03/05/2024 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL Ly DEPARTMENT of
Food&Equity Program
Tuesday,March 5th,2024
The following members of the Food Equity Microgrant Program Selection Committee were present:
In person
Maria Schwarz, Chair
Afa'Aikona,Vice Chair
Monica O'Malley, Secretary, non-voting member
Xris Macias
Karina Villalba
The following members were absent:
James Hunter
Joshua Rebollo
Also Present:
Minutes by Monica O'Malley, Salt Lake City Sustainability Department, Special Projects Assistant
Meeting Time: 2:30 pm I Time Commenced: 3:53 Pm
i.Welcome &Roll Call
2. Open &Public Meetings Act (OPMA) Training
The attendees watched a YouTube video called Open and Public Meetings Act 202�to comply with the
OPMA training requirement. Voting members that were not able to attend the meeting will be able to
view the OPMA training video on their own to comply with the requirement.
3.Committee By-Laws Review&Adoption
Chair Schwarz reviewed the drafted Selection Committee Bylaws,and the 4 voting members present voted
unanimously to adopt the bylaws, appointing Maria Schwarz as Committee Chair and Afa'Aikona as
Committee Vice Chair.
4. Overview of Food Equity Microgrant Program
Chair Schwarz reviewed the Salt Lake City's definition of food equity and how it fits in with the
committee's responsibilities and process. Chair Schwarz also reviewed basic program information and
structure,including how the program was developed,the purpose of the program,the grant types and
funding amount available, awardee eligibility criteria, and program goals. Chair Schwarz also explained
the four key funding categories:growing food,inclusive outreach and communications, dignified food
access, and neighborhood healthy food environments, and the committee reviewed the list of priority
populations that will be prioritized for funding. Chair Schwarz shared some positive feedback received
from an awardee of the 2023 Pilot Food Equity Microgrant Program.
5. Review of Scoring Process &Rubric
Chair Schwarz explained howwhite supremacy culture has influenced grantmaking and how the committee
can address this,so their process is inclusive,accessible,and equitable. Chair Schwarz proposed a method
for how grants will be scored. The committee agreed that all voting members will review all community
grant applications,while the home food applications will be divided amongst voting members for review.
Committee MemberVillalba clarified that the home food production grant awardees will be awarded the
$250 grant amount while community grant awardees may receive partial funding up to $5,000.
Chair Schwarz reviewed the Home Food Production Grant scoring rubric,Community Grant scoring
rubric, the number of applications received, a summary of applicant characteristics, and the amount of
funding requested. Chair Schwarz also shared the names of the 30 organizations who applied for
Grants,identifying organizations that applied for a grant last year and organizations that received funding
through the program last year.
Committee MemberMacias asked if the Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District is eligible for funding
since they are affiliated with the government.Chair Schwarz responded that she does not know at this time
but will assess their eligibility and follow up.
Committee Member Villalba asked when conflict-of-interest cases will be discussed, and Chair Schwarz
responded that she is requesting committee members reviewthe applicant list and inform her of any conflict
of interests in the next week.
6.Next Steps &Timeline
Chair Schwarz stated that she will conduct the initial eligibility review and distribute applications once all
conflict-of-interest cases are evaluated and confirmation is received that Committee Member Hunter and
Committee Member Rebollo completed their orientation and training. Committee Members were asked
to then begin reviewing applications to submit scores prior to the next committee meeting.
There being no further discussion, committee members voted unanimously to adjourn.
APPROVED: Maria Schwarz 3/27/2024 Date:
Maria Schwarz, Committee Chair
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Food Equity Microgrant Program
Selection Committee meeting held March 5, 2024.