12/04/2023 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY
Minutes of the December 4, 2023 Meeting
Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Craig Buschmann, Greg Sanchez,
Jim Espeland, Jon Larsen, Josh Stewart, and Suzanne Stensaas.
Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Daniel Mendoza,
Dave Alderman, Isaac Astill, John Close, Johnnae Nardone, Julie Bjornstad, and Justice
Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Pat Casey and Steve Wooldridge.
Also present was Matt Gray.
Also Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Heather McLaughlin-Kolb, Becka Roolf,
Martin Cuma, and Julianne Sabula.
The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:03
p.m.by Greg Sanchez.
Welcome and Introduction of Guests — Greg welcomed everyone, there were no
Motion: Danielle Mendoza moved to approve the minutes of the November 6, 2023
meeting. Suzanne Stensaas seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
Public Comment—There were no members of the public.
BAC Monthly Update
Pat Casey, BAC Vice-Chair
Martin said BAC's big discussion was regarding the City Creek closure which will be
covered in a later TAB agenda item. They went over their committee processes similar
to what TAB is going to do today. There was a discussion about Orphan Assets which is
infrastructure that was built but the SLC doesn't have what is needed to maintain it. Jon
told them there is an asset management program which they are trying to work with and
initiate an effort to optimize these orphan assets and ensure someone within the city is
taking care of them. Jon also gave them a Vision Zero update and he asked about a
representative from BAC or TAB on the Vision Zero Task Force. Suzanne asked if there
was anything brought up in their meeting that needed any action or support by TAB.
Martin said he will discuss that within the City Creek agenda item. He said the other
thing on orphan assets was that Transportation asked BAC to write a letter of support.
TAB already wrote a letter of support for this about a year ago. Suzanne asked if it was
more effective to have a joint letter or individual group letters. Becka said she's not sure
if one is more effective than another,but Julie said she feels the more people that write
something, especially if it's unique, it is likely more impactful. Johnnae agreed with
Julie's statement. Greg will verify that the letter was sent to the correct people.
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Johnnae would like TAB to consider a future discussion on sidewalks. She would like to
see sidewalks declared public space and have public entities be responsible for clearing
snow. There was further discussion about specific orphan assets including the leaves
building up in floating bus stops.
Board Process and Roles
Suzanne Stensaas
Suzanne said there are three documents for the Board to review. She believes these
originated from Becka taking a more active role in BAC and TAB and wanting them to be
more uniform. The first document was the TAB Procedures document. Suzanne
explained the intent of the document, and Becka expanded on some important points
within it. The Board then discussed and made changes to this document which will be
placed on the TAB website.
Motion: Greg motioned to accept the TAB Procedures document with the changes
discussed by the Board members. Jim Espeland seconded the motion. The motion
passed unanimously.
The next document being reviewed is the TAB job descriptions. This document includes
a job description for the Board Chair,Vice-Chair, and Committee members. The Board
discussed and made changes to this document,which will also be placed on the TAB
website. Those changes included the Chair and Vice-Chair serving 2-year terms and
having elections in October.
Motion: Jim Espeland made a motion to approve the TAB job descriptions with the
changes that the election is to occur in October, to get rid of the election schema, and to
the modification of the 2-year terms. Craig Buschmann seconded the motion. The
motion passed unanimously.
The last document being reviewed was the Public Welcome Procedure handout to be
given to visiting members of the public. The Board discussed and made changes to the
document including clarifying the time given for a member of the public to speak during
the public Comment section and removing the Board's mission statement. The Board
will review their mission statement at a different time.
Motion: Suzanne made a motion to approve the Public Welcome Procedure handout
with the changes discussed. Josh Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed
Annual Elections
Greg Sanchez
The Board discussed voting for Greg and Suzanne as the Chair and Vice-Chair terms
were changed to two-year terms. Since Josh is a new member and unfamiliar with the
Chair, he asked Greg to introduce himself and tell them about his background.
Motion: Craig made a motion for Greg and Suzanne to retain their Chair and Vice-
Chair positions until October 2024. Suzanne seconded the motion. The motion passed
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City Creek Canyon - Board Action
TAB Members&Martin Cuma, BAC Chair
Martin explained that at the October BAC meeting, Public Utilities talked to them about
a three-year closure of City Creek Canyon for the water treatment plant reconstruction.
What came out of that meeting is that Martin thought it would be a good idea to write a
letter to City leadership about what they felt was a failure of communication between
Public Utilities and TAB and BAC. He felt like they should have talked to both groups
when they started working on that project not a month before the closure. He discussed
this with Transportation and decided it might be a better route to meet with the Mayor
rather than just write a letter. From the standpoint of TAB, the idea is that they would
also have a representative attend this meeting. The idea is to go there with effort to help
the process in the future so a surprise like this doesn't happen again. The Board
discussed the type of closures that will be happening at City Creek and Dave said there
was a lot of local outreach for this project. BAC would like to push for improved
communication in the future, a lot of this raised tension could have been avoided if
they'd come to BAC and TAB sooner. Dave volunteered to attend a meeting if one was
made as he represents the Council District where the closure is happening.
Motion: Suzanne motioned that BAC proceed in an expeditious way to get a meeting
with Public Utilities or the Mayor's Office as they see fit. If that doesn't occur, they will
write a letter to the appropriate people stressing the issues of communication with the
City's standing Boards/Committees. Greg seconded the motion. The motion passed
Report Out — By Members
Due to time constraints, this agenda item will be moved to the next meeting.
Motion: Jim Espeland motioned to adjourn the meeting; Craig Buschmann seconded
the motion. The motion passed unanimously.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board will be a
joint TAB/BAC meeting and is scheduled for January 8, 2023 at 4:30 p.m.
TAB WebEx Meeting Chat
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:io PM
I am not sure if one is more effective than the other
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:io PM
two letters is probably easier and allows you to express your separate
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:ii PM
we generally hope that TAB will represent all modes of transportation
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:12 PM
Has any action resulted from your last letter?
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:12 PM
To whom did you write it?
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from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:13 PM
did you hear anything back, officially?
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:17 PM
ADA's new guidance might say something about sidewalks. I haven't looked
at that.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:18 PM
Engineering constructs routine sidewalks, sometimes without our needing
to give much guidance.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:18 PM
However, many sidewalks, Transportation is involved with.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:19 PM
some states require municipalities to clear sidewalks
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:21 PM
As a way to take on sidewalks incrementally, some communities focus on
school walking routes.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:22 PM
Is that in Salt Lake City, Suzanne?
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:24 PM
These were developed along with the committees a few years ago (2017?)
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:33 PM
and for us, we will try to make to put things on the agenda when we really
want your input!
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:33 PM
Policy, or design standards -- less on individual project design.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:34 PM
It may mean that a topic takes multiple meetings to work through. We've
had a lot of one-offs.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:38 PM
I think the 5) next to Adjourn might be an error (possibly volunteered by
Microsoft Office)
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:39 PM
I like the idea of listing the report-out (optional) with some examples of
what is helpful to share.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:40 PM
REPORT OUT (optional). Each committee member shares items that are
happening in their area that are relevant to transportation and this
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committee's area of expertise. These comments should be brief and big
from Roolf, Becka (privately): 4:43 PM
Amy, also please no 5 after report-out.
from Roolf, Becka (privately): 4:44 PM
we can delete the green elections flow chart.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:46 PM
BAC has tended to do them in February
from Justice Morath to everyone: 4:46 PM
2 sounds good
from Justice Morath to everyone: 4:52 PM
Small note about Vice Chair. For consistency either add the "elections to
occur in October" bullet point or remove it from Chair
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 4:59 PM
That should be re-written.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:0o PM
You may speak on any topic. However, if you are attending to speak to an
item that is on the agenda, the Public Comment is the opportunity to
express your opinion. When agenda items are discussed, comments may be
limited to board members.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:01 PM
Items that are not on the agenda may be addressed by staff in the meeting
from Justice Morath to everyone: 5:oi PM
If this is a public facing document, we need to explain how to access and
submit contact info via WebEx also
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:02 PM
There's not always time (you're currently 17 minutes over)...
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:07 PM
Thank you for that discussion and paying attention to good process. much
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:09 PM
io months to October 2024? or "a year" to next December?
from Justice Morath to everyone: 5:10 PM
seems like it would be til October only
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:11 PM
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the motion was for a year
from Justice Morath to everyone: 5:i8 PM
I think people are going to cross anyway, if the trails are cut in half
from Sabula, Julianne to everyone: 5:28 PM
Chris Wharton
from Justice Morath to everyone: 5:33 PM
As long as the meeting is focused on building better procedures in the
future, I support it. I don't think the mayor will find value in us just
complaining more about this project
from Justice Morath to everyone: 5:35 PM
Frame it how we help them not get backlash from the public at the iith hour
from Sabula, Julianne to everyone: 5:38 PM
I will offer that I worked for the City for years before I knew that there was
a Business Advisory Board (when they asked me to come present to them).
One thing the Mayor's Office may benefit from hearing is that we, as staff,
could all be made more aware of these important resources.
from Roolf, Becka to everyone: 5:44 PM
Thank you, everyone.
Approved by Transportation Advisory Board 02-05-24.
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