Mayor �' � 9 and NEIGHBORHOODS
Communi Recovery Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 25", 2023
4:00 - 6:oopm
i. Roll Call
The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present:
Jacob Maxwell, Chairperson
Steve Anjewierden,Vice Chairperson
Esther Stowell
Sarah Longoria
Jason Wessel
Pook Carson
Staff Present:
Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development(DED)
Todd Andersen, Department of Economic Development(DED)
Others Present:
Teri Mumm, Utah Brewers Guild
Ernesto Balderas, Utah Cultural Alliance Foundation
Lisa Satini,JAYHAWKS Program
Brian Higgins, Create Reel Change
Tek Neopany, Community Building Services
Carla Almeida, Brazilian Arts Center
Juan Pascua, Utah Hispanic Chamber
Amy McDonald, Brolly Arts
2. Briefings by the Staff
a. Report from the CAN Program Manager
No updates.
b. Report from the DED Program Manager
Ms. Rigby requested the meetings in June be held all-virtual, as there is construction being done in the
conference room used for in-person attendees. Mr.Wessel asked if this item would need to be voted on. Ms.
Rigby confirmed that we could put a vote for this item on the next meeting's agenda.
Ms. Rigby also reminded the Committee to complete the Workday registration tasks that were emailed to them,
so they can receive compensation for their time served on the Committee.
Mayor �' � ' 9 and NEIGHBORHOODS
I. Review and Adopt Minutes from 3/16 Meeting
Ms. Rigby mentioned the need to re-adopt the 2/16 Minutes with a roll call vote. These minutes were motioned
for approval and seconded during the April 217th meeting,but there was no roll call vote conducted.
Mr. Wessel motioned to adopt the 2/16 and 3/16 Minutes as presented.Vice Chairperson Anjewierden
seconded the motion. The motion passed through a majority vote.
Jason Wessel—Yes
Sarah Longoria—Abstains because of absence
Steve Anjewierden—Yes
Jacob Maxwell-Yes
Esther Stowell—Yes
Pook Carson—Yes
2. Review and Discuss Nonprofit Programming Applications
Utah Brewers Guild
Ms.Mumm from Utah Brewers Guild presented an overview of their application.
Mr. Wessel asked if there was a plan to specifically direct this money to SLC businesses. Ms. Mumm responded
that the Brewers Guild Board had a long conversation about this and decided that they did not feel comfortable
only providing funding for SLC-based businesses.Their solution would be to leverage other funding opportunities
to pay for programming for businesses outside of SLC.
Mr. Wessel also asked if the organization could more directly relate their proposed programming to COVID-Ig
recovery. Ms.Mumm responded that the brewing industry got completely shutdown by the pandemic.Only half of
the breweries in the Guild were set up to distribute directly from their locations. Taprooms were also hit hard by
the pandemic. Breweries still need a lot of support to recover from the effects of the pandemic.
Utah Cultural Alliance Foundation
Mr. Balderas from Utah Cultural Alliance Foundation presented an overview of their application. There were no
questions from the Committee.
Ms. Satini from JAYHAWKS Program presented an overview of their application.
Mr. Wessel asked the applicant to clarify the difference between using the funding for workshops and crime
reduction. Ms. Satini responded that if small businesses were awarded funding from JAYHAWKS Program, they
would go through an initial orientation/workshop. The programming would also teach businesses about safety
measures that can be put in place to prevent/reduce crime.
Create Reel Change
Mr. Higgins from Create Reel Change presented an overview of their application.
Mayor �' � ' 9 and NEIGHBORHOODS
Chairperson Maxwell asked how the applicant would reach SLC businesses and marginalized populations. Mr.
Higgins answered that they have partnerships in place that leverage resources from SLC-based businesses, and
target geographical areas and schools with marginalized populations.
Community Building Services
Mr. Neopany from Community Building Services presented an overview of their application. There were no
questions from the Committee about the application.
Brazilian Arts Center
Ms.Almeida from Brazilian Arts Center presented an overview of their application. There were no questions from
the Committee.
Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Pascua from Utah Hispanic Chamber of Commerce presented an overview of their application.
Mr. Wessel asked the applicant to elaborate on the proposed programming's connection to COVID-19 recovery.
Mr. Pascua responded that the programming is intended to help businesses recover from the pandemic by
increasing their understanding of how to grow their business and be resilient.
Chairperson Maxwell asked how many businesses the Chamber works with in SLC. Mr.Pascua answered that they
assist around ioo SLC businesses but want to reach more in the future.
Brolly Arts
Ms. McDonald from Brolly Arts presented an overview of their application. Mr. Wessel asked if awarded funds
would be spent in SLC. Ms.McDonald confirmed that funds would specifically be given to SLC artists.
3. Other Business
Ms. Rigby mentioned the need for the Committee to decide if new CRC members should jump in to start scoring
nonprofit applications or wait for them to start in Phase 2 of small business applications.The Committee
discussed and there was consensus that it would be easiest for new members to start scoring in Phase 2. Ms.
Rigby said that an agenda item would be added to the next meeting for a vote on this item. Ms. Stowell advised
that new CRC members still be invited to attend nonprofit application meetings even if they're not scoring, as it
will help them get a feel for how the Committee operates.The Committee agreed.
4. Adjourn
There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned.
Committee Chair
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting
held May 25tn, 2023.