6/21/2023 - Meeting Minutes Salt Lake City Arts Council
Board Meeting Minutes
June 21, 2023
54 Finch Lane, Salt Lake City, Utah
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Matthew Coles
Kathy Davis
Jeff Driggs
Kate Jarman Gates
Ebay Hamilton
Sarah Longoria
Hannah Nielsen
Cale Newhouse
Katherine Potter
Susan Rickman
Richard Taylor
Marti Woolford
Not present:
Sonali Loomba
Thomas Kessinger
Torle Nenbee
Felicia Baca, SLAC Director
Taylor Knuth, SLAC Staff
I. Call to Order and Welcome
Ms. Susan Rickman, Chair of the Board, called the meeting to order at 5:32pm.
II. Arts Event Discussion
Mr. Jeff Driggs saw The Scarlet Pimpernel by Titus Productions Theater Co. at
the Midvale Performing Arts Center. He said they had 300 different costumes
and it was an amazing play.
Ms. Felicia Baca went to Washington and saw Joni Mitchell perform in concert. It
was in the Columbia River Gorge and it was the most incredible concert.
Ms. Kathy Davis saw the play Puffs at the West Valley Performing Arts Center.
Ms. Hannah Nielsen said that the Leonardo Museum held their month-long Pride
pop-up exhibition which included a drag show.
Mr. Matthew Coles said he attended the Living Traditions Festival.
Ms. Marti Woolford attended the Death Cab for Cutie Concert.
III. Approve Board Meeting Minutes
A. Mr. Driggs moved to approve the May Board Meeting minutes. Ms. Kat Potter
seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously.
IV. Management
A. Program/Administrative Updates & Presentations
1. Ms. Baca gave a high-level overview of the Living Traditions
Festival, explaining that Ms. Dawn Borchardt would present in
more detail next month. They had about 1,000 more people in
attendance than at last year's festival, for a total of about 34,600
people. They projected to make $28,000 in beverage sales, and
actually received $62,000 in revenue. Dawn's team and Shawnee
did a great job with accessibility. They had sign language
interpreters, large print brochures, and wheelchair-accessible
ramps. Shawnee was on site as an accessibility coordinator.
Some Arts Council Board Members were volunteers at the
festival. They held some new films and partnered with the Salt
Lake City library's 12 Minutes Max program. Ms. Baca asked for
both positive and negative feedback from the board members who
attended the festival, saying "We don't get our feelings hurt easily
around here."
a) Mr. Coles commented that there were a lot of good food
vendors, but that the flow to get to the area to eat was a
little odd. He thought it might be helpful to have some
pathways between the vendors. He mentioned that the
food is always a highlight of the festival, and that there
were some great performances this year.
b) Mr. Driggs said that, as a volunteer, one of his
assignments was to check in on the vendors, and they
were all very complimentary and appreciative of the event.
Ms. Baca mentioned that Maggie, the volunteer
coordinator, did a great job.
c) Ms. Woolford said that while she was taking surveys,
someone mentioned that it was very hot to sit in the
audience seating area at the main stage. She said there
were a lot of people passing by the booth that she was
sitting at. Also, her wife was volunteering at the East gate,
and said that there were some misunderstandings with the
security guards and some patrons. Ms. Baca and Mr.
Taylor Knuth acknowledged that there was some
inconsistency with the security staff. They also said that
dogs are not allowed at the festival, but that if an owner
says their dog is a service dog, they have to take their
word for it.
d) Ms. Potter was a volunteer who helped with the food
vendor set-up. She said the volunteer process was great,
but that when the person in charge of the volunteers was
pulled away, the volunteers didn't know what to do and
were unable to answer questions that the vendors had.
Ms. Baca and Mr. Knuth said that staff member was the
only one without an assistant.
2. Ms. Baca said that the two Twilight Concert Series shows that
have taken place were both sold out, and had a really high rate of
attendance. There were significant queuing issues for the first
concert, but after that was addressed with the security company,
they got everyone through the gates in only 15-20 minutes. The
Head and the Heart is sold out, Trampled by Turtles is close to
selling out, and ticket sales for the others are also high. "We're
feeling really good about ticket sales," Ms. Baca said.
a) Mr. Driggs mentioned that his kids went to one of the
concerts and said that the audience was not paying
attention to the opening bands. He thought that maybe if
someone announced the bands, that could bring some
awareness to the audience. Ms. Baca and Mr. Knuth said
they would look into the possibility of announcing the local
bands who open the shows.
3. It rained a bit during Busker Fest this year, but people seemed to
be in good spirits. There were new performers, including national
and international artists. The last Jordan River Stroll will take
place tomorrow, at Constitution Park, as an intentional activation
of North Temple, according to the mayor's goals.
4. As a substitution for the craft market, there was a workshop for
artists held at the Finch Lane Gallery, led by a group from
Minneapolis called Springboard for the Arts. They held three
workshops about legal issues, fundraising, and business plans, for
5. The Finch Lane Gallery has new exhibitions coming up this
month. And, the exhibitions for 2024 have been scheduled.
6. The Grants Committee has 80-90 grant applications to review.
7. Mr. Knuth let the board know that the Arts Council's new website
will be launched by the end of the month, and they would like to
update the board's biographies and headshots. He said he would
be sending out an email with more information.
8. They hired a new part-time Office Assistant, Lindsay Day, who is
Kelsey's sister. There were 36 applicants, and 4 interviews, and
she was the best candidate. They are getting ready for some
second-round interviews for the Program Assistant positions.
V. Budget/Financial
A. Mr. Cale Newhouse reported on the organization's finances through May.
He also talked about the new Reserve Fund Policy that needed to be
adopted by the board. They received no comments on the policy, so they
were ready to move forward with a vote, and then the Executive
Committee would decide on the exact amount that would be in the
Reserve Fund. Mr. Coles made a motion to adopt the Reserve Fund
Policy. Ms. Kathy Davis seconded the motion. The policy was adopted
with a unanimous vote.
B. Mr. Knuth and Ms. Baca presented the proposed budget for fiscal year
2024, and the small amendments that they made. They did not receive
any public comment, or board comment, on the budget. Ms. Baca went
over the changes with the board.
a. One of the changes was due to the fact that the Arts Council is a
finalist for a grant that they applied for. In order to prepare for site
visits from the funder, and start engaging with stakeholders, they
will need to increase staffing. Ms. Longoria asked if they had sent
the board copies of the grant application, and Mr. Knuth said he
had not sent it to the whole board, but that he would do that.
C. Ms. Potter made a motion to adopt the FY24 proposed budget with the
changes as presented to the board. Ms. Davis seconded the motion. It
was approved unanimously.
VI. Board
A. Ms. Rickman reminded the board that Mr. Newhouse is moving on to a new life in
New York, and if anyone knows anyone capable of filling that role, to recommend
them for the board.
B. Ms. Baca said that this is the time of year when officer positions are open, and if
anyone is interested in serving as Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, or At Large,
those positions are open, and to reach out to her. If nobody volunteers, they will
be reaching out to the board members. They will present a slate of officers to the
board in July for a vote.
VI I. Public Comment/Other Business
A. There was no public comment.
B. Mr. Knuth handed out complimentary tickets to the Utah Arts Fest, and reminded
everyone to ask Wendy for tickets to the next Twilight Concert.
C. Ms. Woolford made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Kate Jarman Gates
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 6:34pm.