12/5/2022 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the December 5, 2022 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Jim Espeland,Jon Larsen, and
Myron Willson.
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza,
Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick, Greg Sanchez, Jenn Diederich, Jim Espeland,Johnnae
Nardone, Leo Masic, Reid Ewing, and Suzanne Stensaas.
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Tyler, Schmidt, and Paul Schulte.
Present were Lynn Jacobs and Julianne Sabula.
Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Dave Iltis, Council Member Dugan, Martin
Cuma, John Close, Becka Roolf, and Danielle Endres.
The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:03
p.m.by Greg Sanchez.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone.
Public Comment — Martin introduced himself as the BAC Chair and said he'd heard
last month there was some discussion about the interaction between BAC and TAB.
He's all for being more interactive and since there is now a monthly agenda item for a
BAC update, they can keep the channels open and get on the same page with projects
they are commenting on or that they worked together on. Greg thanked Martin and said
TAB is excited to work more closely with BAC. Dave Iltis is putting in a second request
to move the public comments to after the approval of minutes. He said with the hybrid
format, sometimes it's hard to find the e-mail and there can be technical issues logging
on and if they could do that bit of Board business before public comments, it would
make the meeting a little more accessible to the public. He said the biggest thing is that
last Wednesday, there was an ii-year-old girl killed by a left turning pickup truck on
1300 South 210o East. He doesn't know what the number for bicycle/pedestrian
fatalities this year is but it's too much and it's tragic. Cycling Utah published an
editorial (https://www.cyclingutah.com/advocacy/ road-advocacy/editorial-salt-lake-
city-needs-to-adopt-vision-zero-for-no-more-traffic-deaths-and-injuries/) that Salt
Lake City needs to immediately adopt Vision Zero. Salt Lake City had a program for safe
streets, a task force that's apparently met once since May after there were several tragic
deaths in April and May and as far as he knows, they haven't really done much of
anything. There isn't a public statement or anything like that and Vision Zero is a goal
to have no more traffic fatalities. Cities that were on this had great success and it's a
framework and a way to look at things so that transportation decisions and planning
decisions can be made with an eye of keeping people from getting hit and killed. The
bottom line is that every single solitary decision from painting a crosswalk, road speeds,
lane widths, big plans, and little plans need to put pedestrians first then bicyclists. Then
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deliver the transit, then the delivery vehicles, and lastly cars instead of the opposite
which happens every single time. Cars are put 11;t; it just happens even with the best
people who have the best intentions. He asked the Board to please adopt Vision Zero, to
ask Salt Lake City to do so, to put their weight as a Board behind it instead of having no
framework to go on. This is probably the most important thing we need from
Transportation is to protect people's lives on the streets and we're not doing it in Salt
Lake and we're not doing it in Utah. Suzanne said she thinks in the minutes it states
that Transportation is going to try to respond to issues that are put in the chat on the
minutes, and she thinks that's a great idea, so TAB doesn't take meeting time to address
questions from the public. She would like an update on Dave's prior comments about
why they can't get the speed limit reduced on Sunnyside Avenue and goo West since
they are already reported to be in progress. Why are we waiting for another accident.
Motion: Suzanne Stensaas moved to approve the minutes of the November 7, 2022
meeting. Johnnae Nardone seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
BAC Monthly Update
Martin Cuma, BAC Chair
Martin said BAC discussed I-15 and it was a concern with the 5 or 6 lanes in each
direction being a lot although they were more focused on supporting the bicycle
infrastructure that UDOT wants to put in. They are planning to ideally put grade
separated crossings on some of the freeway interchanges,have extra tunnels under the
freeway in Salt Lake City,he believes at 40o North and 50o North. His guess is that
UDOT hasn't made any recommendations yet and are waiting for comments from the
BAC members to come in on their website first. His comment was mainly that they
support all the bike alternatives that have separated grade crossings and his other
comment was they want to put in 5 or 6 lanes everywhere so they don't have larger
travel times,but he would like to understand how they make those models. The
outcome of these models has a huge effect on what UDOT is going to build and he's just
not understanding how they come up with the numbers. He felt like they couldn't
answer him and only said the models consider population growth, zoning and planning
and the development plans in the cities and stuff like that. It would be nice to get
something from UDOT or SLC Transportation that is evaluating the performance of
these models and then get a better idea if they are reliable or not. Based on that, they
can make their decisions and know what options to recommend. BAC gets similar
things to what TAB does and they look at it more from the bicycling focus. Greg said
there was also a Rose Park open house on the 1-15 Study, and he'd like to reach out to
UDOT for more information. Martin said the public comment period is still going on
and he figures they will take those comments and then come back to show what they
come up with.
2100 South Project Update
Lynn Jacobs, SLC Transportation
Lynn said the next big upcoming project is 2100 South between 70o East and 130o East,
right in the heart of Sugar House. They are slated to reconstruct this portion of 2100
South starting in 2024 which is the last big Funding Our Future project currently
planned. It's an important corridor for everyone in that area and for the community and
they've been working pretty hard to make sure they've got it right. Lynn provided
context about the corridor and a snapshot of the work they've done so far including their
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community engagement and technical evaluation. The City wants to preserve and
enhance the character of this area. The statistics say over 600,00o pedestrians visit
Monument Plaza every year, 62% of on-street parking is unoccupied during the weekday
business hours, there are 1,5oo average daily bus riders, 37% of crashes in this area are
due to left turns, 8o% of traffic traveling through this area stop for some reason, and
most of the traffic on 2100 South is not cut through traffic. He described the two
alternatives they came up with on this narrow corridor and discussed the next steps
which includes removing on-street parking, maintaining 2 travel lanes, allowing left
turns only at signalized intersections, adding a shared-use path with more space for
bikes/peds, and to keep traffic moving. Daniel asked if there was going to be a
systematic method of snow removal for the shared use path as it's dangerous to ride in
the road if you can't use the path. Lynn said snow removal is something they always
have a challenge with but in this instance, they will be having more conversations about
maintenance including snow removal and who will do it, either the Central Business
District or the Streets Division. He said the design will probably be a hybrid or variant
of the 2 designs he presented to them. There was some discussion about the safety of
cyclists all the way down 2100 South and how to design bus stops, so they don't hold up
traffic or bicyclists. Ellen mentioned the fascinating history of the road which is also
known as the Lincoln Transcontinental Highway, dating back to 1913 and asked that
Lynn keep that in mind and share its history as he does public outreach because it's
important to remember the original history of this road and understand the original
purpose for it. Martin reminded everyone that 2100 South is a downtown Sugar House
street and shouldn't be designed for cross commuter through traffic. Lynn went over the
current schedule through 2024 and said this is a decision that needs to be made with the
community and they are welcoming input.
Orphan Assets Letter
Transportation Advisory Board
A letter regarding "orphan assets"was sent out for review prior to the meeting.
Motion: Suzanne Stensaas moved to approve the letter in support of additional funding
for"orphan assets" and to get that sent out as soon as possible. Dave Alderman
seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
2023 Meeting Schedule Approval/ Priorities and Agenda Setting Discussion
Transportation Advisory Board Members
Motion: Suzanne Stensaas moved to approve the 2023 Meeting Schedule. Jim
Espeland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Due to time constraints, the Board will have their priorities and agenda setting
discussion at their next meeting.
Greg asked the Board if they want to consider writing a letter to the Mayor regarding the
recent accident at 1300 South 210o East. Jon shared some traffic safety information
and suggestions for a policy statement from TAB.
Motion: Suzanne motioned to have Greg draft a letter including comments about
pedestrians over cars and including having read Vision Zero to see what they might want
to include from that and circulate it to the Board. Myron seconded the motion.
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Discussion: Roll call vote had Ellen opposed, and Reid wanted to discuss it including
the City's efforts in traffic calming which does reduce accidents. He wanted to be a little
more thoughtful with this letter to maximize their value and impact. Myron felt they
should make a draft and discuss the final draft in February. Amended Motion:
Suzanne motioned to have Greg draft a letter including comments about pedestrians
over cars and including having read Vision Zero to see what they might want to include
from that and circulate it to the Board for discussion at their February meeting. Myron
seconded the motion. The motion passed with Reid opposed.
Motion: Myron motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jim seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:39 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board will be a
joint meeting with BAC and is scheduled for January 9, 2023.
TAB WebEx Meeting Chat
from John Close to everyone: 4:06 PM
Also, John Close, Senior Planner with the University of Utah. Joining as a guest.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:11 PM
Salt Lake City needs to adopt Vision Zero:
to-adopt-vision-zero-for-no-more-traffi c-deaths-and-injuries/
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:12 PM
Editorial: Salt Lake City Needs a Better and Bikeable 400 South
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:13 PM
Please pay attention to Vision Zero, this is perhaps the most important action that we
can take today. The TAB needs to take action and endorse this today.
from Dan Dugan to everyone: 4:18 PM
Thanks Dave.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:20 PM
Other items on BAC November agenda:
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:21 PM
Can the committee please address the death of the ii year old girl on 1300 S? Is no one
going to talk about this?Yes,you have an agenda, but this is really important.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:21 PM
UTA update - new plan for active transportation, I believe,but in early phase so not
much discussion
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:21 PM
Transportation master plan update - again just a first introduction so not much
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from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:22 PM
2100 S letter of support-had a brief discussion and will write the letter of support after
hearing the presentation that Lynn is giving now on our Dec meeting.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:24 PM
I encourage everyone to read the BAC meetings minutes as they are released for more
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:24 PM
November meeting minutes will be available after they are approved at the December
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:26 PM
A reminder,that by law, 2100 S is a street reconstruction, and as such needs to follow
the Complete Streets Ordinance and must (no option not to) include bike lanes.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:34 PM
Bike lane plowing is generally a disaster in the City,because the plows are afraid to get
too close to parked cars. That results in most bike lanes having a pile of snow after the
plows go through. I think the City needs to force the cars parked on the sides of roads
with bike lanes to move away during snow storms so that the plows can plow all the way
to the curb.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:36 PM
@Martin we have new leadership in Public Services so maybe it is time to try a new
discussion about snow parking. We last tried a pilot program about 6-8 years ago.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:37 PM
@Becka, that would be great. Hopefully the snowfall would be better during a future
pilot than during the one in the past.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:46 PM
Please just grind off the old stripes and restripe asap on 2100 S from 170o E to 230o E.
Low cost, high gain.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:46 PM
@Dave except for the tarring and feathering.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:47 PM
No, the reason that it was shut down 5 years ago is that Mayor Biskupski overruled
transportation and the community and unilaterally kept the road diet and bike lanes
from happening.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:49 PM
I had no idea 2100 South was on the Lincoln Highway.
from Dan Dugan to everyone: 4:53 PM
Thanks for the discussion. I have jump off for another commitment.
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from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:53 PM
Right, but now Lincoln Hwy is I-8o, so, car traffic can use I-8o and 2100 S can be
changed to work for everyone.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:55 PM
2100 South is great westbound/ downhill.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:55 PM
I ride 2100 S, mostly downhill.As fast as being in a car.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:56 PM
+1 to what Lynn is saying now.
from Ellen Reddick to everyone: 4:58 PM
No Martin it is not I 8o - go to the web site and check it out.
from Martin Cuma to everyone: 5:00 PM
@Ellen, OK,what I am trying to say is that cars can use I-8o, while 2100 S should be
inviting and accommodating to not just cars.
from Ellen Reddick to everyone: 5:04 PM
Martin-look at the road it is a major business road that has deliveries and serves people
all across the state/country.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:09 PM
Thanks for involving the public on this. It's really welcoming.
from Masic, Leo Customer Experience Planner II to everyone: 5:09 PM
Bus stop in northeast Portland: https://www.google.com/maps/(&45-55c)o8,l3,-
from suzanner stensaas to everyone: 5:09 PM
Dave, put it in the chat
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:09 PM
I did, and it was ignored.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:10 PM
Note that this is a reconstruction and by law it has to have bike facilities. It's great to see
that,but as we saw on too S,Transportation ignores and doesn't understand the law.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:14 PM
As for the 2 options, the road diet version is far superior and doesn't introduce conflicts
between bikes and pedestrians.
from Ellen Reddick to everyone: 5:22 PM
I agree
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:22 PM
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Can you as TAB please at least acknowledge the death of an ii year old girl on 1300 S?
from Danielle Endres to everyone: 5:23 PM
I am a resident of Salt Lake City. I apologize for being late to the meeting. Because of my
teaching schedule, I missed the public comment item on the agenda. I attended the
meeting today because I wanted to make a public comment. I am a resident of the
Bonneville Hills neighborhood, and I live close to the 13oo east and 2100 south
intersection.As you know, there was a fatal accident at this intersection last week. My
son attends the same school as the child who was killed and he uses that intersection to
walk home from school every week day. I have two questions for the board: 1)what is
the city doing to address pedestrian deaths and safe routes for school children at this
intersection and throughout the city?; and 2) how can neighborhood residents like
myself get involved in supporting safe pedestrian routes for school children, not only in
my. neighborhood but throughout the city?Thank you.
from Masic, Leo Customer Experience Planner II to everyone: 5:25 PM
Would like to throw out citywide LPIs out there — O
from Masic, Leo Customer Experience Planner II to everyone: 5:25 PM
I'm sure this has already been discussed by Transportation staff
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:27 PM
SLC needs to embrace Vision Zero as does this committee.
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:28 PM
Vision Zero Editorial: https://www.Uclingutah.com/advocacy/road-advocacy/editorial-
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:29 PM
TAB needs to push for Vision Zero
from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:30 PM
Please understand what this is
from Ellen Reddick to everyone: 5:33 PM
Public Comments/Response from Staff
Public Question: Suzanne would like an update on Dave's prior comments about why
they can't get the speed limit reduced on Sunnyside Avenue and goo West since they are
already reported to be in progress.
Staff Response: We have evaluated speed limits on arterials and collectors City-wide and
are in the process of identifying the quantity and location of the numerous speed limit
signs that will need to be updated. goo West and Sunnyside are included on the list of
streets that will see a change. We anticipate this happening in the spring.
Approved by the Transportation Advisory Board 02-o6-23.
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