4/12/2023 - Meeting Agenda SALT LAKE CITY PLANNING DIVISION PLANNING COMMISSION AMENDED MEETING AGENDA April 12, 2023, at 5:30 p.m. City & County Building 451 South State Street, Room 326 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 (The order of the items may change at the Commission's discretion) This meeting will be held in person at the City & County Building. If you are interested in watching the Planning Commission meeting it will be available on the following platforms: • YouTube: www.Voutube.com/slclivemeetings • SLCty Channel 17 Live: www.slctv.com/livestream/SLCty-Live/2 If you are unable to attend in person but would like to submit comments regarding an item on the agenda, please email your comments to the staff contact listed for each item or provide general comments to planning.comments@slcgov.com. DINNER - Dinner will be served to the Planning Commissioners and Staff at 5:00 p.m. in Room 326 of the City and County Building. During the dinner break, the Planning Commission may receive training on city planning related topics, including the role and function of the Planning Commission. PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING WILL BEGIN AT 5:30 PM IN ROOM 326 REPORT OF THE CHAIR AND VICE CHAIR REPORT OF THE DIRECTOR OPEN FORUM - The Commissioners may discuss planning, zoning, and general land use items that are not listed on the agenda. This discussion will be limited to no more than 10 minutes. There is no public discussion associated with this item. CONSENT AGENDA—Consent Agenda items may be placed on the Regular Agenda at the Commission's discretion. 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES FOR MARCH 22& 29, 2023 2. Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Dwelling Unit at approximately 1005 E. Princeton Avenue - Troy Rawlings, representing the property owner, is seeking approval of a detached ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) at 1005 E Princeton Ave. The ADU is on the second story of a detached garage behind the primary residence. This property is located in District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Cassie Younger at cassie.younger@slcgov.com or 801-535-6211) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-01149 3. Conditional Use Permit for an Accessory Dwelling Unit at approximately 926 S 800 East - Timothy Vreeland, the property owner, is requesting a Conditional Use to construct an Accessory Dwelling Unit at 926 S 800 E which is located in R-1/5,000 zone. The proposed ADU will be located in the second story of a detached garage in the rear yard accessed from the adjacent alley. The gross square footage of the ADU is 633-square-feet. The project is within Council District 5, represented by Darin Mano. (Staff contact: Katilynn Harris at 801-535-6179 or katilynn.harris@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-00569 REGULAR AGENDA 1. Conditional Use for Kum & Go Gas Station at approximately 2111 S. 1300 East - Nathan Abbott with Galloway US, representing the lessee Kum & Go, is requesting conditional use approval for a gas station that will be located at the above-stated address. The proposed project will consist of a 3,957 square foot convenience store to be located in the northwest corner of the property, three (two-sided) gas pumps located in the south area and underground fuel storage tanks placed along the eastern portion of the property. The subject property is approximately 0.83 acres combined (36,155 square feet) in size and is in the CB (Community Business) Zoning District. The subject property is within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff Contact: Diana Martinez, Principal Planner at diana.martinez@slcgov.com or 801-535-7215) Case Number: PLNPCM2022-00053 2. Modifications to a Planned Development and Design Review for The Harvey a Mixed-Use Structure at approximately 501, 511, & 515 E. 2700 South - A request by Alec Myres of Manifest Development, for approval of modifications to earlier Planned Development and Design Review approvals to develop a mixed-use building with one commercial unit and 14 residential units. The applicant received Planned Development and Design Review approvals from the Planning Commission on February 9, 2022, and modifications from the approval on May 11, 2022. Since that time, the applicant has further modified their design including a reduction in units, changes to the parking, and design of the secondary elevations. In accordance with sections 21A.55.100 and 21A.59.080, these types of modifications to the approved Planned Development and Design Review plans require approval from the Planning Commission. The project is located within Council District 7, represented by Amy Fowler. (Staff contact: Sara Javoronok at 801-535- 7625 or sara.javoronok@slcgov.com) Case Number: PLNPCM2021-01092 & PLNPCM2021- 01254 For Planning Commission agendas, staff reports, and minutes, visit the Planning Division's website at slc..qoy/planningublic- meetings. Staff Reports will be posted the Friday prior to the meeting and minutes will be posted two days after they are ratified, which usually occurs at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning Commission.