9/20/2023 - Meeting Minutes CITY ARTI N September 20, 2023 BOARD MEETING 5:30—7:00 P.M. 54 FINCH LANE,SALT LAKE CITY,UT 8 410 2 *This meeting will occur in-person at the Art Barn. Remote option for the public or those unable to attend in person. Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://uso2web.zoom.us[j 18698�82976o?pwd=S�dxZDhPY1IvUCtgSHBONWVIeVNPZzoA Passcode: 435o26 Attendance Present: Kate Jarman Gates Ebay Hamilton Thomas Kessinger Hannah Nielsen Torle Nenbee Cale Newhouse Susan Rickman Matthew Coles Kathy Davis Jeff Driggs Excused: Sarah Longoria Richard Taylor Marti Woolford Katherine Potter Guests Jake Maxwell Sylvia Richards Lindsey Dey- Staff AGENDA I. Call to Order and Welcome Guests Susan Rickman-Call to order and welcome guests. II. Arts Event Discussion Jeff Driggs attended the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival. MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement. CITY ARTI N Thomas Kessinger participated in Open Streets thanks to Downtown Alliance and The Blocks. Kathy Davis attended the New World Symphony,and attended a host of theatrical events throughout the state including the Shakespeare Festival. III. Approve Board Meeting Minutes —August 2023 (Action) Thomas Kessinger made the motion to approve. Torlee Nenbee seconded. Motion was approved unanimously. Mr.Newhouse left the meeting. IV. Board Nomination. A. Vacancies&Recruitment— Officer Election Nomination (Action) a. Caitlin Tursic-Treasurer Ms. Rickman introduces this action item to appoint a new board member, and to discuss her forthcoming role as Treasurer. Ms. Rickman invited Ms.Tursic(tur-SICH),to introduce herself. Ms.Tursic worked for a 6.5 years at Goldman Sachs with our current Treasurer Cale Newhouse. She is the current CFO/COO of Make-A- Wish Utah. She is an ardent supporter of the Arts. Matt Coles moves to approve Caitlin Tursic to the Board. Kathy Davis seconded the motion. Motion was passed unanimously. Mr.Newhouse rejoined the meeting and reviewed the Budget/Financials. V. Budget/Financial A. Review of Financials —Cale Newhouse - Financial did not include the P/L sheet. (Amendment: P/L was on the document,just in a different tab) - Just under a million in assets currently. - P/L-July through August. - $2ok receipts from county grants - $5k receipts from commissions. - $4ok in contracted services for this month. - "Nothing out of the ordinary" B. Welcome of Ms.Tursic—Mr.Newhouse welcomes Ms.Tursic the role of Treasurer.Mr.Newhouse stated that Ms.Tursic is"Perfect for this role...perfect steward for the Art's Council's funds." C. Ms. Rickman and Mr.Newhouse discuss him staying on board for a number of other meetings before making a graceful exit. VI. Ms. Rickman asks for public comment-none. MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement. CITY ARTI N VII. Motion to approve Ms.Tursic as Treasurer. After appointing Ms.Tursic to the Board.Matthew Coles alerted the Board that they needed to take action to appoint Ms.Tursic as Treasurer. Ms. Kate Jarmin Gates makes the motion. Mr.Newhouse seconds the motion. Motion passes unanimously. VIII. -Motion to Adjourn Ms. Davis moves to adjourn. Ms.Torlee Nenbee seconds. CALENDAR Events: Gallery Stroll Finch Lane: Sheryl Gillilan &Roxanne Bartel/Pablo Cruz-Ayala: September i�, 6-qpm Finch Lane Twilight Concert Series: September 22"d Open Streets: Every Friday&Saturday, i�ptember Public Art Deadline: Soo N Fairpark Traffic Calming Measures: September loth, 2022 MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.