9/6/2023 - Meeting Materials REGULAR MEETING OF THE REDEVELOPMENT ADVISORY COMMITTEE Wednesday, September 6, 2023 4:00 p.m. 451 S State Street Room 126 Salt Lake City, Utah 84111 AGENDA 1. Roll Call 2. Announcements by the Staff A. Staff Updates 3. Business A. Progress Update: Station Center Vision & Implementation Plan —Ashley Ogden, Senior Project Manager Members will receive a progress update on the Station Center Vision& Implementation Plan and may provide feedback. 4. Adjournment People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation no later than 48 hours in advance to attend this Redevelopment Advisory Committee. Accommodation may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids. This is an accessible facility. For questions, requests, or additional information, please contact the RDA at 801-535-7240. MAYOR ERIN MENDENHALL DANNY WALZ Executive Director Director REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY of SALT LAKE CITY DATE: September 1, 2023 TO: Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) PREPARED BY: Ashley Ogden, Senior Project Manager RE: Progress Update: Station Center Vision&Implementation Plan REQUESTED ACTION: No requested action; informational briefing only POLICY ITEM: Redevelopment of property in Depot District Project Area BUDGET IMPACTS: N/A EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In February 2023, the RDA engaged a consultant team comprising Perkins+Will, HR&A Advisors, Kimley-Horn, and Phil Myrick,placemaking expert, to create a design and redevelopment strategy for approximately 15 acres of RDA-owned property in the Depot District. The subject properties include 11 acres within the"Station Center"bounds of 500-600 West and 200-400 South, and an additional 4 acres near 600 West and 100 South. This agenda item is an interim progress update and opportunity for RAC Members to provide feedback on the project's trajectory. The conversation will be focused on the in-progress urban design framework, as well as the purview of a potential Station Center governance entity to oversee the long-term vibrancy of the district. The design framework includes alignment for new streets,the location of new parks and open spaces, calibrated land uses and building heights, a district parking strategy, among other considerations. The proposed governance entity will support the implementation of the design framework through the facilitation of new development, economic development, coordination of transportation,parking, and open space investments, operations and management of the district, creative mechanisms to support local retail partners and other users of Station Center, etc. The Station Center Vision& Implementation Plan will be completed by the end of 2023 and will inform subsequent RDA property disposition activities, as well as an application to the State of Utah to create a Housing and Transit Reinvestment Zone (HTRZ) centered on the UTA Intermodal Hub. SALT LAKE CITY CORPORATION 451 SOUTH STATE STREET,ROOM 118 WWW.SLC.GOV•WWW.SLCRDA.COM P.O.BOX 145518,SALT LAKE CITY,UTAH 84114-5518 TEL 801-535-7240•FAX 801-535-7245 ANALYSIS: Summary of Activities to Date ✓ Nine virtual focus group meetings were hosted in April/May 2023 to discuss the vision of the project and gauge potential public-private partnerships. Participants were categorized as educational institutions, industry anchors, industry partners,adjacent property interests,public agencies, and City elected officials. ✓ To ensure a shared vision that enables community-focused outcomes,two advisory committee meetings were held in May 2023 at Gallivan Hall. Approximately 40 representatives of the following groups/sectors participated: o Downtown, Capitol Hill,Fairpark, and Poplar Grove Community Councils o Salt Lake City Corporation o State of Utah o Adjacent property owners,developers, and tenants o Life sciences,fintech, and economic development entities o Education and healthcare institutions o Nonprofit organizations ✓ The consultant team incorporated feedback received from the above engagement efforts into the draft urban design framework,which identifies alignments for new streets,the location of new parks and open spaces, calibrated land uses and building heights, and a district parking strategy,among other considerations. ✓ In August 2023,four virtual meetings were held with adjacent property owners/developers of the Station Center blocks. The project team shared information about the draft urban design framework, proposed right-of-way alignments that will require coordination,intentions to implement a shared parking strategy,and ideas for long-term governance of the neighborhood. Remaining Steps ➢ The project team will host a workshop to share the draft urban design framework with City Departments and receive their important feedback. Special attention will be paid to the redesign of the 500 West right-of-way between 200 and 400 South and how that section can be improved in the short-term without impeding on other City initiatives (for example,this stretch is planned to become part of the future Green Loop alignment). ➢ The project team will reconvene the advisory committee for an in-person, interactive work session that will inform the completion of the Vision&Implementation Plan. ➢ To determine an optimal governance structure,the RDA and consultants will continue to identify necessary roles/functions related to programming, activation, and maintenance of common areas,potential sources and uses of district revenues,and partnerships that could be leveraged to achieve the project's vision. ➢ Neighborhood standards will be formalized in instruments including,but not limited to,protective covenants, design guidelines, and maintenance agreements. ➢ Other deliverables include a multi-modal infrastructure analysis,real estate market analysis, compilation of best practices,placemaking memo,development feasibility analysis and recommended phasing strategy. 2 ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A Station Center Focus Area 3 Attachment A-Station Center Focus Area Downtown \�- Districts 1P T.6; _ Station Center is located in the Depot District,located directly adjacent to the .n•Po»«0'.1 Di�rr`0 historic Rio Grande Depot and the Salt r Q MAXBCOB a Cent tBusin-, Lake Central Station. __4_ —j- o .trio I aY I Dist kt I sag I 15 my«rp• \ Grc B-1 rds Di rict I $ _ � \ et Granary11 trio hal 9th I _ LJJ I Station Center Vsion and Implementation Plan:Existing Conditions Assessment Perkins&W i I I 3