12/13/2022 - Meeting MinutesRacial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 1 3/15/2023 11:18 AM Racial Equity in Policing Commission City & County Building 451 South State Street Cannon Room 335 Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, October 13, 2022 5:30 p.m. The Racial Equity in Policing Commission met in an electronic and in-person meeting. Minutes are provided in conjunction with the video/audio file. Meeting Materials _________________________________________________________________ Commission Members in Attendance: Chair Nicole Salazar-Hall, Commissioner Steven Johnson, Commissioner Lisia Satini, Commissioners Darlene McDonald, Vice Chair Tanya Hawkins, Commissioner Samantha Eldridge Commission Members Absent: Commissioner Steve Anjewierden, Commissioner Rev. Davis, Commissioner Olosaa Solovi, Commissioners Rogelio Romero, Commissioner Verona Sagato-Mauga, , and Commissioner Dhati Oomen City Staff in Virtual Attendance: Moana Uluave-Hafoka, Equity Manager; Maria Romero, Executive Assistant to the Chief Equity Officer; Michelle Mooney, Equity Liaison; Brian Purvis, Deputy Chief Guests in Attendance: The meeting was called to order at 5:38 1.Welcome and Public Meeting Guidelines 2.Open Dialogue (~5 minutes) Vice Chair Tanya Hawkins commented on her experience meeting the students and parents at the Jordan Park Graduation celebration Chair Nicole Salazar-Hall mentioned the stabbing victim and his interactions with SLCPD Commissioner Darlene McDonald has not commented as a private citizen or City Commissioner on that matter but has concerns and wants to review investigation results No comment from SLCPD due to this matter being an ongoing investigation. 3.Public Comment (limited to 15 minutes) No Public In attendance 4.Approve and Adopt Minutes Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 2 3/15/2023 11:18 AM No vote due to lack of quorum 5.SLCPD Chief Update (~10 minutes) Chief Brown may provide an update to the commission. Commissioner Darlene McDonald has asked if SLCPD is prepared for any threats to the men and women in blue after the attacks in the FBI Cincinnati Building. The number of Federal partners municipal, scan for any social media intelligence, this monitored anything that may be suspicious appropriate steps are taken. SLCPD is working continuing to work with Federal Partners. Chair Salazar asked: Hiring? 10 lateral hires, 21 entry-level recruits in the police academy, another group will start in September then January. Down 50 positions after January all positions will break even after the last January hire. Chair Salazar asked: Where are SRO’s hiring? Prepared to start school next week or 2, working for transfer and interviewing. Where do those who would like to transfer involve parents and students Commissioner to provide input of those interested? -A plan can be established for involved parties in the hiring. 6.dIntroduce Detective DorthyRose Hadlock, Community Outreach (~5 minutes) In the future, schedule commissioners who can attend community meetings with the Equity Manager Detective DorothyRose Hadlock is the new sworn Community Outreach Officer. Latino Coalition is a meeting refugee community does not have a date, Moana and Detective Hadlock are working on working with the Pacific Islander Community, Detective Hadlock’s email and phone slcpdoutreach@slcgov,com +1-801-799-3367 7.REP Commission DRAFT REPORT Update (~ 15 minutes) Moana will share a timeline soon as to when her report is finished. A draft is in place Moana will present to Mayor and City Council Moana shared what recommendations and work have been made since the Commission began in 2022 and until today, a timeline of the report. September is the Website will go live. Commissioners have been asked to send in their bio pictures for the website. Racial Equity in Policing Commission Minutes 3 3/15/2023 11:18 AM 8.Mayor’s Office Equity and Inclusion Team Update (~15 minutes) Michelle Mooney is the current Equity Liaison and she shared the accomplishments of the DEI team. 9.Subcommittee Chair Updates (~ 5 minutes) See Agenda Item 7 10.TENTATIVE Closed Session The Commission will consider a motion to enter into a Closed Session. A closed meeting described under Section 52-4-205 may be held for specific purposes including, but not limited to: a.discussion of the character, professional competence, or physical or mental health of an individual. b.strategy sessions to discuss pending or reasonably imminent litigation; c.discussion regarding deployment of security personnel, devices, or systems; and d.investigative proceedings regarding allegations of criminal misconduct. A closed meeting may also be held for attorney-client matters that are privileged pursuant to Utah Code § 78B-1-137, and for other lawful purposes that satisfy the pertinent requirements of the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act. Item not held Meeting adjourned at 6:33pm Minutes approved through consensus: November 10, 2022 MOANA ULUAVE-HAFOKA SALT LAKE CITY MAYOR’S OFFICE This document is not intended to serve as a full transcript as additional discussion may have been held; please refer to the audio or video for entire content pursuant to Utah Code 52-4-203(2)(b). This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the Racial Equity in Policing Commission Regular Meeting on August 11, 2022.