11/15/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE
Caitlyn Tursic
Kate Jarman Gates
Thomas Kessinger
Hannah Nielsen
Torle Nenbee
Cale Newhouse
Katherine Potter
Susan Rickman
Richard Taylor
Matthew Coles
Jeff Driggs
Marti Woolford
Sarah Longoria
Ebay Hamilton
Taylor Knuth
Richard Taylor
Kathy Davis
Felicia Baca, SLAC Director
Lindsey Day-Office Facilitator
Amy Childress—Public Art Coordinator
Sylvia Richards
Dana Howell
November 15, 2023
5:30—7:00 P.M.
*This meeting will occur in-person. Remote option for the public or those unable to attend in person.
Link to meeting:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8698382976o?pwd=S3dxZDhPYlIvUCtSSHBONV VIeVNPZzo9
Passcode: 435o26
I. Call to Order and Welcome Guests
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Rickman welcomes Amy Childress to the meeting.
II. Arts Event Discussion
Ms. Kate Jarmin Gates got a piece into SLCC President's show and in addition had her first installation at
Riverside Park. Finally, Clever Cucumber had their first bookshelf installation at All Chay.
Mr. Briggs attended a violin Concert that featured Richard Taylor's son.
Ms. Baca and Ms. Longoria attended the Rio Tinto 15o anniversary where they announced they are
contributing$10 million to the Museum of Utah.
Ms. Baca saw Usher in Las Vegas,in addition, she attended an event that featured an artist named Latoya Ruby
Fraiser at the University of Utah.
Mr. Coles and Mr. Kessinger attended an Evening with David Sedaris at the Eccles. In addition Mr. Coles
attended a gallery on 6f ave called Acorn that featured live performance and visual art.
Ms. Rickman attended the Salt Lake Ballet's performance of Firebird where they thanked the Arts Council. In
addition she attended Allision Russel at the State Room and also attended the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Finally, she explained an event that took place at the Willow Creek Country Club that featured 135-145 local
Ms. Childress attended a live radio play produced by Radiowest and Plan B Theatre.
Ms.Nielsen attended an event called Filmexico
III. Approve Board Meeting Minutes—October 2023 (Action)
Ms.Jarmin-Gates made a motion to approve the minutes from October.Ms.Woolford second.
Vote was unanimous.
IV. Management
A. Program/Administrative Updates
i. Audit Review- Dana Howell
Ms. Baca introduces Dana Howell who provided a comprehensive overview of the audit conducted in 2023.
Ms. Howell explains the process of the audit and how the audit was conducted. She explained the audit was to
assess that the financials were in accordance with GAAP. Overall,the opinion was positive.
Ms. Baca asks for an explanation of what GAAP is for the benefit of the Board.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Howell explains that GAAP is established by a standards board.They write the manual on how to account
for revenue, and when to account for revenue etc.They are the generally accepted accounting principles that
demonstrate an entity is accounting for its revenue/expenses according to industry standards.
Ms. Howell did not find any issues,but she is not issuing an opinion either. "That's the main conclusion here...
I can't give an opinion but there are no compliance issues or any other internal control issues[.]"
Ms. Howell identified a significant deficiency because the Salt Lake Arts Council does not have a Chief
Financial Officer to complete the necessary financial statements and notes required for an audit, and instead
requires the help of the auditor.
Ms. Baca and Ms. Rickman thank Ms. Howell for her presentation.
ii. Bloomberg Public Art Challenge Grant Updates&Funds Proposal—Taylor Knuth&Felicia Baca
Mr. Knuth explains the need for the Council to contribute $150,000 from its Reserve Fund to fund a portion of
the Bloomberg Public Art Challenge grant and its"Wake the Great Salt Lake"campaign.
There are two elements to the campaign. First, at a minimum each district will feature temporary art
installations that address the urgent need to conserve the flow of water into the Great Salt Lake.These pieces
will be commissioned from local and regional artists. Second, a nationally or internationally recognized artist
will curate an installation at the Great Salt Lake.
Mr. Knuth explains that Salt Lake was one of eight cities chosen by Bloomberg to receive a one million dollar
Mr. Knuth asked the Board to fund the Council's request from the Operating Reserve Fund. He explains the
money will be put towards the total cost of the $1.8 million dollar campaign. He states that the Council has a
soft commitment from a private family as well as a corporation, and will continue to pursue additional sources
of funding to fund the campaign.
Ms. Baca explains that some of the $1.8 million dollar budget is an in-kind donation of staff salaries.
Mr. Knuth explains that after funding this request the Operating Reserve Fund balance will still be over the
recommended amount and states that it is the Council's recommendation to fund the request.
Ms. Longoria asks about the composition of the proposed budget submitted to Bloomberg prior to receiving the
award. Mr. Knuth explains that after subtracting the in-kind portion,the proposed budget contained
approximately$450,000 of funding that the Council intended to raise from private donors, corporations, and
the Operating Reserve Fund among other sources.
Ms. Rickman asks about the grant and the proposed budget to confirm whether the Council's funding was
intended to be used.Ms. Baca affirms,but states it is not required, and that they surveyed other city
departments to determine potential funding sources.
Mr. Coles asks about past recipients and whether they provided matching funds and Mr. Knuth and Ms. Baca
agreed.The Council received letters of support from private interests and Bloomberg wanted to see public and
private investment.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Baca asks if anyone has any questions.
Ms. Baca explains that the Operating Reserve Fund should only be used in instances where the Council does
not create a funding cliff,i.e. non-programmatic resources. Instead,one-time opportunities like this request
are a good use of these funds.
Mr.Newhouse reiterates that after funding this request the Council would still have excess funds in the
Operating Reserve Fund.
iii. Introduction to Amy Childress, Public Art Program Coordinator—Amy Childress
Ms. Baca introduces Ms. Childress.
Ms. Childress explains her background in writing,book arts, and literature. She received an MFA in book arts
and MLS from the University of Iowa. Before her time at the Council she worked in public libraries for about a
decade.This position was"the perfect way to combine her love of public service with her love of the arts."
She then explains her work as the Public Art Program Coordinator for the Council which includes the recent
opening of the apricot sculpture at the Marmalade library. Finally, she has also been working in a focus group
with prominent west side leaders for an iconic piece of work on the west side of the city.
iv. Other program updates
Ms. Baca provided other program updates including the close of the Project Support Grants and the receipt of
several grants including the ZAP,NEW and UDAM grants.The Project support grants saw an increase of
funding asked up to $324,000.
In December there will be an exhibit at Finch Lane featuring an Oaxacan Artist.
Ms. Baca explained that Salt Lake's bid for the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts annual
conference was successful and will be held in 2025.
V. Budget/Financial
A. Review of Financials—Caitlin Tursic/Cale Newhouse
Ms.Tursic begins her review of financials. "Financials shouldn't be boring!"Overall,total cash down because of
the dispersion of grant money.Total unrestricted assets approximately 500,000.There is discussion about a
gift card for approximately$4. Mr. Coles suggests spending the gift card on"one big cookie!" Otherwise,
everything has been under budget, no need for a budget amendment.
VI. Board
A. New Member Nominations —Matt Coles(Action)
Ms. Rickman introduces Mr. Coles to give his recommendations for the Board.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Mr. Coles puts forth two candidates including:Anna Taylor from District 4 and Sabrina Martinez from District
5. Both have a lot of experience with arts and want to get involved. Sabrina Martinez is currently a community
member on the Grants Committee.
Ms.Woolford moves to forward nominations to the Mayor's Office.
Mr. Coles seconds.
Vote is unanimous.
B. Gift Policy(Action)
Ms. Potter briefly discusses the content and requests questions on the Gift Policy.
Mr. Driggs moved to approve the gift policy
Ms.Tursic seconds.
Vote is unanimous.
C. December Holiday Gathering for the Board—Felicia Baca
Ms. Baca discusses what to do for a holiday gathering. Ms. Rickman explains that we will hit the town after our
VII. Public Comment
VIII. Other Business
Payments to board members are forthcoming.
Ms.Nenbee makes a motion to adjourn
Ms.Jarmin-Gates seconds.
Vote is unanimous.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.