04/15/2024 - Meeting Minutes SALT LAKE CITY BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE Minutes of the April 15, 2024 Meeting BAC Members Present for this meeting were Alla Chernenko, Greta Sommerfeld, and Sarah Johnson. BAC Members Electronically Present for this meeting were Ben Trueman, Joshua Poppel, Laura Lewis, Martin Cuma, and Matthew Morriss. BAC Members Absent for this meeting were Ashley Lodmell, Max McLeod, Pat Casey, and Raymond Reynolds. Also Present were Dave Iltis, Lt. Steve Wooldridge, Julianne Sabula, Evan Sugden, and Mary Sizemore. Also Electronically Present were Amy Lyons, Heather McLaughlin-Kolb, Jon Larsen, Becka Roolf, and Geoff Dupaix. The meeting was held both electronically via WebEx and in person and was called to order at 5:10 p.m.by Martin Cuma. Martin welcomed everyone and announced that he is terminating the membership of both Raymond Reynolds and Max McLeod due to lack of participation. Becka did roll call for the Committee members and all others introduced themselves. Approval of Minutes Motion: Martin Cuma moved to approve the minutes of the March 18, 2024 meeting. Sarah Johnson seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Public Comment— Evan Sugden said he is on the Board of Directors for Wasatch Cooperative Market. He has a mission to get a high-end bicycle parking facility established next year at the Wasatch Co-Op stores on Harvey Milk Blvd. His purpose is to get a feel for how the Committee might feel about that and he would like to introduce the Mayor and City Council representatives to this ongoing project. Dave Iltis said the Streets Division still hasn't figured out how to re-stripe bike lanes when a road is resurfaced. Transportation told him it had to do with having to tow cars to paint those lines but if they did it in the first place, they wouldn't have to come out twice. He said there are still bike lanes like 3rd Avenue, llth Avenue, and probably many others where the street has been resurfaced and the bike lanes were halfheartedly done and are still broken. There is no movement from Transportation or Streets to fix this and bikes are left as second-class citizens as there aren't bike lanes where they should be. He asked Transportation why there was no road diet on 60o North. Why are they left with 4 lanes of traffic when the traffic volumes don't justify this. He said there are still blocked sidewalks and no system in place downtown to force the people, who are spending a lot of money building things, to make it safe for pedestrians to walk around. On 300 South, where the bike lane disappears near 30o East, why after a couple of years now we still Pagel of 5 BAC 04-15-2024 Minutes have no bike lane. Dave said it would be great to get an update on City Creek. He'd like to find out if Public Utilities would work like every other construction project and leave the canyon open for people for the year as there's no rational reason why this needs to be closed for now. Dave would like a Vision Zero Committee update as well as a project update as he understands that 300 West should be getting bike lanes this year to Pioneer Park. He said it would be great for Transportation to follow up on two projects that were started and never finished. One is the Mt Olivet Trail which is a pathway that both bikes and peds could use but the cemetery refuses to open the gate. The other thing is that in 2013, a program was started to get recreational signs in the canyons signifying elevation and distance and such. It would be nice if SLC would pay a tiny bit of attention to recreational cycling. People want to ride their bike and get exercise and it's aggravating that this program was started and then just dropped off. Future of the Bicycle Advisory Committee Quorum&Attendance Policies Preparation for Leadership Elections (Chair, Vice-Chair) Collaboration&Overlap with Transportation Advisory Board The Bicycle Advisory Committee has recently been challenged with meeting quorum, several members have their terms ending soon and there are currently 3 vacant seats.As a result, Becka wanted to check in on how the Committee is functioning and remind people about attendance policies. She also wanted to discuss how the separate Bicycle Advisory Committee and Transportation Advisory Boards are working. There is a lot of overlap between the agendas. With the BAC struggling a bit, this may be a good time to talk about whether the BAC model they have now is the optimal one. Leadership is also in transition. Martin's term as Chair is up. Pat Casey would like to remain a BAC member but has stepped down as Vice-Chair due to lack of availability to also attend TAB meetings. Elections for Chair and Vice-Chair will be on the next meeting agenda. Joshua asked if there were cross limitations between TAB and BAC as far as term limits. Becka said there is not a member of the public can serve two terms on each board and they are 3-year terms. The BAC's guidance for leadership positions is 2 years in any one role. Dave Iltis said he believed if you are off a committee for a year, you can reapply to the same committee. He also reminded them that the Bicycle Standing Committee (BAC) is in statute so it would be up to the City Council to remove it. Becka said that is correct. The Committees can decide how often they want to meet. She shared some analysis regarding the differences in TAB and BAC agendas and there was approximately 65-15% overlap in topics. She asked the committee for their discussion on this analysis and how they would like to meet in the future. One suggestion might be to have 8 joint TAB/BAC meetings, 1 month where there was no meeting, and to have individual meetings the other 3 months per year. The Committee members discussed the meeting times and how many joint meetings vs individual meetings they thought were appropriate to accomplish their goals while not draining city resources by having people do multiple presentations on the same topic. There was also discussion about commuter cycling aligning more with TAB and recreational cycling aligning more with BAC. Becka said the PNUT Board has proposed a joint committee which could focus more on recreational cycling. Becka also clarified Martin's removal of members at the start of the meeting. The ordinance reads that if committee members have more than two unexcused absences within a calendar year, it is grounds for potentially forfeiting their seat. Page 2 of 5 BAC 04-15-2024 Minutes The committee discussed the proposal. Greta said she would like to see more action items rather than just being informed after the fact and Becka said she is working on steering them in that direction. Alla said it doesn't seem like they are doing any advising. Sarah said she likes being on the Committee as she likes to be informed,but she does not feel like she's impacting change. Martin said there are a lot of things they are just informed about, but he feels like they have had a fair impact on some things, and he gave examples. He feels their voices are heard; they just don't always get what they want. He would like to keep the BAC as it is but be more careful about attendance and to try and get more action items. Becka said that increasingly, cities are trying to become multi-modal such that it may make sense to have a different structure going forward. Bicycling has become so mainstream in terms of how it's integrated into transportation decisions. Sarah asked if Becka could ask TAB to shift their meeting time so it would be more inclusive to BAC members. She's hesitant for the committee to make decisions in the direction they want to go considering they are in a significant transition period and would like to have a standard agenda item on impact to see if their time there is valuable. Dave Iltis encouraged them to look at the BAC formation documents, the ordinance, and powers of duties. He read some of this and said there are plenty of other Divisions within the city that affect bicycling, they aren't just limited to Transportation. Motion: Sarah motioned that they postpone making a decision on this topic until next month following the election of new leadership. Martin seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Bikeways Gaps — Results &Next Steps Becka Roolf, SLC Transportation Becka said last September the committee discussed bikeway gaps, and she invited members of the Committee to add to a shared google map. Now compiled on the map are the gaps that everyone identified. She explained the map legend, color coding, and showed them how to see individual comments. She said if there are gaps that still have not been identified, this is their opportunity to get it on the map. Alla asked about the timeline for this next round and Becka said she'd like to have this within the next few weeks. Martin asked what would be done with this information. Becka said first, she's working on a list of streets that need to be reconstructed or paved and then will be working with the Engineering Division to hopefully allocate funding for those streets. Second, other types of projects can be combined to seek funding. Matthew said there are some big projects here that are very important, specifically the 1300 South viaduct. Becka said that could a striping project. Matthew asked if there are means to report obstacles in the bike lanes. Becka said anyone can use the SLCMobile app to report those types of things. Martin said he's used it with success,but it doesn't always help with construction signs. Becka said sometimes contractors aren't following their permits and the other situation is the space is physically restrained and they might be doing the best they can. She encouraged them to report it. Becka put the map legend in the chat and Amy will e-mail it along with the map link. Martin asked about Foothill and Jon explained some potential plans for that roadway. Alla asked about State roads and Geoff said state routes typically carry higher volumes of traffic and not every corridor can or should be conducive to accommodating all users. He said they really need to look at the context of who the corridor is trying to connect to and then see what else they can add to it. Martin said he believes Foothill should be a high priority route to make multi modal as it would funnel quite a bit of traffic of all modes. Geoff said they Page 3 of 5 BAC 04-15-2024 Minutes also have the Utah Trail Network that they're beginning to work on and asked that the Committee have some additional patience so they could see what fruit that bears. He said the group makes some great points and UDOT is trying to figure out how to make it work. Committee Announcements &Updates There were no Committee Announcements or Updates. Motion: Martin Cuma motioned to adjourn the meeting; Laura Lewis seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 6:33 p.m. Meeting Chat Martin Cuma 4/15/2024 5:15 PM •Webex just crashed my camera, but it seems it has recovered. If you don't see me it happened again. Martin Cuma 4/15/2024 5:19 PM • I am guessing that my computer ran updates when the flips happened, so, hopefully all good from now. Roolf, Becka 4/15/2024 5:39 PM • 4-5:30 pm for Transportation Advisory Board Matthew(he/him) 4/15/2024 5:40 PM • Or that time is only accessible to some folks with more flexible work schedules so they may not be able to recruit folks from more diverse groups. Matthew(he/him) 4/15/2024 5:55 PM • I second have impact specific agenda item Roolf, Becka 4/15/2024 6:02 PM - https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=laqHbCew5hViER9w8v5UdTdI4LgNSQ6s &usp=sharing Matthew(he/him) 4/15/2024 6:20 PM •Awesome thanks ya'll Maybe the legend can go into meeting minutes? I don't think the chat is preserved after the meeting closes Roolf, Becka 4/15/2024 6:22 PM • Orange -bike lanes might have trade-offs, or need reconstruction.A"real project" Yellow- space to stripe bike lanes on the side (probably) Green-two way above the curb bike lane, or multi-use path. Red - UDOT road. Grey- needs pavement improved! Lilac- request to connect one road to another (map does not definitive route or corridor) Teal - sidewalk suggestion Would LOVE to know more about pavement condition, especially on local roads like Gilmer Drive. Page 4 of 5 BAC 04-15-2024 Minutes Matthew(he/him) 4/15/2024 6:30 PM • I agree and second Martin's comment. Its a great thorough fair for bikes despite the high number of cars Roolf, Becka 4/15/2024 6:30 PM • There's a 1970s regional plan published by UDOT that recommends separated bike lanes on Foothill! Questions from the public comments. • Why hasn't Streets figured out how to re-stripe existing bike lanes on roads such as 3rd and lath Avenue where the street has been resurfaced. o We'll pass this concern along to the Streets Division • Why is there no road diet on 600 North. o After an intense public engagement process and additional technical analysis, including collaboration with Public Utilities and Urban Forestry, it was determined that the project can accommodate protected bike lanes, additional trees, enhanced bus stops, and additional street lighting without having to remove travel lanes. Enhanced crosswalks and design measures to slow traffic will also be included in the design. • Why are there still blocked sidewalks downtown due to construction when you could force the contractors building things to make it safe for pedestrians. o The construction boom +pandemic created a situation where it has become apparent that we need to rework some systems and policies to ensure that all users,particularly pedestrians are fully accommodated during construction.We are working on updating our policies and are asking for additional staff resources in next year's budget. • Why is there still no bike lane on 300 South for several years now(where it disappears). o Please clarify the street segments of concern. • Wants an update on City Creek to find out if Public Utilities would work like every other construction project and keep the canyon open to people. o As previously discussed, Public Utilities has made their final adjustments to their construction plan and access. • Wants a Vision Zero update. o The Vision Zero Task Force continues to meet quarterly. The Safety Action Plan is almost complete.We are applying for a Safe Streets for All grant on Redwood Road.We have dozens of projects in the pipeline that include safety enhancements. • Wants a project update as he understands that 300 West should be getting bike lanes to Pioneer Park from goo South. o This project has just begun design and is anticipated for construction in 2025. • Wants an update on the Mt. Olivet trail. o We will reach out to them about opening the gate. • Wants an update on recreational signage in the canyons signifying elevation, distances, and such. o We haven't worked on this due to work load and other projects taking priority. Approved by the Bicycle Advisory Committee 05-20-24. Page 5 of 5 BAC 04-15-2024 Minutes