Mayor �' �-0 ' y and NEIGHBORHOODS
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Thursday,February 9th,2023
1. Roll Call Jack Markman
Steve Anjewierden
Jason Wessel
Pook Carson
Esther Stowell
Sarah Longoria
Jack Markman
Cathie Rigby
Todd Andersen
Jacob Maxwell
2. Briefings by the Staff
a. Nonprofit Application Presentation Jack Markman
Jack starts presentation @ 4:07 pm(after 12/29 minutes adopted)
• Zoom Grants walkthrough starts at 4:28 pm
• Jack finished presentation and asked for further questions @ 4:37 pm
• Pook question @ 4:38 pm regarding how to access Zoom Grants
• Jason question @ 4:40 pm regarding scoring questions #8 and#13.These questions deal with
the experience of applicants in delivering services.Jason expressed concern that this would
favor"legacy"nonprofits that have much more experience than newer/smaller nonprofits.
Sarah comments @ 4:44 Pm.
Steve comments @ 4:45 Pm.
• Steve request regarding questions#8 and#13 @ 4:48 pm.
• Sarah question @ 4:52 pm regarding if City Council has desire to split funding between categories
evenly.Jason comments @ 4:55 Pm
• Steve question @ 4:56 pm regarding if applicants self-identified into one of the six categories.
• Steve request @ 4:57 pm to disable group comment box in Zoom Grants,so that Committee
members do not accidentally use the box
• Pook question @ 4:58 pm—she tried accessing Zoom Grants with the given password and it did
not work
• Esther question @ 4:59 Pm—she can get into Zoom Grants but cannot see the first applications
to score
1. Review and Adopt Minutes from 12/29 Meeting Chair
4:06 pm(Jack opted to adopt minutes before giving nonprofit application presentation). Esther Stowell motions to
adopt 12/29 minutes as presented.Jason Wessel seconds.Motion passes unanimously.
2. Review and Discuss Nonprofit Applications Chair
3. Other Business Chair
4. Adjourn
Adjourned @ 5:02 pm
The City&County Building is an accessible facility.People with disabilities may make requests for
reasonable accommodation,which may include alternate formats,interpreters,and other auxiliary aids and
services.Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request,please contact the
Community Recovery Committee program staff at cathie.rigbypslcgov.com or todd.andersenPslcgov.com,8oi-
535-7200, or relay service 711.
Committee Chair
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee
meeting held February 9th, 2023.
ARPA CRC 02.09.2023 Meeting Minutes
Final Audit Report 2023-04-17
Created: 2023-04-17
By: Jack Markman Qack.markman@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAgkujfx20Tg-oLW-21hC011olcKgdj_SO
"ARPA CRC 02.09.2023 Meeting Minutes" History
Document created by Jack Markman Qack.markman@slcgov.com)
2023-04-17-8:10:14 PM GMT
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2023-04-17-8:10:31 PM GMT
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6o Document e-signed by Jake Maxwell Qacob.maxwell@slcgov.com)
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