5/1/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of the May 1, 2023 Meeting Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Jim Espeland, Jon Larsen, and Steve Wooldridge. Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Ellen Reddick, Greg Sanchez, John Close, Johnnae Nardone, Julie Bjornstad, Justice Morath, Leo Masic, and Suzanne Stensaas. Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman and Pat Casey. Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Julianne Sabula, Martin Cuma, Nancy Monteith, and Max McLeod. Also Present was Becka Roolf. The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:02 p.m.by Greg Sanchez. Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone. Motion: Jim Espeland moved to approve the minutes of the April 3, 2023 meeting. Justice Morath seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment—There were no members of the public. BAC Monthly Update Martin Cuma, BAC Chair Martin said at the last BAC meeting, Ginger Cannon talked about what was happening at the U of U from a high-level perspective. There was a bit of discussion about the bike path between Research Park and the upper campus in relation to the army base gate. She encouraged the BAC to write a support letter to the Research Park and the U of U administration which they did. Martin heard back from them saying they are still negotiating with the army base to open the gate and are hoping to have it open sometime this year which is good news. Bill Baranowski talked to them about the round abouts, and Jon Larsen talked about doing bike tours with the public and some of the staff to go over recently finished bike projects or future projects. They discussed the logistics of that and came up with several tours including one they will have in May along the 60o East bikeway. Green Loop Becka Roolf, SLC Transportation&Nancy Monteith, SLC Engineering Becka said there is a team of people who have been working on the Green Loop. She introduced Nancy Monteith who is the senior landscape architect for the City and has Page 1 of 4 TAB 05-01-2023 Minutes been leading the current pop-up project as well as the design of Zoo East. Becka has been Nancy's co-conspirator on this project, and they finally have the funding to start making things happen so they're very excited. Nancy gave an overview of the project while Becka showed a presentation of the plan. Jon said the concept originally came from the Downtown Alliance and Nancy gave more information about the origin of the plan. The green loop is a downtown active transportation-focused,linear park. She went over the information as shown in the downtown master plan which is a space for people as well as a space for ecological services and she showed a rendering of what it could possibly look like. Becka showed the goals and the primary corridors they are looking at. She pointed out the pop up right now on Zoo East and went over each additional street being considered. The Granary study as well as the Green Loop study will look at specific areas and the route may be adjusted. She showed some quick build pop up parks in other cities. Becka gave the project website and let them know there would be food trucks and concerts in the Zoo East Green Loop pop up until it's removed. Nancy said it just opened today and there was a pretty good turnout for the opening which is located between 300 South and 400 South. The biggest goal for the green loop is to figure out how to integrate more green space in the central downtown location. In a 2019 assessment of green space availability, it was estimated that the city would need to add 94 acres of green space to accommodate projected growth which has already been reached. John is curious as to the current alignment and if there has been any input from the businesses and residents along the route. Nancy said the pop up is the kickoff for the design project and they're hopeful to get a lot of attention, so people sign up for updates and stay involved in the process. She went over the outreach they're doing to get feedback. Their goal at this stage is that once people participate, they're aware of the project and will stay involved but they haven't yet engaged in detail with the businesses. Nancy went over all the citywide departments that would be involved in this project. Johnnae asked what obstacles they foresee and if there was a way to speed up the project. Nancy went over things they are working through with their consultant as far as the plan, timeline, funding, and foreseen obstacles such as pushback from motorists. Jon went over other projects within the city and said the parking, deliveries, and fire access that are important are going to be challenging. Nancy said it's a big task, so they need to get the supporters and keep the momentum going and share the vision with as many people as possible. Becka said as far as TAB, they would love to have input from every member. Nancy talked about the various stakeholder groups, and they want to have someone from TAB as an active participant in that group. Johnnae asked for an outline about what type of time commitment that stakeholder group will have. Nancy said they're just putting the plan together now and she will follow up with them but said they can probably anticipate 2-3 meetings over a 12-month period. Johnnae said she'd be interested in participating and feels like this is an amazing project. Nancy went over some of the events in the Zoo East Green Loop and encouraged everyone to participate. 5+5 Projects Becka Roolf, SLC Transportation Becka said the Green Loop is on the 5+5 list. The 5+5 list is an attempt to set the ideal list of projects over the next io years with 5 years of projects being more closely defined and the last 5 years being less defined. The 5+5 list is kind of where Transportation anticipates asking for funding. It is an attempt to look out further to get out along with other departments and divisions of the city so maybe they can get their lists to line up a little better and put their projects together. She said it starts in 2025 because 2023 is essentially done from the perspective of getting funds and the 2024 list in still in flux, Page 2 of 4 TAB 05-01-2023 Minutes waiting on the outcome of the FY24 CIP requests but is mostly a done deal. Jon said this is something that's been morphing over the years and the exciting thing about this is the interdepartmental coordination and now there is a capitol assets group to help coordinate citywide so any department that maintains capital assets will be under a unifying system for the planning. That group has just been formed but will help with better unity, collaboration, and strategic thinking. He thinks for this group it's so important for them to be able to shape and form that. Becka said having TAB give input on what projects to select and what projects they want to move forward in seeking funding on, really sets the stage for what the city will be like in the future. Becka gave an update on the capitol improvement program for FY 2024 projects/applications. Johnnae asked if Transportation would start coming to TAB with their 2025 projects and Becka said that is their intention. Becka went through the 2025 project list which she also sent out to members prior to the meeting. She went through each project, types of funding required to complete those projects, and answered project specific questions by members. Becka said she will send TAB a link to a dynamic map that they can click on and see each year and what they're working on that. Several members brought up projects that weren't yet on the list which Becka addressed. Some may be added to the list, and some may be added to other projects, she also talked about possible funding for those projects. The 2025 CIP applications will be submitted in October. Jon said they did get a grant to study east/west connectivity which will include every rail crossing and the freeways, so they'll do a really thorough study as well as some engineering and environmental work to improve these east/west barriers. Report Out — By Members Due to time constraints, this agenda item will be moved to the next meeting. Motion: Jim Espeland motioned to adjourn the meeting; Johnnae Nardone seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:32 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board will be a joint TAB/BAC meeting and is scheduled for June 12, 2023. TAB WebEx Meeting Chat from Julie to everyone: 4:16 PM Rode the Liberty Park section of the 9 Line today. Thanks for this great project! from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:26 PM https://www.cL"eekly.net/utah/this-is-what-downtown-could-look-like- salt-lake-city-launches-test-of-a-new-park-in-the-center-of-the- street/ContenVoid=1988coc) from Justice Morath to everyone: 5:29 PM Thanks for responding to my question. I'd like the city to prioritize the 9oow railroad crossing issue. when a train stops there, the only other north/south connection on the West Side is Redwood. and cyclists and pedestrians are blocked from accessing Trax and commerce- exacerbating the food desert over here. Approved by Transportation Advisory Board o8-07-23. Page 3 of 4 TAB 05-01-2023 Minutes Page 4 of 4 TAB 05-01-2023 Minutes