2/6/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of the February 6, 2023 Meeting Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Dave Alderman and Jon Larsen. Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza, Ellen Reddick, Greg Sanchez, John Close, Johnnae Nardone, Leo Masic, Myron Willson, and Suzanne Stensaas. Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Paul Schulte,Jenn Diederich, and Jim Espeland. Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Justice Morath,Julianne Sabula, Martin Cuma, Dave Iltis, and Max McLeod. The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Greg Sanchez. Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone and introduced Justice Morath, a future new Di representative. Motion: Ellen Reddick moved to approve the minutes of the December 5, 2022 meeting. Myron Willson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion: Ellen Reddick moved to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2023 joint TAB/BAC meeting. Myron Willson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Joint TAB/BAC Letter of Support for the Transportation CIP Applications Transportation Advisory Board Motion: Myron Willson moved to approve the draft joint TAB/BAC letter of support for the Transportation CIP applications. Dave Alderman seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment — Dave Iltis said Mayor Mendenhall adopted Vision Zero last month in response to an editorial he wrote which he also shared with the Board at the last meeting. He doesn't know if the Board ever followed up with an endorsement of joining Vision Zero, but he would still recommend they do so. He would like them to consider keeping Vision Zero as an overarching framework for any decisions they make. In the past there have been decisions made by the Board or by people on the Board that have not considered that. The result was more traffic deaths and traffic injuries so he hopes this will be their guiding light for how they approach every project and street reconstruction recommendation they make from now on. The most important thing done in transportation should be making it safe for everyone,which needs to be at the top of their minds when they make choices. He also said the Wasatch Front Regional Page 1 of 6 TAB 02-06-2023 Minutes Transportation Plan comment period is open. He thinks it's open for a couple more weeks, but this is a guiding plan from now until 2050 so he asked that the Board please comment(https://wfrc.org/). Ellen said she would like to see more driver education, more driver responsibility, more enforcement, and chastising of drivers, especially the drivers that kill people in crosswalks. She said hardly anything is done to these drivers. She's talked to several police officers about the little girl that was killed in her district coming home from school in a crosswalk. It was a terrible unfortunate accident and there was no repercussion, nothing actually done. She thinks they need to be really strident and let people know there are consequences when you kill people when you drive and you have got to be more responsible, take the responsibility as a driver seriously or get out of the car. Suzanne and Johnnae agreed but Johnnae said sanctions are a little bit outside of the scope of what Jon does. Ellen said they are community leaders, and they have part of that responsibility to educate their community and make sure that they are getting the word out wherever possible. There needs to be more programs out there to let people know they are responsible. Suzanne said going back to Dave's comment, she thinks he'll be happy to know that in the other letter TAB is going to submit, it deals with this tragic accident that Ellen is referring to and in the same letter, it incorporates and stresses the importance of the adoption and implementation of Vision Zero. That letter will be going to the City Council as soon as the Board looks it over and hopefully approves it. She feels like it should also go to the school district so maybe Paul Schulte can distribute it. Suzanne said there is also a bill before the Legislature to install radar to enforce and give tickets on certain faster roads. Maybe someone here knows more about that bill,but we should all maybe get some emphasis behind installing and allowing. Right now, it's illegal to use radar for ticketing and the other thing is if you want manslaughter to be part of the consequences of an auto- pedestrian accident,then that's going to be a legal issue to do so. She suggests they discuss that with Sim Gill or someone in the business of enforcement. Daniel Mendoza said he also saw the tragic news about what happened on 600 North last week. It's a road that he rides his bike on and every time he rides it, it's scary. Unfortunately, it's really the only way to get across to the Jordan Parkway from where he's coming from which he thinks is part of the problem. He believes part of the issue is that the word accident keeps being used and it's not an accident to be looking at your phone and rolling through stop signs, that's a premeditated decision. An accident would be if suddenly, the sun blinds you,you hit a pothole, or hit black ice. Drivers are unnecessarily choosing to put everyone else's lives at risk when they are choosing to be texting or using their phone to be distracted. He likes the suggestion about potentially looking at manslaughter charges because you choose to check your phone and you choose to just try to run through a crosswalk or stop sign without checking for a pedestrian and that is a choice, not an accident. As long as you keep saying it's an accident, it really exculpates the drivers. He's upset and passionate about this because he's seen accidents and been hit while on his bike and while it was labeled an accident, it was because the driver was distracted and not obeying the law or simply not thinking. He would really like to change the language and put responsibility on the driver because those are choices not accidents. Suzanne suggested that someone from the AG's office or whoever would be appropriate, come and talk to them and explain to them why when people hit pedestrians that is not manslaughter, if there needs to be some legal modification to the codes, and how TAB can help lobby for that. She would also like to know why they can't legally use radar and what needs to happen for more stringent consequences. Greg said they will work to get someone on their agenda to address both Page 2 of 6 TAB 02-06-2023 Minutes those issues. Suzanne mentioned a sidewalk the City is also supposed to be plowing and Martin said he will ask about that specific issue at the next BAC meeting. BAC Monthly Update Martin Cuma, BAC Chair Martin said the plan for the next BAC meeting is to discuss plowing the bike lanes and certain sidewalks such as Foothill with the Streets Division as well as reviewing and hopefully approving the joint CIP letter. Review Constituent Transportation Related CIP Applications Transportation Advisory Board Members The Board reviewed the Constituent Transportation related CIP applications prior to the meeting. In reviewing the applications, Myron felt the context of where Jon and Transportation feel these various projects fit within their work and ongoing construction was missing. He is leery of weighing in at a micro level to push one of these above or below another and would prefer to defer to what Transportation thinks is the best way to review them. John agreed as they aren't aware of what the community prioritizations are. Jon explained how the Constituent CIP applications work, Transportation's role in helping with them, and that they are discouraged to weigh in on them but will help constituents refine the applications to make them as good as possible. Suzanne thought it would be appropriate to say they hope special consideration is given to those dealing with safety. Johnnae suggested, building on the safety approach, they look at this from the perspective of what vulnerable users are impacted and whether they are seeing the most traffic violence where these projects are proposed. The Board would like to write a letter that says they hope the City Council will give special consideration to safety as they select the ones they are going to approve, and Myron would like to include safety for pedestrians and other vulnerable users in that letter. John suggested they say they support those projects that do support pedestrian safety without referring to specific projects. Jon said there is already a constituent board who are tasked with prioritizing these projects. Greg said they should keep their recommendations on a safety prioritization and Johnnae thought they should be specific about vulnerable users and areas of high rates of traffic collisions and violence. Myron said he loves that and in a broad sense, would like to tie it back to Vision Zero. Greg asked if the Board would be ok with him and Suzanne writing this letter and Suzanne said she'll be out of town so Daniel said he would help. Dave said he also thinks there is a secondary benefit to know what and where the people in the community are worried about safety. If there is enough concern on somebody's part to go through this process,they must think these are hotspots. Suzanne submitted an application and explained all of the information a constituent must gather to proceed. Motion: Greg Sanchez moved that he and Daniel draft a letter in support of the Constituent Transportation related CIP projects that address safety,vulnerable users, high rate of traffic violence and Vision Zero. Suzanne Stensaas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Vision Zero and Mayor's Safe Streets Task Force Jon Larsen, SLC Transportation Jon said it was exciting news that the Mayor,by declaration, announced SLC's intention to become an official Vision Zero city. He said this is good news for safety and they are committed to moving as fast as possible to make these changes. One of the Page 3 of 6 TAB 02-06-2023 Minutes requirements is that a timeline must be set so they set it for 2035 for zero fatalities as well as zero serious injuries. Vision Zero is a systematic approach that requires cross departmental and cross disciplinary collaboration to do what they can to make progress not only on the street design,but on education and enforcement. The Mayor had created a Safe Streets Task Force which is being renamed the Vision Zero Task Force. Folks from SLC Transportation, UDOT, SLCPD, Utah Highway Safety Office, and Highway Patrol are all part of that Task Force. They will be meeting quarterly and their main purpose, besides encouraging cross disciplinary collaboration, is to hold themselves accountable for the action plan. The Task Force still needs to create an action plan which is probably one of the biggest things needed to become an official Vision Zero city. WFRC also just received news that they were successful in a grant application to create a safety action plan for the entire region. Johnnae asked if there were only paid people or if there will be any community representation on the Task Force. Jon said he's open to recommendations on how best to marry up the Vision Zero Task Force with what TAB does. He wondered whether it should be an official sub- committee like BAC or if, as part of the vision philosophy, that safety is woven throughout everything, and that TAB and BAC can advise the Task Force and vice versa. They're still trying to figure it out the best way to structure this. Suzanne asked if TAB could have a representative on the Task Force just as BAC has a representative on TAB and they could be invited to attend the meeting and give feedback to TAB. Suzanne suggested TAB vote to see who would attend those meetings. Jon said it's not an official standing committee or open meeting like TAB and BAC. Suzanne said she's happy to go but would need backup. Jon shared more information about the funding dedicated to transportation safety each year, current safety programs in place, and additional requirements to become a Vision Zero city. Motion: Myron Willson moved to have Suzanne Stensaas as the point person attending the Vision Zero Task Force meetings and for Ellen Reddick to be her backup. Ellen Reddick seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. TAB Pedestrian Safety Letter Discussion Transportation Advisory Board Dave suggested adding a reference to the recent fatality on 60o North. Greg agreed and said he will add that and send it back to the Board for review. UTA Update — Ski Busses Leo Masic, Utah Transit Authority Leo gave an overview of the Salt Lake County ski service including where the routes are and when they run. He said they are designed to connect TRAX stations to ski resorts and make multiple stops in between. The fee is $5.00, and Leo explained which passes include this service and which do not. The changes made in the routes were due to reduced rider frequency and a labor shortage. John asked if UTA has been part of the conversation about the Cottonwood Connect where the County allocated funds for this service. He is curious if that has been successful and if it's taken some of the burden off UTA. Leo said the County was contracting with a private company, Snow Canyon Limo, to duplicate the UTA service and try to fill in the gap for the reduction in service in that area. He said UTA isn't receiving funding and believes they are actually contributing a small portion for that service. It's a service that only runs on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday but it serves almost all the same stops that UTA ski busses do. Suzanne asked how someone staying downtown manages to get up to the ski resorts Page 4 of 6 TAB 02-06-2023 Minutes now as there used to be a downtown ski stop. Leo said a decision was made to consolidate all the services into three main routes to enable 15-minute services. The expectation is that a tourist would take the blue line to a TRAX station that has a ski bus. Suzanne said there is no easy way for east side residents to get up the canyons unless they go to a park and ride which are always full. Motion: Suzanne Stensaas motioned to adjourn the meeting; Myron Willson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board was scheduled for March 6, 2023. TAB WebEx Meeting Chat from Myron to everyone: 4:05 PM thanks to Greg and everyone who helped write the letter. from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:10 PM See our editorial here: https://www.Q clingutah.com/columns/editorials/editorial-salt-lake-city- needs-to-adopt-vision-zero-for-no-more-traffic-deaths-and-injuries/ from Myron to everyone: 4:13 PM https://www.simonandschuster.com/books/There-Are-No- Accidents/Jessie-Singer/c)78iA8212c)668 from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:15 PM Photo radar bill: https://le.utah.gov/-2023/bills/static/SBolo5.html from Myron to everyone: 4:23 PM do any of these compliment your current priorities? agree with Susan from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:26 PM SLC Bike to Work Day is this Wednesday! https://www.cyclingLatah.com/news/salt-lake-city-winter-bike-to-work-d4y- will-be-wednesday-2-8-23/ from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:30 PM You should consider Vulnerable Road Users, not just pedestrians. from Myron to everyone: 4:39 PM the list of involved orgs is heavy in the auto-industrial complex IMO from Dave Iltis to everyone: 4:52 PM See also: https://le.utah.gov/ASP/RelatedBill/similar.asp?scode=02'73 2&Year=2023 from suzanne stensaas to everyone: 4:56 PM https:,//Ie.utah.gov/ASP/RelatedBill/similar.asp?scode=02828&Year=2022 from Dave Iltis to everyone: 5:0 7 PM Page 5 of 6 TAB 02-06-2023 Minutes Is UTA searching for more money to pay drivers more to fund these routes? from Myron to everyone: 5:13 PM Remind me again why we're talking about this? from Myron to everyone: 5:18 PM 2100 South from Myron to everyone: 5:19 PM we talked previously about transportation master plan update Approved by Transportation Advisory Board on 03-o6-23. 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