02/05/2024 - Meeting Minutes MINUTES
Monday, February 5, 2024
1. Board Members Board Members Not Present
Jenny Bonk, Chair Mia Cask
Brad Christensen, Vice-Chair
Jake Skog
Heidi Steed
Devon Schechinger
Teresa Gregori
Andrea Schaefer
Joseph Murphy
Staff Present
Bret Montgomery, Rachel Molinari, Mike Atkinson, Jordan Smith, Aaron Price, and
Mary Beth Thompson—Department of Finance
Ben Luedtke, Salt Lake City Council Staff
Marti Woolford and Elizabeth Buehler—Information Management Services (IMS)
2. Staff Updates
There were no staff updates.
3. Business
A. Welcome & Introductions
Mrs. Molinari welcomed the CDCIP Board members and City staff then opened the meeting on
February 5, 2024, at 5:05 p.m. The staff offered individual introductions. Ms. Bonk then started
the introduction of the CDCIP Board, and each member introduced themselves.
Mrs. Molinari stated that because there are currently nine Board members, that five people are
required to attend the meeting to make up a quorum. She added that virtual attendance on Zoom
could be used as a back-up for those members that cannot attend in-person.
B. CDCIP Board Role & CIP Process Overview
Mrs. Molinari shared a presentation outlining the Board's role and responsibilities, CIP timeline,
Capital Asset Planning (CAP) overview, and a summary of the Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CIP
applications. Mrs. Molinari placed an emphasis on the CDCIP Board responsibility to assure that
the community development grant and capital improvement program goals are consistent with
the strategic plans and goals of the city.
The presentation slides are attached.
Mrs. Molinari provided an explanation of the newly formed CAP Committee. She stated that
their role is to work together to score and rank each of the submitted internal applications.
Ms. Schaefer asked a clarifying question about the new CAP Committee and its role regarding
internal and constituent applications. Mrs. Molinari explained that the Committee's role was to
review internal applications only and to work together to rank the submissions to help the Board
in the decision-making process. She stated that in the past, Departments and Divisions would
submit separate project priority lists which made it difficult for the Board to understand the
City's collaborative goals. Mr. Atkinson added that the CAP Committee is comprised of City
Department and Division Directors or Deputy Directors to ensure a diverse mix of opinions and
experiences and to achieve good buy-in of the process. He said that a complete ranking of the
internal applications and a narrative of the process would be presented to the Board.
C. Summary Application Review
Mrs. Molinari provided a summary breakdown of all the CIP applications.
Mr. Skog asked for clarification on the difference between an Engineering project versus a
Transportation project. Mrs. Molinari explained that road-related projects often start within the
Transportation Division and the Engineering Division would become involved later in the
process when construction started. Mr. Atkinson added that there is a difference between a street
reconstruction and an overlay, and that Engineering would be involved in both.
While presenting the remaining meeting schedule and going over the homework responsibilities
of the Board, Mrs. Molinari explained that all constituent applications could be found within
ZoomGrants and the Dropbox folder that would be shared with the Board. She said that
questions could be submitted via ZoomGrants or through e-mail and added that all questions
should be submitted by 10 a.m. on the day of the meeting to ensure there is time to prepare a
Mrs. Molinari said that a map showing each CIP project would be shared with the Board at a
later date.
Ms. Schaefer asked if the internal submission files would be located in ZoomGrants or Dropbox.
Mrs. Molinari said that all internal applications and supporting material would be within the
Dropbox folder. Ms. Schaefer then asked how the Board would complete the scoring for all
projects. Mrs. Molinari stated that the Board will utilize Excel for all scoring and that her team
has developed a great tool and matrix to complete the process and show the data.
Mr. Murphy asked about the different funding sources and corresponding funding caps. Mrs.
Molinari explained that the Finance Department has a rough estimate of the available funding for
CIP and that the budget would be finalized near the end of the CIP process. Mr. Murphy then
asked if there were separate funding sources for constituent and internal applications. Mrs.
Molinari explained that all applications compete for the same funding. She stated that some
projects could be eligible for different funding sources (General Fund, Funding Our Future,
Impact Fees, Quarter Cent, and Class C funds)within the overall CIP budget.
Mrs. Schaefer requested the list of different funding sources be provided to the Board. She asked
if there was a minimum or maximum amount of funding that could be requested. Mrs. Molinari
replied that she would send out the list at the conclusion of the meeting and that $50,000 was the
minimum funding required for all CIP projects.
Mr. Murphy asked if funding was limited to the current fiscal year for each project. Mr. Atkinson
explained that most projects take over a year to complete, but an attempt is made to complete all
projects within three years. Mrs. Molinari added that sometimes projects request funding in a
phased approach over multiple years. Ms. Gregori asked for clarification. Mr. Atkinson said the
funding was for multiple fiscal years and the allocated funding would carry on for the life of the
Mr. Christensen asked if the City had maps available showing various data(speed bumps, traffic
calming measures, or City parks). He stated that having this information would be helpful when
determining a project's prioritization. Mrs. Molinari said she would work with Department and
Division staff to see what was available to share with the Board.
Mrs. Schaefer requested that any document that would be reviewed in a meeting be shared with
the Board before the meeting so that they have a chance to review and come prepared with
questions. Mrs. Molinari confirmed that this could be done and that the team would do their best
to supply all the information to the Board.
Mr. Murphy asked for an overview of what the average Monday night meeting would be like.
Mrs. Molinari explained that the Board would review a set number of applications each week.
She said a spreadsheet would be shared and the group would go row by row for each project. She
explained that if the Board did not have any questions, the constituents would have
approximately two minutes to speak about their application.
Mr. Murphy questioned if constituent application details had been vetted by the appropriate City
Department or Division and if they were submitted as a joint City-backed application. Mrs.
Molinari responded that constituents have worked closely with City staff to iron out all project
details, scope, and cost estimates and clarified that it is not considered a joint application, it
remains the constituent's original idea or plan. She added that internal staff have made sure that
the project is feasible.
4. Approval of the Minutes
There were no minutes to approve.
5. Approval of Bylaws
Mr. Murphy made a motion to approve the updated language in the Bylaws. Mr. Skog
seconded the motion. Upon roll call the bylaws were approved.
6. Adiournment
There being no further business. Mrs. Schaefer made a motion to adjourn. Mr. Skog
seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 5:42 p.m.
Jenny Bonk(Feb 20,202417:04 MST)
CDCIP Board Chair
This document along with the digital recording constitute the official minutes of the
CDCIP Board meeting held February 5, 2024.
Community —
Development & Capital
Improvement Program
Advisory Board
FY2024-25 CIP
Welcome Meeting
February 5, 2024
❑ Welcome Board Chair
❑ Introductions All
❑ CDCIP Board Role & CIP Process Overview CAP Team
❑ Summary Application Review CAP Team
❑Approve CDCIP Minutes Board
❑Approve Updated Bylaws Board
2.33.040: PURPOSE:
The purpose of the board is to provide citizens with an ample opportunity to
participate, in an advisory role, in the city's planning, assessment and allocation
of its community development grants and capital improvement programs.
Although board members serve in an advisory role only, their involvement is
necessary in obtaining the opinions of persons who live and/or work in various
neighborhoods to aid the city in identifying the needs within those areas and the
programs and projects to be completed as part of the city's community
development and capital improvement programs. (Ord. 67-13, 2013)
The board shall have the following responsibilities:
A. To serve solely in an advisory role on decisions relating to the city's community development grants and capital
improvement programs;
B. To coordinate with the housing stability division of the city on review and evaluation of current strategic plans,
goals and policies of the community development and capital improvement programs;
C. To review all eligible annual project proposals submitted by various individuals, neighborhood groups,
community organizations and city departments, and make recommendations to the mayor on such request for funds;
D. To discuss program and project monitoring information prepared by the city to ensure that the projects are
implemented as planned;
E. To assure that the community development grants and capital improvement program goals are consistent with
the strategic plans and goals of the city;
F. To evaluate the overall effectiveness of the community development and capital improvement program
G. To be responsible for establishing and maintaining communications with the Salt Lake City community councils.
(Ord. 21-22, 2022: Ord. 67-13, 2013)
FUNDING ✓///SMS05-1/////Jk -
PROCESS Board reviews and Mayorreviewsand Creation of Mayor's City Council approves Applications due at
recommends Recommended City Council reviews and allocates funds for projects proect-specific budgets the end of the
recommends projects projects Budget g month
Requests due a
monthth t Constituents work with a City Division
the end on their Constituent Request
CITY City Divisi.s City Divisions
DIVISIONSDesign and construction work for approved and active projects City Divisions work with Constituents
on the Constituent Request
• Established in 2023 to evaluate Salt Lake City department CIP proposals and
make recommendations to the CDCIP Board and aid in the creation of SLC's 10-
Year Capital Asset Plan
• Aligning with the Mayor's goal of One City, committee members represent
major departments and/or divisions in Salt Lake City government
• Directors or deputy directors from: Finance, Engineering, Transportation,
Public Services, Community & Neighborhoods, Parks & Public Lands, Police,
Fire, Equity & Inclusion, Community Outreach, Information Management
Services, Public Utilities, City Attorney, Redevelopment Agency, Economic
Development, and Sustainability
• The CAP Committee reviewed, scored, and ranked a total of 32 department
FY24-25 Constituent Applications
Requested Requested Funding
Engineering 6 $1,335,000
Art focused 3 $650,000
Public Lands 21 $7,790,496
Transportation 11 $8,521,000
TOTAL 41 $18,296,496
Council District
6 6 ■Engineering ■Art focused
4 ■Public Lands Transportation
1 A 0 9 1
ti ti 3 5 (0
FY24-25 Internal Applications 0
Dept/Div #of Projects Requested Funding
Econ Dev/Arts 1 $500,000 Requested Funding
Engineering 6 $17,750,000
Fire 2 $2,269,100
Police 3 $300,000*
Public Lands 8 $27,891,700*
Public Services 5 $7,732,800
Transportation 7 $15,500,000
TOTAL 32 $72,343,600
Council District ■Econ Dev/Arts Council■Engineering
■Fire ■Police
■Public Lands ■Public Services
s .0 *$300,000 for Police does not include funding for Training Center
*$27,891,700 includes$10M for Green Loop(combined Dept efforts)
• /847
Monday, February 121h Constituent Transportation/Art Applications
Monday, February 261h Constituent Engineering/Public Lands (First Half) Applications
Monday March 4th Constituent Public Lands Applications (Remaining half)
Monday March 11th Internal Applications
Monday March 18th Internal Applications
Monday March 25th Internal Applications
Monday April 1st Funding Meeting
Minutes 02.05.2024
Final Audit Report 2024-02-21
Created: 2024-02-13
By: Rachel Molinari(rachel.molinari@slcgov.com)
Status: Signed
Transaction ID: CBJCHBCAABAAILhjbiYFmeJ9gW7C1Ez_mhkte53gTru4
"Minutes 02.05.2024" History
Document created by Rachel Molinari (rachel.molinari@slcgov.com)
2024-02-13-4:14:00 PM GMT
Document emailed to Jenny Bonk Qpbonk@gmail.com)for signature
2024-02-13-4:14:50 PM GMT
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2024-02-21 -0:03:17 AM GMT
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6o Document e-signed by Jenny Bonk Qpbonk@gmail.com)
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2024-02-21 -0:04:17 AM GMT
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