12/14/2022 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES FOR THE BUSINESS ADVISORY BOARD Wednesday, December 14th, 2022 8:30 a.m. -10:00 a.m. 1. Roll Call The following members of the Business Advisory Board were present: Darin Piccoli, Chair Jeff Carleton, Vice-Chair Scott Lyttle Andy Robertson Pook Carson Karen Gunn Abudujannah Soud Jocelyn Kearl Siliveinusi Niu Sue Rice The following members of the Business Advisory Board were absent: Alfonso Brito Also Present: Veronica Cavanagh, Department of Economic Development; Lorena Riffo Jenson, Department of Economic Development; Roberta Reichgelt, Department of Economic Development; Will Wright, Department of Economic Development; Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development; Peter Makowski: Department of Economic Development, Andie Feldman: Department of Economic Development; Spencer Lawson, Department of Economic Development; Katie Matheson, Department of Economic Development; Lindsey Day, Department of Economic Development; Clark Cahoon, Department of Economic Development; Allison Rowland, Salt Lake City Council; Taylor Knuth, Arts Council; Angela Price, Community and Neighborhoods Department; Michelle Saucedo, Suazo Business Center; Kristina Olivas, Downtown Alliance; Vinay Cardwell. 2. Briefings by the Staff Main Street Pedestrian Mall Update Mr. Makowski updated the BAB on the City's Main Street Pedestrian Mall project and process. Ms. Rice asked about the City's plan in reaching out to business owners along main street for feedback. Mr. Makowski replied that the vendor selected through the RFP process will be responsible for conducting public engagement, including surveying businesses. Project Coordinator Position Ms. Reichgelt stated that the Department has posted an open Project Coordinator position for the Business Development team. The position will remain open until January 13, 2023. NBA Allstar Weekend Ms. Reichgelt provided an update on the upcoming NBA Allstar Weekend and how the NBA has started a rewards program for most food focuses businesses that includes restaurants and bars. The program involves a QR code that customers can scan to enter the rewards program and win prizes. Economic Development Loan Fund The City Council approved a loan of$250,000 to Club Verse. The EDLF Loan Committee recently forwarded a recommendation for $100,000 to the City Council for approval loan request to Forty-Three Bakery. 3. Approval of the minutes A. Review and Approval of October 12th, 2022, BAB Minutes Ms. Rice made a motion to approve the minutes from October 12, 2022, meeting. Ms. Kearl seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed unanimously. 4. Business A. Arts Council Taylor Knuth, Assistant Director of the Salt Lake City Arts Council, shared an overview of the Salt Lake City Arts Council and its mission, to promote, present, and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development, expand awareness, access, and engagement. He also discussed the complicated structure of the Arts Council, which includes three boards, the Arts Council of Directors, the Cultural Core Advisory Board, and the Art Design Board. He explained that the Arts Council is a governmental nonprofit and a government entity Division within the Department of Economic Development. Mr. Knuth spoke on the organizational priorities outlined in the strategic plan, including administrative support and operations, and the program team. Ms. Rice asked Mr. Knuth if there is any plan to make it easier for new artists to break into the industry. Mr. Knuth responded that they take the topic seriously and have recently commissioned 16 artists, 8 of whom were first-time artists. Mr. Knuth credited their Public Arts team for prioritizing equity and diversity in the arts and stated they are constantly evolving their processes to support emerging artists. Ms. Gunn asked if he has worked with the Modern West Gallery and if they can provide information on how artists can get into similar programs. Mr. Knuth answered that they have worked with the gallery and encouraged artists to reach out to them for information. B. Business Advisory Board Bylaw Amendment Chairperson Piccoli presented an amendment to the BAB's bylaws due to new OPMA requirements. The amendment included language for determining quorum during electronic meetings and considers a member attending remotely to be present when they are connected to the meeting and make their presence known. Vice-Chair Carleton made a motion to amend the bylaws to includes the new language. Ms. Kearl seconded the motion. Upon roll call, the motion passed. C. Legislative Update Angela Price, Policy Director for the Community&Neighborhoods Department(CAN), provided an overview of the policy areas of the CAN, that focuses on housing, homelessness, land use, transportation, real estate, youth and family, and building services. Ms. Price stated that she also works closely with the City's legislative team, Mayor's Chief of Staff, City Attorney, and other City leadership and the Director of the City Council. Ms. Price discussed the additional needs in regard to homelessness. She emphasized that homelessness is a statewide issue and not just a Salt Lake City or Salt Lake County issue. The City received$2.75 million in mitigation funding for homelessness which is nowhere near the 26 million that was spent last year. They will be asking for additional funding to include operating and managing overflow facilities and providing housing for families. Ms. Price concluded by emphasizing that there is a need for a statewide strategy to tackle homelessness, and that Salt Lake City is committed to working with all relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profits, and businesses to find solutions. 5. City Council Announcements Ms. Rowland provided an update on the highlights of the City Council's work since August 2022 which includes the following: •Fleet Block Rezoning and Disposition Strategy •Station Center Area •Housing and Homelessness 6. BAB Member Announcements Chairperson Piccoli introduced new BAB member Siliveinusi Niu. Mr. Niu is an electrical contractor and a small business owner. He has been in the electrical field for 30 years and has a master electrical license. 7. Open Discussion Ms. Gunn discussed a project that Lavanya Mahate, founder of Saffron Valley restaurants, started a couple years ago which aims to provide workforce development in the hospitality industry for refugees in partnership with Salt Lake Community College and non-profits. She said the project was derailed a few years ago but Ms. Mahate began to revisit the project under the name "Rise Kitchen". Ms. Gunn said Ms. Mahate is interested in pursuing a City partnership and an educational partnership with Salt Lake Community College, which has expressed interest in regrouping as the educational partner. Ms. Gunn asked for suggestions on who the best person would be to approach for the project and whether the BAB would be interested in hearing about the revamp project. Mr. Soud suggested reaching out to Spice Kitchen because they are doing a project that is similar and can share ideas and insight. 8. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ww�& Off darinpicco (Mar%202310:31MST) Darin Piccoli, Chairperson This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Economic Development Business Advisory Board meeting held on December 14th, 2022.