05/02/2024 - Meeting Materials PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,May 2,2024 5:00 p.m.-7:15 p.m. Join Via zoom:https:.Z/us02web.zoom.us/j/87187749982?pwd=K2gydXp2VmIOOEczNEpYUThgQzNvdz09 Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room Join by phone Phone:+1 346 248 7799 Webinar ID: 8718774 9982 Access code:591844 Agenda 1. Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM A. Call to order B. Chair Comments 5 mins 2. Approval of Minutes 5:05 PM - Approve April 4, 2024 meeting minutes 5 mins 3. Public Comment 5:10 PM - Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total.Written comments are welcome. 4. Board Action Items 5:25 PM A. Cancelling July Meeting 5 mins B. Urban Trails Subcommittee Creation 10 mins 5. Director's Report 5:40 PM - Summary of current high-priority department items. - Kristin Riker 5 mins 6. Staff Updates 5:45 PM A. Urban Forestry Update-Tony Gliot 30 mins B. Staff Liaison Update. -Ashlyn Larsen 5 mins 7. Board Discussion 6:20 PM A. Indigenous Presentation 10 mins B. Bylaws Discussion 10 mins C. Stakeholder Presentation Review 5 mins D. Subcommittee Reporting 15 mins E. Board comments and question period 10 mins F. Next meeting:June 6, 2024 G. Request for future agenda items 8. Adjourn 7:15 PM u ic a s bl L nd j T Parks I Trails & Natural Lands I Urban Forestry I Golf Staff Responses to Public Comments from the April 4, 2024, PNUT Board Meeting Marjorie Rasmussen I am a resident of Liberty Wells and go to Liberty Park often. The bathroom situation there has never been very good and I finally decided to write a letter to ask you to consider doing something differently. I understand security, maintenance, and temperature are all concerns, but the porta potties now placed around the park are pretty horrible. Have you used one lately? I did, and the floors were wet and dirty, there was no soap and only one of the 4 had toilet paper. Liberty Park is so important to our City and has so many visitors. Why can't we do something better than porta potties? It's a dignity issue. I found an article about a new bathroom design in Colorado Springs(also a cold area)that won an award. I am attaching the article and requesting you bring this to the attention of the board to see if this is something we could do at our main City park. Please consider that we have an aging population and mother's in the parks with children (in the winter too)that need a clean place to use the bathroom. This new design does not look too expensive, hopefully. I mean how much does it cost to keep bringing new porta potties all over the park year after year? Thank you for your consideration of this idea. It would make a visit to any of our public parks so much better if there were clean, decent bathrooms available at all times. Thank you for all you do. I love this City and appreciate our City workers very much. Staff Response: Thank you for bringing these concerns to us. It is helpful to fully understand the park user experience so we can find ways to mitigate your concerns. We have provided the details of your concern to the Public Lands Department Director and the Parks Division Director.Additionally,your full comment will be passed along to our Advisory Board. We also want to provide further information to address your concerns. To service the porta potties in Liberty Park, we contract with United Site Services for cleaning and maintenance, and they are cleaned five times a week and serviced Monday-Friday. We work closely with United to identify areas that need service and do our best to have porta-potties swapped out as issues are reported. Because we rely on them to maintain these facilities, our staff may need to be made aware when service is required. If you would like to report an issue, request maintenance, or for any future concerns, please contactJoseph Ramos. He serves as the Parks Division Business and Operations Manager for your District and can be reached at 385-507-8223 orloseph.ramos@slcgov.com. We appreciate your suggestion of innovative restroom facilities other cities are implementing. Unfortunately, we do not currently have funding to construct new restroom facilities in Liberty Park. Occasionally, residents will apply for City funding through the Capital Improvement Program (CIP);you can learn more about the CIP program here. With this in mind, Salt Lake City Mayor Mendenhall recently recommended Capital Improvement funding for a Citywide Restroom Planning Study;this funding will help us determine the best path forward by creating a conceptual design for innovative restrooms at Fairmont Park. This is a step toward resolving some of the issues you highlighted in your email. Once we have tested new restroom concepts and succeeded with implementation, it may open doors for future funding in other Parks, such as Liberty Park. Thank you again for your email. PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Formal Meeting Thursday,April 4,2024 5:00 p.m.-7:15 p.m. Join Via Zoom:https:,//us02web.zoom.us,4-j/82243100440?pwd=RE5PeUxmdTJQbmRmREpZUTBKNmhsQT09 Or Join at the Public Lands Administrative Building:1965 W.500 S.Salt Lake City,UT 84104 Upstairs Parks Training Room Join by phone Phone:+1 346 248 7799 Webinar ID:822 4310 0440 Access code:301390 UNAPPROVED MINUTES 1. Convening the Meeting 5:00 PM A. Call to order - Aaron Wiley - Jenny Hewson - Ginger Cannon - Samantha Finch - Dave John - Meredith Benally - Kerri Nakamura - Melanie Pehrson - Phil Carroll - Brianna Binnebose B. Chair Comments 5 mins Ms. Pehrson called the meeting to order. She shared that Mr. Scrivner is out of town on spring break so that she will run the meeting today. 2. Approval of Minutes 5:05 PM - Approve March 7, 2024 meeting minutes 5 mins Ms. Larsen shared she received some feedback and has made those corrections. Ms. Hewson motioned to approve the March meeting minutes. Mr. Wiley seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to approve the March minutes. 3. Public Comment 5:10 PM - Verbal comments are limited to no more than 3 minutes; 15 minutes total. Written comments are welcome. 4. Board Action Items 5:25 PM A. Review and approve Jordan River Trails Subcommittee non-PNUT Board members. 10 mins Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the Jordan River Trails Subcommittee write-up with non- PNUT members' bios. Ms. Pehrson said she also shared the link with everyone this morning to review. She noted that Ms. Hewson highlighted a good point on who they allow on subcommittees, especially non-PNUT Board members. She shared Ms. Hewson's suggestion that non-PNUT Board members should be content experts. Ms. Pehrson said it would be important for the people with their bios listed to attend meetings regularly. Ms. Pehrson shared the background of the non-PNUT Board members she'd want on the Jordan River Trails Subcommittee. PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Ms. Hewson said if they do vote on this, she will abstain from the vote. Ms. Cannon said she's comfortable with what they are putting in their bios, the fact that Ms. Pehrson has engaged with them, and knowing some of them and their expertise based on the subcommittee's work objective that these individuals would help. Ms. Cannon is fine voting for approval and said Ms. Pehrson can always add the last individual's bio at another time, and the Board votes again. Ms. Cannon said that in working with the Bylaws subcommittee, they are looking for some statement addressing the role non-PNUT Board members on subcommittees will have outside of their expertise and how they will activate the committee. Ms. Pehrson said it would be a presence at events or logistical support behind the scenes. She said she's met with Public Lands staff and narrowed down some SMART goals they could pursue.A lot of what she's hoping for is tangible engagement with the people. Non-PNUT Board subcommittee members are connected within the community and share the word while channeling feedback. Ms. Finch asked about Ms. Pehrson's personal connection with the individuals and how they came to be candidates for the subcommittee position. Ms. Pehrson said she met Ms.Tori Bird a few months ago through her professional position. Still, she's also on the Community Advisory Group (CAG)for the Emerald Ribbon Master Plan. Mr. Dan Potts is a community council member as well as CAG. Ms.Alicia De Leon is also on the CAG with her. Mr. Wiley said one of the biggest purposes is to communicate between the community, seeing and saying and community and supporting the City-wide. He asked if it would be beneficial to have somebody with a background who could help collect all that information, document it, and make it useful. Ms. Pehrson said that's a really good question and something they will hash out. Ms. Hewson said the key is that each of these individuals represents a specific community, so during the meetings, they'll have to figure out a way to tease out the main points. Ms. Nakamura asked for more information about why some Board members are uncomfortable with external subcommittee members because she hadn't heard that expressed before. She said that as she moved forward with her subcommittee and recruiting people, she wondered if they needed to pull the thread on that little bit and determine where they stood as a group. Ms. Cannon said it's within their Bylaws that they can have external subcommittee members under certain circumstances outlined in the Bylaws and approved by the Board. Ms. Hewson said PNUT Board members have a clear responsibility, do the Open Meetings Training,follow a code of conduct, and are fully respectful. She feels there's a grey line between what we expect from external individuals. She feels they should have another category, such as stakeholder presentative, so there's a clear division between how the PNUT Board engages with the community, but it is separate from those on the subcommittees. Ms. Cannon said they can always modify the Bylaws if there are concerns. The Board continued to discuss non-PNUT Board members on subcommittees. Ms. Finch asked if there was a certain number Ms. Pehrson was targeting to have on the subcommittee. Ms. Pehrson said she didn't have predetermined stipulations on how many people she would have on the subcommittee or for specific areas of expertise. She added that is a good consideration. Ms. Hewson said these sorts of things will be teased out with how new this process is. Ms. Finch asked if there were any concerns or conflicts of interest when Ms. Pehrson chose these people. Ms. Pehrson said she thought about it a little. Mr. Wiley said it could depend on your definition of conflict of interest because all of them are stakeholders in some way in the Jordan River. Ms. Pehrson noted in their last meeting that there were productive conversations about that and that she hopes to create something tangible so the community can see what's happening. Ms. Finch asked if the non-PNUT Board members were aware that, at some point, PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY they could be removed from the subcommittee. Ms. Pehrson said no, but she will make that clear to them. Ms. Pehrson thanked everyone for their comments. Ms. Cannon made a motion to approve the non-PNUT Board members for the Jordan River Trail subcommittee with the removal of Mr.Jason Seaton. Ms. Nakamura seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to approve the non-PNUT Board members for the Jordan River Trail subcommittee. Ms. Hewson abstained from the vote. 5. Director's Report 5:35 PM - Summary of current high-priority department items. - Kristin Riker 5 mins Ms. Riker passed out copies of the 2023 Annual Report. She said they are online as well. She explained they followed a different format this year to follow the outline of the Master Plan and those goals.This is the staff's way to get back with the public, Council, and PNUT on how the staff is doing to meet the goals of the Master Plan. She thanked Ms. Larsen for her work with the division directors to get the information, and Ms. McCain did a lot. She outlined the structure of the annual report. Ms. Cannon said that she loves how this format came from the Board, as they've had those discussions during their meetings. Ms. Riker shared a flyer for the upcoming Earth Day events. Ms. Larsen said all the events should be on the PNUT calendar. Ms. Riker shared a discussion with division directors about the PNUT subcommittee and staff participation in these subcommittees. She said they've had this conversation with Mr. Fonarow, who attends every Foothills Trails subcommittee meeting and carries out those meetings. She said it's great, but there's been a lot more requests for staff to attend. She would like to ask the Board to start a new process where if a subcommittee wants staff to attend, to fill out a new form Ms. Lareen created. Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the form. She will be sharing this with the Board. Ms. Riker said she sees staff attending the subcommittee meetings to form and advise from the Public Lands perspective, offer some city guard rails that are city policy and direction, and support the subcommittee goals. She shared the example of Ms. Larsen attending all the Communications subcommittee meetings and knows that part of that is setting the agenda. Ms. Riker requests that Ms. Larsen send the draft agenda out, ask the Communications subcommittee to work on it via email and return the final agenda to Ms. Larsen. She added that she would let staff know if the board doesn't feel like this process is working. She would like to track how much time staff spend in the subcommittee meetings and try to limit that so they can do all the other good work they are doing. Ms. Pehrson liked this idea and used the example of Ms. Maponga coming to her subcommittee meetings. Ms. Pehrson said they don't want to burden staff and expect them to carry the meeting. Ms. Nakamura said they heard the same concern from Transportation during the discussion of a joint subcommittee. The Transportation staff wants them to remain aware of their staff's time. Ms. Riker shared her screen to display photos of a sinkhole at Nibley Golf Course.The sinkhole is about six feet by 10 feet wide.The north parking lot has been closed off. Public Utilities sent a camera down into the hole, and they found an old structure.Apparently, in the 1900s, a resort had huge ponds in this area. She shared an image of the old structure and map. Public Utilities thinks the cavern is about 120 feet long, 80 feet wide, and 10 feet deep, and someone decided to put some asphalt over the top. Ms. Riker said they are working with Public Utilities and Engineering to determine what to do next. Ms. Riker highlighted some upcoming events on the PNUT calendar. Ms. Pehrson thanked Ms. Riker for the annual report and said it was beautiful. Ms. Hewson shared an event that the Friends of the Cemetery and Tree Utah are also organizing a tree planting in April. 6. Staff Presentations, Updates& Discussions 5:40 PM A. High-level summary of Planning & Design projects. - Makaylah Maponga 15 mins PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Ms. Maponga shared that she's here to provide a high-level overview of some projects. They have over 70 active projects, so she'll focus on what's happening in the immediate future. Emerald Ribbon Action Plan Staff has wrapped up Phase 2 of engagement,focusing on three concept designs for the Jordan River Corridor. Staff had two open houses in mid-March; over 150 people attended and gave input.An online survey has been open since March and has around 500 responses. It will be closing this Sunday. Cottonwood Park& Peace Labyrinth These parks are now beginning Phase 1 of community engagement,which is run in-house.At this phase, they want to obtain a broad collection of ideas of what people like, don't like, and what they want to see.Then,the ultimate vision is to bring on a consultant to help staff with more in- depth engagement, design, and concept work.There's a separate survey open for each park, and staff will be tabling at different events. The engagement will conclude at the beginning of May. Steenblik& Donnor Trail Park These parks underwent a similar engagement process to obtain a broad scope of ideas.They are now in the middle of contracting and are very close to bringing on a consultant who will do concept designs and then execute a second phase of engagement where staff will present those concepts to the public.That will be early summer for Donner Trail Park.Arts Council funded Donner Trail Park to include some public artwork.The Design Board has been going through the commissioning process and will select a final artist this month. Ms. Pehrson asked if they are focusing on in-state or local artists. Ms. Maponga said it was a national call with around 40 responses.There's been a lot of interest, and she's unsure how it's narrowed down. Sunnyside Park Sunnyside Park will enter Phase 1 of engagement as soon as the contract with the consultant is finalized.A lot of things are pending, and engagement will come very soon. Fairmont Park They are initiating an RFU process to bring on a consultant.This project is a little bigger and more complicated, so they want a consultant right at the beginning, and staff is continuing to work with stakeholder organizations as well as the City Council and the Mayor's office to determine the scope of work. Taufer Park This playground is being replaced in partnership with Kaboom, Delta Airlines, and the Utah Jazz. The project is in the final phase of engagement, and there's an online survey currently proposing two playground designs. It's asking people which one they want to see, and that will culminate with build day on June 15T. Kaboom, Delta, and the jazz provide materials,volunteers,time, and funds to make this possible. It's open for community members to sign up. Ms. Nakamura asked if this was an event where they'd do the park all in one day. Ms. Riker said yes,which would be the second one for Salt Lake City; the first was Miami Park. Ms. Maponga shared that construction for the first phase of the 9-Line Orchard project began in 2019.Tree Utah planted in the fall for the first round of trees, which was around a dozen trees. This next round of planting will be on April 1211 from 8-1 PM, and they will be planting around 30 PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY trees.The last round of planting will also serve as the grand opening on April 30t"from 1-4 PM. This was one of the Mayor's goals, and she plans to attend. Ms. Maponga said that's all the active stuff and has a list of other ongoing work. Ms. Finch asked if a consultant had been selected for Fairmont Park yet. Ms. Maponga said there would be an RFQ release. Ms. Finch asked if that would come out in 2-3 months. Ms. Maponga said she believes so. Glendale Park Phase 1 construction is out to bid. Phase 1 will be implemented on the property's westside, including an all-abilities playground, basketball court, festival area, and parking lot. Construction is anticipated to start in early summer, with Phase 1 completed in late spring 2025. The project is seeking SITES Gold. Ms. Pehrson asked if it's a little behind schedule and if there's an extension. Ms. Riker said it was supposed to be done in April, and staff has been working with state parks. They see that the staff is doing a lot there, and they're pretty happy with the progress made and have allowed an extension. Ms. Maponga said they've been flexible as long as they continue to show intent and effort. Pioneer Park Staff is in the process of doing detailed design for Phase 1. No timeline on that yet. Ms. Pehrson asked for clarity if it was the plan implementation they saw about a year and a half ago. Ms. Riker said Phase 1 includes the misting fountain, pavilion, playground, and greenery. Allen Park The Adaptive Reuse and Management Plan team is working towards a final draft of the plan, which is anticipated to be ready for review later this month. A draft copy will be shared for PNUT to review before final revisions are made. Once final revisions are complete, the Planning Team will present to the City Council, and an RFQ will be pursued to bring on a consultant to do the design for Phase 1. Liberty Park Basketball Court Reconstruction was primarily completed in the fall of last year. That project was to remake the 20-year-old basketball court. Staff replicated it with its exact footprint and added a couple of concrete pads for new bleachers and fencing.The work was paused because of some bad weather, but they will be starting back up again. This project was also selected for funding through the Arts Council, so they'll put a mural on it. They anticipate that work will be in June, with a grand opening in partnership with the jazz and Delta,who also contributed funding to the project. Backman Community Open Space The outdoor classroom and nature playground design is complete, and construction will begin this summer.This is the final phase of open space improvements due to the installation of the Backman Bridge, which was two separate projects; there was the bridge and then the open space.The outdoor playground is associated with the bridge phase of the project.The project will include new trails and outdoor classrooms for Backman Elementary students, nature play features, and native plantings. It will also complete a reroute of the Jordan River Parkway Trail to incorporate the new Backman Bridge into the alignment. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of this year. Jefferson Park PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY They are working on the installation of a new playground. Staff ordered and received playground equipment last year before its selection for funding through CIP and the GO Bond.There are three active and pending projects at this project. Staff was trying to decide whether to consolidate the projects and get them done in one big vision and construction effort.They went to a community meeting with District 5, and the community indicated they wanted to see the playground move forward and other improvements come later. So, the staff is pursuing the playground installation and hoping to have it installed in early summer. Ms. Nakamura shared that the community wants to see some activity there and something tangible happening. Jordan Park Pathways This is an improvement to circulation within Jordan Park as well as an improvement to the pavilion.The southern pavilion design is complete, and the staff is submitting for a building permit.They are hoping to begin construction in the next four months. Regional Athletic Complex(RAC)- Playground They are in the final design stages for the new playground at the RAC, located on the south end, closer to the community entry points.The anticipated installation is for the fall of this year, so ideally, it will align with the Monster Block Party event. Liberty Park- Fireplaces Staff is in the middle of a project to clean, restore, repair, and decommission the three historic fireplaces at Liberty Park.They've taken a lot of damage the last two years, and once something starts to crumble, it's prone to more damage. Fires were constantly being lit in them, and they were shut down during the winter.The ultimate plan is to fill the boxes so they can't be used as fireplaces anymore. Staff is working with the Historic Landmark Commission to put in some plaques that commemorate what the spaces were and what they were used for, and maybe include some information about why the design changed and why they're not used anymore. Ms. Maponga opened it up for questions. Ms. Nakamura asked if there were any updates on Fleet Block. Ms. Maponga said they are working with CAN and the Mayor's office to determine the next steps. Public Lands pitched doing an initial phase of information sharing, resulting in a new website being developed because information is scattered across multiple web pages. So, their main focus has been consolidating and putting a clear message together.The steps would be to return to the community within the next couple of months so that people know what's already happened and have information. The Board and staff continued to discuss the Fleet Block project. Ms. Cannon asked if the Planning & Design Team is working on any capital projects related to golf courses. Ms. Riker said the Planning Team has helped golf with cart path repairs.They are also working on the Rose Park Golf Course irrigation upgrades. Ms. Riker said the Rose Park irrigation had been significantly delayed due to the Public Utilities project at the Rose Park Golf Course. Public Lands doesn't want to install new irrigation to have it ripped out. Smaller projects Golf does themselves. Ms. Finch asked if the staff had a webpage summarizing all the projects, similar to what Ms. Maponga shared tonight. Ms. Maponga said all the projects have web pages but no consolidated page. Ms. Riker added that the staff updates the individual project pages because there's so much information. Mr. Carroll asked if there were any updates on the 337 Pocket Park. Ms. Maponga said the project has been assigned but hasn't started yet. Mr. Carroll said it should be in the final stages of being built, and he thought there would be a dedication to the ground. Ms. PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Riker asked if he meant the Marmalade Park. Ms. Riker said that the park is in the final stages, and RDA is building it, so there aren't any updates from Public Lands.They don't have a grand opening day, but it should happen later in the summer. Ms. Pehrson stated that RDA is building it, but Public Lands will take over maintenance. Ms. Riker said yes. Ms. Pehrson said people like to see a tangible process towards things. She doesn't know the solution because she knows there's so much happening, but something so people can see where their money is going. Ms. Maponga said that's something staff can explore with the communications team, maybe like a monthly blog, but it's a great point. Ms. Riker spoke about what's happening in the background to even get to a point where they can start building anything, as there's a lot of behind-the-scenes work happening. It can take 2-3 years before a project event starts. Ms. Cannon said it's the familiarity with that process that creates a disconnect with the public. She hopes that, as Board members, they can help communicate that to their communities. Ms. Maponga said a blog outlining the CIP process and video went out a while back. Ms. Maponga noted that their project pages have a project timeline.The Board and staff continued to discuss updating the public on project updates. Ms. Pehrson thanked Ms. Maponga for her update. Ms. Maponga thanked the board for their comments and will determine ways to implement feedback on best-communicating project updates to the public. A. Staff Updates. -Ashlyn Larsen 5 mins Ms. Larsen reminded everyone about completing the OPMA training. She listed the names of board members who would need to submit those. She thanked those who have completed the training.The due date was today. Mr.John, Ms. Benally, and Mr. Wiley will work on that. 7. Board Discussion 6:00 PM A. Subcommittee Reporting 20 mins Foothills Trails Subcommittee Mr. Carroll said they didn't meet this month and have no updates. Bylaws Subcommittee Ms. Cannon said they have notes in their subcommittee folder that Board members can review what they talked about at each meeting. Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the suggested edits for the Bylaws.All the changes were highlighted in yellow. They aren't asking for approval tonight but for feedback. - Under Powers & Duties, they added a duty listed further in the document but not directly in the Chair's duties, so it's duplicated as a Chair duty. - Under Regular Meetings, add a sentence encouraging Board members attending virtually to keep their cameras on to encourage participation and group dialogue.This idea came from a discussion with other advisory boards where the chair asks board members to keep their cameras on. This is to encourage participation and group dialogue. Ms. Larsen asked if it could also be added that when Board members joining virtually are voting, they come off mute to vote. Ms. Cannon said that's something they could add. Ms. Nakamura likes this idea. Her concern is sometimes when there's an unstable connection. The Board continued to discuss having cameras on during Board meetings. - Regarding subcommittees around member responsibilities, the Bylaws subcommittee has been working on ironing out the process of establishing subcommittees.They have been working on a template that's easy to work on and draft before bringing it to the Board for approval, which could potentially be a different process for outside experts or subject matter experts of non-PNUT Board members.They've played with Google Forms. They added a sentence to the Bylaws about establishing some forms. They also said PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY SMART Goal to the subcommittee write-up and referenced online resources on developing a SMART goal. - Under Subcommittee Membership, Ms. Riker stated earlier this evening that they may need to take out what they initially included and reference the staff request form. - Concerning Section 3 regarding subcommittee membership and what Ms. Hewson expressed earlier,the Bylaws are open to revisiting that clause relating to non-PNUT Board members on subcommittees. Ms. Cannon asked for feedback and comments on the document. - Regarding Section 2 about non-Board members and if the Board will keep non-Board members on subcommittees, they should think of a form that people can fill out to highlight their expertise and anticipated role on the subcommittee.A more official process. - The last big change is related to Public involvement. Ms. Finch said this was going off a request that the Chair could make a statement regarding civility before Public Comment. The Bylaws are meant to be guidelines for how the Board governs itself, and in reading through the Public Involvement, she said it could take this Public Involvement piece and make it outward facing. She added a statement that the Chair could read before accepting Public Comment. She got this from when they first wrote the Bylaws with some help from the City attorney.The Board and staff continued to discuss a Public Involvement statement that could be read at each meeting. Ms. Pehrson asked what they wanted, the deadline for comments, and suggestions for the edits before the next meeting. Ms. Cannon suggested having edits by April 2911 before the Bylaws Subcommittee meets. Ms. Larsen asked when the final draft will be ready for the Board to vote on. Ms. Cannon said June. Ms. Pehrson noted the discussion in May and the action in June. The Board and staff continued to discuss the Bylaws. lordan River Trail Ms. Pehrson said she started a document for a SMART Goal. Ms. Larsen shared her screen to display the write-up. The feedback she gets from community members is wanting to see what's happening. One SMART Goal option was a series of five pop-events, thoughts putting up a temporary kiosk, something indicating that this a spot your funding is going towards.Another option was a GIS mapping system of all the projects on the Jordan River, maybe in collaboration with a University of Utah student to show the progress of each project along the 10-mile stretch. Another SMART Goal suggestion was connecting with businesses to sponsor, either financially or volunteers or in-kind,for cleanups and community stewardship.These are three options she wants to discuss at their next subcommittee. Ms. Hewson sensed at the last meeting that they were in the desert, and she thinks the key will be how they communicate this to the rest of the subcommittee,which gets back to understanding the subcommittee's role for various members. The Board continued to discuss fleshing out subcommittee goals. Mr. Wiley asked what the overarching goal of the subcommittee is. Ms. Hewson said that's something they're still needing to figure out. She thinks they need an overarching goal and a clear timeline. She doesn't think pulling off a piece of the project will satisfy everyone on the subcommittee. Mr. Wiley said he thinks they've done a greatjob of highlighting some specific things to achieve and what could be helpful to identify some of the problems and then going back to the subcommittee memberships or stakeholders and saying, "Where can you provide value?"This could put the responsibility on the individual who wants to serve. He said when looking at building out or structuring a goal, he's trying to identify all the problems and the overall goal. He recalled them mentioning that they want to make sure that they're PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY communicating the work they're doing back to the community and also wanting to provide feedback back to the community.The Board and staff continued to discuss SMART goals for the Jordan River Trail subcommittee. Golf Subcommittee Ms. Cannon is still developing the scope for the subcommittee. She's spoken with three experts on different subjects, and they have some ideas.They believe the scope is too large, would take an interdisciplinary effort, and the literature doesn't support much of what she wants to do. She will return to Golf and present what's feasible if they want students to work on this, how it would look, and if they need some funding. She is working on tightening the work scope before returning it to PNUT. Ms. Cannon is also trying to time it, if they bring on a student, to align with when graduate students are getting matched to professional projects.The Board and staff continued to discuss the Golf subcommittee. Urban Trails Subcommittee Ms. Nakamura said that Ms. Cannon attended the Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) meeting as she was out of town. Ms. Nakamura hopes to bring the Urban Trails Subcommittee write-up back in May as they couldn't get on the Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) in April, but they are going in May.TAB meets on Monday, and PNUT meets on Thursday, but she assumes that TAB will give her a thumbs up. Ms. Cannon said the BAC gave them a member, and they were even comfortable with their scope being a little squishy. Mr. Whittaker also attended the meeting, which Ms. Cannon said was helpful because he could speak to soft-surface trails and describe what his subcommittee does.The BAC was also interested in their Bylaws. Overall, they are supportive of the Urban Trails Subcommittee. Ms. Cannon thinks that some TAB members will also want to participate. Ms. Nakamura is finalizing approvals from all the other boards before bringing them in for final approval to PNUT. Ms. Cannon said they will also have more input on outside membership by that time, which will help them know if they can't be added later. Ms. Nakamura said they would have a member from TAB and BAC, but there is also outside interest. Communications Subcommittee Ms. Pehrson said they used that time to review the agenda. Ms. Pehrson asked Ms. Larsen if Mr. Scrivner had put minutes from their last meeting in the folder. Ms. Pehrson shared with the Board that they take notes during their meetings,which can be found in the Communications Subcommittee folder. Ms. Hewson said in her subcommittees, everyone contributes by taking notes. Ms. Nakamura would like to connect with Ms. Hewson to learn how she implements that. The Board continued to discuss best practices for taking notes during their subcommittee meetings. B. Stakeholder Presentation Update 15 mins Ms. Pehrson said they would discuss that with Ms. Pontuti outside of this meeting later. C. Board comments and question period. 15 mins Ms. Nakamura said she's working with her community council on the Mead Underpass Project. Her community council is working with Salt Lake City, U-Dot.They put in an application to the U of U Masters City Planning Program, which they will pitch to them this Wednesday.The community council has put in a Love Your Community Block Grant, encouraging them to do a project grant and a clean-up day.The vision is to take the West Temple overpass area, which now disconnects from the Ballpark and Central Ninth communities, and turn it into a connector.They want to create a public space under the underpass and lean into the shade the underpass creates. She referenced the bike park under the underpass.The Love Your Block Grant is for PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY murals to be included in that space. Community members have shared wanting pickleball courts or a fenced-in dog area. Ms. Nakamura and the Board and staff continued to discuss this project she's involved in. Mr. Wiley mentioned the futsal courts and how that group has a lot of support; they need places to put them. He shared that when they installed the futsal court at Sherwood Park, it was activating that park and deterring a lot of unwanted dealings in that area. He continued speaking about activating the futsal court in the Sherwood Park area. He said futsal courts could be considered when placing them under the underpass. Ms. Nakamura said she'll take note of his idea.The Board discussed ways to use underpass space. Ms. Benally said she knows many parks have grass put over them. She asked if there's ever a time when there's a study done where they take away some of that grass and see what kind of indigenous plants have returned so that those can be fostered and nurtured. Ms. Riker said no, but that's an interesting idea. She said they are looking at turf reduction in the parks, particular areas that aren't actively used, like medians and islands. Ms. Riker said that would be an interesting thing to pursue. Ms. Benally noted that many indigenous plants are drought-resistant and retain the soil. Ms. Riker said they tend to get a lot of weeds if they wait and see what comes back. What staff has done in areas where they removed turf and to be naturalized, staff will propagate their native plants to put in those areas. It's helpful if there's irrigation there or they do it along riparian corridors. Ms. Pehrson said the Board has discussed an Indigenous Subcommittee, and she asked Ms. Benally if she thought about it. Ms. Benally said they plan to present to the Board in May. Mr. Wiley asked if the Board can receive an update on Sunnyside Ballpark. Ms. Riker said the Council accepted the public benefits analysis. The site is a recreational and public use site that was initially owned by the Bureau of Land Management(BLM), so it has a covenant.They are working with BLM to understand if this use aligns with the Immigration and Public Purposes Act, which covers that space. She said most of the University of Utah is covered by that. The Board and staff continued to discuss Sunnyside Ballpark. Mr. Wiley shared that many people in the community want to know what's going on and have an opportunity to give feedback. Ms. Riker said that that opportunity was during the public benefits analysis. Now, the Council has voted and said yes to agreeing with specific items outlined in the public benefits analysis. What has to happen next is BLM approval through the covenant between the City and BLM. Once that happens,the City and the University of Utah will negotiate the agreement based on what the Council says has to agree. Ms. Cannon referenced a website with much of this information on the University side.The Board and staff continue to discuss Sunnyside Ballpark. D. Next meeting: May 2, 2024 E. Request for future agenda items Ms. Finch asked if they were going to get an Urban Forestry update. Ms. Larsen said it's on the agenda for next month. Ms. Cannon asked if there was an opportunity to receive annual updates from the division directors. Ms. Riker said they used to do that and be happy to do it again. Ms. Nakamura asked if it would be rotating through different months. Ms. Cannon said yes. Ms. Larsen said they'd want to avoid September through December because of CIP. PARKS,NATURAL LANDS,URBAN FORESTRY AND TRAILS ADVISORY BOARD of SALT LAKE CITY Ms. Nakamura asked if they would meet in July, as their meeting will be on July 4th. Ms. Larsen said Mr. Scrivner was leaning toward canceling. Ms. Larsen suggested putting an action item on next month's agenda to cancel the July meeting. Ms. Pehrson said other agenda items requested were: - Bylaws discussion - Indigenous Presentation - Stakeholder Presentations - Action item: Urban Trails Subcommittee creation Ms. Larsen will create a draft agenda and send it to the Communications Subcommittee to review, prioritize, and finalize. Ms. Nakamura motioned to adjourn the meeting. Ms. Hewson seconded the motion. The Board unanimously voted to adjourn the meeting. 8. Adjourn 7:15 PM