12/20/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE
In attendance:
Ebay Hamilton
Sarah Longoria
Susan Rickman
Kat Potter
Caitlyn Tursic
Lana Taylor
Marti Woolford
Torlee Nenbee
Thomas Kessinger
Jeff Driggs
Matt Coles
Kathy Davis
Hannah Nielsen
Kate Gates
Richard Taylor
Cale Newhouse
Salt Lake City Staff:
Todd Obendorfer
Taylor Knuth
Felicia Baca
Sylvia Davis-Council Staff
December loth, 2023
5:30—6:oo P.M.
*This meeting will occur in-person. Remote option for the public or those unable to attend in person.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8698382976o?pwd=S3dxZDhPYlIvUCt5SHBON VMeVNPZzog
Passcode: 435026
I. Call to Order and Welcome Guests + New Members
Ms. Rickman calls the meeting to order and welcomes new Board member Lana Taylor.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Lana Taylor introduces herself as an ardent supporter of the arts, including attending and volunteering at
many events throughout the city.
Ms. Rickman also introduces Sabrina Martinez,who was unable to attend.
Ms. Rickman announces Marti Woolfrod departure due to her joining Salt Lake City's Innovation Team.
II. Arts Event Discussion
Ms. Rickman opens the arts event discussion.
Ms. Baca visited Fisher's Art Market.
Ms. Rickman attended an Arts Council sponsored discussion called The Art of Development where Ms. Baca
opened the panel discussion.Mr. Knuth suggested that the Council may host another discussion because it was
so successful.
Mr. Driggs attended a Bonnie Harris concert.
Ms.Taylor saw the sold out show Celtic Woman.
Mr. Knuth attended multiple family recitals.
Ms. Rickman attended the Tabernacle Choir's Christmas concert.
Mr. Obendorfer explains that because the Council is no longer hosting an art market at our gallery,they created
a list of art markets to attend.
III. Approve Board Meeting Minutes—November 2023 (Action)
Ms.Taylor explains that her name was mispelled in the minutes and should be corrected to Lana Taylor.
Ms. Rickman asks for a motion to approve the minutes.Ms.Nenbee makes the motion,Mr. Coles seconds.The
vote to approve the minutes is unanimous with the exception of Ms.Taylor.
IV. Management
A. Program/Administrative Updates
i. Bloomberg Public Art Challenge Grant Updates&Funds Proposal— (Action)
Mr. Knuth summarizes the request to fund a portion of the Public Art Challenge grant using $150,000 from the
Art's Council reserve fund.
Mr. Knuth and Ms. Rickman invite questions from the Board.
Ms.Tursic makes the motion.
Mr. Driggs seconds.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
All in favor of motion except for Mr. Kessinger.Motion passes.
No other action needed at this time,but project is moving forward with support from Bloomberg.
ii. FY25 Budget Process.
Ms. Baca states that development of the FY25 budget will mimic the FY24 budget.
iii. Other program updates:The Blocks Co-Create
Ms. Baca summarizes the"Co-Create"initiative that will help other groups faciliate in the placemaking. The
program will allow for up to $3ok for"cultural programmers"to help in place making in the cultural core.
Mr. Knuth explains that the Grants Committee is underway in reviewing grants and that we will have an
additional equity training in February.
V. Budget/Financial
Ms.Tursic provides a review of the financials.
She states that our total cash is at $824,000, down from $865,000 because we paid the auditor.
Our unrestricted net assets remained at $882,000, and that"everything looks great."
VI. Board
A. New Member Nomination,Travis English —Matt Coles (Action)
Mr. Coles provides an overview of Mr. English's qualifications.
Mr. Coles makes the motion to forward his name to City Council.
Ms. Longoria seconds.
Vote is unanimous in favor.
B. Grants Committee recommendation-Sabrina Martinez-Susan Rickman(Action)
Ms. Rickman moves to forward Ms. Martinez to the Grants Committee.
Ms.Nenbee seconds.
Vote is unanimous in favor.
VII. Public Comment
No public comment.
VIII. Other Business
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Rickman asks for a motion to end the meeting.
Mr. Driggs makes the motion.
Ms.Nenbee seconds.
Vote is unanimous to close the meeting.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.