5/18/2023 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 ' MEETING MINUTES Thursday,May i8th, 2023 4:00—6:oo pm 1. Roll Call The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present: Jacob Maxwell, Chairperson Steve Anjewierden,Vice Chairperson Esther Stowell Sarah Longoria Jason Wessel Pook Carson Will Terry Staff Present: Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development(DED) Todd Andersen, Department of Economic Development(DED) Jack Markman, Department of Community&Neighborhoods (CAN) Others Present: Gloria Mensah, GK Folks Foundation Krysti Nellermoe, International Rescue Committee Caitlin Fellows, International Rescue Committee Luna Banuri, Utah Muslim Civic League Cynthia Fleming,Salt Lake Acting Company Milad Mozari, University of Utah—'Bridging the Gap' Doug Keefe,Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund 2. Briefings by the Staff a. Report from the CAN Program Manager Mr. Markman explained the City Council passed a budget amendment that moves CAN's $2 million from Treasury Fund to the City's General Fund.The City decided to take these Treasury funds, invest them into revenue replacement, and then CAN could draw the funds back out of the General Fund for their nonprofit grants. He said he was going to speak to someone in Finance to see if this would change any eligibility requirements or the timeline to award funds. He would give the Committee updates as needed. b. Report from the DED Program Manager Ms. Rigby introduced the newest Committee member,Will Terry. Mr.Terry also serves on the Human Rights Commission. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Mr.Anjewierden entered the meeting at approximately 4:05 pm. Ms. Rigby explained the applicant for Brolly Arts has a scheduling conflict and has requested changing the date of the presentation from June 1, 2023 to May 25, 2023.The Committee agreed to the date change. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Review and Adopt Minutes from 2/23 Meeting Mr. Markman noted that Mr.Wessel's name was initially not included in the 2/23 Minutes roll call,but he has since corrected that error. Mr.Wessel motioned to adopt the 2/23 Minutes as amended.Mr.Anjewierden seconded the motion.The motion passed through a majority vote. Jason Wessel —Yes Sarah Longoria—Yes Steve Anjewierden—Yes Jacob Maxwell—Yes Esther Stowell—Abstained, not present for 2/23 meeting Will Terry—Abstained, not present for 2/23 meeting Pook Carson—No vote 2. Discussion and/or Possible Adoption of New Date&Time for Meetings No discussion on this agenda item. 3. Review and Discuss Nonprofit Programming Applications GK Folks Foundation Ms.Mensah from GK Folks Foundation presented an overview of their application. Ms. Stowell commented that she has participated in programming from GK Folks Foundation and thanked Ms. Mensah for the work that they do for small businesses&minority groups. International Rescue Committee(IRC) Ms.Nellermoe from IRC presented an overview of their application.After Ms.Nellermoe's presentation,Ms.Rigby noted that there might have been some confusion,as Ms.Nellermoe referenced IRC's application for the CAN grant, not the DED grant.The Committee decided it was fine to give the applicant 3 minutes toward the end of the meeting to answer questions pertaining to the correct application for this round. Toward the end of the meeting,Ms. Fellows from IRC presented an overview of the correct application. Ms. Longoria asked if Spice Kitchen businesses that were directly awarded ARPA grants from the City would also be eligible to receive grant funding from IRC's proposed program.Ms.Rigby answered that nonprofit subrecipient awardees would be required to report where their funds were directed, and City staff would monitor to make sure we don't have duplication of efforts. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Kostopulos Dream Foundation There was no representative from this organization in attendance. Utah Muslim Civic League Ms. Banuri from Utah Muslim Civic League presented an overview of their application. There were no questions from the Committee. Salt Lake Acting Company Ms. Fleming from Salt Lake Acting Company presented an overview of their application. Chairperson Maxwell noted that part of their application stated that the funding would be used for existing programming, and another part stated that if they didn't receive the funding,they would have to reduce staff and cancel productions.He asked the applicant to explain.Ms.Fleming stated that it is a worst-case scenario that they would have reduce staff and cancel productions. The funding would help the organization avoid that worse-case scenario. Ms. Longoria asked how the organization would rebuild their audience base.Ms.Fleming answered that they were making a concerted effort to personally invite previous audience members back to the theatre after the pandemic and reach out to a diverse group of organizations to garner interest. University of Utah—'Bridging the Gap' Mr.Mozari from`Bridging the Gap'presented an overview of their application. Chairperson Maxwell asked how their proposal specifically promotes COVID-19 recovery for small businesses or artists. Mr. Mozari answered that part of their proposal included mentorship programming that could assist entrepreneurs and artists. Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund(UMLF) Mr. Keefe from Utah Microenterprise Loan Fund presented an overview of their application. There were no questions from the Committee. 4. Other Business Mr.Wessel wanted to note for the minutes that he knows Ms. Banuri(Utah Muslim Civic League)from serving on the Human Rights Commission together, and he worked at Kostopulos Dream Foundation through the AmeriCorps VISTA program. 5. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. Committee Chair This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held May 18th, 2023.