03/05/2024 - Meeting Materials SALT LAKE CITY ERIN MENDENHALL Mayor DEPARTMENT OF SUSTAINABILITY Food Equity Program FOOD EQUITY MICROGRANT SELECTION COMMITTEE MEETING MEETING INFORMATION Tuesday, March 51, 2024 2:30-4:00 pm The Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee Meeting will be held as a hybrid meeting, with in-person and virtual options to attend. To attend the meeting in person, visit: 451 S State Street, RDA Conference Room#118, Salt Lake City, Utah, 84111 To enter the building during construction,use the ADA entrance to the south of the main staircase (across the street from the library). Please allow time to check in at the security desk before the meeting. The conference room is located on the first floor by the cafe at the north end of the building. To attend the meeting virtually, visit: hitps://saltlakecity.webex.com/saltlakeci /j.php?MTID=m6l9c8396ad2b5d32Oa76920f374500ff Webinar number: 2493 408 7024 Webinar password: foodgrants24 (36634726 from phones and video systems) Join by video system: Dial 24934087024(c�r�,webex.com I You can also dial and enter your webinar number. Join by phone: +1-408-418-9388 United States Toll, Access code: 2493 408 7024 AGENDA 1. Welcome &Roll Call(10 minutes) 2. Open&Public Meetings Act(OPMA) Training (10 minutes) 3. Committee by-laws review & adoption (10 minutes) 4. Overview of Food Equity Microgrant Program(30 minutes) 5. Review of scoring process &rubric (20 minutes) 6. Next steps &timeline (10 minutes) 7. Adjourn The City& County Building is an accessible facility. People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodation, which may include alternate formats, interpreters, and other auxiliary aids and services. Please make requests at least two business days in advance. To make a request,please contact the Food Equity Microgrant program staff at inaria.schuar.:L&slcgov.com or monica.oinalley y'slcgov.com, 801-535-7258, or relay service 711. Food Equi Mitycrogrants — Selection Committee Orientation = March 5, 2024 Agenda 1 . Welcome and roll call 2. Open & Public Meetings Act (OPMA) Training 3. Committee by-laws review & adoption 4. Overview of Food Equity Microgrant Program 5. Review of scoring process & rubric 6. Next steps & timeline 7. Adjourn • Name Introductions • Pronouns • Connection • Favorite food in SLC Open & Public Meetings Act (OPMA) • Draft of Committee By-Laws Committee By= Laws • Review Review : • Questions or concerns • • • • Vote to adopt Salt Lake City Department of Sustainability Food Equity Microgrant Program Selection Committee Bylaws Organization 1. Orientation: All new Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee members are required to have an orientation meeting with Sustainability staff before reviewing grant applications. 2. Required Training: Sustainability staff shall schedule a training for Selection Committee members on compliance with the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act (OPMA). 3. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair: The Sustainability Department Director or Representative shall designate a Chair and Vice Chair who will be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Committee. Should the Chair resign from the Committee, the Vice Chair shall serve in the interim until a new Chair and Vice Chair is selected. 4. Duties of the Chair: The Chair is to preside at Selection Committee meetings and shall provide general direction for the meetings. In addition to being the presiding member, the Chair shall have the following duties: a. To call the meeting to order on the day and the hour scheduled and proceed with the order of business in accordance with the posted agenda. The Chair shall announce each item of business in the agenda, in the order in which it is to be acted upon. Upon the completion of consideration of all agenda items, the Chair shall adjourn the meeting. b. To put to vote all questions which are presented by Selection Committee members that require Selection Committee vote. c. To move the agenda along, maintain order, set guidelines for public input, if permitted, and reference handouts and procedures during Selection Committee meetings. d. To recognize speakers prior to receiving comments and presentations. 5. Duties of the Vice Chair: During the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall have and perform all the duties and functions of the Chair. Should the Chair resign from the Selection Committee, the Vice Chair shall serve as Chair until elections are held at the next available meeting. 6. Secretary: A Sustainability staff member shall serve as Secretary of the Selection Committee. 7. Secretary's Duties relating to the Selection Committee: a. To post public notices of Selection Committee meetings in accordance with the noticing requirements of OPMA. b. To attend every meeting of the Selection Committee, to take and record the roll, and to advise the Selection Committee of any administrative updates related to the meetings. c. To keep the minutes of the Selection Committee meetings and to record them in accordance with state law. d. To keep and maintain a permanent record of all documents and papers pertaining to the Selection Committee meetings in accordance with state law. e. To ensure Selection Committee members receive materials pertinent to Selection Committee meetings at least four (4) business days prior to such scheduled meetings. Rights and Duties of Selection Committee Members 1. Membership: The Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee shall be made up of a total of at least five (5) members. The committee shall include at least one member from the following groups: (1) member from the Sustainability Department, one (1) member from the Mayor's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, one (1) member from the Salt Lake City Food Policy Council, and one (1) member who has participated in either the Resident Food Equity Advisors Program or a past year of the Food Equity Microgrant Program. Additional members may come from relevant community-based organizations, City departments, boards or commissions, or interested and knowledgeable individual residents and community representatives identified by the Department. 2. Meeting Attendance: Every member of the Selection Committee shall make an effort to attend each Selection Committee meeting either in person or virtually (if available), unless unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances. Any member desiring to be excused from the Selection Committee shall notify the Secretary. The Secretary shall inform the Chair and the Vice Chair of the resignation. a. If a Selection Committee member misses three (3) consecutive Selection Committee meetings, the Chair shall confer with the member regarding the ability, interest, and commitment of the member to continue membership on the Selection Committee. b. If the Selection Committee member continues to miss meetings, the Chair shall bring the matter to Sustainability staff and the Sustainability Director. The Chair and the Sustainability Director shall decide whether the Selection Committee member shall be removed. 3. Conflict of Interest: No member of the Selection Committee shall participate in or be present in the determination of any grant application or any other matter in which that member has any conflict of interest prohibited by Chapter 2.44 of the Salt Lake City Code. If a Selection Committee member suspects they may have an actual, apparent, or reasonably foreseeable conflict of interest with any grant applicant or the applicant's partners or owners, the Selection Committee member shall alert the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the potential conflict in writing. A City attorney shall determine as to whether a conflict of interest exists to disqualify such member from participating in the Selection Committee discussion of the applicant. Upon a determination of a conflict of interest, the Selection Committee member shall not participate in the discussion, evaluation of the application, or attempt to use influence with other Selection Committee members before, during or after the meeting, or during any consideration period. The following are additional guidelines for conduct: a. There may be a conflict of interest if there are personal, familial, or financial ties between a Selection Committee member and any partner, owner, guarantor, or executive of a grant applicant. b. A Selection Committee member must not sell or offer to sell services or solicit prospective clients or employment by stating an ability to influence the Selection Committee's decisions. c. A Selection Committee member must not use the power of membership to seek or obtain a special advantage that is not in the public interest, nor any special advantage that is not a matter of public knowledge. d. A Selection Committee member shall not have any ex parte discussions regarding a grant application to be heard by or in consideration with the Selection Committee. For the purpose of these bylaws, ex parte discussions include any communication regarding an applicant with interested parties of the Food Equity Microgrant application prior to issuance of the final decision. e. An applicant or a member of the public may raise a question of a conflict of interest, after first obtaining the Chair's permission to speak. Meetings 1. Place: All meetings of the Selection Committee shall be held in a room as determined appropriate in the City and County Building, located at 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, or at such other place, or by means of an electronic meeting held in accordance with OPMA. Proper notice of the meeting location, including any publicly accessible electronic link in the event of an electronic meeting, shall be posted for the general public. 2. Electronic Meetings: Selection Committee meetings will be accessible electronically in accordance with OPMA and State Code Title 52-4-207. Board members, staff, guests, and the public may choose to attend the meetings electronically if they so wish. 3. Notice and Agenda: The Secretary shall publicly notice the time and purpose of every meeting of the Selection Committee at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to such meeting. Such notice shall be delivered to each member of the Selection Committee via email. The Secretary shall publicly post a written agenda for each meeting and send it to the Selection Committee via email in conjunction with notice of each meeting. a. Where written minutes of a prior meeting are ready for Committee approval, the agenda shall include an item to review and vote for approval of the prior meeting minutes. 4. Frequency: The Selection Committee will convene three times until funding recommendations have been submitted for each grant category, after which time the Selection Committee will meet on an as-needed basis to review program implementation for applicants awarded funding or to review program process adjustments. The first meeting will be used as the orientation and training session for the Selection Committee. Meetings may be canceled by the Chair if it is determined there is no new business to bring before the Selection Committee. 5. Closed Meetings: The Selection Committee does not hold closed meetings at this time. The Committee retains the option to hold closed meetings in the future in accordance with OPMA and any other applicable State and City laws regarding when closed meetings are allowed and appropriate. 6. Quorum: A quorum of the Selection Committee must be present to call a meeting to session and vote on applications. A quorum shall be a simple majority of the Selection Committee, or at least three (3) Selection Committee members. Any member disqualified because of a conflict of interest shall not be considered when determining whether a quorum is constituted. 7. Voting: Where a vote is required of the Selection Committee, such action set to a vote shall pass upon a simple majority of the quorum present at the meeting. Those disqualified for conflict of interest do not count towards the voting quorum requirements. Any member attending a meeting electronically may still vote on actions as if they were attending in-person. All votes will be taken by roll call. 8. Grant Application Evaluation: Selection Committee approvals or denials can only be made when a minimum of three (3) Selection Committee members submit evaluations/scores to Sustainability staff. 9. Public Comment Guidelines: Public comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Chair. Public comments are expected to comply with Committee Decorum rules as outlined in Section 11. 10. Committee Discussion: Committee Members may discuss applications, evaluations/scores, or other items related to the review and consideration of the grant applications. The Committee may ask questions of applicants at the discretion of the Chair. 11. Decorum Rules: Please observe the following rules of civility to maintain the decorum of the Selection Committee meetings. Meetings are a place for people to feel safe and comfortable in participating in this grant process. A respectful and safe environment allows a meeting to be conducted in an orderly, efficient, effective, and dignified fashion, free from distraction, intimidation, and threats to safety. We welcome everyone so please be mindful and keep comments free of discriminatory language referring to a person or group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or other identity factor. Items or comments that disrupt the meeting, intimidate Committee members or other participants or that may cause safety concerns are not allowed. Notification of Decision 1. After the Selection Committee submits its scores on the Food Equity Microgrant application, Sustainability staff shall compile the results and take actions to finalize the determination. Sustainability staff shall communicate with applicant identifying the determination and outlining any subsequent action the applicant must take. 2. The Food Equity Microgrant Selection application results shall be a noticed agenda item to be announced at a future Selection Committee meeting. Approval and Amendment of Bylaws 1. These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Selection Committee held upon a vote of a simple majority of the quorum present at the Selection Committee meeting. Recording of Bylaws 1. These bylaws and all subsequent amendments shall be recorded by the Selection Committee Secretary and copies shall be furnished to each member of the Selection Committee in electronic form. Approved by the Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee on DATEAPPROVED Salt Lake City Department of Sustainability Food Equity Microgrant Program Selection Committee Bylaws Organization 1. Orientation: All new Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee members are required to have an orientation meeting with Sustainability staff before reviewing grant applications. 2. Required Training: Sustainability staff shall schedule a training for Selection Committee members on compliance with the Utah Open and Public Meetings Act (OPMA). 3. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair: The Sustainability Department Director or Representative shall designate a Chair and Vice Chair who will be confirmed by a simple majority vote of the Committee. Should the Chair resign from the Committee, the Vice Chair shall serve in the interim until a new Chair and Vice Chair is selected. 4. Duties of the Chair: The Chair is to preside at Selection Committee meetings and shall provide general direction for the meetings. In addition to being the presiding member, the Chair shall have the following duties: a. To call the meeting to order on the day and the hour scheduled and proceed with the order of business in accordance with the posted agenda. The Chair shall announce each item of business in the agenda, in the order in which it is to be acted upon. Upon the completion of consideration of all agenda items, the Chair shall adjourn the meeting. b. To put to vote all questions which are presented by Selection Committee members that require Selection Committee vote. c. To move the agenda along, maintain order, set guidelines for public input, if permitted, and reference handouts and procedures during Selection Committee meetings. d. To recognize speakers prior to receiving comments and presentations. 5. Duties of the Vice Chair: During the absence of the Chair, the Vice Chair shall have and perform all the duties and functions of the Chair. Should the Chair resign from the Selection Committee, the Vice Chair shall serve as Chair until elections are held at the next available meeting. 6. Secretary: A Sustainability staff member shall serve as Secretary of the Selection Committee. 7. Secretary's Duties relating to the Selection Committee: a. To post public notices of Selection Committee meetings in accordance with the noticing requirements of OPMA. b. To attend every meeting of the Selection Committee, to take and record the roll, and to advise the Selection Committee of any administrative updates related to the meetings. c. To keep the minutes of the Selection Committee meetings and to record them in accordance with state law. d. To keep and maintain a permanent record of all documents and papers pertaining to the Selection Committee meetings in accordance with state law. e. To ensure Selection Committee members receive materials pertinent to Selection Committee meetings at least four (4) business days prior to such scheduled meetings. Rights and Duties of Selection Committee Members 1. Membership: The Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee shall be made up of a total of at least five (5) members. The committee shall include at least one member from the following groups: (1) member from the Sustainability Department, one (1) member from the Mayor's Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, one (1) member from the Salt Lake City Food Policy Council, and one (1) member who has participated in either the Resident Food Equity Advisors Program or a past year of the Food Equity Microgrant Program. Additional members may come from relevant community-based organizations, City departments, boards or commissions, or interested and knowledgeable individual residents and community representatives identified by the Department. 2. Meeting Attendance: Every member of the Selection Committee shall make an effort to attend each Selection Committee meeting either in person or virtually (if available), unless unable to attend due to extenuating circumstances. Any member desiring to be excused from the Selection Committee shall notify the Secretary. The Secretary shall inform the Chair and the Vice Chair of the resignation. a. If a Selection Committee member misses three (3) consecutive Selection Committee meetings, the Chair shall confer with the member regarding the ability, interest, and commitment of the member to continue membership on the Selection Committee. b. If the Selection Committee member continues to miss meetings, the Chair shall bring the matter to Sustainability staff and the Sustainability Director. The Chair and the Sustainability Director shall decide whether the Selection Committee member shall be removed. 3. Conflict of Interest: No member of the Selection Committee shall participate in or be present in the determination of any grant application or any other matter in which that member has any conflict of interest prohibited by Chapter 2.44 of the Salt Lake City Code. If a Selection Committee member suspects they may have an actual, apparent, or reasonably foreseeable conflict of interest with any grant applicant or the applicant's partners or owners, the Selection Committee member shall alert the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary of the potential conflict in writing. A City attorney shall determine as to whether a conflict of interest exists to disqualify such member from participating in the Selection Committee discussion of the applicant. Upon a determination of a conflict of interest, the Selection Committee member shall not participate in the discussion, evaluation of the application, or attempt to use influence with other Selection Committee members before, during or after the meeting, or during any consideration period. The following are additional guidelines for conduct: a. There may be a conflict of interest if there are personal, familial, or financial ties between a Selection Committee member and any partner, owner, guarantor, or executive of a grant applicant. b. A Selection Committee member must not sell or offer to sell services or solicit prospective clients or employment by stating an ability to influence the Selection Committee's decisions. c. A Selection Committee member must not use the power of membership to seek or obtain a special advantage that is not in the public interest, nor any special advantage that is not a matter of public knowledge. d. A Selection Committee member shall not have any ex parte discussions regarding a grant application to be heard by or in consideration with the Selection Committee. For the purpose of these bylaws, ex parte discussions include any communication regarding an applicant with interested parties of the Food Equity Microgrant application prior to issuance of the final decision. e. An applicant or a member of the public may raise a question of a conflict of interest, after first obtaining the Chair's permission to speak. Meetings 1. Place: All meetings of the Selection Committee shall be held in a room as determined appropriate in the City and County Building, located at 451 South State Street, Salt Lake City, Utah, or at such other place, or by means of an electronic meeting held in accordance with OPMA. Proper notice of the meeting location, including any publicly accessible electronic link in the event of an electronic meeting, shall be posted for the general public. 2. Electronic Meetings: Selection Committee meetings will be accessible electronically in accordance with OPMA and State Code Title 52-4-207. Board members, staff, guests, and the public may choose to attend the meetings electronically if they so wish. 3. Notice and Agenda: The Secretary shall publicly notice the time and purpose of every meeting of the Selection Committee at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to such meeting. Such notice shall be delivered to each member of the Selection Committee via email. The Secretary shall publicly post a written agenda for each meeting and send it to the Selection Committee via email in conjunction with notice of each meeting. a. Where written minutes of a prior meeting are ready for Committee approval, the agenda shall include an item to review and vote for approval of the prior meeting minutes. 4. Frequency: The Selection Committee will convene three times until funding recommendations have been submitted for each grant category, after which time the Selection Committee will meet on an as-needed basis to review program implementation for applicants awarded funding or to review program process adjustments. The first meeting will be used as the orientation and training session for the Selection Committee. Meetings may be canceled by the Chair if it is determined there is no new business to bring before the Selection Committee. 5. Closed Meetings: The Selection Committee does not hold closed meetings at this time. The Committee retains the option to hold closed meetings in the future in accordance with OPMA and any other applicable State and City laws regarding when closed meetings are allowed and appropriate. 6. Quorum: A quorum of the Selection Committee must be present to call a meeting to session and vote on applications. A quorum shall be a simple majority of the Selection Committee, or at least three (3) Selection Committee members. Any member disqualified because of a conflict of interest shall not be considered when determining whether a quorum is constituted. 7. Voting: Where a vote is required of the Selection Committee, such action set to a vote shall pass upon a simple majority of the quorum present at the meeting. Those disqualified for conflict of interest do not count towards the voting quorum requirements. Any member attending a meeting electronically may still vote on actions as if they were attending in-person. All votes will be taken by roll call. 8. Grant Application Evaluation: Selection Committee approvals or denials can only be made when a minimum of three (3) Selection Committee members submit evaluations/scores to Sustainability staff. 9. Public Comment Guidelines: Public comments may be allowed at the discretion of the Chair. Public comments are expected to comply with Committee Decorum rules as outlined in Section 11. 10. Committee Discussion: Committee Members may discuss applications, evaluations/scores, or other items related to the review and consideration of the grant applications. The Committee may ask questions of applicants at the discretion of the Chair. 11. Decorum Rules: Please observe the following rules of civility to maintain the decorum of the Selection Committee meetings. Meetings are a place for people to feel safe and comfortable in participating in this grant process. A respectful and safe environment allows a meeting to be conducted in an orderly, efficient, effective, and dignified fashion, free from distraction, intimidation, and threats to safety. We welcome everyone so please be mindful and keep comments free of discriminatory language referring to a person or group based on their religion, ethnicity, nationality, race, color, descent, gender, sexual orientation, disability, age or other identity factor. Items or comments that disrupt the meeting, intimidate Committee members or other participants or that may cause safety concerns are not allowed. Notification of Decision 1. After the Selection Committee submits its scores on the Food Equity Microgrant application, Sustainability staff shall compile the results and take actions to finalize the determination. Sustainability staff shall communicate with applicant identifying the determination and outlining any subsequent action the applicant must take. 2. The Food Equity Microgrant Selection application results shall be a noticed agenda item to be announced at a future Selection Committee meeting. Approval and Amendment of Bylaws 1. These bylaws may be amended at any meeting of the Selection Committee held upon a vote of a simple majority of the quorum present at the Selection Committee meeting. Recording of Bylaws 1. These bylaws and all subsequent amendments shall be recorded by the Selection Committee Secretary and copies shall be furnished to each member of the Selection Committee in electronic form. Approved by the Food Equity Microgrant Selection Committee on March 5, 2024 Signed — Maria Schwarz 3/5/24 Food Equity • Defining Food Equity • Program history & goals Microgrant Program 9 Funding categories • Priority populations Defining Food Equity • Equity in Salt Lake City is acknowledging and addressing historic and current disparities experienced by our residents, employees, businesses, neighborhoods, and visitors. Salt Lake City provides access to resources and opportunities that support everyone in overcoming barriers to their success so that our community today, and generations tomorrow, can thrive. • Increase access to fresh, healthy, affordable, and culturally/personally relevant food for all SLC residents. • Support inclusive, diverse, community-driven approaches to our food environment where solutions to challenges are co-developed with our communities and residents, especially those most negatively impacted by the food system. Food Equity Microgrant Program Overview Program Basics Program Goals • Resident Food Equity Advisor 1 . Foster resilient, diverse, and inclusive recommendation & codevelopment healthy neighborhood food • Purpose: Build an inclusive community environments. around healthy food choices 2. Support multiple pathways for • Equity & access in process & outcome traditionally marginalized individuals and neighborhoods to consistently • About $40,000 to distribute access and grow fresh, affordable, • Grant types healthy, and culturally relevant food. o Home Food Production Grant ($250) 3. Increase the availability and accessibility o Community Grant (up to $5,000) of food information and resources. • Eligibility o Salt Lake City boundaries o No political, media, government groups Key Funding Categories 1 . Growing Food - expanding opportunities & access to growing more food locally 2. Inclusive Outreach & Communications - supporting accessibility & availability of information about food resources 3. Dignified Food Access - improving access to healthy food opportunities that center & respect the agency & choice of individuals 4. Neighborhood Healthy Food Environments - supporting the availability and accessibility of healthy, fresh foods & enhancing the character of food environments near where people live Priority Populations Projects led by and serving those who identify as members of groups that have been most negatively impacted by the food system will be prioritized for funding. Priority peoples and communities: • Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) • Historically marginalized or under-resourced people and neighborhoods • People and households living in poverty or with low- or moderate-incomes • Unsheltered or informally sheltered people • LGBTQIA2S+ individuals and communities • People with disabilities • People with specific health needs • Veterans • Adults 65+ • Youth • Nontraditional students • People of differing legal status • Immigrants and the newly arrived • Formerly incarcerated • People with deep cultural food relationships • Groups for whom other funding opportunities are or historically have been limited Feedback from 202 3 Pilot Program We have honestly never been in a city run program that was as supportive, kind, caring and helpful as this effort to provide food equity. We have experienced great support from Salt Lake City in the past. We have a lot of experience working with the city, but this effort was beyond anything we have felt in the past. At each turn we felt encouraged, trusted, and honored. There was a real difference in how this program was presented and run. The goals and objectives were clearly articulated but more than this gave the whys and thinking behind each piece. As a whole this level of true partnership and trusting support caused us to be fired up to work even harder to not only meet the goals of the program but It allowed our own creativity and best parts of ourselves to flourish. The impact was not only positive for the growth of food, food equity and who we were teaching but also and more dramatic caused a remembrance to our own leadership team, our style and approach including why we were serving in the first place. Being treated in such a kind and supportive manner caused the impact to be far reaching for the entire organization. It was tremendous and nothing less than empowering and good. Scoring Process Challenging White Supremacy Culture & Power over & gatekeeping Promoting Equity e Worship of the written word e Only one right way where inequity surfaces in e Individualism ; paternalism grantmaking & how we can address it Perfectionism • Power over & gatekeeping o Shared decision-making and Challenging White centering community leaders • Worship of the written word Supremacy Culture & o Scoring based on content and impact rather than writing skills Promoting Equity • Only one right way o Looking for creativity& diverse problem solving strategies where inequity surfaces in . , , • Individualism & paternalism o Trust-based funding mindset & how we can address it • Perfectionism 0 Learning approach Steps to Scoring & Recommending - Proposal HOME FOOD PRODUCTION GRANTS 1 . Receive a selection of applications 2. Review & "score" recommended/not �`\ 3. Follow up discussion for any concerns COMMUNITY GRANTS -F -- , 1 . Receive all grant applications -44 2. Review & score applications usin �, Goo le Form r 3. Follow up discussion for questions or concerns that you see in applications Scoring Rubrics HOME FOODPRODUCTION Ir QUESTION SCORING Project Eligibility Pass Fail Unclear Does the project fall within SLC boundaries? Does the applicant have land use permission? Does the project comply with relevant City/County/State Code? ��iili�i�i�iii�iiir •- Project proposal is feasible Project proposal seems Project proposal is not feasible and clearly connected to the feasible but may be unclear and/or doesn't describe how Please describe how this will rant support goal of supporting individual g pport you residents families and how it will support the the project will support the , , in producing your own food. applicant in applicant in producing, neighbors in producing, producing/growing/raising growing,or raising their own growing,or raising their own their own food. food. food. Provides an understandable Does not provide a good Why is this project important to you?What Provides clear and compelling reason for taking on this reason for the project or isn't reason for importance of project,but only has an impact will this grant have? project to food access/equity adequate connection to the clear about impact of the Project for food access/equity impact on food access/equity Project will definitely Project doesn't use How would your project incorporate sustainable incorporate Project may include some sustainable practices or a poor and/or environmentally beneficial practices? sustainable/environmentally sustainable practices,but it or inaccurate description of beneficial practices as a core isn't a core part of the project sustainable practices is part of the project. provided. Budget for project lacks some Please provide a brief budget or general Budget for project is laid out clarity,it is uncertain if project No real budget or description estimate of how you will spend the$250 grant clearly,project proposal is proposal is feasible with the of spending is provided or the on your proposed project. feasible with the funding funding offered,and/or proposal does not seem offered,and identifies how all unclear how funds will be feasible or reasonable within funds will be spent. spent. requested budget. (optional)If desired,please use this space to briefly share anything else that you would like the Evaluation Committee to know or consider about your projectthat the application questions did not address. Priority Population Location Household Income Use this space to indicate any notes,questions, or concerns you have about the application that might give you pause in recommending them for funding • How well does this applicant meet the goals of the grant program? Does the project fall within SLC boundaries? Does the applicant have land use permission? Does the project comply with relevant City/CounUState Code? Is the type of group applying eligible for the program? Organization type No points given for this question Clear description of organization Adequate description of and mission given and organization and mission is given Unclear or minimal description of organization Organization mission organization is directly connected and organization has at least some and mission given or organization is not to purpose of the grant program demonstrated connection to connected to purpose of grant program purpose of grant program. Organization is led by groups Organization closely collaborates that are directly impacted by the with individuals impacted by the Organization is not led by people directly issue that they are addressing. issue that they are addressing and impacted by the issue they are addressing Those that are directly impacted leadership has close relationships and may not appear to acknowledge the Organizational leadership&structure or benefit from the program serve to the communities that they serve. importance of bottom-up Ieadership.Current in decision-making roles.Current Impacted people are members in programs and history do not demonstrate programs and recent the organization;history/programs potential to executive their goals.No accomplishments demonstrate indicate co-creation and the ability accomplishments are mentioned. strong history and potential to executive their goals. to achieve goals. Populations served/engaged by Populations served/engaged by populations served/engaged by organization organization strongly match with organization somewhat match with Populations served/engaged priority populations identified for priority populations identified for this do not include priority populations identified this grant program grant program for this grant program How much funding are you seeking for this project(max award amount is$5000)? No points given for this question Project proposal is strongly Project proposal is connected to at project proposal does not seem to be Funding priority category connected to one or more of the least one of the priority funding connected to the priority funding categories priority funding categories categories Budget for project is laid out Budget for project lacks some No clear budget or description of spending is Please provide a budget or detailed description of how all funds will learly,project proposal is clarity,it is uncertain if project feascible with the fundin offered provided or the proposal does not seem be used for your proposed project. g , proposal is feasible with the funding feasible or reasonable within requested and identifies how all funds will offered,and/or unclear how funds budget. be spent. will be spent. Project proposal is feasible, Project proposal seems feasible, states a strategy(ies)to address Project proposal does not seem feasible and What is your proposed project and its goals? food inequity/promote food but strategies may be unclear how the project does not apepar to address food access,and is clearly connected they will effectively address food equity/promote food access. to the purpose of this grant equity/promote food access. Inequity within the food system is addressed in a meaningful and Inequity within the food system is Project does not meaningfully address or How does your project address food inequity and advance food actionable way by the project addressed by the project proposal. engage with inequity in the food system or the equity in Salt Lake City? proposal.Project is clearly well Project is connected to the purpose project is not aligned with the purpose and aligned with the purpose and and goals of the grant program. goals of the grant program. goals of this grant program. Provides clear and achievable Provides timeline but with limited Does not provide timeline or is outside the Please provide an estimated timeline for the project. timeline within the the scope of details and/or is unclear. scope of this work. this grant. How would you define success for this project? Provides clear goals and realistic Provides an unclear expectation for No goals or expectation for success provided. expectations for success. success. Outcomes and strategies for Strategies for measurement are What metrics will you use to evaluate this project and how will you measurement are clear and unclear or unachievable,and/or Outcomes and strategies for measurement collect that data? achievable and project has capability for project impact is are not clearly identified or impact of project capability to have a positive and seems weak. meaningful impact. unsure. Organization works with a Organization works with a few Organization does not have any diverse set of partners from partners that are representative of organizational community relationships with impacted communities. impacted communities and or partners from impacted communities and Partnerships&community support demonstrates close community demonstrates no or very little collaboration Demonstrates close community relationships.If community buy-in is with others.There is no community buy-in for relationships and strong not present,there is a clear strategy the project or the ability to develop community community buy-in. to develop community support. support. Project will definitely incorporate project may include some Project doesn't use sustainable practices or a How would your project incorporate sustainable and/or sustainable/environmentally environmentally beneficial practices? beneficial practices as a core sustainable practices,but it isn't a poor or inaccurate description sustainable core part of the project. practices is provided part of the project (optional)If desired,please use this space to briefly share anything else that you would like the Selection Committee to know or No points awarded for this question but information added here can inform scoring in other sections consider about your work that the application questions did not address. Location where organization serves Priority Population Access to other funding opportunities Use this space to indicate any notes,questions,or concerns you have about the application that might give you pause in recommending them for funding How well does this applicant meet the goals of the grant program? • 72 - Home Food Production 0 64% new grant applicants 0 29% awardees in 2023 0 85% identify as member of one or more priority groups o ApplicantsAt least 1 applicant in each priority population group Overview ; Highlights • 30 - Community 0 43% new grant applicants 0 6 awardees in 2023 0 76% support existing project • $142,690.33 requested Community Grant Applicants • 'Aikona • Proyecto Xilonen • East Central Community Council - • Rose Park Community Council University Neighborhood Gardens & • Salt Lake City Community Fridges Outreach Community Garden (SLCCF) • Fill the Pot Ministries • Salt Lake City Food Not Bombs • Food.Justice Coalition • Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement • Fungal Focus** District • Healthy Soils for Small Farms & Big • Secret Garden Gardens • Shirley Steinmacher DBA Urban • HK Brewing Collective Pepper Project • ,Jayhawks • Somali Community Self-Management • Krishna Food Forest Ah ency • Missio Dei Community • Thanksgiving Heroes • Mobile Moon Cooperative • Tristyn Bustamante • Neighborhood House • Utah Animal Rights Coalition (UARC) • New American Goat Club • Vanavil Community Garden • Peak Fresh Farm LLC • Wasatch Cooperative Market, LCA • Popperton Plots Garden, Greater • Wasteless Solutions Inc Avenues Community Council, Wasatch • Westminster University* Community Gardens • Maria - Eligibility & duplicate review of applications • Confirm training/orientation • Notify Maria of any potential Next Steps conflicts of interest Actions & Timeline • Receive applications • Review & score applications • March 18 - Submit scores by noon • March 19 - Meet to discuss applications & identify any follow up questions • March 26 - Meet to discuss Next Steps funding recommendations Actions & Timeline • April 2 - Final meeting to finalize funding recommendations • April 5 - Notify recipients of funding Questions ?