01/08/2024 - Meeting Minutes \11\L TES
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\tonda\. Janus-\ S: _0-2-1
1. Board Members Board Members Not Present
Brad Chnstcnsen (\ ice Chair Jacoh Sko_
Joseph Nturph,, \lininda lndri Ca•}:
Teresa Gre,-on
Jenn. Bonk (Chair)
De\on Schcchingcr
Heidi Steed
Andrea Schaefer
Staff Present
Dennis Rutled,_�e
Dillon Hase
Tv ler Durfee
Tom- Milner
Rae Steinke
Also Present
2. Approval of the Minutes
Meeting minute: from December 11 1-71 were not approved, Will be ,,oted on in the follo\\ink_
meeting on January „ 2024.
3. Discussion from Small Group Nleetinas
Dillon Hase began with an introducing each table. and what question each Troup asked the
Teresa Gregori specified that the majority of the programs did not pro-ide specific statistics
for their organizations. and requested in the future we clarify to the organization that these
facts are provided.
The board was able to identify- it was difficult to match the application to the indu\ial that
attended the nano session. It was requested that next year each application be gig en a
corresponding name tag.
An alternative format of niter\iewing was discussed between board members. One option
that was discussed was giving each applicant a 1 minute tlllieslot to en�_age with board
members. to ensure everyone is having the same experience with applicant:.
4. Other Business
Dillon Hase requested that the board members have their fulat scores submitted bv Jailuary
171'. 2024.
5. Adiourn
Jenny Bonk motioned to adjounl the meeting_. Josepli 4luiph� seconded the motion. and
the meeting adjourned.
CDCIP B Oar Chair
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the
CDCIP Board meeting held January 8, 2024.