07/20/2023 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 ' AGENDA Thursday,July loth, 2023 4:00-6:oopm 1. Roll Call The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present: Jacob Maxwell, Chairperson Steve Anjewierden,Vice Chairperson Jason Wessel Esther Stowell Pook Carson Will Terry Steven Calbert Staff Present: Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development(DED) Todd Andersen, Department of Economic Development(DED) Amy Dorsey, Department of Finance Absent: Matthew Coles 2. Briefings by the Staff a. Report from the CAN Program Manager No updates. b. Report from the DED Program Manager Ms. Rigby said that Committee members would begin receiving a stipend for their service on the Committee and reminded members to provide the necessary information to City staff to process these stipends. Ms. Rigby noted the technical issue with scoring question #5,has been resolved. Mr. Calbert said that he still cannot access Salesforce. He previously sent an email for assistance and received no response. Ms. Rigby apologized and said she would make sure IMS reaches out to help him. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Review and Adopt Minutes from March 3oth,May 4th, &May lath Meetings Mr. Calbert motioned to adopt the minutes from the March 30th,May 4th&May 11th, 2023 meetings. Mr. Wessel seconded the motion.The motion was approved through a roll call vote. Jacob Maxwell—Yes Will Terry—Yes Pook Carson—Yes Jason Wessel —Yes Steven Calbert—Yes Esther Stowell-Yes Steve Anjewierden—Yes,but abstaining for meetings when absent: May 4th&May filth. 2. Review and Discuss Small Business Applications Regarding application RCGA-00063719,Mr.Terry asked how many employees they lost,as the application gives two conflicting numbers.Ms. Rigby said staff would follow up with the applicant for clarification. Mr.Wessel commented that the quality of applications has drastically improved from Phase 1 and thanked staff for their hard work with applicants. Regarding application RCGA-o0059983,Ms.Carson asked if the applicant was the owner of the salon,and if stylists that rent booths are considered employees on the payroll or tenants.After some discussion,the Committee requested that staff follow up with the applicant on the following: 1. How many employees they have 2. How they plan to spend money on wages 3. The difference between a salon employee and a booth tenant Regarding application RCGA-00060789,Ms.Carson requested that staff follow up with the applicant for clarification on the same issues as RCGA-o0059983(see above).She also asked if their request to use funds for marketing would be allowed under ARPA rules.Ms. Dorsey responded that their marketing purposes would be allowable. 3. Briefing on Upcoming Week's Small Business Applications 4. Other Business Ms. Rigby said that an annual Open Meetings Training would be scheduled for the Committee in the next several months. If Committee members have recently completed an Open Meetings Training on another Board or Commission,let staff know the date. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC C,nr` .1 DEVELOPMENT 5. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. Committee Chair This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held July 20'', 2023.