12/29/2022 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 ' MEETING MINUTES Thursday,December 29th, 2022 4:oo-6:oopm The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present.All participated electronically: Tanya Hawkins, Chairperson Jake Maxwell,Vice Chairperson Steve Anjewierden Jason Wessel Esther Stowell Sarah Longoria Pook Carson Also Present: Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development Todd Andersen, Department of Economic Development 1. Briefings by the Staff a. Report from the Program Manager Mr.Anjewierden entered the meeting at approximately 4:04 pm. Ms. Rigby explained the Committee's timeline for January and February,including 1)scoring the remaining small business applications, 2) completing the recommended list of awardees that will be sent the Mayor's Office by January 241h, and 3)presenting the recommended list of awardees to the City Council on February 7th. BUSINESS ITEMS: L Review and Adopt Minutes from 12/1 Meeting Vice Chairperson Maxwell motioned to adopt minutes from the December list,2022,meeting as presented.Mr. Anjewierden seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously. 2. Review and Discuss Small Business Applications Staff responded to several questions from Committee regarding Round 5 scoring. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 3. Briefing on Upcoming Week's Small Business Applications Ms. Rigby discussed the timeline for the upcoming batch of small business applications. 4. Other Business Ms. Rigby explained that once all scores are recorded,the sorting process that will be done during several meetings in January to determine the final list of awardees that will be recommended to the Mayor's Office. She asked the Committee what type of data could be included that would help them review and sort applicants. Mr.Wessel and Mr.Anjewierden both gave suggestions on data they felt could assist in the review/sorting of applicants. Ms. Longoria asked for clarification on why the Committee decided to"move forward"the top 4 scores in each batch of applicants,rather than looking at overall scores of all applicants.Mr. Rigby responded that"moving forward"the top scorers in each batch was more to aid the Committee in the review/sorting process, and not necessarily a final decision on who moves forward and who doesn't. Mr.Anjewierden stated that he had a similar concern,but that previously the Committee discussed that the top scorers in each batch were seen more as a"working group"to use in the final review/sorting process. 5. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. �We Ahmea Jake Maxwell(Feb 13,2023 09:55 MST) Committee Chair This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held December 29th, 2022. ARPA CRC 12.29.2022 Minutes (002) Final Audit Report 2023-02-13 Created: 2023-02-13 By: Jack Markman Qack.markman@slcgov.com) Status: Signed Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAA647KhgP8tWRfl_eoliVU-4sP9hnFSLAN "ARPA CRC 12.29.2022 Minutes (002)" History Document created by Jack Markman Qack.markman@slcgov.com) 2023-02-13-4:48:21 PM GMT Document emailed to jacob.maxwell@slcgov.com for signature 2023-02-13-4:48:45 PM GMT Email viewed by jacob.maxwell@slcgov.com 2023-02-13-4:55:31 PM GMT Signerjacob.maxwell@slcgov.com entered name at signing as Jake Maxwell 2023-02-13-4:55:55 PM GMT 6o Document e-signed by Jake Maxwell Qacob.maxwell@slcgov.com) Signature Date:2023-02-13-4:55:57 PM GMT-Time Source:server Agreement completed. 2023-02-13-4:55:57 PM GMT Powered by /r Adobe �' Acrobat Sign