1/5/2023 - Meeting Agenda PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,January 5,2023 5:00 P.M.—9:15 P.M. Join at Memory Grove Memorial House:375 N Canyon Road,Salt Lake City,UT 84103 AGENDA 1—Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM Call to order Chair comments 5 mins 2—Public Comment Period 5:05 PM Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total. Written 15 mins comments are welcome. 3—Action Items 5:20 PM Approve December 1, 2022 meeting minutes. 5 mins Chair and Vice Chair Election. 10 mins 4—Recess for Dinner and Ice Breaker Activity 5:35 PM TBD 20 mins 5—Staff Discussion and Agenda Items 5:55 PM Reimagine Nature Review and Discussion. 30 mins 6—Board Discussion and Action Items 6:25 PM Review Bylaws. Discuss Board Member Responsibilities and Subcommittee 40 mins requirements. 7—Break 7:05 PM 8—Board Discussion and Action Items Continued 7:15 PM Discussion of board powers, duties, and values. 60 mins Create a written process for annual CIP and budget initiatives prioritization + Formalize 25 mins standard plan for the annual retreat. Discuss 2023 staff presentations and agenda items. 15 mins 9—Confirmation of Next Meeting, Board Comments& Future Agenda Items 8:55 PM Board subcommittee updates as needed • Trails Subcommittee • Communication Subcommittee • 501c3 Subcommittee Board comment and question period Next meeting: February 2, 2023 Request for future agenda items 10—Adjourn 9:15 PM