11/2/2022 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor ci and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT T Community Recovery Committee Meeting MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, November and, 2022 4:oo-6:oo p.m. The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present: Tanya Hawkins,Chairperson(participated electronically) Jake Maxwell,Vice Chairperson Steve Anjewierden Esther Stowell Sarah Longoria Pook Carson Jason Wessel(participated electronically) Also Present: Cathie Rigby,Department of Economic Development Todd Andersen,Department of Economic Development Lorena Riffo Jenson,Department of Economic Development Jack Markman,Department of Community&Neighborhoods Cindy Lou Trishman,Recorder's Office Rachel Otto,SLC Mayor's Office Tony Milner,Department of Community&Neighborhoods(participated electronically) Amy Dorsey,Department of Finance(participated electronically) Absent:None WELCOME Ms.Rigby,the ARPA Program Manager for the Department of Economic Development(DED),welcomed Committee members to the newly created Community Recovery Committee(CRC),introduced City staff that would be assisting the Committee,and briefly explained the American Rescue Plan Act(ARPA) monies that will fund this Community Grant Program. MAYOR'S WELCOME Ms.Otto,the Chief of Staff of the SLC Mayor's Office,thanked the Committee and City staff on behalf of the Mayor for devoting time and energy to this project.She then outlined the Mayor's priorities for this program,namely,to understand how the community was and is still impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. ACTION ITEMS Review and Adoption of Bylaws Mr.Markman presented the proposed Committee Bylaws for the Community Recovery Committee. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS �� DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC n"� DEVELOPMENT Mr.Anjewierden asked for clarification about the proposed Bylaws. He stated the eligibility requirements for this board are that you're an active member of other City boards,and his term on another board is expiring in December.In that case,would he be able to serve a full term on the Community Recovery Committee?Mr.Markman responded that in the original ordinance creating the Committee,it was a requirement to be an active member of another Committee.But we had a difficult time fulfilling the ordinance requirement to fill all these positions,so the Council made an exception and I believe when your term is going to be coming up,we're going to be reevaluating whether to make another exception.So that's something that we're going to be bringing forward Council to ask. Committee had a brief discussion of the number of committee members and what constitutes a quorum. Mr.Wessel asked if the Committee should also amend section J of the Bylaws with the supermajority, where that's listed at 5 members.Mr.Markman responded that yes,staff can make that change to the Bylaws. Mr.Maxwell made a motion to adopt the Committee Bylaws with the change to section J as discussed.Ms. Hawkins seconded the motion.Upon roll call,the motion passed unanimously. Election of Chair and Vice Chair—Cathie Rigby Ms.Rigby asked all Committee members to introduce themselves and what other City boards/commissions they serve on. Ms.Rigby then asked Committee if anyone was interested in volunteering as Chairperson and Vice Chairperson for the Committee. Ms.Hawkins said she would be willing to volunteer to serve as Chairperson. Mr.Maxwell stated he would serve as Vice Chairperson. Ms.Stowell made a motion to for Ms.Hawkins to serve as Chairperson and Mr.Maxwell to serve as Vice Chairperson of the Community Recovery Committee.Mr.Anjewierden seconded the motion.Upon roll call,the motion passed unanimously. Review and Adoption of Meeting Calendar Committee discussed its meeting schedule as weekly,on Thursdays,from 4:00 PM—6:0o PM.Meetings will take place virtually. Ms.Stowell made a motion to approve the meeting schedule as presented.Vice Chairperson Maxwell seconded the motion.Upon roll call,the motion passed unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Open Public Meeting Training Ms.Montoya from the Salt Lake City Attorney's Office provided a training regarding the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act(OPMA).She explained that the purpose of the act is to maintain openness and transparency to the public,and the Community Recovery Committee is a public body,therefore the business of the committee needs to open to the public. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor ci and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT T`� Applications Training a. Salesforce Software Training Mr.Andersen provided a presentation on Salesforce,the software that will be used by Committee to review and score applications on the"small business"section of the Community Grant Program.He and Ms.Rigby explained that the Committee would be serving through both phases until all$4 million of ARPA funding is exhausted,or December 2024,whichever comes first.The Committee would have approximately io meetings to review applications,and then an additional 2 meetings for some summary discussion and any follow-up scoring. Mr.Andersen explained that for small business review,applications would be anonymous to help with any conflict-of-interest. However,when the Committee reviews the nonprofit applications,those applications would not be anonymous. Ms.Longoria asked if nonprofit subrecipient applications could receive funding for just new programs,or existing programs.Mr.Andersen responded that nonprofit subrecipient applicants could receive funding for either. Ms.Longoria asked if nonprofit subrecipients were asked about past programming on the application.Mr. Andersen responded we did not ask about past programming that did not relate to COVID-19 recovery. Ms.Rigby noted that we did ask nonprofit subrecipient applicants about their experience with program management. b. DED Scoring Rubrics Mr.Andersen presented the scoring rubrics that will be used by Committee on the"small business" section of the Community Grant Program. Mr.Anjewierden asked why small business applications were anonymous,but nonprofit subrecipient applications are not.Ms.Rigby responded that nonprofit organizations are used to competing for grants and know how to present their information.Many small businesses typically do not have the experience of applying for grants and can be at a disadvantage.Also,when speaking to businesses and artists,the team received similar feedback and we tried to eliminate unconscious bias or any name recognition c. ZoomGrants Software training—Jack Markman Mr.Markman gave a presentation on ZoomGrants,the software that will be used by Committee to review and score applications on the"nonprofit"section of the Community Grant Program. d. CAN Scoring Rubrics—Jack Markman Mr.Markman gave a presentation on the scoring rubric that will be used by Committee on the"nonprofit" section of the Community Grant Program. Ms.Longoria asked if by ordinance,the category`Nonprofit Legal Services for Eviction Assistance'would automatically get 17%of the funding allocation.Mr.Markman responded no,the percentages of funding allocation between categories were just an ideal division of funds,but the ordinance does not mandate funding be divided by category in a certain way. Vice Chairperson Maxwell asked if Committee would know if the nonprofit applicant cannot provide the service for anything less than what is requested.Mr.Markman responded that when awarding funds,staff ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor and NEIGHBORHOODS �� DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC n"� DEVELOPMENT can reach out to applicants and communicate with them.If any of the applicants communicate that they're unable to deliver services at the proposed funding level,the Committee can discuss either moving the funds to a different applicant,or reevaluating what was awarded to them. Other Business None. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. 22W tfgW�i�rs Tanya Wawkins(Jan 31,202316:55 MST) Chairperson This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held November end, 2022.