Formal Meeting
Thursday,December 7,2023
5:00 p.m.—7:30 p.m.
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Approved Minutes
1. Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM
A. Call to order
- Kerri Nakamura
- Dave John
- Meredith Benally
- Phil Carroll
- Aaron Wiley
- Melanie Pehrson
- Jenny Hewson
- Samantha Finch
- Ginger Cannon
- Clayton Scrivner
- Brianne Binnebose
- CJ Whittaker
- Talula Pontuti
B. Chair Comments 5 mins
Ms. Binnebose reminded everyone this is the last board meeting of 2023 and highlighted some of
the Board's accomplishments this year. She also reminded everyone that they will be discussing
potential new subcommittees at the retreat and encouraged members to come prepared to discuss
these at the retreat. Ms. Binnebose said all Board members need to be in at least one subcommittee
per their bylaws so they can all share the workload.
2. Approval of Minutes 5:05 PM
Approve November 5, 2023 meeting minutes 5 mins
Ms. Cannon motioned to approve the minutes. Mr.John seconded the motion. The Board
unanimously voted to approve the November minutes.
3. Public Comment 5:10 PM
— Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total. Written
comments are welcome.
Elliot Mott
Mr. Mott explained some issues with people accessing the Jordan River, and West Valley has
removed their takeout. People need to access the river of around 2100 S along the right-hand side.
The City needs to do something about this gap to make it easier for the public to access the Jordan
River. Mr. Mott's other comment on the Jordan River is that it is near Fisher Mansion.There are
issues with the road people use as a river trail and limited parking access.
Jim Webster
Mr. Webster said he was the anonymous constituent applicant for Miller Park's CIP grant. He shared
with the Board that he and Lewis Kogan submitted the three things proposed for the project. He had
a document in his hands he referenced. The items proposed in the document were deemed
infeasible, but it doesn't explain the reasons. He referenced a photo of Miller Park with a bridge. Part
of the bridge was a retaining wall built by Salt Lake County in 1978. It was demolished by Public
Lands in 2014. Mr. Webster submitted the CIP application to reinstate that wall and the pathway
below. He shared, within the document he was referencing,that the construction drawings for the
2014 work do not include the upper trail mentioned in the document. He went on to share that the
upper trail happened because the lower trail was demolished.The wall within the upper trail is built
along and is coming apart. He said that many of Public Land's opinions within the document are
based on a Geo.Technical report Jim Nordquist said he wasn't aware of the wall being demolished.
He lives near Miller Park and has to watch people use the insufficient lower path. Before the path
was demolished, a petition was going around,which was ignored, and now CIP is being ignored. He
invites the Board to listen to your constituents.
Travis Winn
Mr. Winn said he runs a non-profit called Free The Game.They've partnered with Public Lands to do
a street soccer court at Sherwood Park and Salt Lake County at Sugarhouse Park.They have a CIP
application to convert unused concrete pads into street soccer courts. He said a lot of soccer is pay-
to-play, and not everyone can afford that.These courts aren't costly to build. He shared that they've
had local artists come and do some artwork on the courts.
4. Director's Report &Staff Items 5:25 PM
- Introduce Landscape Architects—Tom Millar 5 mins
Mr. Millar shared he wanted to take the time to introduce his staff, as they will each present to the
Board in the future. He introduced three of the four new landscape architects or associate landscape
architects now in the Public Lands Department.They will be managing and designing projects and
helping Public Lands fulfill the design and partially some of the project construction.
Mr.Troy Anderson shared he's been with the City for about 1%years. He used to work in a private
practice for 20+years. Some of the projects he is working on are Allen Park, Foothills Trails, and
Liberty Park projects.
Mr. Bruce Brown shared he's been with the City for over 30 years. He's worked on most of the trails
and parks around. He has several projects he's working on, and right now, his biggest is Marmalade
Plaza, along with 6-7 other projects.
Ms. Kathryn Sonntag shared that she is an associate landscape architect. She started with the City in
January. Before working for the City, she spent eight years at MGBA, a private landscape architecture
firm doing both planning and landscape architect work. Before that, she was with Envision Utah. She
has a master's degree in landscape, architecture, and environmental planning from USU. She works
on Allen Park, Marmalade Plaza, Liberty Park, Memory Tree Grove Project, and Bonneville Shoreline
- Summary of current high-priority department items. — Kristin Riker 5 mins
Ms. Riker said that staff have been working on their budgets for FY2025 and are hoping to be on the
Board's February agenda.They're a little late presenting to the Board, but she thinks staff can still
share their budgets with the Board and get their advice and recommendations to the Mayor on time.
She also shared one of the tasks they are working on is an emergency budget request for funding for
urgent needs at Liberty Park.The greenhouse had a condition assessment done, and it's been
determined that it's unsafe for staff to be there due to structural stability, asbestos, and lead. The
staff has been moved, and they have a structural engineering assessment to see if the newest
greenhouse area could still be used if they complete the lead, mold, and asbestos mitigation.They
are asking for funding, and if that can't be done,they are asking for funding for new hoop houses to
put at Liberty Park so staff can continue growing the plants. She continued to discuss the greenhouse
storing and growing process and funding. The funding request is also to put in new gates at Liberty
Park. She continued to discuss the efforts staff are making at Liberty Park.
Ms. Pehrson asked if the CIP application for Liberty Park is going in this year's CIP application
submission. Ms. Riker said yes and apologized that the Board didn't get to review, but sometimes
that happens, and staff have needs they need to push through.There are two applications for Liberty
Park, both for the greenhouse. Ms. Riker continued to discuss the Liberty Park CIP applications.
Mr. Carroll asked if the staff has looked into using the LDS hospital to store their plants. Ms. Riker
said she didn't know they had greenhouses. She said they will use the University of Utah
greenhouses for their native plant propagation program. It works for that program because they
distribute plants all over the City. It's a nice partnership with the university; it gets students to come
in and help and learn about native plant propagation. Staff will use those for trails and natural lands.
For the parks, it's hard to have something so far off-site. Ms. Riker said it was a good idea and asked
Mr. Carroll if he had a contact.The Board and staff continued to discuss storage for plants in the
- Allen Park Update— Kat (Maus) Andra 15 mins
Ms. Andra shared her screen to display an Allen Park update presentation for adaptive reuse and
management plans. Public Lands and their consultant team have been working with the community
for the past year to gather feedback and determine the future uses and programming for Allen Park.
They are almost ready to share their final concept and design. They've done multiple rounds of
broad public engagement and have met frequently with a technical and community advisory
committee; she thanked Ms. Finch for being a big part of that. Ms. Andra explained the first round of
engagement was to gather big ideas of what folks wanted to see in the park. From these ideas, staff
created three concept designs, which they evaluated in their second round of public engagement.
1. Concept#1: Art in the Wild—This focuses on the natural environment, bolstering some
wildlife habitats, education, and the ecology site while integrating a few artists in residence
studios onsite—this option removes most structures.
2. Concept#2: Art &Sciences Collective—This concept had few opportunities for
environmental improvements but saved most of the structures for community and artists'
studios.This concept preserves the existing tree canopy.
3. Concept#3: Cultural Village—this concept added new structures to the park to add to the
capacity to house community organizations, artists, and scientists.
Ms. Andra shared that all this information is also available on their website. As folks weighed in on
those options, it was clear that concept A, which was the concept that removed the most structures,
was the highest valued. People valued the natural spaces,the restoration elements, the community
gathering spaces,the outdoors, and the habitats. Ms.Andra continued to share the findings for Allen
Ms. Andra shared a visual of a rough draft concept for the park.This began with removing most
structures celebrating the environment but retaining a few additional structures that the concept
proposed. It includes a plan for parking, a trail connection to the east to connect to the rest of the
City, some stream access points to Immigration Creeks, improvements to the creek, lots of native
and ornamental planting, and some pedestrian lighting. She continued to discuss the rough draft
concepts for Allen Park. She shared that they are collecting comments until January 15th, and a
virtual open house will be on December 111h.The goal is to make the final concepts available at the
end of January. Ms. Andra continued to discuss the final concept plan.
Mr. Carroll asked if there was any evidence that indigenous people used this area. Ms. Andra said in
their cultural landscape report that they explored what was not a significant area for that period of
time.The period of significance came a little bit later. Mr. Carroll said it would be to acknowledge
that somewhere with a sign. Ms. Andra said they will have a signage plan.
Ms. Cannon asked where the trail connection would be. Ms. Andra said there are a lot of challenges.
The easement goes through the Garfield school and connects to 1500 East,just south of the Blaine
Nature Preserve. It would be logistically challenging as the slopes here are steep.They will pursue
the feasibility of that pretty heavily. Ms. Cannon asked if there was any possibility that
transportation or Public Utilities could provide funding out of the bond since it's a trail. Ms. Andra
said that Public Utilities would be working with the ecological sub-consultant Public Lands is working
with to pursue additional funding, specifically for the creek, and transportation is looking at Federal
funding that could be utilized for the trail connect.The Board and staff continued to discuss funding
Ms. Cannon asked if there was a rough estimate of how many parking spaces will be available. Ms.
Andra said there's a space in the north of the park that they want to eliminate and concentrate all
the ADA parking on the southern drive.The northern gateway to the park is visually significant
historically,which they want to maintain.The goal is to have all the ADA stalls that can fit 2-3 in the
southern drive, and then a parking area near 1400 East can accommodate 12 stalls, with one being
ADA accessible.The Board and staff continued to discuss parking at Allen Park.
Ms. Hewson asked if the staff was concerned with the public comment period during the holidays.
Ms. Andra said they considered it, and as a team,they feel like the engagement up to this point has
been robust.They are confident that most of the comments they've received up until now will
formulate the plan right now and just wanted to allow folks to share some final thoughts. Ms. Riker
asked Ms. Andra to clarify that this is the entire plan for the park and that the $4.5 million from the
GO Bond will not cover the construction or implementation of the entire plan. Ms. Andra said yes.
The GO Bond will focus on landscaping improvements to open more park areas to public access.The
Board and staff continued to discuss Allen Park.
- Staff Updates. —Ashlyn Larsen 5 mins
Ms. Larsen shared that they are making progress on creating a calendar to inform Board members of
upcoming events to ensure they follow OPMA.
5. Action Items 5:55 PM
Review and approve letters of support for Internal and Constituent CIP Applications 10 mins
Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the Board's draft letter. Ms. Pontuti updated the letter using
last year's as a starting point. Ms. Pontuti explained how she began creating the letter. She made
two versions of the letter. One shows the top five rankings for internal and the top 10 for constituent
applications.The other version displays the rankings for all of them. She thinks the shorter one is
better visually. Ms. Binnebose asked Board members to indicate which version they wanted, longer
versus shorter. Ms. Cannon said she liked the shorter version because it had more impact. Ms.
Nakamura agrees with the shorter version, as all the applications go forward anyway. Ms. Pontuti
said she would like feedback on the written paragraphs and why projects were not chosen based on
all the provided comments. She continued to explain how she formulated the content of the letter.
Ms. Cannon referenced a section Ms. Pontuti had highlighted regarding changes they had suggested
last year for the CIP application in the future. Ms. Pontuti read the paragraph to the Board and staff.
Mr. Millar said he does not recall them discussing it, but he's not invited to any of those meetings
that don't include discussion applications that apply to them. He encouraged the Board to include
whatever they wanted in the letter.The Finance Department creates the application, establishes the
timeline, and oversees the process. Mr. Millar said he would send out a blank application to the
Board.The Board and staff continued to discuss the CIP application.The Board and staff continued to
discuss the CIP application and CDCIP ranking. Ms. Pontuti asked the board if they wanted to make
any edits and asked them to please mark them in the first version of the letter. She aims to have all
the finalized decisions Monday night after the 5:30 PM deadline. The Board and staff continued to
discuss their deadlines for the letter and CIP rankings.
6. Board Discussion 6:05 PM
A. Review rankings and prioritizations for Constituent CIP Applications 45 mins
Ms. Binnebose reminded the Board that after today's discussion and question and answer with staff,
Board members have until Monday, December 111" at 5:30 PM to make any adjustments to their
first-round rankings.This will ensure Board members have enough time to finalize and deliver the
letter by December 141". Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the Board's Constituent CIP
rankings.The Board's current top 10 rank is as follows:
1. Citywide Park Restroom Planning Study and Fairmont Restroom Conceptual Design
2. Liberty Park Greenhouse Restoration
3. Riverside Park Pathway Loop
4. Jordan River Trail Food Forest+ Partner Garden
5. Street Soccer and Futsal Courts
6. Poplar Grove Park Lighting
7. Pocket Park Community Space
8. International Peace Gardens
9. Jordan River Trail Safter Crossing Improvements
10. Playground Shade
Ms. Cannon shared that part of her ranking process was related to funding. If the CIP application had
no estimated funds, it went down in her rankings. She also preferred projects with an internal or
private match or something going on that the GO Bond could supplement or impact fees. She also
looked at how it would activate the space and meet the critical needs of staff and the community.
Ms. Binnebose said her repeat applications go to the top of her list for prioritization. Ms. Finch
shared that she visited some smaller parks, like Fault Line, and talked to people using the space. She
brought up that staff has its own CIP and plans to do something with restoring playgrounds based on
needs. It's her way of rejecting the idea that we should just pick parks themselves and that staff
should have more control over which playgrounds need updating.The Board liked this point. Ms.
Binnebose thinks the International Peace Gardens is a nice cultural and historical space for many
people, so preventing vandalism would be great.The Board continued to discuss their criteria for
constituent CIP ranking.
Mr. Wiley said his big focus was diversity, equity, and inclusion. One of the projects that stuck out to
him that wasn't on the top of the list was the calisthenics project. As neighborhoods change, it's
important to consider people who could benefit from those parks in their community. He also liked
the basketball court and thinks it represents a lot of equity and inclusion of spaces that need to be
activated. Mr. Wiley continued to discuss including amenities that activate parks. Ms. Pehrson
brought up that something similar was presented a while back. Ms. Riker said this sort of project at
Liberty Park has its hurdles because of the Historic Landmark Committee. She said it would be nice if
this request were at a different park.The Board and staff continued to discuss the calisthenics
Ms. Hewson likes the Peace Gardens project and wondered if potential external funding sources like
grants exist. She asked if the Food Forest project was the unsanctioned community garden. She said
she ranked this high because anything provisioning food in that environment is appealing and
community-driven. Mr.John agreed with Ms. Hewson's comments. Mr.John added the garden also
provides medicinal plants. Ms. Pontuti shared that the garden was also one of her top choices. She
shares that she teaches a high school class to seniors to teach them about cultural connections and
how they connect to food in general. The Board and staff continued to discuss the garden project.
Ms. Finch thanked the Board for their prioritization of the Fairmont Restrooms. She is happy to see
any sort of pilot that goes off in Fairmont and will benefit the entire City. She shared she ranked the
Fairmont Park East Enhancement and Fairmont Park Basketball Court low. She does think the East
Enhancement is required. She encouraged board members to visit Fairmont to see the growth
happening in that area, as enhancements need to happen at some point. Still, due to the GO Bond
and the benefits Fairmont will receive from the tennis courts and regional money enhancing it, it's
getting love now.The field surrounding the current half-court is heavily utilized for other
field sports. She wonders if there needs to be larger public engagement for the basketball court
project. Ms. Finch also shared she ranked the Jordan River Trail Safer Crossing lower as
transportation could probably help with this project. She was under the impression from Mr. Millar's
comments that this project may be evolving and transportation taking the lead. Board members had
their top 10, and all the projects were ranked as Board members ranked them. The Board and staff
continued to discuss this project and the rankings.
Ms. Hewson asked the Board how they ranked the East Bench Preserve the way they did. Ms.
Cannon said she's there a lot, and it has a lot of issues and is highly utilized. She added she felt like it
would be included with the Foothills, so why would it be ranked. While it has issues, it's a highly
active area, lacking many other projects. Ms. Pehrson asked if this project would be included with
the Foothills. Mr. Millar said the Foothills plan focuses on Immigration Canyon and North Salt Lake.
This project is just south of the Foothills, but the acquisition of property in that area and the
improvements in that area would be dependent on receiving funding, probably through CIP.
Mr. Scrivner asked the Board why they ranked the 51h West Commons Conversation Centers the way
they did and what was missing from that application. Ms. Cannon said it ranked high because she
saw it as activating the space. Ms. Nakamura noted that it was well-used when visiting the space.
Ms. Cannon asked Ms. Nakamura if she felt like it needed seating areas. Ms. Nakamura said she saw
many people walking their dogs, sitting on the bench,and reading.The Board continued to discuss
the 51h West Commons project. Mr. Scrivner also asked the Board why they ranked the Bch East Parks
and Pathway they did. Ms. Cannon said she didn't think it was a strong application. Ms. Cannon said
she had lived on 8th East for many years and wondered how it would work. Ms. Nakamura said it's a
beautiful street with beautiful sidewalks, so while it's a super cool idea to put a trail through, there
are so many other streets that don't even have any paths to walk right now. Ms. Pehrson shared that
the Pocket Park Community Space was an application she put in based on feedback from people
she's spoken to within that area. Right now, it's just a grassy space that no one uses. She said that
many people have requested that something be put there. The Board and staff continued to discuss
the 8`" East project.
Mr. Millar said he wants to hear as many comments on these projects as the Board has. He's writing
down all the ideas that are coming up and ways they can encourage the applicant to improve their
application. Ms. Nakamura said it was hard to find the Victory Tennis courts. She is asked if the
county will not let people park for tennis in the county parking lot. Mr. Millar said there is parking,
but you must walk all the way around. She's supportive of public tennis courts to keep them
accessible to those who can't afford to pay to play. Ms. Riker said this tennis court is very active.
Ms. Finch said she ranked the Liberty Wells Community Garden higher as she always passes it, and it
seems like a perfect spot for the community garden. She said the Mayor, at one point, one of her
priorities was community gardens.There's a big space right next to it currently. She also said she
loves the playground shade and is pleased with the rankings overall. Ms. Riker said she's excited to
see how the Board's rankings will compare to the CDCIP because she feels this group is the most
representative staff has had.The Board and staff continued to discuss CIP rankings.
Ms. Pehrson asked if staff works with transportation on trails and how they decide on the
management and operation of trails. Mr. Millar said they do work with transportation. Once the trail
is built, it's a Public Lands trail. Implementing a new trail or significant improvement to a trail
depends on where it is,whether it's on its property or along the street right away. Mr. Millar used
the 9-line trail as an example. It was a transportation project and will be maintained by Public Lands.
Mr. Millar said that some work being done to the Jordan River Trail around 200 South is being
worked on by Public Lands, Engineering, and U-DOT.The Board and staff continued to discuss trails.
Ms. Binnebose reminded the Board that after tonight's discussion,they have until 5:30 PM Monday
to make any final comments or adjustments to their rankings.
B. Chair and Vice-Chair Nominations 5 mins
Ms. Binnebose invited the Board to nominate a Chair and Vice-Chair. She reminded everyone they
have until the January meeting to accept or decline your nomination. Ms. Finch nominated Mr.
Scrivner for Chair. Ms. Finch nominated Ms. Pehrson for Vice-Chair. Ms. Pehrson accepted the
nomination. Ms. Pehrson said she nominated Ms. Nakamura, but she said maybe next year so she
can learn more. Ms. Finch nominated Ms. Cannon, but she declined over email. Ms. Pehrson
nominated Ms. Hewson for Chair. Ms. Nakamura thanked Ms. Binnebose for the work she's done.
C. Subcommittee Reporting 5 mins
Communications Subcommittee
Ms. Binnebose said this month's Communications Subcommittee meeting focused on the agenda,
CIP, and the letter.That's what they've been working on.Their minutes are in the folder. She said
one of the action items is the January agenda item and thinking about a process for when
community members want to give presentations to the Board, so they wanted to have some ideas
and conversation starters to help facilitate that discussion in January.
Trails Subcommittee
Mr. Whittaker said they met, but there's nothing to discuss until the City reports on the findings
from the consultants'work. He noted that Mr. Fonarow sent them an email saying that the staff
expects all that work to be finished before the end of the year. He said there was a delay due to a
management change in the SE Group consultant team.
D. Board comments and question period 10 mins
Ms. Finch asked if any subcommittee wants to do a more formal presentation/update on their work
over the year. If so, she'd like to have more time dedicated to subcommittees. As a new Board
member, Ms. Nakamura liked this idea; it would be helpful to understand what the subcommittees
are,their goals, and where they are headed so she can figure out which subcommittee to join. Ms.
Cannon said this is something suggested in the Bylaws to have this sort of reporting, and Ms. Larsen
put together a list of the current subcommittees, who's a member of each, and that's in the shared
files. Ms. Larsen said it's in the onboarding presentation. Ms. Nakamura asked what the staff's
inventory of urban trails that aren't related to the Foothills is, as she is wondering if there needs to
be a focus on that. Mr. Whittaker said the Foothills Subcommittee is not just the Foothills Trails; it's
the Foothills in general. Ms. Riker listed off the 9-Line Trail, Folsom Trail, McClellan Trail, Parley's
Historic Nature Park Trail, and Jordan River Trail. Ms. Nakamura asked Ms. Pehrson if she had ever
considered opening up her idea for the Jordan River Trail Subcommittee to encompass all urban
trails. Ms. Pehrson said she hadn't thought of expanding it, but she doesn't want the scope of it to
become too broad. However, it's worth considering if they can narrow the purpose.The Board and
staff continued to discuss subcommittees.
E. Next meeting: January 4, 2023 5 mins
F. Request for future agenda items 5 mins
Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the draft agenda for January. Ms. Binnebose reminded
everyone the meeting was in person only. Ms. Binnebose said this meeting would have many staff
updates the Board has requested: Foothills, Emerald Ribbon, and Miller Park. Urban Forestry is being
pushed to February.There will also be an icebreaker. Ms. Cannon asked if there could be an agenda
item for the Board to discuss their goals and priorities for the year and if there was a way to push the
staff presentations to another month. She doesn't want the retreat to be a longer, standard meeting.
Ms. Riker said any of the staff topics could wait. Ms. Riker talked about some options for their
February meeting. Ms. Cannon said they're required to review stuff in advance, and then their Board
meetings could be shorter. Ms. Finch has been pleased with how things have gone this last year. Ms.
Cannon would find it helpful if they could receive staff presentations ahead of time.The Board and
staff continued to discuss this.
Mr. Whittaker said he's confused about the Foothills because they've been waiting on a report for
months. He would propose moving the Foothills update to February as the Foothills Subcommittee
won't even see the report before the retreat. He asked the Board how they would feel about moving
the Foothills update to another month and dedicating a meeting to it. Ms. Riker said when meetings
are done at the Public Land's building, people can participate virtually, so it would be better to have
the update done another month. Ms. Riker said the golf update could be adjusted,too. Ms. Cannon
said she is hearing to remove all the staff updates and use that time for other Board topics. Ms.
Larsen said she'll need to double-check with Ms. Maponga on the Emerald Ribbon update as an
upcoming engagement or something is happening for that project that may need to be shared with
the Board. She also said the Miller Park topic is on the agenda as the Board requested to hear the
staff's presentation so that, as a Board,they can discuss having stakeholder presentations. Ms. Finch
said she would like to keep Miller Park on the agenda.
Ms. Binnebose said they could remove golf and the Foothills update and keep Emerald Ribbon and
Miller Park,which would free up time to add to the Miller Park and Emerald Ribbon discussions. Ms.
Pehrson asked what the conversation would look like to discuss Board goals. Ms. Binnebose said it
would just be an open discussion about how the Board feels. Ms. Nakamura noted it could also be
driven by the discussion from legal and their powers and duties.The Board and staff continued to
discuss the retreat agenda.
Mr. Carroll asked if staff needs are being met.The Trails Subcommittee has talked to Mr. Fonarow
about having quarterly meetings with the Foothills users to get better input so he has greater insight
into where the conflicting interests are. Ms. Riker asked for clarity on the staff's expectations of the
PNUT Board for projects. Ms. Carroll said just in general. Mr. Carroll asked how the staff embraces all
the conflicting needs and desires of the Jordan River. Ms. Riker said every decision has two decisions
and conflicting opinions.The Board and staff continued to discuss the staff's decision-making efforts.
Ms. Cannon motioned to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Carroll seconded.The Board unanimously voted
to adjourn the meeting
7. Adjourn 7:30 PM