11/21/2022 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the November 21, 2022 Meeting
BAC Members Present for this meeting were Greta Sommerfeld, Martin Cuma, Matthew
Morriss, and Sarah Johnson.
BAC Members Electronically Present for this meeting were Ashley Lodmell, Daniel
Houpt, Joshua Poppel, Rachel Manko, and Raymond Reynolds.
BAC Members Absent for this meeting were Gabriela Knudson and Patrick Casey.
Also present were Ben Trueman, Lara McLellan, Dave Iltis, Matt Jevtic, and Jon Larsen.
Also present electronically were Amy Lyons,Jenn Diederich, Julianne Sabula, Tiffany
Pocock, Dan Adams, Clint Campbell, and Joe Taylor.
The meeting was held both electronically via WebEx and in person and was called to
order at 5:01 p.m. by Martin Cuma. Martin welcomed everyone and the Committee
members introduced themselves.
Approval of Minutes
Motion: Sarah Johnson moved to approve the minutes of the October 17, 2022
meeting. Greta Sommerfeld seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment— Dave Iltis has been working on trying to convince This Is the Place
State Park to open a connector trail between Sunnyside and Research Park. The trail is
all there but the gate is locked but people still go around the gate. He sent an e-mail to
the State Director of Parks and received a response that they can't do this because
having the gates and trail open would lead to more vandalism. Dave said this is opposite
of what studies say so he e-mailed again with that information, letting him know that
there is a new program by the Governor to have more paved trails and asking for a
meeting, but he hasn't received a response yet. He thought it would be helpful for the
BAC to write a letter of support for opening that gate. It makes sense because the
Sunnyside Trail terminates right at the entrance of the park and with that trail, people
can get to Research Park without dealing with car traffic. Dave said it would need a
different sign and maybe bollards to keep cars from driving through but it would be a
good way to get places without using or interacting with cars. Martin said they want to
keep looking at opening connectors. Dave said the park has some outdated ideas that
having this closed is going to prevent vandalism rather than having people go through.
Martin clarified that this is Dave's own initiative and he's looking for BAC endorsement
and Dave said that is correct. Martin said they should look at this as an agenda item in a
future meeting. He said he knows the area, and this is a reasonable request. Dave said
that since UTA is going to be here, it would be really nice to have them endorse 10-foot
lanes instead of 11-foot lanes which harms bicyclists and pedestrians. His
understanding is that the reason they don't end up with 10-foot lanes is solely because of
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UTA. Since Clint Campbell is going to be here, it would be great to ask him why as it's a
hindrance to a safe city. Ben Trueman asked if the BAC advertises,he's been in the city
for years and had no idea they existed. He wanted to know if it would be possible to
advertise in a newspaper or something for the purpose of getting more members or
involvement and letting people who bike in the city know they are there. Sarah said she
also appreciates that suggestion as she didn't know for several years and agrees they
could use more visibility. Lara said they are always open to new ways to advertise the
Committee. Martin came up with a few marketing ideas. Dave said there is an e-mail
list where things are sent out,but he doesn't know how people sign up. Lara talked a bit
about what she has done up to now and said after the next round of Council approvals,
the Committee will be full. Martin said it would be good to share at all Transportation
outreach events with a sticker or something. Ben asked about debris in bike lanes as
he's encountered some debris that has been there for about a month. There was some
discussion about the effectiveness of the mobile app, and he was told he can always call
Transportation and they'll help figure out the responsible party to clean up the debris.
Dave Iltis said on 1300 East and 2000 South,there is a huge sign in the bike lane. He's
reported it on the app twice and it's still there. He's frustrated because it pushes bikes
into the traffic which is dangerous. Martin said this is a topic they need to discuss
sometime in a longer discussion, and they'll keep trying to tackle this. There should be
better education of the contractors. Lara said they do tell them when they get their
permits and Jon said the city is talking about getting another inspector for these things
as they're stretched thin. Dave said there has been a change to the app and the history is
Committee Announcements &Updates — Martin asked if the Committee wanted
to have the December BAC meeting and if so,when. There was a quorum of Committee
members who said they would be available so the December meeting will be held on its
scheduled day. In an e-mail prior to the meeting, Dave Iltis told Martin that there was a
change in the BAC website at some point. There used to be a mission statement and
now it's gone. Lara will send the members the mission statement so they can decide at a
future meeting if they want it included on their website. Dave Iltis said if it isn't
included soon, at some point no one will remember it exists.
I-15 Environmental Impact Statement
Tiffany Pocock, UDOT&Dan Adams, Horrocks Engineers
UDOT began a study about a year ago on I-15 beginning in SLC and going up to
Farmington and US-89. After some input, they are at the alternatives phase and once
they're done with the alternatives phase, they will do some refinement and the
alternatives could change based off the input they receive. Tiffany went over some of the
input that has been received so far. This included wanting them to really think about all
users and that I-15 should be a connection, not a barrier. She would really love to hear
from the Committee if they have additional input. They can be reached at 385-220-
5797, ii5eis(&utah.gov,www.ii5eis.udot.utah.gov, or on their Facebook group which is
udotii5eis. The alternatives were released November loth and are now on their website.
She went over the type of public comment they are looking for which includes improved
safety,better connection to communities, strengthening the economy, and improved
mobility for all users. She also went over some of the information that can be found on
the website. Sarah stated her concerns about how increasing or adding lanes increases
demand, which may not reduce travel time, and that just leads to more interstate.
Personally, she would like to see ways they can incorporate more alternative
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transportation rather than adding more lanes to accommodate more cars. Tiffany said
that as part of the bigger plan, they are adding double tracking front runner
electrification to reduce those times from Davis County to Salt Lake County. Martin
asked how they come up with their travel times since that is what's determining how
many lanes there will be. Tiffany said they use a travel demand model and explained
how that works and that is the best tool currently available. Martin asked what the
probability of the travel times being what the travel demand model is forecasting as it
also depends on people and how technologies are going to change in the future. Sarah
said the direction this project goes will be a big influence on the community. Tiffany
said this is part of a very big planning process and all modes of travel need to be
successful. She went over some additional information from the website for specific
areas of the study and said these are just ideas and they really want to hear feedback
from the Committee and the public. Martin reviewed the plan and shared some of his
feedback and Tiffany said they are working with SLC to address some of his concerns.
UTA Updates
Clint Campbell, Utah Transit Authority
UTA is developing an Active Transportation Plan which they are referring to as the
AT3P plan. It's the first time UTA has done an Active Transportation Plan along with
their Long Range Transit Plan. The Long Range Plan is their guiding document that
works within the regional transportation plans. They have a good direction as to where
they want to go in the next 30-50 years so the AT3P plan is a component of the Long
Range Plan that makes sure they're also supporting active transportation. Transit and
active transportation go hand in hand and they are using this plan to identify some
major gaps within their network and prioritize improvements, to develop a system wide
plan for this. They are also looking at equity because often communities that rely on
transit, are also relying on active transportation. He went over the results from a public
poll they did on transit users and showed pictures of example areas that aren't very
hospitable to active transportation. They are also looking at safety factors and what they
can do to safely mitigate this,whether it be moving a bus stop or finding a new crossing
point. Clint went over the plan goals and a lot of the plan involves talking to community
members and groups such as the BAC. He talked about their planning process within
their internal working group and some of the guiding UTA polices, studies, and plans.
He can be reached at cicampbell(&rideuta.com. Ashley said when she rides UTA, the
bike train is often packed and when there is only one bike train, it can be pretty brutal.
She asked if there are ways to get more bike trains. Clint said that is something they are
working on and looking at options and new systems for getting more bikes on the trains.
Dave Iltis said his understanding is that one of the hindrances UTA puts out for active
transportation networks is the continued insistence on ii foot travel lanes. He said that
leaves less room for bike lanes on a number of streets and if UTA is making an Active
Transportation Plan, how are they addressing that and are they going to accept io foot
travel lanes or even 9 foot. Clint said that's an interesting point and isn't something they
have necessarily talked about because ii foot lanes are kind of their standard. He asked
for some examples and Dave gave several. Clint said that is great feedback and
understands what he means. He will bring it up and also finds it interesting that NY is
running 9-foot lanes which he will look into. Sometimes 1-2 foot of an ii foot lane is
actually gutter space which can be problematic but the ii foot lanes are mostly for
maneuverability. The Active Transportation Plan will have its own website with an
interactive map. Matt asked if all the busses have bike racks and Clint said about 99% of
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them have a 2 rack on them and some have a 3 rack. UTA policy does state that if the
racks are full, riders are welcome to bring their bike on the bus if there is space.
2100 South Project Letter of Support
BAC Members
Martin gave a brief summary of a planned letter of support for the 2100 South Project
and said the Committee will discuss it at their next meeting.
Transportation Master Plan Update
Joe Taylor, SLC Transportation
Joe said the Transportation Master Plan is a policy document for how the City uses
streets, not a list of projects. A Community Advisory Committee of nine citizens who
live in SLC has been formed and they review all of the documents as well as weigh in on
public outreach. Joe went over the timeline and that they hope to have a plan
completed in the spring. He went over the public engagement and feedback received so
far. Transportation is trying to streamline with other City Divisions to do a better job of
lining up their projects. He went over the policy topics which included active
transportation, safety, curb space management, sustainability, and air quality as well as
a multitude of others. Joe would love feedback from this Committee especially on what
metrics they think the City should be measuring. Feedback can be given at
https://www.slc.gov/transportation/plans-studies/tmp/ or directly to Joe at
joe.taylorPslcgov.com. There was discussion regarding different classes of e-bikes and
what regulations should be put in place as far as where they are allowed to operate.
Motion: Martin Cuma motioned to adjourn the meeting; Matthew Morriss seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:35 p.m.
Meeting Chat
from Ray Reynolds to everyone: 5:36 PM
It's been shown in many cities most notably, Dallas Tx, that highway expansion does not
help with traffic long term.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 5:57 PM
Ray, sorry for missing your comment. The I-15 EIS page is https://il5eis.udot.utah.gov/
and contact information is there.
Approved by the Bicycle Advisory Committee 12-19-22.
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