08/10/2023 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1 1 1 ' AGENDA Thursday,August loth, 2023 4:00-6:oopm 1. Roll Call The following members of the Community Recovery Committee were present: Jacob Maxwell, Chairperson Jason Wessel Esther Stowell Matthew Coles Pook Carson Staff Present: Cathie Rigby, Department of Economic Development(DED) Todd Andersen, Department of Economic Development(DED) Jack Markman, Community and Neighborhoods(CAN) Department Absent: Steve Anjewierden,Vice Chairperson Steven Calbert Will Terry 2. Briefings by the Staff a. Report from the DED Program Manager Ms. Rigby said she recently emailed Committee members to remind them about any missing scores they may have, and Mr.Andersen also sent out emails responding to questions that Committee members posted in Salesforce regarding certain applications. BUSINESS ITEMS: 1. Review and Adopt Minutes from May 18th and May�5th meetings Mr.Wessel motioned to adopt the minutes from the May 181h and May�5th meetings as presented.Ms. Carson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously through a roll call vote. Jacob Maxwell-Yes Jason Wessel-Yes Esther Stowell—Yes ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Matthew Coles-Yes Pook Carson-Yes 2. Discussion on CAN-managed ARPA nonprofit application grants Mr. Markman announced that Sarah Longoria,former Committee member who scored previous CAN applications, agreed to review the additional seven(7) CAN applications, and attend the Committee meeting to re-discuss all CAN applications and the methodology of funding recommended awardees. Mr. Markman recommended that the Committee start reviewing these seven(7) applications in the next two weeks. Mr.Wessel asked if their Zoom Grants login credentials to review CAN applications are still the same.Mr. Markman affirmed that login credentials are still the same and Committee members have access to the seven (7) applications in the Zoom Grants software. Mr.Wessel motioned to move forward with Mr.Markman's recommended plan as presented. Ms. Carson seconded the motion.The motion passed unanimously through a roll call vote. Jacob Maxwell-Yes Jason Wessel-Yes Esther Stowell-Yes Matthew Coles-Yes Pook Carson-Yes 3. Review and Discuss Small Business Applications Regarding applicant RCGA-00063521,Mr.Wessel read they were a family-owned business with three owners. He asked if the three owners live in a single household and would be considered a sole proprietor business.Ms. Rigby said staff will reach out to the applicant for clarification. Regarding applicant CGA-00083992,Mr.Wessel asked if the applicant had a language barrier. If so,he would try to be more lenient when scoring.Ms. Rigby confirmed the applicant's second language was English. As Ms.Carson read application CGA-00083992,she felt their requests were not COVID-19 related and they would just use funding to grow their business.Ms.Carson asked if applicants could use the funding to grow their businesses.Ms. Rigby responded that applicants who qualify as`Disproportionately Impacted Businesses'can use funding to grow their business.Applicant CGA-00083992 is a BIPOC-owned business(Black,Indigenous,or Person of Color)and is designated as a`Disproportionately Impacted Business'. The Committee then discussed several applications they felt were especially detailed and well-written. 4. Briefing on Upcoming Week's Small Business Applications Ms. Rigby said the Committee is nearing the end of reviewing applications and staff is working on a final scoring report that will soon be available to the Committee. She also stated that there are some applicants who did not respond to the staffs request to provide required documentation that was missing from their application.As such,these applicants are ineligible and will not be reviewed by the Committee. She added that the Committee might encounter applications in the new few batches that don't have a lot of information. ERIN MENDENHALL L DEPARTMENT of COMMUNITY Mayor y and NEIGHBORHOODS DEPARTMENT of ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Staff reached out to these applicants to offer technical assistance,but they did not respond.The Committee will see these applications as-is. 5. Other Business None. 6. Adjourn There being no further business,the meeting was adjourned. l Committee Chair This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Community Recovery Committee meeting held August loth, 2023.