2/10/2022 - Meeting Materials Racial Equity in Policing Commission Agenda
2/9/2022 11:22 PM
Racial Equity in Policing Commission
Salt Lake City, Utah
Regular Meeting
Thursday, February 10, 2022
5:30 p.m.
This meeting is a discussion among Commissioners and select presenters. The public is welcome. Items
scheduled may be moved or discussed during a different portion of the meeting based on circumstances or
availability of speakers.
This meeting will be an electronic meeting pursuant to the Chair’s determination that conducting the
meeting at a physical location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be
present at the anchor location. The Commission Meeting will not have a physical location and all attendees
will connect remotely.
Members of the public may provide public comment by joining through Zoom:
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
Meeting ID: 880 2703 3251
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Meeting ID: 880 2703 3251
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kegbY2CfG
You may also watch a recording of the meeting on the SLC REP Commission Meeting YouTube Channel.
1. Welcome and Public Meeting Guidelines
Read the determination of the Commissioners to meet electronically because meeting at a
physical location presents a substantial risk to the health and safety of those who may be present
at the anchor location.
2. Open Dialogue (5 minutes)
During this portion of the meeting, Commissioners may raise topics and discuss current events
that may impact or influence the Commission’s overall work , discussions, and deliberations to
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Agenda
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provide recommendations to the Mayor and City Council regarding the Salt Lake City Police
Department’s policies, budget, and culture. No action will be taken during this section of the
meeting. Matters discussed during this section of the meeting may be scheduled on a subsequent
agenda for follow-up.
3. Public Comment (limited to 15 minutes)
● Attendees may be provided one or two minutes of time, determined by the number of
attendees and the time available determined by the Commission. Please observe the time
limit stated at the beginning of the public comment period so everyone may have a
chance to speak.
● Per the public meeting guidelines, keep comments free of discriminatory language
referring to a person or group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color,
descent, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or other gender identity factor. Items
or comments that disrupt the meeting, intimidate other participants or that may cause
safety concerns are not allowed.
4. Approve and Adopt Minutes
December 2021 Minutes
January 2022 Minutes
5. Mayor’s Staff Update (2 minutes)
Moana Uluave-Hafoka, Equity Manager, will provide update from the Mayor’s Office.
6. City Council Update (5 minutes)
Allison Rowland, City Council Public Policy Analyst, will provide an update of City Council’s
work relevant to the commission.
7. Utah Courts Office of Fairness and Accountability (~25 minutes)
Director Jonathan Puente and Public Outreach Coordinator Valeria Jimenez will provide a
presentation about their Office in the Utah Courts.
8. Salt Lake City Police Chief Mike Brown Update (~20 minutes)
Chief Brown has developments on these three topics from the Phase I Report:
1. Recruitment
2. Training
3. Community Relationships
9. Subcommittee Chair Updates (5 minutes)
Chairs, please send subcommittee priorities to Moana so that she can schedule staff to attend each
Policy & Practices – Second Monday of the Month at 4-5pm
Training – First Monday of the Month at 4-5pm
School Safety – Third Monday of the Month at 4-5pm
Application Review – Meets as needed
10. Schedule for 2022 (2 minutes)
Review the tentative schedule for the year. What other topics do commissioners want to do a
deeper dive into that pertain to local policing and community? Please see schedule.
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Agenda
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11. TENTATIVE Closed Session
The Commission will consider a motion to enter into a Closed Session. A closed meeting
described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to:
a. discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health
of an individual;
b. strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation;
c. discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and
d. investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct.
A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah
Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the
Utah Open and Public Meetings Act.
On or before 5:30 pm on February 9, 2022 the undersigned, duly appointed Equity Manager, does hereby
certify that the above notice and agenda was (1) posted on the Utah Public Notice Website created under
Utah Code Section 63F-1-701, and (2) a copy of the foregoing provided to The Salt Lake Tribune and/or
the Deseret News and to a local media correspondent and any others who have indicated interest.
Final action may be taken in relation to any topic listed on the agenda. People with disabilities may
make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and
other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a
request, please contact City staff at REPCommission@slcgov.com or 385-707-6514 or relay service 711.
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
4/14/2023 1:41 PM
Racial Equity in Policing Commission
Salt Lake City, Utah
PENDING Regular Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
5:30 p.m.
The Racial Equity in Policing Commission met in an electronic meeting pursuant to the Salt Lake City
Emergency Proclamation and determination of the Chair. Minutes are provided in conjunction with the
video/audio file.
Meeting Materials
Commission Members in Virtual Attendance: Commissioners Romero, McDonald, Salazar-Hall,
Anjewierden, Johnson, Davis.
Commission Members Absent: Commissioners Oommen, Hawkins, Sagato-Mauga, Eldridge, and
City Staff in Virtual Attendance: Moana Uluave-Hafoka, Equity Manager; Mike Brown, Salt Lake City
Police Chief; Yvette Zayas, Salt Lake City Police Lieutenant; Allison Rowland, Salt Lake City Council
Policy Analyst; Kristin Riker, Salt Lake City Public Lands Director; Scott Mourtgos, Salt Lake City
Police Deputy Chief; and Lance VanDongen, Salt Lake City Police Deputy Chief.
Guests in Attendance: None
The meeting was called to order at 5:40pm
1. Welcome and Public Meeting Guidelines
2. Open Dialogue
3. Public Comment (limited to 15 minutes)
4. Approve and Adopt Minutes
December 2021 Pending Minutes – Did not have quorum and will vote on at the next meeting
5. Park Ranger Program Update
Kristin Riker, Salt Lake City Public Lands Director, will provide a brief update for the Park
Rangers Program.
- Council did approve ARPA Funds for Park Ranger Program
- 4 Position description have finalized and sent to council – Operations Manager for Park
Ranger, Supervisor, Office Facilitator – awaiting HR to approve
- Anyone interested in serving on hiring board?
- Park Rangers at reaching out to the RDA for old firehouse, Fisher Mansion, Pioneer Park,
and Liberty Park.
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-Question: Commissioner Johnson asked what the base pay is for Operations Manager Park?
Ranger (hope for $46.80 for base—bachelor’s degree and 8 years of experience)
-Education is the approach
-Commissioner Anjewierden appreciates update
-Commissioner Davis wants Park Rangers to be safe doing their job
6.Goals and Priorities for 2022
After reviewing the Phase 1 Response, the Chair and Vice Chair requested to prioritize goals for
2022. How would the commission like to proceed? In the meeting items 6 and 7 were merged.
See notes under item 7.
7.Subcommittee Chair Updates
-Policy & Practices – Subcommittee Chair McDonald stated they have not met and
will have update next meeting
-Training – Subcommittee Chair Davis stated they are currently reviewing
recommendations to provide scope of their work
-School Safety – Subcommittee Chair Salazar-Hall stated she met with Salt Lake City
School District
o We’re in line with what Dr. Gadson wants with School Resource Officers
o Mayor’s Office Senior Education Advisor in final review
-Application Review
o Final review of applicants and will process soon
-Commissioner Banuri requested to meet face-to-face in a future meeting to provide a
sense of community
-Chief introduced Deputy Chiefs and their areas of support:
o Policy & Practice – Deputy Chief Mourtgos
o Training – Deputy Chief VanDongen
o School Safety – Deputy Chief Purvis
-Chief requested to move meeting to other day than Tuesday due to City Council
-Commissioners agreed and moved to a Thursday at 5:30pm
8.TENTATIVE Closed Session
The Commission will consider a motion to enter into a Closed Session. A closed meeting
described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to:
a.discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health
of an individual;
b.strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation;
c.discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and
d.investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct.
A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah
Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the
Utah Open and Public Meetings Act.
Item not held
Meeting adjourned at 6:13pm
Minutes approved through consensus: February 10, 2022
Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes
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This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held;
please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-203(2)(b). This document
along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Racial Equity in Policing
Commission Regular Meeting on January 18, 2022.
SLCPD Recruitment Update
Feb. 4, 2022: 14 new officers sworn in from Recruit
Class 154.
1 of the 14 recruits speaks a second language
3 of the 14 recruits served in the military
Feb. 9, 2022: 1 additional new officer sworn in
from Recruit Class 154.
As of now, Recruit Class 154 has 15 graduates.
One other recruit is still in training.
SLCPD Recruitment Update
•11 of the 26 recruits
identify with a race or
ethnic group other than
•Recruit Class 156 is
expected to graduate in
June 2022.
•Those who graduate will
be on the streets as solo
officers by November
SLCPD Training Update
•SLCPD started the process to determine which consultant group(s) is
able to develop comprehensive Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
training, including providing community-based perspective on the
history of law enforcement. The consultants will identify the
curriculum and instructors.
•For more information on this see, C-REP Recommendation from
Phase 1 Report.
•Stakeholders include Mayor's Office, City HR and SLCPD.
SLCPD Community Outreach Update
Last week, SLCPD School
Resource Officers (SROs) met
with students from Liberty
Elementary School to read and
educate the students on policing.
SLCPD Community Outreach Update
Ongoing Community Outreach Projects
•Regular meetings with regional
Jewish Community to discuss bias
crimes and to explore creating a PSA
•SLCPD Community Academy starts
March 2, 2022. Applications
available under “Community
Engagement” on www.SLCPD.com
During the Academy, participants will
receive training in varied aspects of
law enforcement, including the basics
of patrol tactics, defensive tactics,
firearms and many other subjects.
"Cadets" will meet and talk with
many of the members of the
department. These courses will take
place in a safe and entertaining
training environment.