12/8/2022 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 ' MEETING MINUTES Thursday, December 8, 2022 4:oo-6:oopm The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present.All participated electronically: Jake Maxwell,Vice Chairperson Steve Anjewierden Pook Carson Jason Wessel Esther Stowell Also Present: Cathie Rigby,Department of Economic Development Todd Andersen,Department of Economic Development Dan Milam,SLC Information Management Services Absent: Tanya Hawkins,Chairperson Sarah Longoria 1. Briefings by the Staff a. Report from the Program Manager Ms.Rigby reported on several updates,including: 1)slight changes on how staff would send out meeting materials to the Committee each week, 2) expressing her concerns with some gaps in Committee scoring that she's seen.There is one Committee member that has not scored any applications up to this point,and several other Committee members who have recused themselves from scoring several applications.This would cause some applications to only have five scores instead of the full seven.To elevate the level of fairness,a discussion item will be placed on the following week's agenda proposing the idea of removing high and low scores from each application and averaging out remaining scores. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Review and Adopt Minutes from 11/2 and 11/10 Meetings Mr.Anjewierden mentioned that his last name was spelled incorrectly on the minutes.Mr.Anjewierden motioned to adopt minutes from the 11/2 and ii/io meetings with amended spelling changes.Mr.Wessel seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously. 2. Review and Discuss Small Business Applications Ms.Stowell said she was late to the last meeting and asked why two questions had been removed from the scoring rubric. Ms.Rigby responded that the Committee had approved a motion last meeting to remove questions#2 and #7 from Committee scoring,and have staff score these questions instead. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Ms.Carson asked why application#63603 was in the small business scoring group when they are a nonprofit.Ms. Rigby responded that nonprofits could apply both as a small business(if their own operations were impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic)AND as a nonprofit subrecipient(if they plan to offer specific COVID-19 recovery programming). Mr.Wessel received clarification on application#63823 and how to best respond to scoring question #4 regarding impact to employment. Mr.Anjewierden asked why question#4 on application#63823 states"Applicant left blank".Ms. Rigby responded that this applicant submitted a physical application and did not complete question#4 on their paper application.Mr. Anjewierden expressed concern that applicants who submitted physical applications were not required to fill out question #4(as opposed to online applicants).Ms. Rigby proposed that staff could reach out to these types of applicants and give them an opportunity to answer question#4. Ms.Rigby noted that Rounds 1 and 2 of scoring could be opened again to allow the Committee to score 4 applications(that were discussed in previous weeks)that supplied answers to question #4. 3. Briefing on Upcoming Week's Small Business Applications 4. Other Business(Time Remaining) Ms.Rigby noted that scoring batches would now include 20 applications until further notice. 5. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. 4 7glf2 AWW911 Jake Maxwell(Jan 27,2023 09:30 MST) Chairperson This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held December 8th,2022.