01/17/2024 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE
In attendance:
Sarah Longoria
Susan Rickman
Caitlyn Tursic
Lana Taylor
Torlee Nenbee
Thomas Kessinger
Jeff Driggs
Kathy Davis
Richard Taylor
Matthew Coles
Cale Newhouse
Kate Jarmin-Gates
Travis English
Sabrina Martinez
Katherine Potter
Salt Lake City Staff:
Susan Campbell
Taylor Knuth
Felicia Baca
Sylvia Davis
January 17, 2024
5:30—7:00 P.M.
*This meeting will occur in-person. Remote option for the public or those unable to attend in person.
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8698382976o?pwd=S3dxZDhPYlIVUCt5SHBONW VIeVNPZzog
Passcode: 435026
I. Call to Order and Welcome Guests
Ms. Rickman calls the meeting to order and welcomes our new Board member Travis English.
II.Arts Event Discussion
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Rickman invites the Board to share their experiences in the arts this past month.
Ms. Davis took her grandson to the Nutcracker by Ballet West and Elephant and Piggie by the Salt Lake Acting
Company. She also saw a play called Radiant Vermin and Six.
Ms. Rickman attended the Nutcracker and Six.
Ms.Taylor saw Six.
Ms.Jarmin-Gates Art and Family activity night and the Neighborhood House.
Ms. Baca attended an exhibition called Luna Luna and an multisensory experience by the lead singer of Sigur
Ros in Los Angeles
Mr. Driggs attended JQA at Midnight.
Mr. Knuth attended his niece's recital.
III.Approve Board Meeting Minutes — December 2023 (Action)
Ms. Baca asks to clarify attendance from last meeting. Ms. Jarmin-Gates was added to the excused list. Ms.
Davis was not in attendance.
Ms.Taylor asks to clarify her vote on the minutes from the previous meeting to abstaining.
Ms.Jarmin Gates moved to approve the minutes? [couldn't hear who made this motion]
Ms.Taylor seconded.
All in favor.
IV. Management
A. Program/Administrative Updates
i. Bloomberg Public Art Challenge Grant Updates
Ms. Baca provides an overview of the upcoming Bloomberg Public Art Challenge Grant. Budget amendment
has been approved for the intake of funds from the City. Contract discussions are underway. Ms. Baca states
that they are working with consultants for listening sessions,national artist acquisition, as well as marketing
and communications efforts related to the challenge grant. Finally,the council has begun its internal kick off
Ms.Nenbee asks about the next steps.
Ms. Baca responds that they are beginning to design the local artist applications. In addition,Andrew Shaw has
been appointed as the project management lead for the challenge grant and has begun contacting the
organizations that provided letters of support.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Baca explains that the process to accept the funding is still in progress.
Ms.Tursic asks about an expected timeline for receipt of the funds.
Mr. Knuth confirms that funding should be received by the end of March.
Ms. Baca explains as of now there is enough funding to get the project work done,bu re is ding need
for a budget amendment depending on when the funding is received.
ii. Fy24 Foundation Budget Amendment
Ms. Baca states that the Board should expect a budget amendment at tb ruary board meeting.
iii. Other
Ms. Baca states that the State of the City address will take place on 1/30/24 at 7:00 pm.Viewers are invited to
watch online.
On a related note the City rolled out a new employee health and wellness benefit called a lifestyle spending
account that includes a host of activities. From daycare for parents to museum memberships. Each employee
gets $50o a year to spend.The Arts Council appreciates Human Resources support of the arts through this new
Ms. Baca explains that the Council is in need of additional sponsors for Living Traditions. Several funders of
years past have dropped and we need additional funding.
Mr Coles asks about which funders have dropped off.Ms. Baca explains that one high level sponsor has been
difficult to contact and that several other funders and that due to staffing shifts at other organizations the
Council may not receive the same level of sponsorship.
Mr. English asks about whether a list of current fWders exists.Ms. Baca replies that she will circulate a list that
of sponsors that have committed for this year.
Mr. Driggs asks about total attendance of the festival. Mr. Knuth explains that its approximately 35,000.
Ms. Baca invites Mr.Newhouse to share a few words about his departure.Mr.Newhouse congratulates the
Board on the Bloomberg grant. He explains that it's much too cold in New York but he might share public
comment in the future.
V. Budget/Financial
A. Review o nancials—Caitlin Tursic
Ms.Tursic than Mr.Newhouse for his service.
Ms.Tursic provides an overview of the financials.Total assets down approximately$22,00o a portion of which
was for arts grants and another portion for the purchase of software.
Financial documentation was updated to make it more usable.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
VI. Board
A. City Arts Project Support Grants (Action)
Ms. Nielsen provides an overview of the Project Support grant applications:
• Received 58 eligible requests totaling $310,718,we are recommending 23 awards totaling $75,3
• 12 applicants were brand new to the City Grants Program with 4 recommended for funding.
• 22 applicants self-identified as a BIPOC artist or BIPOC led organization/collective and 6 are
recommended for funding.
• Eight organizations are receiving funding for arts learning enhancement equal to 10-15% of their
project support award;
• Eight projects will take place in districts 1 or 2.
•Applicants are scored on areas of Program Goals,Artistic Vibrancy,Value to the Community,
Inclusive Practices, and Fiscal Responsibility.
Ms.Taylor asks what makes an applicant eligible.
Ms. Campbell explains that the eligibility requirements are contained in the gaidelines such as location of
project outside of the City, or choosing a performance out of the required date range.
Mr. Knuth explains that eligibility review is conducted by himself as well as Ms. Campbell and when necessary
Ms. Baca.
Ms.Nenbee made the motion.
Ms.Jarmin-Gates seconded.
Motion passes unanimously.
Mr. Knuth expresses his t1anks for&Grants Committee as well as Ms. Campbell for her professionalism.
B. Board Evaluati�
Ms. Rickman reintroduces the Board Evaluation that the Board adopted last year in accordance with the
Strategic Plan.
Ms. Baca requests that all Board members complete the questionnaire to aid in our Board training.
C. February Meeting-DEI Training Kilo Zamora
The February meeting will be held earlier in the day to facilitate DEI training.
Mr. Zamora has been holding board and staff interviews in advance of the training. He will share the report
with the Board in February.
D. Board Membership
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.
Ms. Martinez introduces herself. She was born in California but proudly identifies as a Utahn. She is a social
worker and works at the VA hospital. She highlights that the Utah Arts Festival is her favorite arts festival in
the world. She is looking forward to continue to volunteer her time and refocus on the arts.
Ms. Baca expresses her thanks for Ms.Martinez's help as a member of the public on the Grants Committee
prior to her joining the Board.
Mr. English introduces himself. He has lived in Salt Lake City for approximately 2 years and in Ut or 15
years. He previously served in public and private arts in Park City. He has prev�us experience with grants
and is excited to learn more about arts in Salt Lake.
Mr. Coles welcomes the new members of the Board. "The Board is bolstered."
Ms. Baca announces that Mr. Hamilton has resigned from the Board and thanks him for his service.
The Council will announce a new part-time marketing position in the near future.
VII. Public Comment
No public comment.
Ms.Tursic makes the motion to adjourn.
Ms.Nenbee seconds.
Ms. Rickman calls the meeting to a close.
MISSION: To promote,present and support artists and arts organizations in order to facilitate the development of the
arts and expand awareness, access, and engagement.