factors are now fixed'(such as the orientation of the concourses), there are adaptations that might provide a more pleasurable experience for passengers. Some factors might include greater attention to families traveling with children and a cultural experience associated with Salt Lake's historical identity. Frankly, Salt Lake City should be known as one of the most family-friendly airports in the world, given the Utah's high per capita rate of natural increase, youthful population and cultural association with robust families. The airport has won praise for its elegant lines, particularly at the nexus where passport control intersects with concourse A, also known as "Terminal Plaza." RELATED What's coming to Salt Lake City International Airport: 22 new gates,more restaurants Utah retains title as 'youngest' state as U.S.population continues to age The wide observation deck there is a nice touch, where families are often found, their children with little to do while waiting for their flight. The grand piano is classy but offers limited opportunity for use among the throngs transiting the space. This is the one area that could be transformed into a children's play area, conceivably called "the Valley" — to continue the architectural metaphor that extends from "the canyons" DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2022/8/1/23283908/opinion-how-to-make-salt-lake-international-airport-family-friendly-tourism-family-search-ancestry 3/8 8/2/22,7:51 AM What is coming to the remodeled Salt Lake International Airport?I Opinion-Deseret News Given the incidence of"trampoline parks" and children's play places throughout Utah, some variety of activities — perhaps including modest rope ladders arranged around a foam or ball pit — would brighten Terminal Plaza, which will be extended to include more shops when Concourse A is extended to its final length of 3,700 feet by the end of 2024. To add to the family-friendly approach, a sweet spot in dining options needs to be considered. Images come to mind of long lines snaking out of the McDonalds in the old Salt Lake Airport. The current airport features what might be considered "premium price" dining options as well as the outlet of a convenience store, but little in the way of modestly priced fast food that was in abundance in the former airport. A family- friendly airport has a place to buy an inexpensive fountain soft drink, a small pack of fries, or a soft serve ice cream cone to keep an overwrought child happy until the next flight. Finally, a memorable cultural experience might help lure passengers back to Salt Lake City for a two-to-three-day vacation. Skiing sells itself, as do the state's supernal national parks. Other airports in the region, however, have marketed their airports based on the airport itself or a cultural offering housed there. RELATED For the sake of a Cinnabon:Airports are designed for travelers'habits Denver International Airport has embraced its conspiratorial history (of cost overruns and what might exist in the underground tunnels) and made it a selling part of the airport. San Francisco International Airport boasts a library dedicated to commercial aviation, located inside and open to anyone interested in flight. If money were not an issue, it would be both an educational experience and a reflection of Utah's heritage to have Ancestry.com or FamilySearch locate a highly interactive public or private space in one of the concourses, featuring an array of opportunities for passengers to learn basic aspects about their individual family history — with an .� DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2022/8/i/23283908/opinion-how-to-make-salt-lake-international-airport-family-friendly-tourism-family-search-ancestry 4/8 8/2/22,7:51 AM What is coming to the remodeled Salt Lake International Airport?I Opinion-Deseret News While there have been many criticisms of the new airport, there are ample opportunities to help the airport grow as a part of the community, which will also contribute to the economic and cultural well-being of the state. Evan Ward is associate professor of history at Brigham Young University, where he teaches courses on world history and researches the history of travel and tourism, with an emphasis on commercial aviation. He welcomes continued dialogue about the new airport at evan—ward@byu.edu. Utah Today Get all the news that's happening in the Beehive State in one place, as well as major national and world news that you value. Email Address subscribe Ar By signing up,you agree to our Privacy Notice and European users agree to the data transfer policy. Pald Ads ; r � . l•11- , T �' ``-' x 44% of homeowners overvalue their home.Here's why. Read More DeseretNews https://www.deseret.com/opinion/2022/8/1/23283908/o pin ion-how-to-make-salt-lake-international-airport-family-fri end ly-tourism-family-search-ancestry 5/8 INTERNATIONAL Advisory Board Meeting September 2i, 2022 Information �J /1 Salt Lake City Department of Airports SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT AIR TRAFFIC STATISTICS AND ACTIVITY REPORT SEVEN MONTHS ENDED JULY 2022 July Year to date 12 MO ROLLING 2022 CHANGE 2022 CHANGE Ending 07/2022 CHANGE PASSENGERS DOMESTIC Enplaned-Local 768,211 1.33% 5,031,567 32.90% 8,294,636 54.88% Enplaned-Connections 410,317 -13.99% 2,454,253 14.74% 4,450,949 41.23% Less International -75,161 -332,635 -471,713 Enplaned 1,103,367 -8.51% 7,153,185 23.90% 12,273,872 47.76% Deplaned-Local 753,709 0.29% 4,913,925 29.77% 8,192,740 53.30% Deplaned-Connection 410,317 -13.99% 2,454,253 14.74% 4,450,949 41.23% Less International -62,428 -341,425 -479,549 Deplaned 1,101,598 -8.15% 7,026,753 21.77% 12,164,140 46.63% TOTAL DOMESTIC 2,204,965 -8.33% 14,179,938 22.83% 24,438,012 47.20% INTERNATIONAL Enplaned 75,161 157.90% 332,635 119.44% 471,713 135.12% Deplaned 62,428 113.69% 341,425 120.41% 479,549 139.47% TOTAL INTERNATIONAL 137,589 135.77% 674,060 119.93% 951,262 137.30% TOTAL PASSENGERS 2,342,554 -4.92% 14,853,998 25.34% 25,389,274 49.32% LANDED WEIGHT Air Carriers 1,267,629,013 -9.22% 8,212,942,311 -0.94% 14,540,166,971 10.39% Cargo Carriers 100,131,738 -5.13% 725,524,771 -2.37% 1,313,529,354 -2.89% TOTAL LANDED WEIGHT(LBS) 1,367,760,751 -8.93% 8,938,467,082 -1.05% 15,853,696,325 9.15% MAIL Enplaned 2,735,111 -16.38% 18,295,207 -7.50% 32,186,991 -8.19% Deplaned 1,494,238 -2.07% 10,073,302 5.90% 17,462,618 -11.98% TOTAL MAIL(LBS) 4,229,349 -11.83% 28,368,509 -3.15% 49,649,609 -9.56% CARGO Enplaned 14,625,604 -14.02% 108,889,840 -9.77% 196,146,933 -8.88% Deplaned 15,707,871 -6.54% 114,332,892 0.04% 204,646,269 -1.14% TOTAL CARGO(LBS) 30,333,475 -10.30% 223,222,732 -5.00% 400,793,202 -5.09% MAIL&CARGO Enplaned 7,313 -14.02% 54,445 -9.77% 98,073 -8.88% Deplaned 7,854 -6.54% 57,166 0.04% 102,323 -1.14% TOTAL MAIL&CARGO(TONS) 15,167 -10.30% 111,611 -5.00% 200,396 -5.09% AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS Passenger Aircraft 20,888 -12.74% 135,922 -4.38% 242,790 6.30% All-Cargo Aircraft 1,486 -12.49% 11,100 -6.39% 20,066 -2.80% General Aviation 5,786 -0.05% 39,854 -1.18% 69,367 1.73% Military 249 68.24% 1,935 16.01% 3,102 3.19% TOTAL AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS 28,409 -10.02% 188,811 -3.67% 335,325 4.71% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT PASSENGER TRAFFIC REPORT SEVEN MONTHS ENDED JULY 2022 July July % Year to date Year to date % 12 MO ROLLING % 2021 2022 CHANGE 2021 2022 CHANGE Ending 07/2022 CHANGE ENPLANED PASSENGERS AEROMEXICO 2,855 100.0% 18,347 100.0% 24,039 100.0% AIR CANADA - 1,092 100.0% 2,373 100.0% 2,373 100.0% ALASKA 16,953 16,701 -1.5% 50,086 68,463 36.7% 130,322 134.7% Horizon Air/Alaska - - 0.0% 17,507 8,609 -50.8% 19,202 -29.8% Skywest/Alaska 16,127 15,011 -6.9% 91,087 93,532 2.7% 144,461 18.0% AMERICAN 64,423 46,136 -28.4% 312,001 308,644 -1.1% 561,565 25.2% Envoy Air 4,812 64 -98.7% 11,061 4,990 -54.9% 19,679 66.9% American/Mesa Air 2,089 2,024 -3.1% 7,152 10,330 44.4% 14,020 73.7% Republic - - 0.0% 3,152 - -100.0% 2,049 -48.4% SkyWest(American) 6,389 3,737 -41.5% 58,961 30,095 -49.0% 64,467 -30.4% DELTA 677,671 686,618 1.3% 3,223,002 4,382,275 36.0% 7,373,007 59.2% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 210,801 166,186 -21.2% 1,032,048 1,065,225 3.2% 1,960,295 27.2% EUROWINGS DISCOVER - 2,227 100.0% - 6,105 100.0% 6,105 100.0% FRONTIER 26,140 14,094 -46.1% 136,296 109,376 -19.8% 205,247 -1.8% JETBLUE 26,959 30,221 12.1% 107,191 164,792 53.7% 252,685 90.6% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - 4,126 100.0% - 17,094 100.0% 17,094 100.0% SOUTHWEST 126,148 119,361 -5.4% 600,276 795,977 32.6% 1,319,864 59.1% SPIRIT - 18,302 100.0% - 39,622 100.0% 39,622 100.0% UNITED 21,492 17,775 -17.3% 106,853 165,707 55.1% 248,727 65.1% Mesa Airlines(United Express) 3,492 1,457 -58.3% 3,836 10,595 176.2% 16,874 291.5% Republic Airways(United) - - 0.0% 3,114 345 -88.9% 1,425 -61.5% SkyWest(United Express) 31,665 30,259 -4.4% 161,220 182,592 13.3% 321,638 36.8% Charters - 282 100.0% 134 732 446.3% 825 318.8% West Coast Charters 0 0.0% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% TOTAL ENPLANED PASSENGERS 1,235,161 1,178,528 -4.6% 5,924,977 7,485,820 26.3% 12,745,585 49.8% AeroMexico - 4,135 100.0% - 25,833 100.0% 32,470 100.0% AIR CANADA - 1,415 100.0% - 2,517 100.0% 2,517 100.0% ALASKA AIR 16,288 16,630 2.1% 49,474 66,854 35.1% 131,608 141.3% Horizon Air/Alaska - - 0.0% 17,263 8,519 -50.7% 19,432 -28.7% Skywest/Alaska 15,251 14,102 -7.5% 90,127 90,898 0.9% 142,568 16.2% AMERICAN 64,373 46,188 -28.2% 315,165 304,591 -3.4% 558,394 24.6% Envoy Air(American) 5,075 64 -98.7% 11,381 5,744 -49.5% 19,515 61.2% Mesa Air 2,044 2,051 0.3% 7,475 10,794 44.4% 13,860 63.6% Republic - - 0.0% 2,951 - -100.0% 1,950 -47.5% SkyWest(American) 6,343 3,704 -41.6% 59,014 30,537 -48.3% 65,066 -29.6% DELTA 674,162 670,826 -0.5% 3,213,392 4,266,950 32.8% 7,273,701 57.6% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 210,499 167,066 -20.6% 1,032,877 1,065,587 3.2% 1,958,487 26.8% EUROWINGS DISCOVER - 3,402 100.0% - 6,199 100.0% 6,199 100.0% FRONTIER 26,521 14,230 -46.3% 137,784 109,162 -20.8% 205,498 -2.6% JETBLUE 26,481 29,494 11.4% 105,926 160,957 52.0% 247,087 87.4% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - 5,576 100.0% - 21,205 100.0% 21,205 100.0% SOUTHWEST 124,114 118,574 -4.5% 597,953 791,471 32.4% 1,310,364 59.0% SPIRIT 18,291 100.0% - 40,675 100.0% 40,675 100.0% UNITED 22,181 16,964 -23.5% 109,451 164,146 50.0% 247,612 64.2% Mesa Airlines/United Express 3,986 1,544 -61.3% 4,555 11,172 145.3% 18,172 260.3% Republic Airways(United) - - 0.0% 3,051 317 -89.6% 1,285 -66.3% SkyWest(United Express) 31,230 29,469 -5.6% 167,513 182,963 9.2% 324,844 34.9% Charters - 301 100.0% 260 1,087 318.1% 1,180 350.4% West Coast Charters 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% TOTAL DEPLANED PASSENGERS 1,228,548 1,164,026 -5.3% 5,925,612 7,368,178 24.3% 12,643,689 48.8% TOTAL PASSENGERS' 2,463,709 2,342,554 -4.9% 11,850,589 14,853,998 25.3% 25,389,274 49.3% INTERNATIONAL-ENPLANED AEROMEXICO - 2,855 100.0% 18,347 100.0% 24,039 100.0% AIR CANADA 1,092 100.0% 2,373 100.0% 2,373 100.0% DELTA 29.141 66,977 129.8% 151,583 278,175 83.5% 407,292 103.0% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 2,008 100.0% 14,607 100.0% 18,876 100.0% EUROWINGS DISCOVER 2,227 100.0% 6,105 100.0% 6,105 100.0% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - - 0.0% 12,968 100.0% 12,968 100.0% Charters - 0.0% 58 100.0% 60 100.0% TOTAL ENPLANED INTERNATIONAL 29,141 75,159 157.9% 151,583 332,633 119.4% 471,713 135.1% AEROMEXICO - 4,135 100.0% 25,833 100.0% 32,470 100.0% AIR CANADA - 1,415 100.0% 2,517 100.0% 2,517 DELTA 29,212 51,371 75.9% 154,905 277,542 79.2% 404,749 102.1% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 2,077 100.0% 13,651 100.0% 17,931 100.0% EUROWINGS DISCOVER 3,402 100.0% 6,199 100.0% 6,199 100.0% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - - 0.0% 15,629 100.0% 15,629 100.0% Charters - 26 100.0% - 52 100.0% 54 100.0% TOTAL DEPLANED INTERNATIONAL 29,212 62,426 113.7% 154,905 341,423 120.4% 479,549 139.5% TOTAL INTERNATIONAL PASSENGER: 58,353 137,585 135.8% 306,488 674,056 119.9% 951,262 137.3% `Includes International SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT SEVEN MONTHS ENDED JULY 2022 Based on Total Enplanements MARKETSHARE MARKET July MARKET Year to date MARKET Year to date MARKET 12 MO ROLLING 12 MO ROLLING MARKET 2021 SHARE 2022 SHARE 2021 SHARE 2022 SHARE Ending 07/2021 Ending 07/2022 SHARE AEROMEXICO - 0.00% 2,855 0.25% - 0.00% 18,347 0.25% - 24,039 0.19% ALASKA 33,080 2.68% 31,712 2.74% 158,680 2.68% 170,604 2.29% 205,267 293,985 2.31% AMERICAN 77,713 6.29% 51,961 4.49% 392,327 6.62% 354,059 4.76% 565,066 661,780 5.21% DELTA 888,472 71.93% 852,804 73.64% 4,255,050 71.82% 5,447,500 73.22% 6,171,605 9,333,302 73.49% FRONTIER 26,140 2.12% 14,094 1.22% 136,296 2.30% 109,376 1.47% 209,098 205,247 1.62% JETBLUE 26,959 2.18% 30,221 2.61% 107,191 1.81% 164,792 2.21% 132,586 252,685 1.99% SOUTHWEST 126,148 10.21% 119,361 10.31% 600,276 10.13% 795,977 10.70% 829,620 1,319,864 10.39% UNITED 56,649 4.59% 49,491 4.27% 275,023 4.64% 359,239 4.83% 393,807 588,664 4.64% Charters - 0.00% 282 0.02% 134 0.00% 732 0.01% 197 825 0.01% TOTAL ENPLANEMENTS 1,235,161 100% 1,157,999 100% 5,924,977 100% 7,440,093 100% 8,507,246 12,699,858 100% PERCENT CHANGE YOY July July PERCENT YTD YTD PERCENT 12 MO ROLLING 12 MO ROLLING PERCENT 2021 2022 CHANGE 2021 2022 CHANGE Ending 07/2021 Ending 07/2022 CHANGE AEROMEXICO - 2,855 100.00% - 18,347 100.00% - 24,039 #DIV/0! ALASKA 33,080 31,712 -4.14% 158,680 170,604 7.51% 205,267 293,985 43.22% AMERICAN 77,713 51,961 -33.14% 392,327 354,059 -9.75% 565,066 661,780 17.12% DELTA 888,472 852,804 -4.01% 4,255,050 5,447,500 28.02% 6,171,605 9,333,302 51.23% FRONTIER 26,140 14,094 -46.08% 136,296 109,376 -19.75% 209,098 205,247 -1.84% JETBLUE 26,959 30,221 12.10% 107,191 164,792 53.74% 132,586 252,685 90.58% SOUTHWEST 126,148 119,361 -5.38% 600,276 795,977 32.60% 829,620 1,319,864 59.09% UNITED 56,649 49,491 -12.64% 275,023 359,239 30.62% 393,807 588,664 49.48% Charters - 282 #DIV/0! 134 732 446.27% 197 825 318.78% TOTAL ENPLANEMENTS 1,235,161 1,157,999 -6.2% 5,924,977 7,440,093 25.6% 8,507,246 12,699,858 49.3% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LANDING ACTIVITY SEVEN MONTHS ENDED JULY 2022 July July Year to date Year to date 12 MO ROLLING % 2021 2022 CHANGE 2021 2022 CHANGE Ending 07/2022 CHANGE TOTAL NUMBER OF LANDINGS SCHEDULED CARRIERS AEROMEXICO - 31 100.0% - 212 100.0% 273 100.0% AIR CANADA 13 100.0% 26 100.0% 26 100.0% ALASKA 120 115 -4.2% 391 474 21.2% 1,022 121.2% Horizon Air/Alaska - - 0.0% 342 121 -64.6% 250 -54.5% Skywest/Alaska 250 226 -9.6% 1,648 1,430 -13.2% 2,331 -4.5% AMERICAN 413 273 -33.9% 2,161 1,850 -14.4% 3,666 15.0% Mesa Air(American) 29 27 -6.9% 103 144 39.8% 208 74.8% Envoy Air(American) 74 1 -98.6% 169 86 -49.1% 294 61.5% Republic/(American - - 0.0% 8 - -100.0% 29 45.0% SkyWest(American) 122 63 -48.4% 1,120 500 -55.4% 1,143 -35.2% DELTA 4,626 4,570 -1.2% 28,440 30,141 6.0% 52,155 11.8% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 3,972 2,915 -26.6% 23,955 18,355 -23.4% 34,837 -12.7% EUROWINGS DISCOVER - 13 100.0% - 30 100.0% 30 100.0% FRONTIER 191 90 -52.9% 985 721 -26.8% 1,378 -10.2% JETBLUE 193 186 -3.6% 911 1,109 21.7% 1,894 52.1% KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - 14 100.0% - 53 100.0% 53 100.0% SOUTHWEST 1,000 935 -6.5% 4,983 6,155 23.5% 10,684 42.1% SPIRIT - 123 100.0% - 267 100.0% 267 100.0% UNITED 159 124 -22.0% 957 1,201 25.5% 1,851 37.9% Mesa/United Express 58 21 -63.8% 67 157 134.3% 383 410.7% Republic Airways Holdings - - 0.0% 48 5 -89.6% 20 -66.7% SkyWest(United Express) 513 447 -12.9% 2,954 2,874 -2.7% 5,297 20.8% Trans States 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% SUBTOTAL SCHEDULED CARRIERS: 11,720 10,187 -13.1% 69,242 65,911 -4.8% 118,091 6.0% CHARTER CARRIERS ALLEGIANTAIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% 0.0% BOMBARDIER BUSINESS JETS 59 56 -5.1% 403 489 21.3% 765 27.7% BOUTIQUE AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% DELTA PRIVATE JETS 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% EXECUTIVE JET MANAGEMENT - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% FLIGHT OPTIONS 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% KALITTA CHARTERS 1 5 400.0% 64 17 -73.4% 41 -55.9% KEYLIME AIR - - 0.0% 4 8 100.0% 8 100.0% NETJETS 177 176 -0.6% 1,322 1,308 -1.1% 2,182 11.8% SUNSET AVIATION - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SWIFT AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SUN COUNTRY - 10 100.0% - 16 100.0% 16 100.0% XOJ ET 12 14 16.7% 101 223 120.8% 318 66.5% OTHER CHARTER 1 100.0% 3 100.0% 6 500.0% SUBTOTAL CHARTER CARRIERS: 249 262 5.2% 1,894 2,064 9.0% 3,336 17.5% CARGO CARRIERS AERO CHARTER&TRANSPORT - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% AIRNET 11 LLC 5 6 20.0% 22 39 77.3% 78 254.5% ALPINE AVIATION 192 184 -4.2% 1,225 1,505 22.9% 2,587 25.9% AMERIFLIGHT 103 23 -77.7% 732 160 -78.1% 421 -68.6% AMERIJETINTERTIONAL 20 100.0% 104 100.0% 133 100.0% CORPORATE AIR(BILLINGS) 138 129 -6.5% 966 889 -8.0% 11,590 662.0% EMPIRE 19 16 -15.8% 127 118 -7.1% 208 6.1% FEDERAL EXPRESS 140 141 0.7% 1,053 985 -6.5% 1,756 -7.5% GEM AIR 52 49 -5.8% 393 405 3.1% 775 5.2% NORTHERN AIR CARGO 22 27 22.7% 60 176 193.3% 286 376.7% SOUTHERN AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% UPS 156 122 -21.8% 1,126 980 -13.0% 1,796 -14.4% WESTERN AIR EXPRESS 22 20 -9.1% 159 163 2.5% 348 18.4% OTHER CARGO 1 100.0% 5 12 140.0% (9,977) -99870.0% SUBTOTAL CARGO CARRIERS: 849 738 -13.1% 5,868 5,536 -5.7% 10,001 -2.3% TOTAL LANDINGS 12,818 11,187 -12.7% 77,004 73,511 -4.5% 131,428 5.5% TOTAL LANDED WEIGHT SCHEDULED CARRIERS AEROMEXICO - 2,938,738 100.0% - 20,097,176 100.0% 25,879,854 100.0% AIR CANADA 1,994,000 100.0% - 3,996,000 100.0% 3,996,000 100.0% ALASKA 17,724,200 17,199,658 -3.0% 59,193,706 70,868,912 19.7% 154,710,714 122.0% Horizon Air/Alaska - - 0.0% 25,635,294 9,069,797 -64.6% 18,739,250 -54.5% Skywest/Alaska 18,739,250 16,940,282 -9.6% 123,529,136 107,188,510 -13.2% 174,724,767 -4.5% AMERICAN 66,138,212 44,227,958 -33.1% 351,956,988 295,922,790 -15.9% 587,644,330 15.9% Envoy Air(American) 5,546,300 72,310 -98.7% 12,666,550 6,440,420 -49.2% 22,024,740 61.5% American/Mesa Air 2,150,700 2,011,700 -6.5% 7,628,100 10,710,400 40.4% 15,438,400 75.0% Republic(American) - - 0.0% 599,600 - -100.0% 2,173,550 45.0% SkyWest(American) 8,330,000 4,221,000 -49.3% 75,547,000 33,980,850 -55.0% 77,847,800 -34.4% DELTA 752,805,564 722,399,890 -4.0% 4,687,974,524 4,765,970,548 1.7% 8,327,641,207 10.3% SkyWest(Delta Connection) 261,449,618 201,728,164 -22.8% 1,587,973,941 1,261,369,568 -20.6% 2,359,656,010 -11.8% EUROWINGS DISCOVER - 5,304,200 100.0% - 12,243,000 100.0% 12,243,000 100.0% FRONTIER 28,989,990 12,797,820 -55.9% 144,143,572 107,157,318 -25.7% 207,778,688 -6.6% JETBLUE 27,444,600 26,449,200 -3.6% 129,544,200 157,699,800 21.7% 269,326,800 52.1% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT LANDING ACTIVITY SEVEN MONTHS ENDED JULY 2022 July July Year to date Year to date 12 MO ROLLING % 2021 2022 CHANGE 2021 2022 CHANGE Ending 0712022 CHANGE KLM ROYAL DUTCH AIRLINES - 5,993,280 100.0% - 22,653,498 100.0% 22,653,498 100.0% SOUTHWEST 135,949,600 125,488,400 -7.7% 673,538,400 838,142,000 24.4% 1,450,336,400 43.6% SPIRIT - 17,490,354 100.0% - 37,966,866 100.0% 37,966,866 100.0% UNITED 22,591,640 18,177,900 -19.5% 134,885,220 173,612,400 28.7% 266,053,240 40.9% Mesa/United Express 4,350,000 1,575,000 -63.8% 5,025,000 11,775,000 134.3% 28,725,000 410.7% Republic Airways Holdings - - 0.0% 3,548,361 364,200 -89.7% 1,483,800 -66.5% SkyWest(United Express) 36,177,456 31,600,186 -12.7% 208,769,853 198,284,688 -5.0% 364,314,523 19.3% Trans States 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% SUBTOTAL SCHEDULED CARRIERS: 1,388,387,130 1,258,610,040 -9.3% 8,232,159,445 8,145,513,741 -1.1% 14,431,358,437 10.3% CHARTER CARRIERS AMERISTAR - 107,000 100.0% - 107,000 100.0% 107,000 100.0% BOEING COMMERCIAL AIRPLANE - 0.0% - 0.0% 163,900 100.0% BOMBARDIER 1,787,668 2,074,392 16.0% 13,453,943 16,974,525 26.2% 26,433,896 34.2% BOUTIQUE AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% DELTA PRIVATE JETS - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% EXECUTIVE JET MANAGEMENT 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% FLIGHT OPTIONS - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% KALITTA CHARTERS 15,300 77,900 409.2% 1,204,520 425,300 -64.7% 1,572,740 -27.3% KEYLIME AIR - 0.0% 131,526 301,500 129.2% 301,500 129.2% MIAMI AIR - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% NETJETS 5,753,825 4,908,681 -14.7% 40,727,339 38,830,995 -4.7% 66,344,288 12.4% SIERRA PACIFIC - - 0.0% - 110,000 100.0% 440,000 300.0% SUN COUNTRY 1,463,000 100.0% 2,340,800 100.0% 2,340,800 100.0% SWIFT AIR - 0.0% - 0.0% - 0.0% VIRGIN AMERICA - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% XOJET 447,550 465,900 4.1% 3,980,650 8,187,750 105.7% 11,901,950 69.4% OTHER CHARTER 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% SUBTOTAL CHARTER CARRIERS: 8,004,343 9,096,873 13.6% 59,497,978 67,277,870 13.1% 109,606,074 24.4% CARGO CARRIERS ABX AIR INC - 272,000 100.0% 555,000 2,209,000 3,591,000 547.0% AIRNET 11 78,600 96,000 22.1% 342,200 606,500 77.2% 1,211,600 254.1% ALPINE AVIATION 2,690,800 2,530,800 -5.9% 16,992,500 20,845,300 22.7% 35,982,700 24.9% AMERIFLIGHT 1,371,900 370,300 -73.0% 9,771,782 2,539,900 -74.0% 6,204,894 -65.2% AMERIJET INTERNATIONAL - 5,440,000 100.0% - 28,342,000 100.0% 36,230,000 100.0% AMERISTAR - 0.0% 27,300 -100.0% 354,100 1197.1% ATLAS AIR - - 0.0% 544,000 - -100.0% 326,000 -82.9% CORPORATE AIR(BILLINGS) 1,173,000 1,096,500 -6.5% 8,211,000 7,556,500 -8.0% 13,515,000 4.5% EMPIRE 855,724 753,088 -12.0% 5,294,456 5,543,111 4.7% 9,702,840 18.3% FEDEX EXPRESS 49,971,000 47,395,000 -5.2% 355,862,000 335,291,000 -5.8% 604,336,800 -5.2% GEM AIR 442,000 416,500 -5.8% 3,324,000 3,421,500 2.9% 6,485,500 4.5% NORTHERN AIR CARGO 2,662,000 3,267,000 22.7% 7,260,000 21,296,000 193.3% 34,606,000 376.7% SOUTHERN AIR INC - - 0.0% - - 0.0% - 0.0% SWIFT AIR - - 0.0% 576,000 100.0% 576,000 100.0% UPS 46,009,440 38,163,660 -17.1% 331,690,100 295,334,180 -11.0% 555,011,400 -11.3% WESTERN AIR EXPRESS 287,000 252,990 -11.9% 2,077,000 2,114,480 1.8% 4,597,980 19.8% OTHER CARGO 0.0% - - 0.0% 0.0% SUBTOTAL CARGO CARRIERS: 105,541,464 100,053,838 -5.2% 741,951,338 725,675,471 -2.2% 1,312,731,814 -2.8% TOTAL LANDED WEIGHT 1,501,932,937 1,367,760,751 -8.9% 9,033,608,761 8,938,467,082 -1.1% 15,853,696,325 9.1% SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CARGO ACTIVITY REPORT SEVEN MONTHS ENDED JULY 2022 July July Year to date Year to date 12 MO ROLLING % 2021 2022 CHANGE 2021 2022 CHANGE Ending 0712022 CHANGE ENPLANED CARGO PASSENGER CARRIERS ALASKA 7,178 9,531 32.78% 66,722 55,803 -16.36% 87,290 -15.17% Horizon Air/Alaska - - 0.00% 7,344 4,118 -43.93% 7,429 -69.53% Skywest/Alaska 1,883 1,844 -2.07% 23,567 16,124 -31.58% 22,439 -73.80% AMERICAN 3,283 7,919 141.21% 31,484 48,971 55.54% 76,235 55.69% American Eagle/Republic - - 0.00% - - 0.00% 140 100.00% Envoy Air(American) 50 -100.00% 50 -100.00% 414 728.00% Mesa - 0.00% 10 -100.00% 283 2730.00% SkyWest(American) 955 500 -47.64% 8,955 4,060 -54.66% 8,502 -47.04% DELTA 547,700 658,472 20.22% 4,220,213 4,795,627 13.63% 7,603,447 34.31% KLM ROYAL DUTCH - 104,114 100.00% - 600,607 100.00% 600,607 100.00% SOUTHWEST 383,268 366,246 -4.44% 1,893,214 2,327,683 22.95% 4,073,490 51.27% UNITED 5,008 4,669 -6.77% 54,044 52,321 -3.19% 99,360 27.69% Others - - 0.00% 9,273 24,697 166.33% 142,955 220.96% CARGO CARRIERS FEDEX EXPRESS* 9,796,422 7,799,155 -20.39% 67,078,162 58,124,284 -13.35% 106,348,740 -11.53% GEM AIR 65,784 41,846 -36.39% 477,748 377,884 -20.90% 683,142 -28.15% SOUTHERN AIR - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - 0.00% UPS 5,350,192 4,521,667 -15.49% 38,850,318 34,949,208 -10.04% 63,453,595 -12.42% MISC CARGO 848,295 1,109,641 30.81% 7,954,736 7,508,453 -5.61% 12,938,865 0.29% ABX AIR - 17,078 100.00% 50,557 181,275 258.56% 256,895 408.13% TOTAL ENPLANED CARGO(LBS) 17,010,018 14,625,604 -14.02% 120,675,840 108,889,840 -9.77% 196,146,933 -8.88% DEPLANED CARGO PASSENGER CARRIERS ALASKA 15,944 25,699 61.18% 59,343 98,543 66.06% 207,371 150.53% Horizon Air/Alaska - - 0.00% 11,719 5,716 -51.22% 10,893 -69.54% Skywest/Alaska 8,563 912 -89.35% 61,264 19,048 -68.91% 37,703 -63.45% AMERICAN 45,092 35,645 -20.95% 185,943 254,067 36.64% 424,258 30.80% American Eagle/Republic - - 0.00% - - 0.00% 7 100.00% Envoy 418 - -100.00% 1,240 9 -99.27% 1,063 -14.27% Mesa(American) - 23 100.00% 256 910 255.47% 1,032 303.13% SkyWest(American) 329 970 194.83% 6,041 3,982 -34.08% 10,142 -34.22% DELTA 925,288 891,607 -3.64% 5,476,524 7,676,909 40.18% 12,598,188 67.95% KLM ROYAL DUTCH - 224,990 100.00% - 890,795 100.00% 890,795 100.00% SOUTHWEST 417,264 359,632 -13.81% 2,663,174 2,533,848 -4.86% 4,699,713 18.64% UNITED 30,867 26,551 -13.98% 155,485 170,885 9.90% 352,503 55.72% Others - 5,251 100.00% 47,803 37,076 -22.44% 217,790 9.85% CARGO CARRIERS FEDEX EXPRESS* 8,704,716 8,041,200 -7.62% 59,439,974 56,772,819 -4.49% 102,510,632 -2.98% GEM AIR 21,088 3,607 -82.90% 156,994 86,966 -44.61% 184,620 -31.19% SOUTHERN AIR - - 0.00% - - 0.00% - 0.00% UPS 6,066,205 5,083,112 -16.21% 42,200,435 38,943,914 -7.72% 71,637,870 -13.29% MISC CARGO 571,573 1,008,672 76.47% 3,822,017 6,837,405 78.90% 10,861,689 80.53% ABX AIR - 48,044 100.00% 108,180 404,756 274.15% 698,047 545.26% TOTAL DEPLANED CARGO(LBS) 16,807,347 15,707,871 -6.54% 114,288,212 114,332,892 0.04% 204,646,269 -1.14% TOTAL CARGO LBS 33,817,365 30,333,475 -10.30% 234,964,052 223,222,732 -5.00% 400,793,202 -5.09% *FEDEX EXPRESS includes mail Salt Lake City Department of Airports COMPARISON OF ON TIME OPERATIONS June 2022 ARRIVALS DEPARTURES Airport Flights • Rank Airport Flights • Time Time IAH HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH 12,334 81.8 1 SEA SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL 15,173 80.7 1 MSP MINNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL INTL 10,442 81.8 2 MSP MINNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL INTL 10,444 79.9 2 SLC SALT LAKE CITY INTL 9,564 81.5 3 DTW DETROIT METRO WAYNE CNTY 11,019 79.3 3 DTW DETROIT METRO WAYNE CNTY 11,110 81.0 4 SLC SALT LAKE CITY INTL 9,570 79.3 4 ORD CHICAGO O HARE 25,370 79.6 5 IAH HOUSTON GEORGE BUSH 10,259 77.2 5 SEA SEATTLE-TACOMA INTL 15,168 79.3 6 SAN SAN DIEGO LINDBERGH FIELD 7,918 76.5 6 ATL HARTSFIELD-JACKSON ATLANTA INTL 26,927 78.0 7 SFO SAN FRANCISCO INTL 11,442 76.0 7 SFO SAN FRANCISCO INTL 11,441 77.2 8 IAD WASHINGTON DULLES 4,697 75.9 8 DEN DENVER INTL 24,061 76.3 9 LAX LOS ANGELES INTL 16,480 75.7 9 IAD WASHINGTON DULLES 6,430 76.2 10 ORD CHICAGO O HARE 22,326 75.3 10 LAX LOS ANGELES INTL 16,474 74.7 11 BNA NASHVILLE INTL 7,299 72.6 11 BNA NASHVILLE INTL 7,329 74.2 12 ATL HARTSFIELD-JACKSON ATLANTA INTL 26,928 72.4 12 PHX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL 13,345 73.2 13 PHL PHILADELPHIA INTL 7,785 71.6 13 CLT CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS 19,049 72.8 14 BOS BOSTON LOGAN INTERNATIONAL 11,688 70.9 14 LAS LAS VEGAS MCCARRAN INTL 14,807 72.8 15 DCA RONALD REAGAN NATIONAL 11,791 69.7 15 SAN SAN DIEGO LINDBERGH FIELD 7,918 72.8 16 PHX PHOENIX SKY HARBOR INTL 13,346 69.4 16 PHL PHILADELPHIA INTL 9,124 72.5 17 LAS LAS VEGAS MCCARRAN INTL 14,799 69.0 17 DFW DALLAS-FT.WORTH REGIONAL 24,375 72.4 18 DFW DALLAS-FT.WORTH REGIONAL 24,373 68.9 18 DAL DALLAS LOVE FIELD 5,372 72.3 19 DEN DENVER INTERNATIONAL 23,397 68.6 19 MDW CHICAGO MIDWAY 7,077 70.7 20 TPA TAMPA INTERNATIONAL 5,554 68.5 20 BWI BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL 7,170 70.4 21 CLT CHARLOTTE DOUGLAS 17,165 67.6 21 DCA RONALD REAGAN NATIONAL 12,285 69.7 22 LGA NEW YORK LAGUARDIA 14,164 67.4 22 BOS BOSTON LOGAN INTL 11,820 68.4 23 FLL FT.LAUDERDALE 6,562 65.8 23 FILL FT.LAUDERDALE 6,561 67.8 24 DAL DALLAS LOVE FIELD 5,371 64.1 24 LGA NEW YORK LAGUARDIA 14,336 67.4 25 MCO ORLANDO INTL 11,677 63.7 25 JFK NEW YORK JFK INTL 11,471 65.8 26 JFK NEW YORK JFK INTL 11,476 62.9 26 TPA TAMPA INTL 5,546 65.8 27 MIA MIAMI INTL 8,633 62.5 27 MCO ORLANDO INTL 11,667 63.6 28 BWI BALTIMORE/WASHINGTON INTL 7,174 59.3 28 MIA MIAMI INTL 8,635 63.2 29 EWR NEWARK LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL 11,254 58.5 29 EWR NEWARK LIBERTY INTERNATIONAL 12,922 60.3 30 MDW CHICAGO MIDWAY 7,079 52.4 30 AVERAGES 12,671 AVERAGES 12,228 ON TIME ARRIVAL PERFORMANCE AT SLC By Carrier Air Carrier Flights %On Time DL DELTA 6,980 84.9% UA UNITED 592 78.9% B6 JETBLUE 190 74.7% AS ALASKA 335 74.3% WN SOUTHWEST 899 70.6% F9 FRONTIER 90 70.0% AA AMERICAN 358 60.1% 9,444 84.4% Source:DOT Air Travel Consumer Report CONSTRUCTION REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Area Map of Project Locations II. Project Schedule III. Construction Analysis IV. Construction Report SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS September 14, 2022 s Salt Lake City -� International Airport �r~J �J L..�� p � � �—�. c======), 2022 - 2023 Project Legend Airfield f 4 4 t _ O 1.North Cargo Apron Site Development� 2.Pump House#5 Renovations 3.Taxiway P,Q,N&H3 Pavement Rehabilitation A ,• .,_ . Landside 4� I 4.Landside Lighting Wire Replacement 4 i 5.Gateway Building Restroom Renovations 6.Gate 39 Reconstruction ,M r 7.Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations 2 3 �i 3 � C Page 1 9!1 u?o22 SALT LAKE CITY INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION PROGRAM 2022/2023 Construction Schedule ID Task Name Start Finish Feb'22 Mar'22 Apr'22 Ma '22 Jun'22 Jul'22 Au '22 Se '22 1 Project Title Thu 9/2/21 Thu 2/23/23 2 (1)North Cargo Apron Site Development Thu 9/2/21 Mon 9/26/22 3 (2)Pump House No.5 Renovations Mon 3/7/22 Thu 2/23/23 4 (3)Taxiways P,Q,N&H3 Pavewment Rehab. Tue 6/21/22 Fri 9/30/22 5 (4)Landside Lighting Wire Replacement Mon 4/11/22 Mon 9/26/22 6 (5)Gateway Building Restroom Renovations Tue 3/22/22 Fri 10/7/22 7 (6)Gate 39 Reconstruction Tue 7/26/22 Fri 11/11/22 8 (7)Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations Mon 6/27/22 Tue 1/24/23 (FY2022) 9 (8)TVY Runway&Taxiway Rehabilitation Mon 8/1/22 Fri 10/28/22 DESIGN Inactive Milestone Manual Summary Project: Microsoft Project(latest) CONSTRUCTION Inactive Summary Start-only L Date:Tue 9/13/22 SCOPING Manual Task Finish-only SUMMARY Duration-only Deadline a Inactive Task Manual Summary Rollup Page 11 SALT LAKE CITY DEPARTMENT OF AIRPORTS CONSTRUCTION PROJECT STATUS 2022 -2023 APPROVED CHANGE %OF COST # PROJECT NAME ENGINEER'S BID ORDERS TO INCREASE TO ESTIMATE AMOUNT DATE DATE STATUS CONTRACTOR CONSTRUCTION 1 _North Cargo Apron Site Development $ 25,763,000 $ 22,141,148 $ (15,000) -0.07% on schedule Ames Construction 2 _Pump House No. 5 Renovations $ 841,630 $ 1,630,000 on schedule Saunders Construction 3 Taxiway P, Q, N and H3 Pavement Rehabilitation $ 2,244,861 $ 2,515,291 on schedule Staker Parson Companies 4 Landside Lighting Wire Replacement $ 1,353,672 $ 815,689 on schedule Prime Power& Electric, Inc. 5 Gateway Building Restroom Renovations $ 405,898 $ 403,636 on schedule Paulsen Construction 6 Gate 39 Reconstruction $ 1,841,505 $ 2,127,962 on schedule Cal Wadsworth Construction 7 Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations (FY2022) $ 217,656 $ 337,500 on schedule Cal Wadsworth Construction 8 TVY Runway&Taxiway Rehabilitation $ 3,355,248 $ 3,386,851 on schedule Granite Construction Total $ 36,023,470 $ 33,358,077 $ (15,000) -0.04% Budget amount, Engineer's estimate, and Bid amount is based on construction cost only. Page III 9/13/2022 CONSTRUCTION REPORT CONSTRUCTION (1) North Cargo Apron Site Development- The Contractor has completed the new 1580 North Street connection to 4000 West including the Public Utilities water line connection. The 54" storm drain trunk line extension and glycol transmission line are complete. The connector taxilane to connect the new apron to Taxiway B is underway with anticipated lean mix concrete by the end of September. (2) Pump House No. 5 Renovations - The Contractor has completed the generator pad. Excavation of the vault is approximately 80% completed. The new duckbill valve has been installed and the new main pump will be available in December of 2022. (3) Taxiways P, Q,N and H3 Pavement Rehabilitation-The Contractor has paved approximately 50% of the pavement for the project and is beginning the final paving phase the week of September 13, 2022. Once paving is complete, the Contractor will begin restoring airfield lighting, and upgrading the remaining quartz lights within the project area to LED lights. (4) Landside Lighting Wire Replacement - The Contractor has currently completed 220 of the 250 total light poles. Wire installation has been completed in the South Employee Parking Lot. Wire installation continues in Phase 5, near the Crossbar traffic signal. (5) Gateway Building Restroom Renovations- Demolition work for this project is now complete. The Contractor has completed 80% of the plumbing work and 98% of the electrical work. Substantial completion for this project is anticipated for October 7, 2022. (6) Gate 39 Reconstruction- The Contractor continues with excavation and import of subbase material. Pavement removal and demolition is on-going. The footings for the guard enclosure were completed last week. It is anticipated that Gate 39 will be closed until November 18, 2022. (7) Electrical Vehicle Charging Stations - Submittal approval for this project is nearing completion and all the permits have been obtained. The Contractor will begin site work on September 19, 2022, with an anticipated completion date of November 30, 2022. (8) TVY Runway and Taxiway Rehabilitation - The Contractor has completed milling on the south half of Taxiway A. Asphalt paving is scheduled for September 17 and 18, 2022. There will be a 14-day runway closure from September 26 to October 10, 2022, for paving and electrical work. Page IV