07/15/2020 - Meeting Minutes Salt Lake City Arts Council
Board Meeting Minutes
July 15th, 2020
WebEx Online
Present: Andrea Ashdown Steve Barth
Matthew Castillo Efren Corado Garcia
Kathy Davis Annie Dayton
Erika Hill Torle Nenbee
Dave Mortensen Kanika Welch
Katherine Potter Susan Coles Rickman
Larry Cohen
Staff Members: Felicia Baca, Arts Division Director
Kelsey Ellis, Assistant Director
Guests: Jake McIntire, Union Creative Agency, Isaac Canedo-City Council Office
Not present: Kanika Welch
Excused: Jared Jones (long term active-duty leave)
I. Call to Order
Dave Mortensen, Welcome guests Ja]-e McIntire and Isaac Caneda(intern with the City council
office). 5:32pm.
II. Approve Board Meeting MNandssed
Ms. Kathy Davis made a motion to a the minutes from the May 20th meeting; the motion
was seconded by Ms. Annie Dayton unanimously.
III. Strategic Plan Adoption-Action
Mr. Jake McIntire of Union Creative Agency attended to be present for the adoption of the 2021-
2026 strategic plan. He thanked the group for their participation and offered to answer questions
or concerns. Ms. Leah Langan made a motion to adopt and was seconded by Torle Nenbee and
passed unanimously.
IV. Management Update
A. Executive Director Felicia Baca
1. Program Updates
Ms. Felicia Baca updated the board that Today was the internal deadline to make a
formal call to not hold mass gatherings. No events with any size over 50 in Yellow
and 20 in Orange based on public guidelines. Announcement to the public coming
2. Other Updates
Ms. Baca shared information involving public are interventions that are happening in
the public realm during the time of social unrest. Because equity and inclusion are a
large part of our strategic plan, we are monitoring these issues and staying in
conversation with that dialogue regarding the Mayor's iniatives, strategic planning
goals, and conversions in the community around race and ethics in art communities.
Sarah Hobin is moving and has resigned from her position as the Visual Arts
Manager and plans to write a letter to the Board thanking them for her time here.
Kelsey Ellis will be moving from full to part-time in the near future. Ms. Dayton
asked about the hiring freeze and Ms. Baca related that we anticipate being exempt
for these transitions due to anticipating that shift pre-COVID. L
Ms. Baca detailed the Call for Artists for the Black Lives Matter mural. She related it
is not overseen through the SLCAC because we must oversee material-based projects
(not murals) through CIP and due to the speed needed t6 execute project. The mural
will qualify as government speech because streets are a traditional public forum, and
the City would like oversight of this message and can cover up vandalism or other
messaging. Ms. Nenbee asked about the timeline of the artists and Ms. Baca
responded the call for artists closed today,, artist
�ill be selected tonight or tomorrow,
timeline for painting TBD.
V. Budget/Financial Update:
CARES Act distribution will be coming to the City with unknown distribution.
Ms. Baca has presented suggestions to administration. Duplication issues are i.e. people
getting PPE are not eligible. We would love to hear if you hear about need related to
COVID, or funding distribution detAls. Federal restrictions make it challenging to spend
funds under current guidelines. Ms. PAW related that a nine-million-dollar appropriation
from the State was only for large organizations. Small organizations have more options.
Mid-sized programs are struggling and there could be a gap to fill there. Mr. Castillo
related that the Utah Creates has a program that requires pending the funds by the end of
December, which makes it challenging to execute. That could be another GAP area to
examine for organizations that have chosen not to hold events. Kat Potter related that
they do need to be spent by December 30th. They are advocating for an extension to June
with State level funding.
VI: Board Update
A. Committees
Mr. Mortensen related that some of our committees are mandated in bylaws,but we have
flexibility to create committees based on organizational needs. Mr. Mortensen reviewed
existing committees. New potential committees: equity and inclusion. Could address
recruitment and retention, board training, education, programming, etc. Ms. Nenbee
expressed the need to touch on social justice issues in community. Ms. Langan also
agrees that social equity and diversity is important. Also supporting the arts community
based on long-term effects of COVID and how to support artist-based communities.
Executive committee will review ideas for future implementation. Ms. Baca discussed
some ideas in the strategic plan that are related to equity and accessibility. Ms. Rickman
Coles asked if community members can be on committees and that new committees
could benefit from having those diverse community voices. Mr. Mortenson related they
must be chaired by Board members,but others are open.
The Board conducted a group thanks to Kat Potter for her service as board chair.
VIII: Arts Event Discussion 4+
Ms. Davis attended a concert at the gateway; Dave Mortensen- Limited audience Utah
Arts Alliance; Leah Langan -Utah Film Center virtual Damn these Heels now through the
19th. Virtual walkthrough of art exhibit. Kat Potter related that the Utah Cultural Alliance
is having cultural conversations on Tuesdays at 2:00 and anyone can join. Felicia'Jaca
facilitated the Mayor's Artist Awards online with the Mayor which is on YouTube now.
Ms. Rickman Coles attended the Utah Arts Festival Friday Vibes online and a UMFA
presentation on muralists of Mexico. Felicia Emceed the Mayor's artist awards with the
Mayor which is now online on social media or YouTube.
IX: Public Comment—None Given
X: Other business/Adjourn
The meeting adjourned at approximate) :18pm.