11/18/2020 - Meeting Minutes Salt Lake City Arts Council
Board Meeting Minutes
Wednesday, November 18, 2020
WebEx Online
Andrea Ashdown Jared Jones
Steve Barth Leah Langan
Matt Castillo Dave Mortensen
Larry Cohen Torle Nenbee
Kathy Davis Kat Potter
Annie Dayton Susan Rickman
Erika Hill
Public Guest:
Ben Kolendar
Ian Robbins (auditor to review audit)
Staff Members:
Kellie Call
Felicia Baca
Kelsey Ellis
Claire Taylor
Samantha Smith
I. Call to Order and Welcome Guests
Mr. Dave Mortensen called the meeting to order at 5:31 PM. Mr. Mortensen
read a statementfrom the city concerning remote convening due to the COVID-19
pandemic. Board meetings will continue virtually next month.
II. Approve Board Meeting Minutes —October 2020 (Action)
Mr. Mortensen presented the October board meeting minutes for approval. Mr.
Jared Jones motioned to approve the minutes and Ms. Leah Langan seconded the
III. Management Update - Felicia
A. Executive Director updates
I: Annual Audit Presentation-Kelsey Ellis & Ian Robbins
Ms. Kelsey Ellis reports that financials for the Arts Division are largely within
normal parameters. The only exception is a larger reserve of funds due to Living
Traditions being canceled due to COVID-19.
Mr. Ian Robbins reported that the audit went smoothly and there is nothing
additional to report to the board. On the financial statement,the few irregularities
due to COVID-19 are apparent due to the pandemic.
Ms. Ellis reviewed the non-departmental contract for 2019-2020 — $150,000
that was allocated to this fiscal year was requested to be moved to the next fiscal
year for Living Traditions.
II: Program updates
a. Light Up Locals fund
Ms. Felicia Baca reported that the benchmark goal for reaching 25% of
historically underrepresented communities was reached.The benchmark for
the first emergencyfund was 10%. This is a great improvement. However,we
did see less representation from Districts 1 and 2. Ms. Baca would like to
discuss outreach methodologies to reach these geographic areas.
b. Utah Division of Arts & Museums Individual Artist Funding
Ms. Baca said the emergencyfund was originally going to close on the
16t", but the deadline is extended totoday. 150 applications were received in
the last few hours. The need is still very high due to many cultural facilities
being closed through December. Guidelines were able to include gig workers
in the creative communities, such as stage workers, not justartists.
c. Assistant Director recruitment update (tabled to the end of meeting. Ms.
Baca sent the whole board a text update to guide conversation)
d. Brainstorm Living Traditions 2021
Ms. Kellie Call reported that she received great feedbackfrom local
musicians that received Light Up Locals funding.Some musicians were on the
verge of selling their instruments.This was a success as the first ever
fundraiser with the Arts Council.
The status of Living Traditions is unclear —especially whethera vaccine
happens soon or not. With the priority of health and safety of the public, we
will likely pivot to doing small, community based events.The event happens
in May. An advisory committee will be assembled in December to meet with
community partners to discuss what would be bestfor the community.
Ms. Call would like to invite any feedbackfrom the board, to make an
eventthat would serve the community.
B. Mayor's Office updates
Ms. Baca reported no specific updates.
IV. Budget/Financial Update-Matt Castillo, Treasurer
A. Review of financials and budgets
Mr. Matt Castillo reported no notable changes.
The balance sheet shows Grants Payable as $353,000 and $24,000 in checking
accounts for grants. Grant awards have been entered into our Quickbooks software
— by the next meeting the accounts will balance.
V. Board Updates-Dave Mortensen,Chair
A. Committee report back
Mr. Dave Mortensen shared that last night was the first discussion with the
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) committee meeting.
Ms. Kat Potter talked about why they wanted to form a DEI committee. It's not
just a city and state priority because of relevant events. It has been a focus even
before this year in our strategic plan.
Mr. Mortensen proposed an action to form a DEI committee with Mr. Jonesto
serve as interim chair of committee. The unofficial vote was unanimous to form
Ms. Potter and the nominating committee are looking for two new board
members. If anyone has recommendations, reach out to Kat, Erika, and Leah or visit
city boards page.
Mr. Jones offered to make a short video that showcases what the board has
done with pictures or video. Would like to do it and have it ready for the holidays.
B. PTIF Account Signatories-Kelsey Ellis (Action)
Ms. Ellis reports that PTIF fund is a public account where we could potentially
house some of our funds—the funding stays highly liquid but has higher yield
interest than a regular checking account. Ms. Ellis will work with Mr. Castillo,
Wendy,and Ms. Baca so projections for spending will leave enough money in
checking account for the rest of the year and determine how much to move to PTIF
fund. Required to have a quorum present and vote to add people to account and
management capabilities to make changes to account. Ms. Ellis reads statementfor
creation of account (not movement of funds). Mr. Mortensen is listed on statement,
Ms. Baca and Ms. Ellis are signatories.
Ms. Leah Langan motioned to approve, and Mr. Steve Barth seconded.
VI. Arts Event Discussion
Ms. Kat Potter had a chance to do an online conference with the King's English
with authors on their inspiration and how they get published.
Mr. Mortensen mentioned that UMOCAjust completed renovation on their
lobby and shop. It is a county facility but will not be closed in December.
Ms. Kathy Davis shared that Ballet West will do a virtual Nutcracker. This will be
the first Nutcracker in 75 years that they won't do it live. Ms. Susan Rickman added
that KSL is airing it 3 times.
VII. Public Comment
Mr. Ben Kolendar echoes sentimentsto shop local.
VIII. Other Business/Adjourn
Efren's letter through email
Ms. Baca expressed sadness by the way Mr. Efren Garcia has been made to feel,
in regards to the letter he sent to board members.The team and board have made
strides and Ms. Baca welcomed communication regarding how we can improve.
The Arts Division staff has been verywilling to engage in this process. The city
has an RFP out for an equity consultant. Ms. Baca wants to search for opportunities
to improve where we are in this process.
Mr. Steve Barth didn't see very specific things to address. He thinks the board
shouldn't be involved in the hiring process and there needsto be a solid line
between the board and operations. Ms. Baca added that although there are no
guidelines in the board bylaws regarding hiring processes,she does see Mr. Garcia's
concerns as valid.
Ms. Potter got a sense that an invitation to participate in the hiring process
wasn't taken as seriously as it should have been. Information wasn't communicated
and materials weren'tsent in a timely manner and time offered byvolunteers
should be respected.
Ms. Claire Taylor is glad that we are giving his letter time and consideration. Ms.
Taylor would like to reach out to Efren to clarify his intent, as it was clearly written in
a time of distress. Efren was a valuable memberof the Arts Council.
Ms. Baca will provide with updates as they come.
Mr. Dave Mortensen adjourned the meeting at 6:33 PM