10/09/2023 - Meeting Minutes MEETING MINUTES
Catherine Tucker, Committee Chair Karilyn Anderson, SLC Engineering
John Kemp, Committee Vice Chair 1-0 �� rr r._ Laura Marshall, SLC Facilities
Rob Pett, Committee Member sbalt Zake City&Comm) Ylutibing aysen Oldroyd, SLC Attorney's Office
Anne Oliver, Committee Member Conarbantp&The Committee
Jennifer Hale, Committee Member
Kathy Davis, Committee Member -
December 11, 2023
Steve Cornell, Committee Member I'l , ! l
Barbara Murphy, Committee Member
Catherine Tucker welcomed everyone to today's Conservancy and Use Committee meeting. She began by taking a role
call as follows: John Kemp, Committee Vice Chair; Anne Oliver, Committee Member; Lindsay Ross, Salt Lake City
Attorney's Office; Rob Pett, Committee Member; Karilyn Anderson, Salt Lake City Engineering; Jenny Hale, Committee
Member; Jeff Brown, Salt Lake City Facilities; Nate Kobs, Salt Lake City Safety& Security;Travis Shepherd, GSBS;
Catherine Tucker, Committee Chair; Laura Marshall, Salt Lake City Facilities, and Jaysen Oldroyd, Salt Lake City Attorney's
Agenda Item 1: Review and Approval of Last Month's Meeting Minutes
Catherine gave everyone a moment to review the minutes then asked if anyone had any comments or if someone would
like to motion to approve the minutes.
Rob Pett motioned to approve the minutes.
Jenny Hale Seconded the motion.
The Committee unanimously voted to approve the minutes.
Catherine Tucker mentioned that the minutes in the future do not need to be verbatim and should be summarized
reflecting the main points and decision of the discussion instead.
Agenda Item 2: Tour Council Workroom & Chambers & Discuss Proposed Additional Gates for Security Purposes
in Room 315 & 326
Catherine asked if we should do the tour after the meeting. Laura explained that Paulsen Construction,who are doing
the remediation normally ends their workday at 3:00 PM and made special accommodations to take the Committee
Members to tour the Council Chambers and Workroom. So, we will be touring the Chamber and Workroom first to
accommodate them. Rob introduced Jeff Brown,the Salt Lake City Facilities Carpenter,who has previously done work in
the building such as the security upgrades on the dais in the Council Chambers.Jeff will be able to talk to us about the
security gates and the conditions of the surrounding wood that the security gates will be assembled by.
The in-person Committee Members left to go tour the Council Room and Workroom. The online Committee Members
stayed on hold in Zoom meeting while the Committee members toured the rooms.
In the Council Chambers room,Jeff Brown, Facilities Carpenter, took Committee members over to the south side of the
dais where the security gate is to be placed. Jeff explained how the Council would like the gate for protection from any
active issue and wanted to have the gate placed further forward next to dais.Jeff stated the security gates would be
attached to a steel post with a steel base and anchored to the ground with 4 bolts and encased in wood to match existing
wood. And the gates to be wood as noted in drawings.
Travis Sheppard, GSBS, said working with Jeff Brown the question is where to place the security gate. Because the side
panels are floating on the wall and the other side is the dais. Catherine concurred the biggest issue is placement.
Rob stated we couldn't tell from the drawings where the gate would be located. Rob didn't know the reason for having
the gate more forward. If you are trying to hide,the gate height doesn't matter the further out you go, but I think it is
just to tell people don't come back here. Rob felt with the line of sight in front of the dais it would be better to have the
gate further back, because you would be more concealed.
Nate Kobs, Safety&Security Director, explained there were 2 reasons for the security gate. The gate says to someone
this area behind the gate is not a public area.The other is concealment, if an active shooter came in it gives the people
behind the desk concealment behind the gate so they crawl to exit the area.
The Committee members all felt after reviewing the area that the security gate placement for architectural, practical and
aesthetic reasons would look better if they were placed further back, more in the middle area beside the dais and setup
between the dais &the panels on the other side. It would be good to have the security gate freestanding attached to a
steel post on both sides and securely attached to the ground with post anchors.Architecturally it would look better if the
steel post were encased in wood to look like a mull post matching the wood on the dais and the panels.And the security
gate with the blast panel inside the gate. Having the security gate separate from the dais & panels would allow the
removal of the gate in the future and would not affect the existing dais or the panel woodwork.
The Conservancy Committee members recommended Jeff Brown work with the City Engineering Department Architect
to work on creating detailed spec drawings showing layout &exact placement of the posts after review with Council and
a detailed drawing of security gate woodwork with blast panel insert.
Next the Committee Members toured the Council Workroom and Jeff Brown explained where the other security gate
was going to be placed. He talked about having the one post placed behind the end of the desk on the right-hand side
and where the other post on the opposite side of the gate would be placed next to the panel. And the woodwork on the
gate would be matched to the existing desk and panels.The Conservancy Committee members again wanted to have
more detailed drawings with specs showing where the posts&gate would be placed.
After the Committee Members returned to the conference room, all the Committee members discussed that the
proposed drawings of the security gates don't reflect current conditions & locations. And they want to be better
informed with more detailed drawings with specs of the proposed posts &security gates with locations& materials and
an organized plan in place to build the gates with the proper bullet proofing behind the panels that will create the least
disruption for the building users as possible.
As for the Council Workroom, because it is in a temporary layout with the construction going on. The Committee
members said they'd like to see more drawings showing the plan for how the posts & security gate will look in relation to
the Workroom's permanent layout and how the security gate will be attached to the permanent desk once all the
furniture pieces are moved into place.
Agenda Item 3: Painting Request for Attorney's Office
Rob received a call from MOCA and Paulsen Construction last week,they had a request to remove the wallpaper from
the Attorney's Office & replace with paint on the Fifth floor. Rob met with Jason Bartschi of Paulsen Construction and
reviewed the 4 small offices on the 5th Floor where the wall coverings occur. It is evident that the unremarkable wall
coverings are applied to gypsum board wall construction. These gypsum boards on stud walls were constructed in a
remodel of the space in question without regard for the historic significance of the building. According to the Design&
Use Guidelines dated 11/25/2020, the spaces in question are considered Priority C Spaces under Article 6.4 Building
Interior-Priority CSpaces which have "No Importance" character defining features and do not contribute to the
understanding of the history of the building because they have been greatly altered. Therefore, based on the "Design
and Use Guidelines'; it is Rob's opinion, as a representative of the Committee,that the removal of the modern wall
coverings, in favor of painting the walls, do not require the review by the City and County Building Conservation and Use
Rob stated, however,the Facilities Acting Director felt it should come to the Committee which is why we're here. Rob
pointed out that the historical design & use guidelines were created so that issues don't have to be brought to the
Committee every time there is a question.
The Committee members recognized that both the Committee and Facilities are in a transition period and that's why this
problem was brought to the Committee instead of being reviewed and approved by the Facilities Director using the
historical design and use guidelines. Anne said the Committee should assemble a work session once the new Committee
Members and Facilities team are all on board to go over the Salt Lake City& County Building Design and Use guidelines.
To create an understanding of what does and doesn't need to come before the Committee Members. She said she'd be
happy to help with that presentation.
Catherine asked for a motion regarding the Attorney's Office removing the wallpaper and replacing it with paint.
Anne Oliver motioned that the Committee concurs with Rob's recommendation and the contractor is free to remove the
wallpaper and paint the room using the approved historical Salt Lake City and County Building Design & Use guidelines.
John Kemp Seconded the motion.
The Committee voted unanimously to approve the motion.
Catherine said the Committee should assemble a work session once the new Committee Members and Facilities team
are all on board. Catherine stated we will add this to the agenda in a month or two once all new Committee Members
and the Facilities Director are in place.
Agenda Item 4: Earthquake Remediation Update
Karilyn with SLC Engineering stated she had no updates on the Earthquake Remediation project at this time. She asked if
the Committee Members had any issues they wanted to talk about after touring the Council Chambers and Workroom.
The Committee Members said the remediation is looking good.
Agenda Item 5: Review Amended & Restated Policies & Procedures
Jaysen said there have been several changes made regarding the Utah Code for Open and Public Meetings Rules &
Regulations on how we can conduct electronic meetings, what constitutes a Quorum and some things of that nature. As
part of that, we can take advantage of some of the electronic meetings& public meeting opportunities if we revise our
policies and procedures. As we were looking at the various Policies and Procedures, we found it was a mismatch
between past policies and procedures without a lot of guidance or clarity to what exactly the Committee operates on,
when it gets down to the policies and procedures previously passed. The Amended & Restated Policies and Procedures is
taking something that is relatively standard throughout the City developed during COVID period that most of the other
Committees are following, along with borrowing some of the varies policies & procedures we found on the books that
are specific to this Committee. We've come up with these Amended & Restated Conservancy and Use Committee Policies
and Procedures by combining the previous documents into one processed specific document to be used by this
Some of the specifics we've made to this document to clarify, and address are:
• The committee's ability to use electronic meetings and how those take place.
• Added some language in respect to what constitutes a quorum and how a quorum can function with electronic
meetings& processes when not all members can be present at the meeting location and the meeting may need
to be online.
• Clarify that without enough Quorum members in attendance, the meeting cannot be held, and agenda items will
be put on hold until the next meeting can take place.
Jaysen suggested that the Committee review and adopt the new and updated procedures to have a single repository of
processes to follow and to facilitate the ability for the Committee to have electronic meetings in the future and the
opportunities that they provide when not everyone can attend in person.
This document would replace what the Committee has in terms of Bylaws, Policies, and Procedures.The Attorney's office
couldn't find an instance where there was a single complete set of Bylaws that were signed and adopted by the
Committee. So,this document would be used as a single repository for the Committees' Bylaws, Policies, and
Procedures. There are also some City Ordinances that are specific to this Committee which would work in conjunction
with this document. Rob asked this document does not identify the make-up of this Committee and who they represent,
is that in another document. Jaysen clarified that the City Ordinance identifies the Designated slots for each Committee
member and who they represent. So, this Amended and Restated Policies and Procedure is in conjunction with the City
Ordinance.Jaysen advised that it's best to avoid copying the City ordinance directly into these Bylaws, Policies and
Procedures because often, one will be updated but the other isn't. Which could cause problems in the future with things
not lining up and could cause a conflict.
The Committee Members had questions regarding the definition of an Ex-Officio member.
Jaysen defined it as members that are in the Committee as advisory/support personnel but do not vote on committee
decisions. For example, in the past Jim Cleland would've been an ex-officio member.Jaysen Oldroyd is also an ex-officio
Some edits that were requested by the Committee Members for the document to include:
• Providing definitions for membership type such as ex-officio
• Listing the positions within the committee along with language like "as specified in city code 2.39.050".
• Updating references of"commissioners"to "committee members"
Catherine asked if there are any other substantive changes aside from the electronic meeting portion,that they should
be made aware of?
Jaysen said this looks quite different as far as the records go, but it doesn't change many of the practices of the
Committee which remain relatively unchanged. But the text and how we put it together is very different than we had
previously. All we have done has updated a lot of the text and how it's put together such as changing the tenses and
removing some of the narrative language and history. But I don't think it changed many of the practices of the
Committee,those remain relatively unchanged. Jaysen stated he couldn't really find a cohesive single copy of the
Bylaws. So,this is why we have created these Amended and Restated Policies and Procedures.
Jaysen said because this appears to be everyone's first chance to look at this document, I think we should take the time
to review it, make the necessary edits and approve the document at the next meeting.
The Committee decided to table the issue and add it to the agenda for the next meeting to review, note any additional
changes needed and possibly approval at that time.
Agenda Item 6: Potential Committee Member Recruits
Laura stated she has 2 recruits for the Licensed Architect position. She has reached out to Travis Shepherd and Matt
Walace and has received their applications and resumes which have been forwarded it to the mayor's office. Mayor's
office will reviews both potential candidates for the Licensed Architect position.Then sends the name of the person they
approved to the City Council and then the approved candidate is placed on the Council meeting agenda where they will
interview the candidate for approval.
Preservation Utah has yet to give a name for a nominee to represent them. Steve has been proactively reaching out to
them and is waiting for them to come forward with a name. We're stuck playing the waiting game until they provide a
Catherine said she thinks in the future we should be more proactive when someone's term is nearing an end to begin the
recruitment process sooner, possibly 4 or 5 months before, so we aren't left with missing members for an extended time.
Agenda Item 7: Rob Pett's Continuing Role with the Committee After New Committee Member Approved
Jaysen stated that an Ex-Officio does not fit this type of role. In the past the Facilities Director would be involved in any
subcommittee with the City and County Building and any issue which came up in the building.And Jim Cleland at
Facilities in the past would have addressed any issue using the historical design & use guidelines or have it added to the
agenda for review with the committee. Then the Committee would review the issue. All the Committee members
agreed this was what should be happening.
Rob stated he currently attends a weekly subcommittee remediation construction meeting with a building walk through
and project updates. Because he is doing this, he wanted to know what his role would be once his replacement was in
The Committee feels Rob has a valuable knowledge base and experience with the Committee, and it'd be useful to have
him serve under some sort of advisory role with his replacement Committee member during the transition period.
Catherine stated the meetings are open to the public, so Rob is allowed to attend at any time.
Jaysen stated Rob is still on the Committee until his replacement is approved. He did not believe we needed to carve out
any specific role. We have various people come to these meetings involved in many types of projects to provide
information. So, we do not need to have an official role designation under the Bylaws or City Ordinance. Rob could still
be a person who could come to the meetings and provide information to the Committee on these projects.
Rob stated we do have Jaysen with Paulsen Construction, and we have Sean Fyfe with Engineering and Travis Sheppard
with GSBS on this subcommittee currently. So, depending on who replaces Rob once approved by the Council, then the
Committee could decide at that time.
The Committee felt they needed to table this discussion for now and won't decide this until they know more about who
would be filling Rob's seat and then at that time, they will discuss it further.
Agenda Item 8: Other Building Proiect Updates
There weren't any specific project updates to share with the Committee.
Catherine mentioned that Travis Sheppard had a request that he would like to be part of next month's agenda to discuss
the hanging system of the mayoral portraits upstairs. It hasn't been funded yet, but he does have some items he'd like to
discuss with the committee. He was prepared and wanted to discuss it today, but I advised him to wait until next time if
it's still an issue because this meeting was already scheduled to be long. So this will be added to the next meeting
Catherine Tucker asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting.
Rob Pett motioned to adjourn the meeting.
Jenny Hale Seconded the motion.
The Committee unanimously voted to adjourn.