10/02/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the October 2, 2023 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Dave Alderman, Greg Sanchez,
Jim Espeland, and Jon Larsen.
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza,
Isaac Astill, Johnnae Nardone, Justice Morath, Leo Masic, Steve Wooldridge, Suzanne
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were John Close, Julie Bjornstad, and
Pat Casey.
Present were Julianne Sabula, Heather McLaughlin-Kolb, Joe Taylor, Jesse Stuart, and
Michelle Berry.
Electronically present were Tiffany Pocock, Siobhan Locke, Shane Marshall, Ellen
Reddick, Ben Trueman, Jason Brown, Chloe Morroni, Jordan King, Jesse Killinger,
Martin Cuma, Becka Roolf, Joe Taylor, Geoff Dupaix, and Amy Lyons.
The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:02
p.m. by Greg Sanchez.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone and thanked
Ellen for her service to TAB as her term expired.
Motion: Dave Alderman moved to approve the minutes of the September 11, 2023
meeting. Jim Espeland seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment—There was no public comment.
BAC Monthly Update
Pat Casey, BAC Vice-Chair
Martin commented in the Report Out: Martin was having connection issues at the
beginning of the meeting. He said BAC discussed the prioritization of CIP projects.
Becka also shared a map with them where she wanted members to put notes for gaps in
bicycling infrastructure. He felt that was quite useful and spent some time filling it in.
I-15 Environmental Impact Statement Study Update
UDOT Project Team
The I-15 Project Team introduced themselves and said the draft EIS was released on
Friday which began a 45-day public comment period. They are hoping the TAB
members will help get the word out to the constituencies in their areas and get the word
out on how to comment on the study.As part of its mission to improve quality of life
through transportation, they are working towards making sure the needs of I-15
promote quality of life through better mobility, good health, connected communities
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and a strong economy. She went over other transportation solutions that are being
looked at in the corridor including double tracking and electrifying the Frontrunner, as
well as extending Legacy Parkway. The corridor has a lot of aging infrastructure that
needs reconstruction, they want to improve safety components, and they are taking into
consideration future travel time related to projected population growth. Thinking about
all users, they are also proposing comfortable connections for pedestrians and bicyclists.
Tiffany went over the public input process they've had so far and said the preferred
alternative shown in the draft is a direct reflection of the public comments they've
received. Additional comments can be shared on the website which is
ii5eis.udot.utah.gov. She went over some of the draft study details within the SLC
portion of the corridor. Justice asked about houses being taken down in Guadalupe and
Tiffany said no houses in that area would be removed. Justice expressed concern for
legal representation for the families in the few houses outside of SLC limits that may be
taken down. Tiffany said the law dictates that they would need to be fairly and justly
compensated and they will work closely with the owners/renters on those parcels.
Shane said no property owner will have to leave, the proximity of construction is of
concern, and they will discuss this with each property owner. Justice asked about
business owners within SLC and Shane said there are a handful of commercial buildings
that have been classified for potential relocation. Greg asked if there were any remedies
to slow traffic down on 600 North. Tiffany said they have reconfigured the entire
interchange using geometry and other methods to slow vehicles and are also planning to
have pathways on 600 North for safe multi-modal transportation. Suzanne finds these
diamond type interchanges confusing and dangerous because the lines aren't kept up
and the lighting is terrible. She feels they need to keep up the on and off ramps just as
well as the interstate. Suzanne asked if they anticipated the inland port traffic on the
corridor and Shane said that has been factored in. Suzanne asked if the health of people
living so close has been factored in and Tiffany said there was an air quality report.
Justice asked how many years they estimate this project would take; Tiffany wasn't sure
but said construction could start as early as 2026.
City Creek Water Treatment Plant Upgrade
Jesse Stewart&Jason Brown, SLC Public Utilities
Jesse introduced his project team and said the City Creek Treatment Plant is the oldest
water right the city has, and the plant was built in 1955• The plant is about 3.5 miles
from the gate entrance and it's time to do some upgrades in terms of aging
infrastructure, improving its resiliency, and bringing it up to modern standards. They
received a Federal Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities grant of$36.7
million and the entire project will cost around $too million. He went over the project
schedule with construction beginning November is'and going through January 2027.
There will be a lot of interruptions of traffic coming through Bonneville Blvd and up the
canyon beginning November ist. Trail access will be maintained but they will be closing
the upper canyon trails. City Creek Canyon Road will be completely closed at the
hairpin turn just below picnic site 16 until January 2027. They will open it to pedestrian
and bicycles on weekends and holidays up to site 16,but closed Monday-Friday due to
the construction traffic. Bonneville shoreline trail will remain open, all other trails will
be closed beyond site 6. There will be no water in the facilities above that. Greg
recommended doing a grand opening when it's done. Johnnae asked if the footprint
was expanding and was told they would be rebuilding within the existing footprint of the
plant while still operating the existing plant. Suzanne asked what efforts had been made
to inform the community of this closure and was told there have been public outreach
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efforts at multiple community events, on the website, on social media, and there is a text
notification that people can sign up for. Jim said there was also a sign so if you use it
regularly,you would have seen the sign. The website for this is
www.keepitpureciiycreek.com. Ben said the website doesn't really portray to him that
the roadway will be shut down and Jordan said that would be updated within an hour.
Transportation Master Plan Update
Joe Taylor, SLC Transportation
Joe said there is now a draft plan on the website and the name has been changed to
Connect SLC, Citywide Transportation Plan. It is a 20-year vision for the future of the
roadway network in SLC. It is currently in a comment period after which it will be sent
to the Planning Commission who will hopefully recommend the plan to the City Council.
This plan is rooted in values heard from the community, it has a lot of policy
recommendations, and does not include a list of infrastructure projects. He went
through the plan quickly and encouraged everyone to go through it on their own time
and feel free to contact him with any questions or comments. He went over some of the
findings from community engagement which included values such as equity, health and
safety, reliable options, affordability, and sustainability. This plan works towards
improving safety for all with a vision of zero deaths on SLC roadways and making transit
a competitive and attractive mode of travel in the city. It also looks at healing the east-
west divide, reinvesting in westside neighborhoods, getting private investors to create
walkable districts citywide, and creating complete streets. Johnnae asked what type of
feedback Joe is looking for and he said he would like everyone to look for major red flags
that may have been missed. Johnnae asked what happens after the Council approves it
and he said it would be a guiding document for Transportation and could be used
citywide. Dave briefly looked at the plan and said while it includes safety and equity, it
doesn't seem to address moving cars through the city. Joe said it is about taking the
things they heard people cared about and trying to realize them as best they can. Jon
said this document provides guidance for all the different needs in the right of way.
Julianne said there are a lot of policies and standard operating procedures that can be
updated based on this plan once adopted. Suzanne hopes that there is a big section on
the combining of streets and safety with beautification, shade, and air filtration by trees,
maintenance of the trees, park strips, and islands. She hopes that is a major part of this
and Joe said from a livability and beautification standpoint, it is in there. More
information can be found here: https://www.slc.gov/transportation/plans-
Report Out — By Members
Greg recognized the presence of Geoff Dupaix from UDOT. He said it's been a while
since they've had someone at TAB from UDOT and he appreciates Geoff attending.
Johnnae said when Jon coordinated a BAC bike cruise this summer, someone in the city
commented that they were unsure of what color the neighborhood byways signs would
be. Jon also said something about decorating the cement blocks on Vo East. She's in
the camp of standardizing and asked if everything could be kept green. The minute a
driver sees a green sign, she feels they should know to expect a pedestrian or cyclist.
Her request is to paint everything green.
Motion: Jim Espeland motioned to adjourn the meeting; Dave Alderman seconded the
motion. The motion passed unanimously.
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The meeting was adjourned at 5:31 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board is scheduled
for November 6, 2023.
TAB WebEx Meeting Chat
from Johnnae Nardone D5 to everyone: 5:28 PM
Yeah, Amy can you share that map?
from Lyons,Amy to everyone: 5:28 PM
I'll send it with the other links.
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