04/09/2024 - Meeting Minutes ERIN MENDENHALL ! DEPARTMENT of
r. nT Food&Equity Program
Tuesday,April 9th,2024
The following members of the Food Equity Microgrant Program Selection Committee were present:
In person
Maria Schwarz, Chair
Afa'Aikona,Vice Chair
Monica O'Malley,Secretary, non-voting member
Xris Macias
Karina Villalba
Joshua Rebollo
James Hunter
The following members were absent:
Also Present:
Minutes by Monica O'Malley, Salt Lake City Sustainability Department, Special Projects Assistant
Meeting Start Time: 2:38 pm I Time Commenced: 3 : 4 9 P In
1. Roll call
2. Approve Meeting Minutes
Vice Chair 'Aikona motioned to approve the written minutes from the 4/02/2024 meeting.
Committee Member Villalba seconded the motion.With no further discussion,the committee
voted to approve the 04/02/2024 minutes unanimously.
3. Review& Discuss Home Food Production (HFP) Scores
Chair Schwarz gave an overview of different HFP grant funding scenarios based on the
different prioritization categories and average scores.
The committee pointed out some HFP applications that stood out for being poor and having
low scores but expressed that most HFP applications were well done.
4. Review & Discuss Community Grant (CG) Scores
Chair Schwarz presented the Community Grant application scores listed from highest to lowest.
Committee Member Hunter noticed some of the applicants were flagged for location and asked
for clarification on what that means. Chair Schwarz informed the group that the four
organizations flagged for location all serve Salt Lake City residents but were flagged for having
offices or operations outside of Salt Lake City.
5. Recommended Funding Distribution
Committee Member Hunter asked what funding would remain for Community Grant applicants
if all Home Food Production applicants were funded. Chair Schwarz responded$24,000 would
be available for Community Grant applicants in that scenario. Committee Member Rebollo
asked how many of the top scoring Community Grant applicants could be funded by $24,000.
Chair Schwarz demonstrated that $24,000 would fully fund the top 5 CG applications with
$3,200 remaining.
Committee Member Hunter expressed he would be supportive of funding the Vanavil
Community Garden application as a HFP grant to receive $250. Committee Member Macias
Committee Member Hunter said he wants to prioritize funding HFP grants since the funding
can have a large impact on a household or family. Chair Schwarz added that the Resident Food
Equity Advisors originally proposed this grant program as a resource to help families grow
food at home, then that evolved to include organizations that promote food equity.
The committee discussed the importance of different HFP priority categories when it comes to
making funding decisions. The group ultimately decided the income and priority population
categories were most important to consider.
The committee discussed whether they should make an HFP funding decision first then base
CG funding decisions on remaining funds or vice versa. The group also discussed how funding
was distributed last year.
Committee Member Rebollo suggested looking at different funding scenarios for the top
scoring CG applicants, and the committee examined several different funding scenarios with
just the top 10 scoring CG applicants.
Vice Chair Aikona reminded the group of their previous conversations on whether to
deprioritize CG applicants that have a large budget size
The Committee agreed that, despite being the 9'highest scoring applicant,Neighborhood
House should not be funded because they have a large budget and are well established in the
Committee Member Villalba expressed that she feels confident community organizations that
do not receive awards this year will apply again. Chair Schwarz reiterated how this program
can be a resource for collaboration amongst community organizations with aligned goals. Chair
Schwarz also emphasized the competitiveness of this process and her goal to expand the
program in the future so there is greater opportunity to receive funding.
The committee discussed the possibility of funding about $1,000 - $2,000 over budget if
approved by the Sustainability Department Director.
When discussing the proposal to fund all HFP applicants, Vice Chair'Aikona expressed
disagreement and recommended selecting applicants based on the income and priority
population categories. The committee revisited the spreadsheet showing HFP applicant scores
and standing in each priority category. The group was supportive of excluding five(5) HFP
applicants from funding. Four(4) applicants were excluded due to having an annual household
income level at or above the area median income for Salt Lake County and for not identifying
with at least one of the priority populations. One (1) applicant was excluded due to having an
annual household income level at or above the area median income for Salt Lake County and
having a relatively low average score.
After the committee had finished discussing the different funding scenarios, Committee
Member Macias motioned to approve the following funding distribution:
• Fully fund 62 of the 67 Home Food Production applications at$250 each, excluding
five (5) applicants for reasons listed above
• Fund the top 5 scoring Community Grant applications at the full amount
requested. This includes granting $5,000 to Salt Lake City Community Fridges
(SLCCF), $2,500 to Fill the Pot Ministries, $4,000 to Proyecto Xilonen, $4,300 to New
American Goat Club, and $5,000 to Salt Lake City Food Not Bombs.
• Partially fund Community Grant applications with high scores ranking 6te— 101
at$1,000 each, excluding Neighborhood House. This includes granting $1,000 to
each of the following: Aikona, Missio Dei Community, Food Justice Coalition, and
Somali Community Self-Management Agency.
• Fully fund the amount requested by Vanavil Community Garden at $310 for
having a high recommendation to fund score and a low amount requested.
Committee Member Villalba seconded the motion. With no further discussion, the committee
voted to approve this funding distribution.
The approved funding distribution totals $40,610 with a total of$25,110 awarded to CG
applicants and a total of 15,500 awarded to HFP applicants. $140 of funding remained
unallocated, and the committee discussed using this money to support hosting an event for
6. Adjourn
Vice Chair 'Aikona motioned to adjourn the meeting. Committee Member Villalba seconded
the motion.With no further discussion,the committee voted to adjourn.
This document was reviewed and approved by committee members via email on
April 22nd and April 23rd of 2024.
APPROVED: Schwarz, Maria pae Ily signed 2024.04251314:58'60o Date: 4/25/24
This document and the recording constitute the official minutes of the Food Equity Microgrant
Program Selection Committee meeting held April 9th,2024.