06/10/2024 - Meeting Agenda SALT LAKE CITY JOINT TRANSPORTATION ADVISORY BOARD & BICYCLE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEETING Salt Lake City Transportation Division Office-349 South Zoo East, Suite 150 - P.O. Box 145502 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5502 This meeting will be accessible both electronically and in person at the anchor location. The anchor location is 349 South Zoo East, ist floor conference room and the virtual meeting information is below. Members of the public are encouraged to participate in meetings. WebFx Virtual Meeting Link https://saltlakegiiy.webex.com/saltlakegiiy/j.php?MTID=mc28ecd3o8iagodf c968cacabZ4b86oe Meeting number(access code):2490 010 3o8i Meeting Password:ktEBpmBs855 Join by Phone: +1-4o8-418-9388 United States Toll Access code: 24900103o8i## AGENDA Monday,June 10, 2024 4:30 - 6:0o P.M. Welcome and Member Introductions 4:30 15 min Pizza will be provided for members of the committee attending in person. If your schedule permits,please arrive 10-15 minutes early. 4 Members attending virtually are asked to please keep cameras on. Public Comment 4:45 5 min Travel Trends in Salt Lake County: Utah Household Travel Survey Travel Survey report-website Bert Granberg, Wasatch Front Regional Council 4:50 30 min Giving Input on Upcoming SLC Transportation Projects (2025, 2026) Jeff Gulden,Becka Roolf;Salt Lake City Transportation 5:20 40 min Adjourn 6:o0 Summer Meeting Schedule: July-No meetings August 7-TAB,including discussion of meeting time August 21 - BAC, including elections Official Accommodation Notice for Salt Lake City Corporation People with disabilities may make requests for reasonable accommodations no later than 48 hours in advance in order to attend this joint Transportation Advisory Board/Bicycle Advisory Committee meeting.Accommodations may include alternate formats, interpreters,and other auxiliary aids.This is an accessible facility.For questions or additional information,please contact Amy Lyons at 801-535-6630;TDD 801-535-6220