11/10/2022 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 ' MEETING MINUTES Thursday, November io, 2o22 4:oo-6:oopm The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present.All participated electronically: Tanya Hawkins,Chairperson Jake Maxwell,Vice Chairperson Steve Anjewierden Esther Stowell Sarah Longoria Pook Carson Jason Wessel Also Present: Cathie Rigby,Department of Economic Development Todd Andersen,Department of Economic Development Dan Milam,SLC Information Management Services Absent:None Briefings by the Staff a. Report from the Program Manager-Cathie Rigby Ms.Rigby notified the Committee that there has recently been changes to state law regarding public bodies and electronic meetings.She assured the Committee that the recently adopted Committee bylaws are compliant with changes to state law.She did want to notify the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson that if Committee members enter electronic meetings late,that the Committee should declare on the record that a member has joined the meeting. Ms.Rigby also notified the Committee that staff was still working through technical issues with Salesforce and would need to make changes to the application review/scoring layout. Because of this,staff has decided to not open the next 15 small applications for review but provide the Committee an extra week to review the first 15 applications. She explained that members could go into Salesforce as early as Monday,November 14th to go back and re-review the first 15 applications,if needed. Mr.Wessel entered the meeting at approximately 4:14 pm. Ms.Rigby introduced Dan Milam and encouraged the Committee to reach out to him if they had issues logging in, reviewing applications,or scoring applications in Salesforce. ACTION ITEMS 1. Adoption of Ongoing Meeting Structure-Tanya Hawkins, Chair Ms.Stowell made a motion to adopt the Committee's ongoing meeting structure,which will be hybrid.This includes an in-person anchor location for the public,as well as a virtual meeting.Committee members ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT have the option to attend in-person or virtually.Mr.Maxwell seconded the motion.Upon roll call,the motion passed unanimously.Mr.Anjewierden was not present for the vote. Mr.Anjewierden entered the meeting at approximately 4:22 pm. OLD BUSINESS 1. Conflict of Interest Disclosure Forms-Cathie Rigby Ms.Rigby reminded the Committee to sign and return conflict of interest disclosure forms that were distributed at the November end meeting. NEW BUSINESS• 1. Review and Discuss Small Business Applications-Tanya Hawkins, Chair Ms.Rigby presented 1)the ordinance adopted by the City Council outlining the responsibilities of the Community Recovery Committee,and 2)proposed several improvements to the application scoring questions. Mr.Maxwell,Vice Chairperson,expressed a concern that scoring applications was made more difficult because the Committee did not have access financial documents of the business.Ms.Rigby responded that due to the large amount of small business applications,Staff didn't want to task the Committee with the responsibility to look through financial documents. Ms.Longoria noticed that many of the applications left question#4(COVID-19 Impact Narrative)blank but mentioned COVID-19 impact in other sections of the application.She asked if this might be a technical glitch in the application.Mr.Andersen responded that he noticed the same thing and will go through each week to make sure impact statements found elsewhere in the application will be transferred to question#4.He explained that after Monday,November 14th(when Salesforce issues were resolved),if an application shows question#4 as blank,this means the applicant left it blank. Mr.Wessel asked for clarification on question#6 of the scoring rubric.The question asked applicants to explain how their intended use of grant funds would help their business'economic recovery.The Committee then judges if the business'plan meets,exceeds,or is below expectations.Mr.Wessel asked for clarification to what these "expectations"are.Ms. Rigby stated the expectations that applicants were to follow and will send a document of those expectations to the Committee for reference. Ms.Longoria asked if an application mention of`supply chain issues'can be categorized as an impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.Ms. Rigby responded that an applicant must specifically tie these supply chain issues to the pandemic/shutdowns in their narrative. Ms. Longoria asked if applicants were aware that they would get io bonus points on their score if they received technical assistance from Staff.Mr.Andersen affirmed that in trainings given to community partners and individual applicants,they were made aware of the io bonus points for technical assistance. Mr.Wessel expressed concern that applicants who did not need technical assistance would in essence be`punished' by being io points behind applicants who did receive technical assistance.Ms.Rigby responded that ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT technical assistance bonus points were instituted to`level the playing field'and be more equitable to applicants who: • Have a language barrier • Don't have experience applying for grants or financial assistance • Are part of a diverse community that might have barriers of trust in government Ms.Stowell also expressed concern with this punitive approach to applicants who did not need technical assistance and wondered if this scoring question should be thrown out altogether in future phases of the Program. Mr. Anjewierden asked if Staff could document that all applicants knew about the opportunity to get technical assistance bonus points. Ms. Rigby affirmed that 1) in trainings given to community partners and individual applicants,they were made aware of the io bonus points for technical assistance; and 2) emails that were sent out to applicants for missing documents or clarification included an invitation to receive technical assistance. Mr. Anjewierden responded that if all applicants were made aware of this opportunity and could choose to receive or not receive technical assistance, then that question on the scoring was fair and the io bonus points should be honored. Ms.Hawkins,Chairperson,left the meeting at approximately 5 p.m.Leadership duties for the remainder of the meeting were turned over to Mr.Maxwell,Vice Chairperson. 2. Other Business(Time Remaining) —Jake Maxwell,Vice Chairperson None 3. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. T4a ff�w�i�f Tanya Wawkins(Jan 31,202316:51 MST) Chairperson This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held November loth,2022.