10/19/2022 - Meeting Minutes Salt Lake City Arts Council
Board Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2022
54 Finch Lane, Salt Lake City, Utah
WebEx Online
Andrea Ashdown
Kathy Davis
Josanne Glass
Thomas Kessinger
Sarah Longoria
Sonali Loomba
Torle Nenbee
Cale Newhouse
Susan Rickman
Richard Taylor
Katherine Potter
Salt Lake City Arts Council Staff:
Felicia Baca
Kelsey Ellis
Taylor Knuth
Todd Oberndorfer
Matt Castillo - Director of Salt Lake County Division of Arts & Culture, former Salt Lake City Arts
Council Board Member
Lorena Riffo Jensen - Director of Department of Economic Development for the City of Salt
Katie Riser- Special Project and Volunteer Program Manager in the Salt Lake City Mayor's
Annie Manges - Love Your Block Americorps VISTA
Roberta Reichgelt - Director of Business Development for the Salt Lake City Department of
Economic Development
Sylvia Richards - Salt Lake City Council Staff
Kilo Zamora - Community Engagement Consultant and teacher in the University of Utah School
for Cultural and Social Transformation
I. Call to Order
Ms. Susan Rickman, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
II. Approve Board Meeting Minutes - August 2022
Mr. Richard Taylor motioned to approve the August 2022 meeting minutes and
Ms. Torle Nenbee seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
III. Welcome Guests
A. Ms. Felicia Baca welcomed former board member Mr. Matt Castillo as a guest,
because his six year tenure with the Arts Council is over. Mr. Castillo said that it
was an honor for him to serve on the board for so long, that he'll still be very
much a part of the arts and culture scene in Salt Lake City, and that he's looking
forward to seeing more great things from the Arts Council. Ms. Baca said that Mr.
Castillo really helped her during a time of transition with the organization and is
grateful for his support. The board thanked and applauded Mr. Castillo.
IV. Management
A. Program/Administrative Updates
1. Ms. Baca introduced new Arts Council staff member Mr. Todd
Oberndorfer, who is the Visual Arts Program Coordinator. Mr.
Oberndorfer is an Ogden, Utah resident and was previously the Arts
Outreach Manager for Weber State University's Department of Visual Art
& Design. Board members were also very interested to hear about his
podcast production company, Banyan Collective.
2. Ms. Kelsey Ellis gave an update about the Arts & Economic Prosperity
Study, for which the Arts Council is helping to collect data. The project,
led by Americans for the Arts, started in May and will continue through
April of 2023. The final report will be available in September of 2023. Ms.
Ellis let the board know that the Salt Lake Arts Council is responsible for
collecting data from arts organizations in Salt Lake City, and from
audience members at arts events, also within the city. Volunteers are
needed to help collect data, and there is a link to sign up to volunteer on
the Arts Council website.
3. Ms. Baca gave a brief recap of the 2022 Twilight Concert Series. She
said that she is very proud of our partners, who have continued to make
improvements in areas of accessibility and inclusion, including the hiring
of an ADA accessibility coordinator for the events. Revenues were above
projections, so the Arts Council will reach the cap of$30,000 that it will
receive from revenues, in addition to $6,270 in individual donations.
There is a wrap meeting scheduled with S&S Presents and one with the
Gallivan Center.
4. Ms. Baca announced that we have a leadership update, and introduced
the new Director of Economic Development, Ms. Lorena Riffo Jenson, as
confirmed yesterday by the City Council. Ms. Baca said "Great job,
Lorena. We're excited for you!" Ms Jenson addressed the board, "I am
honored to be able to work with great people that are passionate about
our community."
5. Ms. Baca introduced Mr. Kilo Zamora, who led a workshop during the Arts
Council staff retreat, intending to help bring inclusion, accessibility and
awareness into all areas of the organization. Mr. Zamora gave a recap of
some of the topics and discussions that came up during the workshop.
"We spent some time looking at some really important words and ideas:
privilege, colonization, institutionalized racism . . ." Mr. Knuth let us know
that Mr. Zamora is contracted to engage our board in an in-depth session
with the same intentions. Mr. Zamora was contracted because of a
request from IDEA committee members to bring in someone to provide
inclusivity training.
6. Ms. Katie Riser informed the board about the Love Your Block project,
which is run through the Salt Lake City mayor's office, and was funded in
2021 through a grant from Johns Hopkins University for$100,000 (for two
years). The project is meant to create trust and connection between city
hall and our communities who have been overlooked, under-funded, etc.
through mini-grants of between $25042,500. These projects are
volunteer-led by community members. Some current grantees are the
Glendale Learning Center, the Poplar Grove Community Council, the
Compassion Center, and the Jayhawks Youth center. Projects are
currently underway. Mr. Cale Newhouse asked "Are we planning to
assess the impact (of these programs) and see if it's something we'd like
to continue funding ourselves?" Ms. Riser answered "That is our goal!"
Openings for the next grant phases are in December and in March.
7. Ms. Roberta Reichgelt, from the business advisory board, was introduced
by Ms. Baca. She is the Director of Business Development in the
Department of Economic Development. "We consider ourselves to be the
liaison to the business community in our city," Ms. Reichgelt said, and
explained some of the ways in which the department assists small
businesses in Salt Lake City, including through loans and grant programs.
8. The public art installation by Jiyoun Lee-Lodge will be installed at the new
TRAX station at 600 South Main Street in Salt Lake City next week.
9. Mr. Knuth gave a presentation on the Arts Council staff progress on the
strategic plan goals, over the last six months, and showed that reporting
and tracking information on projects is done using AirTable software.
V. Review of Financials
A. Mr. Cale Newhouse gave a review of the Arts Council financials, noting that "we are
outperforming our budget in commissions (gallery sales). He said that the balance sheet
looks healthy, and let us know that an audit will take place soon, the final report of which
will be publicly available.
VI. Board Business
A. Ms. Rickman, president of the board, opened by saying "I want to encourage you
to do things outside of the board meetings . . . if you get a request to volunteer,
don't think twice."
B. Ms. Josanne Glass informed the board about the new board member
recommendations: Ebay Jamil Hamilton (District 2), Director of Programming and
Operations at KRCL; Marti Woolford (District 2), crafts artists, long time resident
of Poplar Grove who has worked in many social services roles; Katy Gates
(District 1), art teacher who has offered free and discounted art lessons for West
side residents. All board members were in favor of the three recommendations
being put in front of the mayor. None were opposed.
C. The board is in need of new members from Districts 4 and 7.
D. Ms. Rickman let us know that former board member Erika Hill resigned from the
board because of work conflicts. Ms. Rickman said, "We'll miss her. If you see
her, thank her."
V. Arts Events Discussion
Mr. Knuth mentioned an event coming up on November 3rd called Art for the
Future, presented by New City Movement. It will be a panel discussion, geared
toward arts administrators, about bringing people together in public spaces.
Ms. Kathy Davis went to many different local arts events.
Ms. Sarah Longoria attended a ballet performance by Salt Lake Ballet
Cooperative and Darling & Debonair, in September, at SugarSpace.
Mr. Oberndorfer mentioned the new exhibits at the Finch Lane Gallery.
The Arts Council will be a part of the SLC Monster Block Party at the Regional
Athletic Complex on October 28th, with spooky buskers.
VI. Other Business
Mr. Thomas Kessinger gave a shout out to Ms. Baca, saying, "It takes a lot of
gumption to get on stage in front of 7,000 people [at the Twilight Concert Series]
repping the Arts Council and letting everyone know what we do."
Ms. Torle Nenbee moved to adjourn the meeting, and Mr. Cale Newhouse
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 7:05pm.