02/05/2024 - Meeting Minutes Page 1 of 5 TAB 02-05-2024 Minutes SALT LAKE CITY TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD Minutes of the February 5, 2024 Meeting Present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Craig Buschmann, Daniel Mendoza, Dave Alderman, Greg Sanchez, Jon Larsen, Josh Stewart, and Steve Wooldridge. Electronically present from the Transportation Advisory Board were Craig Buschmann, John Close, Julie Bjornstad, Justice Morath, and Matt Gray. Absent from the Transportation Advisory Board were Isaac Astill, Jim Espeland, Johnnae Nardone, and Suzanne Stensaas. Present were Julianne Sabula and Mary Sizemore. Electronically present were Amy Lyons, Heather McLaughlin-Kolb, Martin Cuma, and Becka Roolf. The meeting was held both electronically and in person and was called to order at 4:04 p.m. by Greg Sanchez. Welcome and Introduction of Guests – Greg welcomed everyone, there were no guests. Motion: Dave Alderman moved to approve the minutes of the December 4, 2023 meeting. Craig Buschmann seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Motion: Dave Alderman moved to approve the minutes of the January 8, 2024 joint TAB/BAC meeting. Craig Buschmann seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment – There were no members of the public. Capital Improvement Program – FY25 Funding Requests Greg said the action from this discussion is a letter of support, including input on the Board’s relative priorities. Becka shared and reviewed the priority order from a CIP survey she sent out to both TAB and BAC. Livable Streets was the #1 choice for TAB, BAC, and Transportation. They looked at the results from the constituent CIP applications and what those rankings were. Becka explained the City’s role in the citizen CIP applications and what help they give to the constituents. She showed the survey results from the combined City/constituent CIP list. They discussed the applications and the survey results and Becka discussed the next steps. She asked if the Board would like to take action on these lists in terms of communicating with the Mayor, City Council, etc. Greg said if they write a letter, he thinks it would be in line with supporting funding programs that are listed, or they could call out specific projects. Josh suggested they write a letter of support and share their rankings of the projects. Page 2 of 5 TAB 02-05-2024 Minutes Motion: Greg moved to draft a letter of support and send it out to the TAB members for review and comments and then send this to the Mayor, the CIP Board, and the City Council. Josh Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Project Initiation Process and Complete Streets Checklist Becka said that attached to the agenda was a Complete Streets checklist SLC Transportation created a few years ago. It was pretty much mirrored after the Seattle Complete Streets checklist which has been held as being one of the best in the country. At the time, the Seattle complete streets checklist was a total of 19 pages, SLC tried to distill that down to make it shorter and easier to use. It looks at everything from master plans, safety data, traffic counts, width of the street, to other potential partners to involve in the projects to use as part of a project initiation process within the Transportation Division. She put this on the agenda to see what TAB thinks of it and if they should continue forward with a process somewhat like this, or if there are other things they think should be included in the projects. She thinks this is a good start and Transportation is likely to put together another run at the project initiation process, so it seemed like a good time to check in and move into a revised process. Heather said she’s pretty far along in creating the draft form and would love to get any input. She said the form is a little bit more than a Complete Streets form now. Dave said in reviewing the document, he doesn’t see what could be added. Becka shared the fill-in document and there was some discussion about who fills the form out. Heather said the version she’s created is an online form that staff will fill out. Craig asked how this data is used and whether it triggers some sort of further study or processes or if it’s just being collected for later analysis. Becka said the way it had been envisioned was that it would inform the project managers understanding of the project as they worked towards design and was more for construction projects and not as much for studies. Heather said it’s primarily for the planning team and is a preparation tool to organize information prior to project kick off and to just make sure they’re thinking of all the various elements. It can also be updated as they go and used as a documentation tool. There was further discussion of what this document can do and how it can document a project. Greg said they’re excited to see this implemented and hope in the future they can get an update on how it’s going. TAB Mission – Initial Discussion Becka said this topic is on the agenda partly because Suzanne asked for it. Motion: Julie made a motion to table this topic until Suzanne can be present. Daniel seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Report Out TAB Members Justice had a question about the new TOUCAN signal at 1300 West and 600 North. He found it interesting that while he was in a Lyft, the Lyft mapping program still says you can turn left there even though you can’t if you’re going south. It’s outdated and he wants to know if the city has a way to contact Google maps and the big map applications to fix those things? He knows individuals can, but they never really get anywhere. Becka said she regularly sends Google suggestions that do get in most of the time and there is a way to bulk upload, but SLC has not pursued that. Google has more formal ways of accepting content now and she thinks they’ve been doing some updates. Steve Page 3 of 5 TAB 02-05-2024 Minutes said he hopes there are some kind of security procedures so people can’t just e-mail them and mess up the map data because that would be a huge problem. Justice said there was a problem with the directions at a place he lived before, and they wouldn’t change it, so he wondered if there was a way for municipalities to make sure it gets changed properly. He also said that when the TOUCAN was first being put in, the Community Council in his area wasn’t happy, but he thinks they are getting used to it and he’s glad to see it up and running. Steve said if anyone does see traffic signals that aren’t working properly, they can call SLCPD at 801-799-3000 and dispatchers will forward it to the appropriate agency. Julie asked if there was still an ordinance saying you have 24 hours to clear your sidewalks after a snowstorm and how to report that, especially in walkable neighborhoods. Dave said she could use the mobile app to report it. Jon said that might be a future agenda item worth discussing and talked about what other cities do. Julie wanted to thank SLC once again for the 9-Line trail. She said it’s being used; she sees it every day and it proves citizens want wider sidewalks. Daniel said a team comprised of HEAL Utah, the Westside Coalition, researchers at the U of U, researchers at Utah State, and Becka have been very helpful. They are working on a grant to add green infrastructure on the 9-Line as well as trying to improve the bus stops along the #9 and the #1 bus stops as well as working with the Day Riverside Library and the Sorenson Unity Center to create an environmental refuge. He said it’s kind of a cooling center as well as a place to go when there is poor air quality. They have asked for additional shading, a roof structure for their community gardens, and replacement of some of the old dying trees. The whole idea is to encourage active transportation to community gathering spaces. They are also working with the Sorenson Impact Center to look at improving homes, it’s all just environmental resilience. Daniel also said on the 200 South corridor, the bus lane is progressively used as a passing lane for cars, and he’s almost gotten hit. He asked if there is anything that can be done because part of it is that there are always piles of leaves or snow in the bike lane, so bikes must straddle the line. He also said he now lives on a private street where people are parking on the sidewalk which makes everything really narrow. He’s trying to figure out what to do because people are parking all over the street. Jon said if it’s a private street, it’s tricky because the City doesn’t maintain them. Daniel asked who they can report this to because the snowplows and garbage trucks can’t get in. Steve said if it’s a private street, SLCPD doesn’t do traffic enforcement unless it’s a criminal act and that Compliance is also unable to enforce there. He said it’s kind of like a giant driveway and they don’t have the authority. Jon said they can have an offline conversation about this, but if it is the property of an HOA, they are able to tow vehicles. Jon said 200 South is only halfway built so they don’t have the operating plan fully up to speed yet but Daniel’s feedback is good, and they’ll dig into this. He said it’s part of the orphan assets that they’re working on figuring out. Julianne said once they have the furnishings and signage on the bus stops, she’s hoping that will help. Steve explained how anything that narrows down motor vehicle traffic also narrows down the ability for law enforcement to do their job there. Page 4 of 5 TAB 02-05-2024 Minutes Dave said he has a big issue in his area of South Temple that got restriped. He doesn’t know if they’ve done any kind of study on the traffic backups there and now, he knows that enforcement may be an issue. Jon said they put up video to record South Temple for two days and it’s not as bad as some people say. The determination was that the congestion was no worse than you would expect for a downtown adjacent street. Dave said he’s driven there to see how backed up it is and it’s not really been that bad. Jon said they talked about extending the bike lanes all the way to State Street as they would be more useful. He said they are looking at potentially moving the dual left turns from South Temple to 100 South. Josh said his Community Council is thinking about a new school, Rowland Hall School and how they access Sunnyside there as well as how that changes the dynamics there along with the traffic from the baseball field. He said that’s just on their radar along with schools closing and other schools taking on more students and having more traffic. Julie mentioned several intersections that were important to look at with the school closures and where crossing guards were. Steve said when the day shift motors are not otherwise engaged, they will go out and intentionally do some enforcement in school zones. Jon said the school zones and crossing guard locations will be updated by August. Steve said traffic issues can be e-mailed to SLCPD. Motion: Dave Alderman motioned to adjourn the meeting; Josh Stewart seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 5:33 p.m. and the next meeting of the Board was scheduled for March 4, 2024. TAB WebEx Meeting Chat Mclaughlin-kolb, Heather 2/5/2024 5:00 PM • I just looked this up on Google Maps and Waze. One moment and I'll provide links. https://support.google.com/maps/answer/10271004?hl=en&ref_topic=3093612&sjid= 2684110115714075074-NC https://support.google.com/waze/answer/13739290?hl=en&ref_topic=14098147 https://support.google.com/waze/partners/answer/10618477?hl=en Roolf, Becka 2/5/2024 5:05 PM • In some locations entire states require cities and towns to plow sidewalks. Roolf, Becka 2/5/2024 5:06 PM • In Vermont small towns that just have a short section of sidewalk send someone from the roads crew out to hand shovel it. It's not worth it to buy a plow when the entire town only has 500' of sidewalks. Roolf, Becka 2/5/2024 5:08 PM • I've been particularly persistent in reporting BUSINESSES that don't clear. In particular a gas station that with a well-used bus stop in front of it. Lyons, Amy 2/5/2024 5:29 PM • SLCPD Motor <SLCPDMotor@slcgov.com> Approved by Transportation Advisory Board 03-04-24. Page 5 of 5 TAB 02-05-2024 Minutes