9/11/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of the September 11, 2023 Meeting Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Jim Espeland and Jon Larsen. Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Ellen Reddick, Greg Sanchez, Johnnae Nardone, Justice Morath, Leo Masic, and Steve Wooldridge. Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were John Close, Suzanne Stensaas, Pat Casey, and Julie Bjornstad. Electronically present were Martin Cuma,Amy Lyons, Becka Roolf, Stacey Luna, Julianne Sabula, Ben Trueman, and Isaac Astill. The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:15 p.m. by Greg Sanchez. Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone. Motion: Jim Espeland moved to approve the minutes of the August 7, 2023 meeting with a correction. Justice Morath seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment —There were no members of the public. BAC Monthly Update Martin Cuma, BAC Chair Martin said there was no BAC meeting last month,but he wanted to share that he recently traveled and noticed a nice treatment of a bi-directional bike path. He shared a link with photos of this path and explained how the bike path worked. He would like SLC Transportation and UDOT to consider doing this on new projects. Martin said this path was in Croatia and was one of the best bi-directional paths he's ever seen. CIP/ Project Prioritization (continued) Becka Roolf, SLC Transportation Becka said they covered an overview of transportation funding and an overview of the Capital Improvement Program at the last meeting. She also left them with a list of current draft projects and asked for feedback. Since she didn't really hear anything back, she wanted to discuss their opinions of the list as far as additional projects they thought should be on it, projects they thought should not be, and potential project timelines. Becka brought up specific projects and the Board members discussed their opinions on those. Johnnae said she'd like to see more consistency on bike paths throughout the city. Becka said the question of consistency is a good one and they follow what colleagues and other parts of the country are doing,but it's a challenge because there is an evolution every few years. There was a discussion about Livable Page 1 of 3 TAB 09-11-2023 Minutes Streets as well as Neighborhood Byways, and safe school routes with the emphasis being on slowing and calming traffic. Justice asked if the projects set for 2025 could possibly be bumped up to 2024 and Jon said if anything, projects are getting bumped back given staff constraints. Dave felt that Livable Streets should stay high on the priority list since there are 113 zones which will take a while. Jon said the goal is to get through those zones as fast as possible while still doing them well and having a lot of public engagement. Becka thought it would be interesting to give some perspective on funding levels between the different project types. Greg likes the idea of reviewing funding on a project basis rather than what percentage is spent on different types of projects, Dave agreed. There was discussion about the Streets Bond and other possible funding sources once that funding source is gone. The Board talked about what type of demand there is for specific types of projects and that a strong case could be made for another bond. There was continued discussion of additional projects, possible costs, and funding for those projects. Leo said he hopes UTA continues to be considered with city projects and that sometimes the smaller improvements such as signal priority, goes along way. He hopes more of those things can continue to be included as it can make a big difference in someone's entire trip. Greg asked if train crossing improvements would fall under any projects on this list. Becka said repair of things immediately around the tracks would be the responsibility of the railroad. She said she has spoken with UDOT in the past, and their Rail Division has been helpful to get short term railroad fixes. Greg asked about the train trench and Jon said they are briefing the Mayor on that technical study next week and then they will be able to share more information with the Board. Greg asked if any of these projects focus on connectivity. Becka said there is money set aside for a connectivity study. Report Out — By Members Jim said on the 9-Line trail by Hayes Avenue,just west of the Jordan River, they are working on a community orchard. It isn't big,but it looks like it's going to be a really good place. He also said another good thing is that they're redoing the goo West 1300 South intersection with islands and corners to protect the bikes and pedestrians. Jim asked what the logic of not putting left turn signals at the intersection of goo West and California was. He said this is going to cause traffic to be backed up and Jon said Transportation will keep a close eye on that. Jim said D2 got an e-mail from a lady that had a bike crash while crossing the viaduct over I-15 on 1300 South. Someone opened the door while she was riding and purposely knocked her over. She thought maybe the striping needs to be redone. Jim talked about the problems at that overpass and what he thinks could be improved. Johnnae knows this cyclist and says this section is a high conflict area and it must have something to do with the design. Becka said there is no bike lane there, it is a shared lane and is marked as such. She said they designed it so it would be easy for cyclists to get on and off the sidewalk in addition to the shared lane markings. Ben asked if it could be changed to one lane and Becka said it is a challenge with the intersection of I-15,but they will look at this section. Johnnae said on her commute to work, she tried 700 South and that at 500 West, it's begging for a 4-way stop and some pedestrian crossings. Jon said there has been internal discussion about this intersection and there is hopefully a solution that will be installed this fall. Johnnae also said that 600 West is an incredible corridor which is in the top used corridors for cyclists and connects to two other significant corridors, but it is dangerous. She asked if it could get a little bit of attention. Jon said he will make note of this area. Johnnae said they are excited for their traffic calming on 400 East. Leo said great job to the city for the recent restriping on 500 East north of goo South and on goo East south of 2700 Page 2 of 3 TAB 09-11-2023 Minutes South. Jon said 40o East north of goo South will also be getting parking protected bike lanes in the future. Leo said it does impact UTA in that it makes a pleasant walking environment for people to get to transit. Greg asked about the construction at 1300 West and boo North and Jon said he believes a TOUCAN is going in there. Motion: Ellen Reddick motioned to adjourn the meeting; Jim Espeland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:27 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board is scheduled for October 2, 2023 due to the Labor Day holiday. TAB WebEx Meeting Chat from Martin Cuma to everyone: 4:18 PM https://photos.app.goo.gl/aUmQ7MdeAhfrNyuo 6 from Daniel to everyone: 4:21 PM Nothing from me. I do like how the 2ooS emails keep my district informed about closures, etc. from Justice Morath to everyone: 4:39 PM With the Fair going on, the extra traffic is making it clear we really need to get the i000 West and 600/70o N projects moving. from Ben Trueman to everyone: 5:06 PM https://www.mass.gov/info-details/the-big-dig-proj ect-background from Ben Trueman to everyone: 5:24 PM I had a friend who crashed their bike riding over those tracks on 60o W because of the odd angle at which they intersect the street from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:24 PM This is a GREAT time of year to report potholes. from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:25 PM SLC Mobile or call Streets Division (801) 535-2345 Approved by Transportation Advisory Board 10-02-23. Page 3 of 3 TAB 09-11-2023 Minutes